
didrocksgood morning07:25
dufluMorning didrocks07:27
didrockshey duflu07:27
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:43
didrockssalut oSoMoN, bon week-end ?08:44
dufluHi oSoMoN08:45
oSoMoNsalut didrocks! reposant mais je suis encore bien pris avec cet ubu-rhume08:45
oSoMoNhey duflu08:45
didrocksoSoMoN: argh, remets-toi bien :(08:46
dufluseb128, continuing on from last week... I _can_ make merge proposals to ~ubuntu-desktop stuff. Just did not expect LP to enforce the old bzr path convention with git. So LP forces me to start a whole new git repo just for proposals to Ubuntu08:51
willcookemorning all08:51
dufluMorning willcooke08:51
didrockshey willcooke08:52
dufluArgh. And that is also broken. LP gets internal errors trying to generate the diff08:52
dufludespite both branches having an immediate common ancestor08:53
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oSoMoNgood morning willcooke08:59
didrockshey hey Laney09:05
dufluMorning Laney09:05
seb128hey Laney willcooke duflu09:06
seb128lut didrocks oSoMoN09:06
seb128how is everyone? had good travel/w.e?09:06
oSoMoNhey Laney, feeling better?09:07
oSoMoNsalut seb128. Encore bien enrhumé, mais le week-end a fait du bien, je me sens09:07
seb128duflu, well, you mean you worked those changes in the packaging bzr?09:07
oSoMoNmieux, et toi?09:07
oSoMoN(finger slipped on return key)09:08
didrockssalut seb128 !09:08
seb128oSoMoN, un peu fatigué encore et léger rhume tjs09:08
dufluseb128, I figured it out. The default target git repo is almost identical in name to the correct one, but owned by the wrong team. Now done! https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+git/mutter/+merge/36359909:08
seb128duflu, great, thx09:09
didrocksau moins, ce n'est pas de ma faute vos rhumes |o|09:09
oSoMoNdidrocks, si, c’est complètement ta faute09:11
oSoMoN(les absents ont toujours tort)09:11
seb128et c'est bien toi qui l'avait en premier non ?09:12
didrocksRhume Over Hangout09:12
Laneyhi didrocks duflu seb128 oSoMoN09:15
LaneyoSoMoN: mostly thanks09:15
Laneywasn't the best journey home09:15
willcookeduflu, thanks for creating the new week on the community hub09:16
dufluwillcooke, I wasn't sure but Andy did last week09:17
dufluOh, morning seb12809:26
seb128hey duflu :)09:27
seb128jbicha, feature freeze was thursday in case you missed that bit (you uploaded a new libsoup serie yesterday including features without ffe it seems?)09:28
tjaaltonI'll file a ffe for mesa 19.009:30
tjaaltonit's delayed again09:30
seb128tjaalton, thx09:30
seb128Laney, thanks for fixing the dock in disco-proposed yesterday, I ended up not having enough time to do another upload on saturday and just fixed the disco proposed situation09:31
seb128(I could have just demoted-to-proposed and used a blocker bug to avoid migration but I didn't think about that option while I was still on the computer)09:31
dufluThat reminds me... the proposed mutter says "Explicitly enable Wayland EGL stream". But the build dep required to make it work properly is in universe (egl-wayland)09:32
seb128that's fine, build-depends don't need to be in main09:33
seb128it that turns into a runtime depends that one needs to be though09:33
dufluI don't remember but I don't think there are runtime deps09:33
dufluOnly build time deps09:33
Laneyseb128: np, depends seems better anyway09:33
didrocksduflu: maybe just ldd on on mutter/g-s after a build?09:34
seb128they are indeed09:34
seb128didrocks, well, component mismatch would tell us if there was an issue09:34
seb128no need to spend manual time poking imho09:34
didrockstrue, just in case we wanted to ensure beforehand09:34
seb128right, it's in proposed now though let's just rely on the archive/tools :)09:35
didrocksnot having a dock is hard to get used to :(09:35
dufludidrocks, you do have one. Click Activities :)09:35
didrockslet me state it again:09:35
seb128didrocks, downgrade your dock package?09:35
didrocksnot having a dock is hard to get used to :(09:35
seb128or get gnome-shell from proposed09:35
dufluFair enough09:35
didrocksseb128: well, I thought that g-s would have been unblocked beforehand09:36
didrocksbut yeah, going to do that09:36
seb128see telegram from saturday09:36
seb128budgie got locked by the new glibc and its autopgktest issues09:36
seb128which blocks that stack migration09:36
seb128also we delete the new dock from disco and restored the prevous version09:36
didrocksok, not going to be fixed soon09:36
didrockslet me downgrade09:36
seb128but disco is "fixed"09:36
seb128only people who upgraded on friday are stucked until they workaround or wait09:37
didrocksmaybe that would have worth a post in the hub09:37
didrocksfor those people who don't have access here or on telegram :p09:37
didrocksat least, I can go back to a normal life with a dock now ;)09:38
seb128but yeah, all those hot fixes would have been better handled if they had not been done from a plane about to take of over teethering or from a train station between 2 trains :p09:39
seb128fun dealing with fires when travelling09:39
seb128(the main one was the ghostscript security issue making pages print in blue)09:40
didrockscan't even say "don't upload on Friday" though as it was Thursday evening :)09:40
didrocksyeah, saw that one09:40
seb128yeah :/09:40
dufluThat would be Friday in the Pacific09:40
Laneysome extensions will need to be kicked out too I think09:41
Laneywill see better after glibc goes green again09:41
Laneyjbicha was looking at those09:41
Laneye.g. https://github.com/JasonLG1979/gnome-shell-extensions-mediaplayer/issues/474 doesn't sounds like the best candidate for the archive after seeing that comment09:42
gitbotJasonLG1979 issue 474 in gnome-shell-extensions-mediaplayer "Doesn't work with gnome-shell 3.31.90" [Open]09:42
didrocksah, this isn't the mpris one09:42
Laneyhey Trevinho09:59
Laneyyou good?09:59
didrocksmorning Trevinho10:00
Trevinhohi didrocks and Laney10:00
Trevinhoand yes... Good10:00
TrevinhoLaney: thanks for preparing the extension fix. I'll prepare another upload soon with few upstream fixes. and dynamic bg removal.10:01
Laneyk, dunno what that is but I'm sure it's GREAT10:02
Trevinho the thing the bg color changes on window move... has been deleted upstream.10:02
Trevinhog-s upstream...10:03
seb128hey trevinho, how are you?10:03
andyrockgood morning!10:05
Trevinhoseb128: hey, quite good. Got good sleep, yesterday had nice hacking time in the flights10:05
seb128hey andyrock! had a good trip? back to the sunny Island? ;)10:06
andyrockyeah!  17C expected today in Lonon \o/10:06
didrockshey hey andyrock10:15
willcookewiki down for anyone else?11:46
sil2100Hey, can someone fill in the SRU info for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mutter/+bug/1805444 ?11:56
ubot5Launchpad bug 1805444 in mutter (Ubuntu Bionic) "[nvidia] Fail to launch gnome-shell (Wayland) on Ubuntu with EGLDevice backend" [Medium,In progress]11:56
Laneysil2100: ok Trevinho is ignoring us, so I'll edit it to apply the micro release exception :>12:35
LaneyD O N E12:37
sil2100Laney: THAT'S CHEATING12:41
sil2100But ok12:48
sil2100I trust you guys12:48
LaneyI mean we wouldn't have necessarily included a bug reference for all fixes when doing an upstream update12:49
Laneybut since there is one, we include it12:49
Laneyfor tracking, but the MRE says that we don't need to QA it specifically12:50
Laneyquite handy12:50
sil2100Brian felt otherwise, and Brian is my mentor-for-life!12:50
sil2100j/k, anyway, it's good as it now, thanks ;)12:51
dokopoor sil210012:51
Laneyrich sil210012:51
Laneygetting to review this stuff12:51
Laneyit's like christmas come early12:51
Laneythanks for doing it :>12:51
tkamppeterHow do I report spam in a Launchpad bug report?13:23
tkamppeterSee last action on bug 181730813:24
ubot5bug 1817308 in ghostscript (Ubuntu) "buy adderall online-GhostScript Update causes Blue Background" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181730813:24
LaneyFile a question on https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad with a link to the spammy content13:24
didrocksat least, they were kind enough to keep the original bug title instead of overriding it :p13:25
tkamppeterThanks, here we go: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/67878113:28
mdeslaurtkamppeter: I already reported it13:29
* mdeslaur thinks viagra would have been more appropriate for the blue background bug13:30
didrocksmdeslaur: heh :p13:32
jbichaseb128: sorry about libsoup, I got a bit confused this weekend but I'll get permission first next time13:40
seb128hey jbicha, k, no problem, thx!13:40
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seb128trevinho, bug #1817546 looks like it might be an issue with the new gnome-shell14:57
ubot5bug 1817546 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Changing the volume (with the mouse wheel over icon) locks up gnome-shell" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181754614:57
Trevinhook, might be... We've also a patch there I'll debug it soon15:08
Trevinhowe can probably target it15:09
seb128trevinho, Laney, bug #1817490 ... was that one supposed to also not migrate alone?15:38
ubot5bug 1817490 in gnome-shell-extension-appindicator (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell-extension-appindicator 23-1 is busted -- no appindicators are displayed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181749015:38
LaneyTrevinho said it works with the old shell15:38
* Laney asked about that one15:38
Laneyif not, then same treatment I guess15:39
seb128let me test here15:39
didrocksit does work15:39
didrocksgot steam appearing this week-end :)15:39
seb128k, let's ask for a journal log then (and why the heck is apport not including those?)15:40
seb128Trevinho, Laney, didrocks, on my main laptop (which isn't uptodate yet, but where I updated appindicator only) I get that in the journal and no indicator16:03
seb128Extension "ubuntu-appindicators@ubuntu.com" had error: TypeError: GObject.registerClass() used with invalid base class (is PanelMenuButton)16:03
seb128just as a FYI16:03
seb128anyway, I tagged the bug rls-dd-incoming so let's handle it the normal way16:03
didrocksseb128: interesting, it was definitively working with last version of everything this week-end (+ buggy dock :p)16:07
didrocksbut if I just start steam again16:08
didrocksdoesn't work now16:08
didrockswhat did I update since then…16:08
seb128same error in the journal?16:08
didrocksa lot of févr. 25 17:09:08 casanier gnome-shell[2180]: setup_framebuffers: assertion 'width > 0' failed16:09
didrocksbut that's it16:09
seb128k, that's different/not new16:09
didrockshum, no indicator at all now though :/16:10
seb128well there is something going on16:10
seb128let's keep it tagged rls16:10
didrocksyeah, either flaky either weird… :/16:10
LaneyI'll upload a new one to Debian with versioned dep, can do the same trick to put the old one back if wanted16:11
didrocksg-s-appindicator has been updated this morning16:11
didrocksI had 22-1 this week-end16:11
didrocksit's now 23-116:11
Laneybeen ignoring this channel all day, convenient16:11
seb128yeah :/16:11
seb128brb, restarting after upgrade in case it makes a difference (but I don't think so)16:12
didrocksconfirmed, downgrading + restarting the shell -> steam icon is here16:14
seb128nop, restarting doesn't make a difference16:16
Laneyfeel free to put the old one back if you want16:16
didrocks17:14:19   didrocks | confirmed, downgrading + restarting the shell -> steam icon is here16:16
didrocksseb128: ^16:16
Laneywill upload and sync a fix soon16:16
seb128Laney, there is a fix or you mean a fix for not having it migrating without shell?16:18
LaneyMarco can fix the code later on16:18
Laneyit currently lies in the metadata and says it supports 3.3016:18
seb128well, which you said Marco said it was supposed to16:19
Laneyclearly not16:19
Laneyso that can be another fix16:19
gQuigsI really need to take better notes..  I know I've asked this before..    where are automated test results preventing the cdimage bump?  http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/16:33
seb128(old indicator restored)16:40
seb128gQuigs, jibel knows16:42
LaneygQuigs: dunno, since the URL that firefox remembers for me doesn't work (https://platform-qa-jenkins.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-disco-desktop-amd64-smoke-default/ - actually it was artful but still)16:42
Laneyask that person, yeah16:42
jibelgQuigs, they are not published to a public jenkins instance16:45
jibelthe tests have been failing for a while, I still have to have a look, some weird ssh error on reboot  after installation16:46
gQuigsunderstood, thanks!16:47
TrevinhoLaney: as I wrote to seb already yeah is probably related to missing dep again, one reason to have just one extension package to me :P17:45
TrevinhoLaney: anyway I had pushed the change on the metadata already upstream so just pick latest upstream release in case17:46
TrevinhoI had to fix the packaging in my list too but I had to prioritize other upstream stuff17:46
gQuigs jibel well those errors aren't particularly helpful..   I'm guessing this is less of an issue in the Ubuntu desktop, and more of an infrastructure one?17:53
willcookenight all18:27
jibelgQuigs, I don't know, I didn't look closely.18:36

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