
sil2100sbeattie: hey! Any news on the openjdk reviews? Can I copy any of the PPAs so far?09:41
huehnerdoko: question on the ftbfs spreadsheet you shared, what is the openssl sru?15:17
huehnerdoko: is that about newer openssl 1.1.1. ?15:17
dokoyes, that's unrelated. you can ignore everything that is not marked as OpenJDK15:20
huehneri reported that in debian (assigned to mercurial)15:21
huehnerbut i think maybe openssl regression (assuming destination server is configured correctly)15:21
huehnerbut i did not see comment from maintainer yet15:21
huehneri'll try to test disco version here to see if it is affected also15:22
huehner(nothing to do with openjdk of course, as you said)15:22
sbeattiesil2100: I'm going to look at them today.16:09
sil2100sbeattie: thanks! I'll be EODing in an hour or so - could you send me an e-mail once you +1 any of them?16:36
sil2100I'll handle the copies tomorrow in the morning then16:36
sbeattiesil2100: will do16:39
huehnerdoko: about that openssl sru, my comment doesn't apply in ubuntu, xnox reverted change triggered it already in ubuntu - sorry for the noise16:41

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