
lubotrbn10a was added by: rbn10a01:13
_Anna_How can I close a program skipping its auto-save? The command kill doesn't do that and unplugging the computer isn't practical :/06:06
diogenes__Anna_, what program?06:14
_Anna_it's a game. I don't like a random boss drop which can be changed with a loading at the same moment before the drop06:16
_Anna_but the game always auto-save while exits. It's a rogue-like game06:16
diogenes__Anna_, check out game settings06:20
_Anna_No such setting. As I said, it's a rogue-like game.06:21
diogenes__Anna_, if it saves to a file then you coul make it read only06:23
_Anna_it saves online06:24
diogenes_oh then you got no control over it06:25
_Anna_I was looking for the proper command and someone in another channel told me which one is the right one06:26
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
refeaimeHello guys, i need help with bash script, where I want to use `xargs -r rm -vi !(*.$1)`, but bash receives an syntax error at `(`. If use backslash -- this glob becomes literal.20:25
refeaimeas $1 any variable can be used.20:25
refeaimeI got proper resolution on perl, but i need bash, because target machine does not have perl.20:26
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/20:47
refeaimeI already used google to understand how to exclude by regexp in rm20:48
refeaimeQuestion is: how to correctly do this inside a script.20:49
* rldw is confused21:13
rldwCan I ask questions here to troubleshoot my Lubuntu install?21:20
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:21
tewardrldw: yes, you can.21:21
tewardbut you need to actually ask a question with details about what's going on to get help.21:21
tewardand it appears that tsimonq2 is only capable of using factoids and not talking normally so...21:21
rldwI'm getting what I think is referred to as spinlock21:22
tsimonq2teward: :P21:22
rldwAny advice on how to diagnose?21:23
tsimonq2Which version?21:23
tsimonq2What is it stuck on?21:23
teward:O HE SPEAKS!21:23
tsimonq2How long have you waited?21:23
tsimonq2teward: :P21:23
rldwWhenever I run a browser, this little ol' netbook eventually hangs. The HDD light stays on, but no matter how long I wait, it never gives back control21:29
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