
qwefytuoitytyboot-repair-disk can install grub2 on sda not sdb00:00
deansjeremyb: Why should partition 3 be left alone.  It is the only one big enough to contain the files I had on the Windows machine?00:01
mrelceehopefully you didn't have bitlocker on it..00:02
deansmrelcee: how do I know if bitlocker was on it?  I never installed bitlocker -- is that good enough to know?00:03
mrelceeanyway.     deans:    sudo ntfs-3g -o force,rw /dev/sdb3 /media/windows00:03
mrelceewhere sdb == your device00:03
mrelceeI don't know how to tell.  but if you did you wo't get any data..00:04
deansmrelcee: trying--- (with ro instead of rw) be right back00:05
qwefytuoitytyhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/266429/error-file-grub-i386-pc-normal-mod-not-found Not quite clear and it is not likely not a solution.00:06
shevchukHi! What does 'RC' mean in `efibootmgr -v` output? Like: `Boot0000* Ubuntu  HD(2,GPT,xxx-xxx-xxx,0xX,0xX)/File(\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi)RC` (see the end of string)00:11
qwefytuoitytyusb flash start with linux as EFI00:12
shevchukAsking because initially there was an RC in `efibootmgr -v` output. But when I deleted boot item and created it manually with `efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 2 -w -L "Ubuntu" -l "\EFI\ubuntu\shimx64.efi"`, created item does not have 'RC' at the end of it00:12
deansmrelcee: I have to reboot.  be right back (thank so much for helping me by the way)00:14
mrelceewelcome hope it works00:14
shevchukqwefytuoityty, was you answering to me? I am indeed in a USB live system now, but 'RC' is there not just for USB entry, but for my regular Ubuntu, and some other entries, too. On my other system I dont see this 'RC' in efibootmgr output, so I got curious what it is00:16
jeremybshevchuk: any answers from efibootmgr --help  or man efibootmgr00:17
qwefytuoitytyA common question for those who know how to install grub200:18
deansmrelcee: When I issue the mount command with any start offset listed for an ntfs partition it works.  When I use the offset for partition 3 it doesn't work even with the force option stating the data isn't NTFS.  I am going to investigate bitlocker-- because I don't know what else to do.00:24
deansMy exact mount command was:  sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o loop,ro,force,offset=986794950656 dell-inspiron.190222.sda.img winmp00:24
mrelceedo you have access to the windows box?00:25
deanswhere offset of course changes based on partition00:25
shevchukjeremyb, nope, I've looked it through, but no mentions neither in help, nor in man00:26
deansmrelcee: I do ... but it has a new hard drive in it.  I can take that out, purchase another 1TB hard drive and place the old image back onto it.00:26
shevchukwill probably look source through00:26
deansmrelcee: The Windows box was upgraded to Ubuntu on an SSD.00:26
deans.... Then I discovered I had a problem when I went to retrieve the data from the disk image.00:27
deansI didn't expect retrieving the data from a disk image to be a problem.  I never considered that it could be encrypted without my knowledge.00:28
tomreynshevchuk: it'll be what efibootmgr refers to as "binary args".00:30
qwefytuoitytysudo mount /dev/sda /mnt next grub-install /dev/sdb ? i not in linux00:35
qwefytuoitytysudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt next grub-install /dev/sdb ? i not in linux00:35
qwefytuoitytynot sda00:35
deansmrelcee: after some investigation the problem IS BITLOCKER.  I am not sure if I have Dell or Microsoft to thank but that is the problem... I will have to get the system running again somehow and decrypt it then make the image again.  Thanks again for your help.00:35
mrelceeyep dd it back to another drive..   glad you got it sorted00:36
mrelceeyou can use any drive same size or larger...00:37
deansmrelcee: I am just glad it was a fixable issue (hope I am not speaking too soon).  I was afraid for a second I had lost the data.00:37
mrelceewonder if you could dd the partition to a IMG file and mount that in something like kvm00:38
deansmrelcee: do you have an issue you are here because you need help with?00:38
mrelceenah I'm good. just hang here these days, anticipating i might have problems with an ubuntu laptop but it just worked00:39
deansmrelcee: does bitlocker need some data not stored in the image?  if so KVM wouldn't work00:40
deans mrelcee: for instance does bitlocker require some key stored in bios data area?00:40
mrelceeI'm not sure.00:40
deans mrelcee: I'll figure it out.  I know "the path" from here... but again thanks again.  I didn't even know bitlocker was a possible problem for me.00:41
mrelceegood luck00:43
mrelceethe faq on bitlocker says it's stored on the volume00:43
tomreynbitlocker can store keys either in the tpm or on disk. a recovery key will be needed to restore access the data if moved to a different system. but that's all very much OT here, i guess. there is ##windows.00:45
booAny one here?00:47
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deanstomreyn: I feel that at least 20% of my Linux "problems" can be traced directly back to Windows somehow.  Luckily I still have the hardware so even if it is in the TPM I should be in good shape.00:48
Guest16338plz respond00:48
Bashing-omGuest16338: Sopport channel for ubuntu, what is your issue ?00:49
drGspotdeans: it would be nice to measure which % of my linuxPPC & m68k problems i could trace back to AmigaOS 3.1 :)00:49
drGspotespecially now when we build new OSHW power8 notebook in Milano now :)00:50
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nginxtroubleThe following packages have unmet dependencies:  libc6-dev : Depends: libc6 (= 2.23-0ubuntu11) but 2.23-0ubuntu10 is installed01:10
nginxtroubleany one can help me fix this issue?01:10
nginxtroubleapt upgrade fails01:10
OerHeksare there packages held back? run a apt full-upgrade01:13
tomreynbetter not01:14
tomreynoh its just a patch01:14
tomreynnginxtrouble: did you "apt update"?01:15
OerHeksyes, it is a minor change01:16
tomreynright, should be fine then.01:17
qwefytuoitytyhttps:/paste.ubuntu.com/p/S6mCfqRyHN/ https://ibb.co/n0JWtdW must be made to install GRUB easily what to do?01:23
qwefytuoitytysdb5 /boot, sdb6 xu /01:25
qwefytuoityty18.10 6401:26
qwefytuoitytyfanny grub01:27
qwefytuoitytyfunny grub01:28
aurolac /topic01:40
=== msalvatore_ is now known as msalvatore
qwefytuoitytyWhy with installing grub such problems? People do not use btrfs and Linux with Windows in the same HDD sdb and therefore no one has not checked this variant to install grub?01:46
qwefytuoitytyand not used boot in other partition?01:47
Ouyessorry to bother, is there any channel talking about cars, automobiles?02:31
tomreyn!alis | Ouyes02:37
ubottuOuyes: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"02:37
Ouyestomreyn, thanks a lot02:39
=== james_ is now known as RNeville
RNevilleHello Every One, I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS03:06
RNevilletrying to install VeraCrypt 1.23 - can't seem to get it installed03:07
RNevilleI'm a newbie with Linux - in general and need a little help getting Veracrypt installed03:07
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leftyfbRNeville: you'll have to contact Veracrypt for support. That's not a supported package in Ubuntu03:09
RNevillethx leftyfb03:12
core71 libc6-dev : Depends: libc6 (= 2.23-0ubuntu11) but 2.23-0ubuntu10 is installed  --> E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.03:14
core71Anyone can help me fix this?03:14
leftyfbcore71: what version of ubuntu?03:14
core71leftyfb: 16.0403:16
core71Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS03:16
leftyfbcore71: what prompted this package getting installed/upgraded?03:17
core71leftyfb: Not sure - today the update/upgrade failed03:17
leftyfbcore71: ok, did you try: "sudo apt update ; sudo apt install -f" ?03:17
core71leftyfb: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jb92yWJg9v/03:18
core71and that does not fix the problem03:18
leftyfbcore71: pastebin the following: apt-cache policy libc6 ; apt-cache policy libc6-dev03:19
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core71leftyfb: today the apt install -f went through03:20
core71let me see if it fixed anything03:20
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core71leftyfb: seems resolved - perhaps someone broke the system with something that was not supposed to be installed - and then fixed the apt upgrade?03:22
HickorySmokedBacIs there any "ARM" capabilities of ubuntu for the raspberry pis ?03:33
Bashing-omHickorySmokedBac: Thoughtful: https://blog.ubuntu.com/2019/02/19/easy-iot-with-ubuntu-core-and-raspberry-pi .03:37
HickorySmokedBacBashing-om: I was thinking about getting one for small office PC work, streaming, and printing with a brother printer03:38
HickorySmokedBacBashing-om: but can't seem to figure out how to make this work03:38
leftyfbHickorySmokedBac: https://ubuntu-mate.org/raspberry-pi/03:40
HickorySmokedBacleftyfb: Would that give firefox, chrom(ium?), all that jazz to stream youtube and then ntfs-3g, and all that good stuff for a USB external, then be able to use the repos to get the brother printer 'driver" ?03:41
HickorySmokedBacJust wondering before I buy the thing if it's going to do what I want03:42
leftyfbHickorySmokedBac: that is Ubuntu Mate. Prettymuch all the same packages you'd get with regular ubuntu.03:42
HickorySmokedBacleftyfb: Would it allow for LXDE/Lubuntu ?03:43
leftyfbHickorySmokedBac: I'm not sure. I never tried03:43
HickorySmokedBacleftyfb: Hm, just trying to see if I want to dump the $100 project or not03:45
leftyfbshouldn't cost that much. A pi is $35, SD card maybe $20 and a usb charger03:45
HickorySmokedBacbut then you gotta get a case..03:45
HickorySmokedBacAnd all that03:45
leftyfbHickorySmokedBac: regardless, you might be better off asking about the capabilities of running a pi in #raspberrypi03:46
HickorySmokedBacMost people keep saying it's just a "learning tool"03:46
leftyfbAs for ubuntu, the link I gave you for Ubuntu Mate on the pi is the best way to get ubuntu on the pi03:46
core71when I do a "ssh -T mymachine"  it hangs - any ideas on how to fix this?03:56
leftyfbcore71: why are you doing -T?04:00
core71leftyfb: I am trying to clone a git repo remotely with my ssh credentials04:01
leftyfbcore71: ok, so again, why -T?04:02
leftyfbcore71: ssh user@remote -t "git clone ...."04:02
core71leftyfb: thanks - sorry - got confused with T/t04:03
core71that worked04:03
GerowenWhat is the name of that menu in server 18.10 that lists various things you can set up during initial install?  Is it just a fancy version of tasksel, or is it something else?05:08
GerowenI was just wondering if there was a way to run it from a terminal post-install for easy adding of features later, like tasksel05:08
guiverc_dGerowen, i'm not sure what mean, but 18.10 had two installers ubiquity & subiquity (which ISO you grabbed dictates which you saw at install) - but I don't believe they are copied onto the installed system05:46
Gerowenguiverc_d: I installed Ubuntu Server for amd64 in a virtual machine for the first time a week or two ago.  During the install process for older versions of it, and Debian still, there's a process called "tasksel" that basically uses glorified meta packages.  It gives you a little list of tasks like "SSH Server - Apache Webserver" etc., you check a box, and then it sets up a basic configuration for that service for you.  There was a similar feature in the05:49
Gerowen18.10 amd64 server install, but it looked different and had many different things listed, and I was just curious if it was something else.05:49
guiverc_dsubiquity is a newer installer, i'm suspicious this is what you're asking about  (esp. if you didn't use the 'live' installer)05:52
guiverc_d(if it's something else, I have no idea sorry)05:53
LinuxuserHow can I choose which updates to intall? Popos...06:03
s3tixwhat verison are you on06:05
_Anna_How can I close a program skipping its auto-save? The command kill doesn't do that and unplugging the computer isn't practical :/06:07
guiverc_d_Anna_, why wouldn't kill do it?  if you still get asked, `kill -9` (unnicely)06:26
whoareUhow to enroll key , when uefi boot06:29
_Anna_Last time I tried kill, it gave time to auto-save before it closed it. "kill -9 pid" on the other hand, did what I need.06:32
guiverc_dLinuxuser, Pop OS is not Ubuntu, nor an official flavor of Ubuntu - thus off-topic in this room.06:32
seojoon0618I want to sell my operating system06:42
june0618I want to sell my os to ubuntu06:43
guiverc_djune0618, we support Ubuntu which is open source, https://www.ubuntu.com/licensing06:44
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
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=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
whoareUhow to add key to security boot database07:21
cim209whoareU: you mean partition encryption?07:24
EriC^^i think he means secure boot stuff07:24
whoareUright , i need add key to security boot databsae07:27
EriC^^whoareU: mokutil might help you07:29
whoareUcim209: i sign the virtualbox driver, the key must be add the uefi security boot database, and i don't how to do it07:29
sudheerHello. unattended-upgrade is stuck at position: Preparing to unpack .../unattended-upgrades_0.90ubuntu0.10_all.deb ...07:38
sudheer 07:38
sudheerThis is on Ubuntu 16.0407:38
ducassewhoareU: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot07:41
catbeardhi there, 18.04.2 no usb headset audio - hwid: 046d:c33607:42
catbeardnot muted, enabled and getting audio while playing in sound preferences, but no audio in headset :(07:42
catbearddid sudo usb-reset 046d:c33607:42
catbeardinstalled pavucontrol/alsamixer, pulseaudio -k07:42
catbeardtried different ports, all register, checked bios confirmed all ports are enabled07:43
catbeardaudio:x:29:pulse - not sure if i'm supposed to be in this group07:44
catbeardthere's a systemd .mount for snap-pulsemixer07:45
Poppycockhello lovely people, i'm here in hopes someone can give me a rtfm direction on my issue... my laptop running (last i recall 13.10... yes i know it's not a lts version). anyway i have rebooted it and got through grub loader and managed to load the kernel but the screen is skewed, i managed to login through the mess and try some xrandr reset options but to no avail... my screen is throwing extra07:58
Poppycockpixels along the horizontal axis resulting in skewed video. looks like a bunch of z's07:58
Poppycockany help would be so much appreciated07:58
ducassePoppycock: 13.10? that's been eol for a long, long time, and thus unsupported. you need to upgrade to a supported version.08:02
Poppycockyeah i know08:03
Poppycockkinda figured that would be what would be said08:03
Poppycockbut i just wanted to check what was on my desktop and all before i wiped it all and gparted it08:03
geirha14.04 is supported another month, so if you hurry ...08:03
Poppycockgeirha if i could get in enough to update i'd go for it, maybe...08:04
Poppycockproblem is it's hard to read the output of the xterm lol08:04
Poppycocki tried tilting my head but when each line flows into the next by like 20 pixels it gets hard to read08:05
Poppycocksevere skew08:05
Poppycocki suppose my best option is to download a live filesystem and try to fix from there if i want to restore this install08:05
Ouyes_hey guys, I am keeping have this problem , when login into my server via ssh, the error is -bash: /dev/null: Permission denied, I follow the instructions on internet and delete /dev/null and recreate it by command mknod /dev/null c 3 2 and chown 666 /dev/null, then it is working, but the same error pop up when reboot the server, do you know why it is doing this?08:06
ducassePoppycock: boot off a live image to go through and rescue your data?08:06
geirhawhat about the virtual console, like Ctrl+Alt+F1, is that broken too?08:06
geirhaCtrl+Alt+F7 to get back08:06
Poppycockducasse yeah that's what i'm thinking08:06
Ouyes_chmod, not chown08:07
geirhait should be generated automatically during boot08:07
geirhatypically by being part of a special filesystem08:08
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=== qwebirc76195 is now known as ConnectingMedia
=== ConnectingMedia is now known as Connecting_Media
Connecting_MediaHi there!08:20
Connecting_MediaIn the default `~/.bashrc` in my Ubuntu installation is the line08:20
Connecting_MediaAnd a bit further down I can see08:21
Connecting_MediaPS1="\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]$PS1"08:21
Connecting_MediaNow I do understand what the `${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}` stands for08:21
Connecting_MediaBut what I am wondering about is why it is added as a string in the first one and as a variable expansion in the second08:21
Connecting_MediaFrom my (possibly limited) understanding it would make more sense to have the variables expanded late, so the second snippet should be08:21
Connecting_MediaPS1='\[\e]0;${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h: \w\a\]'"$PS1"08:21
Connecting_MediaOr am I missing something here?08:21
Connecting_MediaIf this is better suited for the forums, I'll be happy to post it there08:22
elichai2Hey, I want to run a script every time I unlock(login) my computer08:22
elichai2is that possible?08:22
Poppycockducasse anyway thank you for the response, i appreciate the consideration =)08:23
=== Poppycock is now known as GuestAgain
EriC^^elichai2: maybe this helps https://askubuntu.com/questions/429716/how-to-run-a-command-or-script-at-screen-lock-unlock08:45
elichai2EriC^^: hmm but I'm not using gnome, I have KDE08:52
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blackflowelichai2: that's a dbus hook, desktop agnostic really. if you're on KDE, you just need a different dbus id08:56
geirhaConnecting_Media: once inside a chroot, I doubt modifying the debian_chroot variable will do anything good, so using the variable as it was at the start of the shell should suffice. That said, they should make up their mind and pick only one of the options08:56
Connecting_Mediageirha, I pretty much agree, except that I think users should see the real value of the variable. But I've gone ahead and posted it on the forum: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=241339509:04
nekowaiidesuWondering if anyone can advise on data-recovery techniques / procedures etc09:05
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | nekowaiidesu09:05
ubottunekowaiidesu: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool, and PhotoRec file recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 7.0-3build2 (bionic), package size 391 kB, installed size 1530 kB09:05
nekowaiidesuGot a drive which filesystem is trashed, testdisk etc can't recognize. I've already used photorec to get all the data09:05
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: sudo photorec after, scan the whole hd and backup your data09:06
lotuspsychjeif photorec cant get it anymore, you probably lost09:06
nekowaiidesuThanks lotuspsychje ive got the data, but as a learning experience i wanted to try dig deeper09:07
nekowaiidesuis there anything else I can do to fix the filesystem09:07
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: i think you need to find out whats happening with the HD itself first09:07
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plug in the HD to see the errors09:08
collinsmarrai cant install anything from my terminal, someone help09:08
lotuspsychjecollinsmarra: sudo apt install yourpackagename09:09
collinsmarrait gives me errors09:09
lotuspsychje!paste | collinsmarra09:10
ubottucollinsmarra: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:10
nekowaiidesuThe drive is /dev/sdc in this case. only real error I see is " p2 size 1033262 extends beyond EOD, truncated09:11
collinsmarraE: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list (Component)09:11
collinsmarraE: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list (Component)09:11
collinsmarraE: The list of sources could not be read.09:11
collinsmarraE: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list (Component)09:11
collinsmarraE: The list of sources could not be read.09:11
collinsmarraE: Malformed entry 1 in list file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list (Component)09:11
nekowaiidesu^ lol09:12
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: try to browse around on the hd a bit, maybe more errors come?09:13
nekowaiidesulotuspsychje, i'll give it a go. Trying to learn more about sleuthkit at the moment to see if that leads me anywhere09:14
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: maybe if you have backup of your data already, try to reformat it?09:14
nekowaiidesuI'm not too worried about the drive itself tbh. I was just hoping i'd be able to recover the data with the folder-structure09:15
nekowaiidesuphotorec just dumps everything into "recup_dir"09:15
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: you can make photorec scan on filetypes, wich is pretty nice09:15
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: its not the dir structures you want to save, but the data inside right?09:16
nekowaiidesuYeah. I understand photorec looks for file type headers, which is pretty nifty09:16
blackflow!pastebin | collinsmarra09:16
ubottucollinsmarra: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:16
nekowaiidesuand yes, the data is more important than the folder structure :P as I said, im just digging deeper for the learning experience09:16
lotuspsychjenekowaiidesu: we try to focus on ubuntu issues here actually, perhaps move to -offtopic or -discuss to learn?09:17
nekowaiidesuMy bad :) Will do, thanks again for the advice lotuspsychje09:20
lotuspsychje!sources | collinsmarra fix them here09:29
ubottucollinsmarra fix them here: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.09:29
legreffiercollinsmarra: can you show us :09:29
guiverccollinsmarra, it's telling you that you have made an error in line 1 of the listed file.  It's a file that doesn't exist as installed, someone has added it to the machine.  We can't see that file = but collinsmarra we don't support Linux Mint09:30
EriC^^collinsmarra: type "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list | nc termbin.com 9999"09:30
legreffier"cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list "09:30
collinsmarraa moment please09:30
EriC^^please dont use images to show text for the future09:30
guiverc!Mint | collinsmarra09:30
ubottucollinsmarra: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)09:30
Meilianyone able to help me with this?  "installed grub-efi-amd64-signed package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127"10:11
Meilinvm, I found it. Missing dependency in grub-common. Fixed by installing mokutil. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/181418710:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1814187 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "package grub-efi-amd64 2.02-2ubuntu8.10 failed to install/upgrade: installed grub-efi-amd64 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 127" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:18
GOAtiaHi all, could someone please help installing Jack Audio Connection Toolkit, Im using Ubuntu 18.10, and am not too famillier with the terminal10:32
badSophiahow can i know size of ram of laptop on ubuntu?10:32
badSophiano one is here?10:34
badSophiahelp me i m pretty girl only :(10:35
cim209badSophia: htop10:35
badSophiasudo apt install htop?10:35
badSophiacim209:  ?10:36
MeilibadSophia: yes, or just do "free -m"10:36
cim209ubuntu has a task manager already installed, don't know what it's called10:36
cim209i don't use ubuntu desktop10:36
badSophiaah free -m10:36
badSophiacim209:  then debian?10:36
cim209i use ubuntu server10:36
Meilior  cat /proc/meminfo10:36
badSophiatask manager10:36
Meilior just "top"10:36
badSophiaah great10:36
Meilianyway, there are no girls on the internet...10:37
badSophiatotal 5755 <<— can i know this size?10:37
badSophiabut i m girl10:37
cim209that's like 6gb10:37
cim209you being a girl is irrelevant10:38
badSophiai install another 4 GB from 2GB, it is correct10:38
badSophianow i have 6GB ram 8)10:38
badSophiathanks Meili :)10:39
GOAtiaPlease guys, I need guidance, I cant seem to be able to install JACK Audio, could someone please help?10:39
MeiliGOAtia: I have no experience with JACK, but I would suggest you clarified your issue. What do you need help with exactly?10:41
GOAtiathanks for the responce, I am trying to run Hydrogen drum synth, progam works fine except for the audio output, I presume it uses a midi driver, research suggested I need to install JACK audio, I used this on Ubuntu studio, but am unable to install it on my current system using sudo apt-get install jack-tools ant openjdk-6-jdk fftw3 qjackctl10:46
GOAtiaReturns E: Unable to locate package openjdk-6-jdk10:48
guivercGOAtia, you have 'universe' enabled; it's in that repo.  (ubuntu-studio has that enabled by default, it's not enabled by default in main Ubuntu)10:48
MeiliGOAtia: for some specifics on what you are trying to do, you could also ask in #ubuntustudio10:48
MeiliGOAtia: but follow guiverc suggetsion on the apt install issue10:49
GOAtiaThanks guys, how do I enable universe?10:49
guivercGOAtia, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu10:50
GOAtiaI shall try, many thanks10:51
guivercGOAtia, the first picture on that wiki page, the 'second check-box' is what you need.10:52
GOAtia:) thanks10:53
=== Mark is now known as Guest53199
BlackDalekWhat is wrong with my /etc/default/grub file? http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Gbgc6bsMRY/ The computer stops at the grub menu at boot with no count down timer and will remain indefinitely until I press enter to continue. How to I make it hide the grub menu and boot normally?11:41
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: did you shotdown computer wrong perhaps?11:43
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: purple or black n white grub?11:44
=== richard is now known as Guest96551
EriC^^BlackDalek: try maybe "sudo update-grub" and make sure the PC is shut down properly11:44
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, I haven't noticed any problems. May I should check the log?11:45
badSophiacan i recommend funny thing?11:46
badSophiafor help11:46
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, it's a reddish brown grub menu11:46
badSophiahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KF98FHxcrA  <— this is very funny lol11:46
lotuspsychjebadSophia: not here please11:47
badSophiai laugh too many times11:47
guivercbadSophia, that belongs in #ubuntu-discuss or #ubuntu-offtopic11:47
badSophiayeah but it is really funny11:47
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: system up to date also? graphics drivers installed correctly?11:52
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, sudo apt-get update tells me there is nothing to upgrade11:53
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: sudo lshw -C video, shows driver=..?11:54
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, please wait a moment. the machine is rebooting. I just wanted to see if doing a update-grub changes anything.... Restarting now...11:55
BluesKajHey folks11:55
LaRose_Bleui need help ssh-ing into an ubuntu instance on my laptop11:57
LaRose_Bleui looked online and the tutorials / instructionals are out of date11:57
LaRose_Bleuthey reference what i presume is the last verion of openssh before the current was updated and the config files changed11:58
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, ok.. update-grub changed nothing. Grub menu still appears. Now waiting for it to finish booting so I can list video drivers for you are requested...11:58
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, it lists information about the display. It doesn't mention "driver=" anywhere12:00
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: should be at bottom12:00
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, sorry I am blind. It says i91512:00
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: allright, what about your ubuntu version and kernel please?12:01
guivercLaRose_Bleu, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH12:01
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, Ubuntu 18.04.2 #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 16:28:13 UTC 201912:02
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, also .. 4.15.0-45-generic12:03
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: looks good, just compared your grub with mine, and looks the same hmmm12:04
whoareUGtk-Message: 17:45:30.856: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged. when i run virtualbox, command line prompt12:05
lotuspsychjewhoareU: any reason why you launch virtualbox from terminal?12:07
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: you could try "quiet splash" to "" and update-grub again12:08
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, ok. I will try that12:08
whoareUi am used to12:08
lotuspsychjewhoareU: its an error alot of GUI packages get, when launched from terminal, no big problem12:09
lotuspsychjewhoareU: i assume virtualbox just works after that?12:10
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, changes have been made to /etc/default/grub... machine is restarting now..... The grub menu persists12:12
whoareUlotuspsychje: i don't understand what you meaning , why it appear many times?12:14
guivercwhoareU, it's a warning message from 'upstack' of vbox; a vbox coder took a shortcut (or more likely wrote for a different [older] version of GTK+)12:14
guivercwhoareU, you can ignore them, only coders will understand what it's telling you (& they ignore it usually anyway)12:15
whoareUoh, i see, thanks of all12:16
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: did you recently upgraded to 18.04 maybe?12:17
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, this is the grub menu I am seeing (the top entry is difficult to make out but says "*UBUNTU") https://imagebin.ca/v/4YEaV6qa7N5v12:17
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, yes and no. I did upgrade this from 16.04 to 18.04.2, but not in the usual way.12:18
lotuspsychjeah, i think i had this the same way over an upgrade from 14.04 to 16.04 BlackDalek12:19
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: what do you mean with 'not usual way'?12:20
LaRose_Bleuthanks guiverc will check it out12:21
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, this is a horrible Apple macmini circa 2006 with 32bit boot and 64bit OS. In order to upgrade it, I could not just boot from a 18.04 installer. I had to format it. Reinstall Mac OS Snow Leopard. Install rEFIt boot loader, only then could I boot from the 18.04 installer DVD.12:21
guivercLaRose_Bleu, if it's Ubuntu documentation (ie. wiki.ubuntu.com, help.ubuntu.com) I'm interested in out-of-date, so it can be updated.. if it's blogs etc. (or non-Ubuntu) we can't do anything12:22
guiverc(i'm referring to what you said was out-of-date unspecified ...)12:23
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, I did try to upgrade using so-release-upgrade.. but that only broke the system and made it unbootable because i guess it was expecting a "normal" boot loader12:23
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | BlackDalek12:23
ubottuBlackDalek: Upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04.1 is now available, if you do not receive the upgrade window try update-manager -c12:23
blackflowshouldn't that be 18.04.2 by now?12:24
lotuspsychjeim not sure blackflow12:24
lotuspsychjenew iso's are .2 right12:24
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, but Apple were smoking something strong when they created this machine... so it broke. Anyway. It was essentially reformatted. made an Apple OS and then reformatted again and installed with the current OS.12:25
whoareUwhether "Ubuntu does not sign the third party vbox* kernel modules" is true? i can't sign vbox module on my 18.04 version12:25
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, is it possible that it is Apple's screwy hardware causing the grub menu to appear every boot?12:26
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: i dont think so, i presume its something from the upgrade12:26
lotuspsychjei recall having the same problem on an upgrade once12:27
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, hmmm... but what could be left over? something from the Mac OS causing the problem?12:27
LaRose_Bleuguiverc: its non ubuntu, havent been led to an ubuntu wiki yet, i think. what imdoing, or trying to do, is ssh into my ubuntu session on WSL, and i am having several issues12:28
BlackDalekWhen the mac OS was put back onto it there shouldn't have been any trace of Ubuntu 16.04 LTS or grub left on it... Would have been replaced by Apple's own boot loader etc.12:29
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: try setting grub timeout to 1 and update-grub after12:29
guiverc:) on non-Ubuntu doco... I'm heading to bed LaRose_Bleu so can't help now sorry12:29
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, ok12:29
LaRose_Bleuits alrigh guiverc i'll figure it out eventually12:30
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, should I also put "quiet splash" back too?12:30
LaRose_Bleuor i'll give up and move on, whichever comes first12:30
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: if you want logo boot instead of textboot sure12:31
mra90hmm I am seeking an advice, i am going to develop kernel driver on my VM ubuntu machine, now how should I set up the test env to don't brick it?12:31
mra90another VM inside or sth else?12:31
BlackDalekdid "quiet splash" have an underscore between it or just a normal space?12:32
BlackDalekI can't remember12:32
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: just a space12:33
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, restarting it now...12:34
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, the same grub menu you saw in my imagebin paste persists. It is waiting for me to press enter still.12:36
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: you update-grub right?12:37
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, yes... right before I did sudo shutdown now12:37
lotuspsychjeim out of ideas then BlackDalek12:37
BlackDalekI blame apple12:37
BlackDalekother than needing to press enter at every boot, everything else is working fine (for now)12:38
lotuspsychjemaybe a bleachbit system cleanup BlackDalek12:38
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, what does bleachbit mean?12:38
lotuspsychjei assume more its something from upgrading12:39
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit | BlackDalek12:39
ubottuBlackDalek: bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (bionic), package size 316 kB, installed size 2003 kB12:39
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, is that safe to use or will it likely break something?12:40
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: i never had issues with it, but some say its wise to read the manual first :p12:41
lotuspsychjeBlackDalek: in my case i enable all options and wipe alot of space clean12:42
BlackDaleklotuspsychje, I think I will leave it for now... just moments into browsing the options for bleachbit in its GUI, a "system problem detected" error popped up so I just quit the thing without letting it make any changes. I need to sleep now. BYe12:46
TvL2386hey all, I've got a directory "files" which is chmod 744, don't ask me why. When some random user does "ls files" he get's a `ls: cannot access files/..: permission denied` `ls: cannot access files/file1.csv: permission denied` etcetera12:50
TvL2386`ls` prints a lot of question marks in the following output....12:51
TvL2386obviously this is because `chmod o+r` on this directory, but I don't get what's really happening12:52
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t0th_- /msg NickServ identify n455uh12:53
TvL2386is this happening because `ls` needs `+r` for some of it's system calls and needs `+x` for some others?12:54
stripehi all, cant seem to find a native version of docker (only a snap) is there a newer viable alternative or is it back to debootstrap and chroot? cheers13:03
LaRose_Bleuhi, quick question, i am trying to update from 18.04 to 18.10 but i get an error saying lxd cant be reached im offline and snapd cant be updated, which then rolls the whole upgrade back. if i uninstall snapd with aptitude (as lxd is a snapd thing, if im not wrong) will i be able to install it after upgrade? or is removing it at all a bad idea?13:17
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: lxd is both on snap and apt13:21
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: wich one did you install?13:21
LaRose_Bleui think its the snapd version coz i havent installed anything on this session yet13:22
LaRose_Bleui installed the session then tried to upgrade it immediately after13:22
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: why do you want to remove whole snapd exactly?13:22
LaRose_Bleubecause whenever i try to upgrade, right, it fails with a "snap is offline, upgrade will be rolled back" or something similar13:23
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: and you are connected to internet?13:24
LaRose_Bleuyes lol, im on IRC on the same machine13:24
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: maybe try to purge the lxd snap first and update your system after13:25
lotuspsychjesudo snap remove13:25
LaRose_Bleuthats what im asking if its fine to do or if it wont cause problems13:25
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: i think you mixing up a few things here13:26
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: you can safely remove snaps, but i dont think you want to remove the whole snapd system right?13:26
LaRose_Bleumy main issue is actually the snapd system itself, i think13:27
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: if you purge snapd with apt, might lead to unwanted behaviour as gnome now relies on it by default13:27
LaRose_Bleuim using a headless session so gnome should be fine13:27
lotuspsychjeLaRose_Bleu: thats your own choice indeed13:28
dd_Hello i need help13:28
lotuspsychjeask a question first dd_13:28
dd_Can anywhone help help ??13:28
dd_I am triyng to setup Samba server on my ubuntu 16.04 vps13:29
dd_It is working locally13:29
LaRose_Bleuearlier i tried removing snapd with apt but it broke everything, then i had to reinstall it with aptitude so i dunno if apt can handle it13:29
dd_witch localhost13:29
dd_and with domain and external ip13:29
pragmaticenigma!enter | dd_13:29
ubottudd_: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.13:29
dd_i will13:29
TomixUGI am triyng to setup Samba server on my ubuntu 16.04 vps. It is working only locally with localhost external ip and domain. But it isn't working on my Windows 10 PC. This is my smb.conf file: # # Sample configuration file for the Samba suite for Debian GNU/Linux. # # # This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the # smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed # here. Samba has a huge number of co13:32
LaRose_Bleunever mind lotuspsychje i removed snapd with "sudo aptitude purge snapd" and did "aptitude full-upgrade" and it did the things13:33
TomixUGthis is the file https://pastebin.com/EcKCG1RC13:33
LaRose_Bleuchecked with lsb_release -a and im on cosmic now13:33
TomixUGI am triyng to setup Samba server on my ubuntu 16.04 vps. It is working only locally with localhost external ip and domain. But it isn't working on my Windows 10 PC. This is my smb.conf file: https://pastebin.com/EcKCG1RC13:34
=== Chien is now known as Vomi
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
eeinhello. I am using pbis-open to bind a Ubuntu 18.04 workstation to AD so I can get the remote document folder to mount. It recently fails on Ubuntu but seems to work on Cent. The most recent big change is gdm3 but I believe Cent uses that as well. Are there any other huge changes from 16.04 -> 18.04 that might cause lsass errors? https://github.com/BeyondTrust/pbis-open/issues/12213:45
eeinI can manually mount the folder but it fails to read the AD profile and mount on its own on Ubuntu 18.0413:45
snow_heiper/////[drm:drm_atomic_helper_commit_cleanup_done [drm_kms_helper]] ERROR [CRTC:35:pipe B] flip_done timed out13:50
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Eissfeld /msg alis LIST ubuntu14:18
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egrainhow do i bind a ftp server in the filemanager? the ubuntu wiki said it works. no idea how to even open an ftp address in there. help please.15:14
egrainoh, by bind i mean like having it in the menu on the side, or the main thing on the left. i don't care. i just need it easily accesible.15:15
=== TheElectricCapyb is now known as ElectricCapybara
AlexPortableHow can I get hibernate to restore my windows? All tutorials I can find tell me to point it to my swap partition, but ubuntu doesn't use a swap partition anymore since 18.0415:51
lordcirth_AlexPortable, 18.04 uses a swap file instead15:51
AlexPortableSo how can i get hibernate to restore my windows?15:52
lordcirth_However, hibernation is, IMHO, kind of obsolete15:53
OerHekshybernate and restore windows? explain ?15:53
Meililordcirth_: how so?15:53
AlexPortableI press hibernate, pc turns off15:53
AlexPortableturn it on, it's like i never pressed hibernate but just shut it down15:53
lordcirth_Meili, hibernation was originally implemented because booting was far too slow. That is no longer true. Also, several DE's will save your open windows and re-launch them.15:54
AlexPortablelordcirth_: please tell those DE's to shutdown my laptop when it's empty and in standby15:55
Meililordcirth_: regardless of original intent, being able to pause work (overnight) without having to close and open all my stuff again and actually power off a machine is still usefull15:55
Meiliand I dont know home Gnome is doing, but KDE fails horribly at restoring my desktop between boots15:55
hggdhI know suspend wotks, I use it continuously. Hibernation... I am not sure. There were some serious problems with hibernation of old.15:56
PottyTheShitteryo yo yo15:56
ubottuBtrfs is a filesystem available for Ubuntu. It is not recommended by default, and should not be used for important data. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/btrfs15:56
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax15:56
MeiliAnyway, hibernation is currently broken in Ubuntu when you use secure boot15:57
BrianBlaze420lol RIP15:57
AlexPortableMeili: broken as in; the results i'm getting?15:57
* genii slides hggdh a fresh chocolate chip cookie15:58
* hggdh thanks genii, it was needed15:59
OerHeksi have removes 'dutch' from languages in chrome, still i get this weird dutch page, all i want is the english pages https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/ubuntu-help/index.html16:00
* OerHeks is baffled16:00
lordcirth_OerHeks, this page loads in Dutch for you?16:00
OerHeks'browser preferred language' is english, so.. what am i doing wrong here?16:01
MeiliOerheks: check your cookies16:01
MeiliAnyway, feels like my terminal in Ubuntu, mixing Dutch and English...16:02
OerHekscleared it all, i restarted the browser, no dice.. creepy internet16:02
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=== Guest51983 is now known as timbozeman
MeiliOerheks: also happens in incognito?16:03
Meiliif so, you might want to call an exorcist....16:04
OerHeksMeili, good spot, cookies16:04
MeiliYou're welcome16:05
timbozemanI tried to boot into 16.04 today, but it seems to be bricked. Is there any known issues with updates or something?16:06
compdocnone here16:07
=== jesse is now known as Guest5795
geniitimbozeman: Did you try selecting the previous kernel from GRUB menu?16:10
timbozemangenii, it wouldnt post initially. i unplugged all my hard drives,but the ssd ubuntu is on and grub would show up. then any kernel version id try would fail to load kernel modules. if i try recovery mode it hangs on "a start job is running for dev-disk-...some-hash.device"16:16
timbozemani booted off a usb and was able to see that ssd's files though16:17
geniiSounds like you might have a hardware issue if it's refusing to post. Since this part happens before any software beings to load.16:18
=== jef_ is now known as Joofosaur
mra90in a kernel build command "ARCH=arm make imx_v6_v7_defconfig" what is the last paramter for? I mean the defconfig?16:23
timbozemani wonder if this ssd died16:23
compdocthey do that sometimes16:24
=== nat_ is now known as Natkeeran
Guest21272need some help16:32
Guest21272about ubuntu mate os16:32
lotuspsychjeask a question first Guest2127216:33
OerHeksGuest21272, ask, wait and see16:33
shibbolethkernel patches today?16:34
lotuspsychje!usn | shibboleth follow the news here16:35
ubottushibboleth follow the news here: Please see https://usn.ubuntu.com/ for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.16:35
Guest21272i am new here...i have a toshiba satellite laptop i installed ubuntu mate ...i have nvidia gforce video card ,,,in aditional drivers it apears that i am using the right video driver16:35
shibbolethi was asking since both usn and packages.ubuntu.com is usually a day behind the repos16:35
lotuspsychjeshibboleth: fixing security updates takes a while, they come out in your updates16:36
shibbolethis lotuspsychje a bot?16:36
shibbolethok. did you read/understand my question(s) then?16:37
Guest21272watching videos youtube etc in windows in hd is not the same wAY like ubuntu16:37
kinghathow would you grep more than one thing from an output? `grep -o '"filesize":\s[0-9]*' '"fps":\s[0-9]*'`16:37
OerHeksshibboleth, did you understand the usn url? if there are patches, they would appear there16:38
willksmask #bash kinghat16:38
OerHeksso i guess no patches today, maybe tomorrow16:38
shibbolethOerHeks, yes, one or two days later16:38
BrianBlaze420kinghat, grep 'foo*'\''bar' *.txt16:38
BrianBlaze420type deal16:38
blackflowshibboleth: USN and packages are synchronized, afaik. perhaps your mirror is out of sync?16:39
shibboleththey are def not in sync with repos16:39
shibbolethusb has gotten better16:39
blackflowshibboleth: have an example?16:39
shibbolethnow it's maybe six, twelve hours behind, used to be 24+16:40
shibbolethpackages? still 24+16:40
blackflowshibboleth: I mean which package update is not yet in the repos, and there's USN for it16:40
OerHeksshibboleth, is there a special patch you are referring  to?16:40
shibbolethmy question was: will there be a kernel update today? everyones answer: check usn/packages. my answer to that: these are usually somewhat behind16:41
shibbolethnever mind, i'll ask in #hardened16:41
willksmGuest21272, I don't think anybody understands what you are asking, rephrase your question?16:41
timbozemanit seems like one of my spindles died. if i unplug it the computer posts. is it possible that its boot sector had grub witch pointed to the ssd to load?16:41
shibbolethyou go back to whatever16:41
OerHekslolz shibboleth16:41
compdoctimbozema, you think its shorted out?16:42
blackflowshibboleth: fwiw, I think its your mirror. I see the packages in the repos I use right there when I get the USN16:42
timbozemancompdoc, the spindle?16:43
shibbolethi have on 20+ occasions found not no kernel updates listed on packages but found them when actually apt update16:43
hggdhIIRC USNs are sent out after giving time for the security servers to be updated16:43
shibbolethfound no even16:43
ioriatimbozeman, why don't you boot a livecd and run  fsck and smartctl -a /dev/sdX and that drive ?16:43
timbozemanill try that16:43
blackflowshibboleth: oh wait, which USNs are you referring to? usn.ubuntu.com publications?16:43
blackflowshibboleth: for example I see now 3893-2 is missing, Bind update for 12.04, got in the mail earlier today.16:44
OerHeksusually the usn publishes *after* the patches are rolled out16:44
blackflowactually, it's published if you access it directly. not in the list front page16:45
kunjiWhy does gnome-software look in another disk for icons?  It is crashing for me after failing to find two icons, I don't get why it is trying to load the first one though.  (gnome-software:8085): GsPlugin-WARNING **: failed to load local icon /media/Storage/NextCloud/Work/Fiji.app/images/icon.png: Failed to open file '/media/Storage/NextCloud/Work/Fiji.app/images/icon.png': No such file or directory  (gnome-software:8085): GsPlugin-WARNING **: failed to load sto16:46
kunjiSegmentation fault (core dumped)16:46
Jon30hey guys, trying to "chown :www-data uploads" but getting a "Operation not permitted". uploads folder belongs to the current user... any ideas why I would be getting this error?16:47
blackflowJon30: only root can chown16:47
lotuspsychjekunji: are you using the nextcloud snap?16:48
Jon30blackflow: gotcha! thanks16:48
OerHekskunji, that is where nextcloud seems to be mounted? has nextcloud started?16:48
Guest21272hd videos on youtube  are not the same quality in ubuntu mate in windows 10 watching hd videos have a great quality what do i have to do...i have nvdia video card16:49
kunjilotuspsychje: No, ... at least I don't think so, but I did try the snap package for the client at one point.  'which nextcloud' is pointint me to /usr/bin/nextcloud and I don't see the nextcloud snap in /snap/16:50
lotuspsychjeGuest21272: are your local video's playing nicely, lets say on vlc?16:50
kunjiOerHeks: Yes, the client app is started, I do not think it is the snap version16:50
lotuspsychjekunji: df -h you can see the snap loop dirs there16:51
Guest21272have't tried vlc yet but i watch youtube often16:51
lotuspsychjeGuest21272: could you try it to compare with youtube please?16:51
kunjilotuspsychje: Yep, I see them, none for nextcloud.16:51
lotuspsychjekunji: ok tnx for checking16:52
lotuspsychjekunji: wich ubuntu version are you on? up to date also?16:52
kunjilotuspsychje: I did have it in the past though, was having some problems with the regular one crashing, but the snap one wasn't working any better.  Ubuntu is 16.04.16:53
OerHekswhat is this Fiji.app ?16:53
binopHello everywhere, where is the best way to link applications that I downloaded without the package manager to run them from anywhere ? /usr/bin or somewhere else ?16:53
OerHeksbinop, standard would be /opt/16:53
kunjiOerHeks: It's a java program for all sorts of scientific image analysis.  I have no idea why gnome-software is looking there.16:54
kunjiOerHeks: A sort of easy version with all the stuff bundled for ImageJ https://imagej.net/ImageJ16:55
blackflowbinop: personally I'd go for /usr/local/bin/   it's already in the PATH16:56
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binopok thank you OerHeks and blackflow, i put it in /usr/local/bin and it works :)16:57
kunjiPretty much, I want to make sure gnome-software on my system isn't doing anything malicious... and I don't want to try reinstalling it until I verify this in case I would be removing something that warrants further investigation.17:04
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
qwebirc89090I wanted to try another linux os so i used dual boog and cleared tge disk in which Ubuntu was installed and when restarted got grv rescue mode error17:07
qwebirc89090Hey is anyone there17:08
qwebirc89090Hey hi hello17:08
kunjiHmm... I guess I see why it can't find it, Fiji.app is an empty folder (I haven't synced the contents), but I don't know why it was looking to begin with.17:13
rapidwaveHow do I make sure the MySQL extension for PHP is active?17:20
mattia9393i've a problem with my lenovo x23017:20
tomreynrapidwave: phpinfo()17:21
mattia9393hi, I have a problem with my thinkpad x240. I have xubuntu 18.04. I often use the integrated sim reader for data traffic with an iliad card. Since yesterday it has stopped working. I tried to insert the sim that I use on the smartphone and it works without problems, I tried to put the sim of the smarphone to the pc and the wind reads it. How can I resolve? It always remains fixed on mobile band search17:22
ah2srapidwave: also, make sure you restart apache after you install php17:23
tomreynmattia9393: so you're saying that the sim card you had on your thinkpad x240, running ubuntu 18.04, fails to connect to the mobile network without you making any changes (it worked fine before). And that cross testing this sim card with a different one (fro your smartphone) shows that your laptop can still get online on mobile networks using a sim card, just not the one you had there before. Is this correct?17:29
mattia9393tomreyn is correct17:30
tomreynmattia9393: then the cross testing seems to indicate that the sim card you had on the laptop is the problem.17:32
tomreynTalk to the provider, ask them to replace it.17:32
mattia9393I can not figure out where the problem is. Because if I put the card that I use on the PC to the smartphone it works and if I put the card I use on the smartphone at the pc it works.17:34
tomreynmattia9393: if the card you used to have on the laptop stopped working there, and another card still works there, then it does suggest this to me. you ruled out that a software change introduced this issue by testing a different sim card successfully on the laptop.17:37
tomreynso it should be a hardware issue.17:37
tomreyn(note that it could also be a thermal issue, where the sim card stops working if ti gets too hot on the laptop, but it doesn't get this hot on the smartphone.)17:39
tomreynanyways, we pretty much ruled out software, and that's the only thing this channel is about.17:39
OerHeksis there a lease active, when switching pc<>phone17:40
OerHeksspoof your mac perhaps? but you claim it did work before17:40
AlexPortablecan someone help me getting hibernate to actually restore my windows?17:41
OerHeksAlexPortable, did you try the guide? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/Hibernate#swsusp_Troubleshooting17:43
OerHeksthere are tons of reasons why it can fail, chipset, or - settings,..17:43
kunjiOerHeks: I think I tracked down why it is looking for that... at some point a .desktop file was created in ~/.local/share/applications for ImageJ, named ImageJ2.desktop and it specifies that icon location.  That's a relief.17:44
AlexPortableOerHeks: how cn i figuer out my swap partition?17:44
Cheezrapidwave: it's worth noting that the "mysql" extension in the classic sense of the term has been removed from php for a long time now17:44
Cheezthere is mysqli and PDO, PDO has drivers for mysql17:45
Cheezbut the mysql extension that provided the mysql_ functions was removed a long time ago17:45
OerHeksswapon -s ( show)17:46
kunjiAlexPortable: You mean to adjust the size/existence of a swap space?  You can use Gparted... but make a backup first if you're going to be moving/resizing existing partitions.17:46
OerHekskunji, good find!17:46
AlexPortablekunji: no i mean pointing grub to my swap partition for hibernate to work17:46
AlexPortablefile rather17:46
AlexPortableand what keyboard layout do i need so i can type the word -won't- with the t appearing (without having to press space), while keeping it possible to write nó without having to press spacebar. sortof when ' is pressed and a vowel is typed, put it on the vowel17:47
AlexPortableif ' is pressed and the next key is a consonant, it should just show the ' and the consonant. If the ' is pressed and the next key is a vowel, it should put the ' on the vowel, for example á è û17:49
AlexPortableIḿ using US international with dead keys (which should be the correct layout), yet I fail to get it to work17:49
bryanroderyckhi im having security issue when downloading tor17:50
lordcirth_!details | bryanroderyck17:51
ubottubryanroderyck: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.17:51
hggdhAlexPortable: this is an artifact of the US-international layout. You should press space if you want the actual ' (or ", or ~, or `) to be used17:52
AlexPortablewell i should for vowels, but not for consonants17:52
AlexPortablefor example ' + t = nothing, until i press spacebar and then the t17:52
hggdhAlexPortable: ' plus c results in ć...17:52
AlexPortablei dont wan tthat17:53
AlexPortablei want vowels only17:53
bryanroderyckim on ubuntu 16.04 and im having a message of security before the tor bundle browser downloading end17:53
AlexPortablebryanroderyck: waht security message?17:53
kunjiAlexPortable: No idea about the keyboard.  About Grub, I don't think Grub needs to know where they swap partition is.. or if it does then it is responsible for finding it.  swap is only mentioned 5 times in the manual and none seem to be in that context https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub/grub.html    The community help wiki doesn't seem to say anything about that either https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Troubleshooting17:53
tomreynbryanroderyck: and how are you downloading, and where from (copy url)?17:53
bryanroderycka message saying the tor bundle browser cant cntinue17:54
bryanroderyckalso iget the wifi paswword message all the time ...is thata virus ?17:55
kunjiAlexPortable: Ah, this may help though https://superuser.com/questions/383140/linux-grub2-how-to-resume-from-hibernation  You can find the XY he refers to with 'sudo fdisk -l | grep swap'  Should be something like /dev/sdxy, x will be a letter and y will be a number.17:57
OerHeksbryanroderyck, how do you install the tor browser, what guide do you follow?17:59
kunjiAlexPortable: Ah, nvm, I get what you're doing now, OerHeks had the answer.18:00
bryanroderycki have intall the browser from the ubuntu software18:00
OerHeksoke, that is depreciated18:01
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en18:01
kunjiHmm, seems that those two warnings were only warnings, having removed those .desktop files so gnome-software is no longer trying to load those icons, now all it does is segfault with no other message.18:03
kunjireinstalled, same thing happens, the segfault happens just after the Editor's Picks icons load.18:04
bryanroderycki have use the command to install but doesnt work18:08
AlexPortableany suggestions to fix the keyboard layout?18:09
AlexPortableand maybe multitouch18:09
bryanroderyckits install manually but doesnt work when irun from terminal18:09
ioriakunji, grep 'segfault' /var/log/syslog18:10
kunjiioria: Feb 25 21:01:02 kunji-Lenovo-YOGA-900-13ISK kernel: [324936.864430] pool[11225]: segfault at ffffffffffffffb8 ip 00007fd543f46b97 sp 00007fd51fdfb938 error 5 in libappstream-glib.so.8.0.6[7fd543f2a000+42000]18:11
kunjiioria: Anything I can do do about, or might as well leave it be (I should upgrade to 18.04 in the next few months).18:11
ioriakunji, gnome-software --prefer-local18:12
kunjiioria: Should help, but I guess there are still some issues https://askubuntu.com/questions/1039290/ubuntu-software-crashes-upon-loading-editors-picks-icons18:13
kunjiioria: Thanks, I'll make do, I rarely open it anyway.18:14
ioriakunji, ok18:14
kunjiOerHeks: Thanks for your help as well.18:14
tomreynbryanroderyck: if you want to use the Tor Browser Bundle, download it here (only): https://www.torproject.org/download/download-easy.html.en - this is not supported here, though.18:15
ioriakunji, prefer-local should prefer local file sources to AppStream18:15
kunjiioria: Makes sense18:15
tomreynbryanroderyck: this said, there are other ways to use tor on ubuntu, but they will be less safe when it comes to protecting your privacy.18:15
ioriakunji, you can remove the apt version and try the snap one18:16
kunjiioria: Oh... I didn't realize that would have a snap, that should work18:16
AlexPortableOerHeks: your suggestion didn't yield any success, just brings up a new session like i never pressed hibernate18:16
AlexPortable`GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash resume=/swapfile"`18:17
ioriakunji, wait, is older 3.27.418:18
bryanroderyckthanks tomreyn18:18
kunjiioria: yes, 3.20.5-0ubuntu0.16.04.1118:18
_alx_forgive me, I'm not sure where to ask this question. I'm using 7z to uncompress an archive and its gotten very slow. It's been at 99%, taking minutes for each file ending in .desc (started saturday). It's only using 1.7-5.9% of the CPU, and memory is also fine, what could be taking so long?18:18
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compdoc_alx_, maybe your cpu does not support AES18:19
kunji_alx_: Could be I/O18:19
kunjicompdoc: wouldn't that cause high cpu usage though?18:20
compdocpossibly so18:20
_alx_compdoc: even if it use to be fast? I think it does. How would I test that?18:21
_alx_kunji: interesting also, how can I test that?18:21
compdocit worked fine? was there an update?18:21
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kunji_alx_: By installing and running iotop, needs to be run with sudo.18:22
_alx_compdoc: no, the archive is fairly large (100gb) but the first 99% (200,000+ files) were very fast, and now it takes minutes each file.18:22
kunji_alx_: is that 99% by number of files or by the disk size?18:23
kunjiThat is, the disk space they occupy.18:23
kunjiMaybe the biggest files are last?18:24
_alx_kunji: should be, but it's at over 350k+ files now. It's being done on an external hd with plenty of space =. The files should all be very small but the .desc extension I don't know what that is18:25
compdoc_alx_, open the System Monitor, then Resources tab. is it using lots of swap?18:25
_alx_compdoc: 25.7%18:25
compdocnot horrible, i guess18:26
compdoc_alx_, what cpu you have?18:26
_alx_compdoc: https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/64900/intel-core-i7-3615qm-processor-6m-cache-up-to-3-30-ghz.html18:32
_alx_compdoc: I could run it on my other machine that has a 4770k18:33
compdocIvy Bridge, but still pretty fast18:33
compdocit has aes18:34
compdochow much ram? you ever read the drive's SMART info?18:34
_alx_compdoc: 16gb ram, and it says SMART is not supported on the external drive where its trying to extract everything18:35
compdoc16G should be plenty18:36
_alx_compdoc: it's a public archive if you want to try?18:36
compdocdoes it extract from the same drive its writing to?18:37
compdoccan you store the file internally, and extract to the external?18:37
_alx_sure, but i feel strange about stopping the process that's already running because it's been running for so long already18:37
compdocoh, thats ok18:38
_alx_what if it just too another hour18:38
compdocI have a fast desktop with no externakl drives, so they might not compare18:38
kunjiwhich archive?18:38
_alx_kunji: https://archive.org/details/wiki_imslp_org_2014010618:40
leonardusif my ubuntu installation is encrypted, is there a point in doing a "secure erase" on files, or is deleting them enough?18:40
kunji_alx_: "Be aware that this XML dump is partially broken."18:40
_alx_kunji: is it possible he meant the dump would take almost 2 months to decompress?18:41
lordcirth_leonardus, depends, if the key is ever compromised, then they could be recovered. 'shred' might be safer.18:41
leonarduslordcirth_, but if someone stole my computer and didn't know the key, there's no way they can be recovered?18:42
lordcirth_leonardus, unless they brute force, steal, or guess your password.18:42
lordcirth_"shred -n1 -z -u" is what I usually use18:42
kunji_alx_: I don't know if it will ever decompress if it is partially broken.  The .desc files are probably description files, maybe from Avid or something like that.18:43
lordcirth_It's also technically possible, though very unlikely, that AES-256 will suddenly be broken. Also possible for there to be a bug in LUKS or the scripts aroun it (it did happen once)18:43
leonarduslordcirth_, that happened? where can I read about that? sounds interesting18:45
_alx_kunji: so you're suggesting ask for or wait for a new data dump?18:46
kunji_alx_: Oh, hmm, what he says isn't quite clear.  The XML dump is corrupted... so I guess it should extract still but some will be corrupted.  I'm not sure if he means that or if he means the zipped one is corrupted, in which case it may not unzip properly.18:47
_alx_kunji: I thought he meant the xml files were corrupted, not the dump itself18:47
kunji_alx_: Is the torrent version zipped?18:48
_alx_kunji: yes18:49
lordcirth_leonardus, trying to find it, it's hard to google18:49
_alx_kunji: I will try something else18:50
_alx_kunji compdoc thank you for your time!18:50
ccmhi! @everyone19:00
ccmIs this general?19:02
hggdhccm: we see you. Please just ask your question19:03
ccmOk Thanks19:03
Exterminadorstupid question: can I create network interfaces and assign a specific process to it?19:04
ccmI was thinking of setting up a slack community, I was wondering if it was "ok"19:04
ccmI want to create one, but I dont know if it is legal+ok with community members+ok with canotical+ubuntu19:04
leftyfbExterminador: only if the application support binding/listening it's services to a particular interface/ip19:05
ccmhggdb: Do you know someone I can talk to about this?19:06
hggdhccm: probably yes, it will be OK, as long as you do not mis-use possible trademarks/copyrights. But this is not the place to discuss it (this channel is reserved for *support* of Ubuntu)19:06
ccmWHere can I discuss it?19:06
hggdhccm: I personally do not, anymore. Try asking on #ubuntu-discuss, or #ubuntu-offtopic. They might know, there19:06
ccmis there a community channel?19:07
hggdhccm: ah, yes. #ubuntu-community-team, methinks19:07
ccmHggdh: The other channels are frozen😣19:10
flusheddataHello, has anyone been able to sign with GPG in Ubuntu 18.10's LibreOffice?19:37
=== flusheddata is now known as help
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Guest34533Hi ya'l19:45
flusheddataHi, ya'l19:46
flusheddataI need some help on Ubuntu 18.10/LibreOffice/GPG19:47
flusheddataFor some reason I cannot sign LibreOffice documents using Open PGP Certificates19:48
flusheddataIt works ok with X509 certs tho19:48
flusheddataAny Spanish speaking user here?19:49
mustmodifyI have ubuntu 18.04 server on my dev machine. Through my own genius, somehow I uninstalled all my networking stuff... dhcp utilities are gone. ifconfig works, but shows only two network... 'lo' and 'docker'. I burned a DVD of Ubuntu server. I don't want to completely reinstall because, as my 10 year old daughter says, that would be poop. I just want to use it "apt-get install ubuntu-server", which presumably includes networking.19:49
OerHeksflusheddata, add yourself to this bugreport https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice/+bug/177268319:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1772683 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "[snap] Cannot sign a document, gpg keys are not listed" [Medium,Triaged]19:51
flusheddataOerHeks thanks you19:51
jorge_hola a todos19:51
OerHeksread to the end, there are snap and debs issues, not sure the state of the standard LO debs19:52
black_13what is the best way to to remote into an ubuntu linux system for osx19:52
leftyfbblack_13: ssh19:52
xamithanxubuntu system for osx?19:52
leftyfbxamithanx: I think they're referring to osx as being the client19:53
black_13vnc ? or better from osx to ubuntu19:53
xamithanxOh,  so from osx19:53
OerHeksssh, vnc perhaps19:53
flusheddatamustmodify: have you tried sudo apt-get install --reinstall network-manager19:53
compdocmustmodify, you might never have installed the utils youre talking about. have you tried setting up netplan?19:53
mustmodifyflusheddata: no, let me give it a shot. I wasn't sure what package names to use.19:53
mustmodifycompdoc: networking has been working for several years. I certainly uninstalled it.19:54
mustmodifyrestarting, as I was in the install CD's UI19:55
mustmodifythat's interesting. "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - resource temporarily unavailable"19:57
mustmodifybut I just restarted.19:57
OerHeksthat means unattended updates are running?19:58
OerHeksjust wait a minute, and try again19:58
johnfghi folks19:58
mustmodifywhat does the --reinstall flag do?19:59
mustmodifyNM, I'll just ask `man`19:59
johnfgI wanted to install ubuntu-server-18.04 in a dual-boot system, on /dev/vg0.19:59
mustmodifyOK, it worked this time.20:00
mustmodifyBut it didn't work.20:00
johnfgHowever, when I boot the live dvd and get to the part of the install for choosing where to install, it doesn't give me the option to select an existing vg or lv.20:00
johnfgAm I missing something?20:00
mustmodifyI must have purged, because it says it needs 13 NEW packages.20:00
mustmodifySo either I need to get this machine to use networking even without network-manager installed, which would be interesting, or I need to use the DVD as a source for apt-get, or I need to reinstall JUST THE OS...20:01
mustmodifyOr as a last resort, wipe and reinstall everything.20:01
mustmodifyPretty much in order of preference, though the first two should be swapped.20:02
=== pav is now known as phd
compdocyou dont need network-manager. I used to remove it20:05
compdocnow I just ignore it20:05
mustmodifyok, well...20:06
mustmodifythat's fine but I do need to get a DHCP lease.20:06
compdocsetup netplan20:06
mustmodifyI'd rather get the old stuff working again. :)20:08
compdoc18.04 has not been around for several years. just a few months. netplan is a new thing, and Ive read breifly that updating from an earlier OS will try to convert it for you20:08
leftyfbupgrading keeps ifupdown in place20:09
mustmodifySo ... I see apt-cdrom20:09
mustmodifyWait, what package(s) do I need to get normal DHCP working? presumably isc-dhcp-client20:10
mustmodifywhat else?20:10
cmcintoshhey gang i have a single USB external drive, I am looking to install linux on20:12
cmcintoshdo I need to get another smaller usb for the boot installer?20:12
cmcintoshor is there a way to just install it onto the single USB somehow?20:13
xamithanxI've used virtual machine with .iso file and usb passthrough to install before20:13
xamithanxNot ideal but didn't have a 2nd usb or cd|dvd at the time20:13
lordcirth_cmcintosh, you want a full, read-write ubuntu install? Other USB, DVD, or VM with usb passthrough are all options20:13
cmcintoshah so like load up the iso onto Virtualbox can do it then20:13
lordcirth_I've also done debootstrap, but that requires an already-working Linux install20:13
lordcirth_yeah. You will need the PUEL-licensed extension pack to Vbox for USB passthrough20:14
cmcintoshah crap20:15
cmcintoshor rather20:15
cmcintoshnot sure what that means20:15
lordcirth_cmcintosh, what OS are you on right now?20:16
cmcintoshi have a windows 10 box20:17
compdocIve tried booting ubuntu from a usb, but after awhile the usb stick would always start having issues. even on brand new ones. does ubuntu have the option of minimum writes, like some other OSes have?20:17
lordcirth_cmcintosh, you need this extension: https://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/6.0.4/Oracle_VM_VirtualBox_Extension_Pack-6.0.4.vbox-extpack20:18
ioriacmcintosh, if you burn the iso on usb pendrive with rufus and install on the external drive, you'll be up in 20 minutes20:18
cmcintoshi dont have a second USB atm20:19
cmcintoshand its 1am :/20:19
cmcintoshrather 4am20:19
cmcintoshah i think i have that one installed already the VB ext that is20:20
lordcirth_cmcintosh, ok. then you should be able to use USB passthrough to pass the external drive into to VM, boot the iso, and install20:20
lordcirth_cmcintosh, is this a USB hard drive or a flash drive?20:21
mustmodifyso I did `sudo systemctl start networking`  and it complains that "/dev/stderr: No such device or address"20:23
mustmodify... which seems odd.20:23
compdocdid you install anything? that missing stuff you said?20:24
mustmodifynothing yet.20:24
mustmodifyI'm still trying to get apt-get working from the cdrom20:24
mustmodifyI used apt-cdrom and that seemed to work, but apt-get still fails.20:24
compdocjust create a netplan file. its easy. we can help you20:25
mustmodifyBut ... sorry to be dense... if I use netplan, then the next step would be to start networking, right?20:25
compdocno. you apply the config and it orks20:26
mustmodifyI see.20:26
mustmodifySo it won't need to create something at /dev/stderr ?20:26
cmcintoshthanks again lordcirth_ save me a wait for the store to open ;)20:26
compdocyou would never create anything there20:26
mustmodifyI thought not.20:26
mustmodifyBut I tried to start networking and the error I got was "cannot create /dev/stderr: No such device or address"20:27
mustmodifyAnyway, netplan.20:27
compdoctype 'ip a'   does it list your nic?20:27
demiseedhey yall20:27
demiseedcan someone tell my why im getting a permission error when trying to ./ on a fresh vps?20:28
compdocwhat is the name of the nic?20:28
demiseed-bash: ./manage.py: Permission denied20:28
demiseedbut am running as root ? ;d20:28
geniiis "manage.py" set executable?20:29
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demiseedgenii i think so?20:31
compdocgreat. type cd /etc/netplan  to switch to that folder20:32
mustmodifycompdoc: https://photos.app.goo.gl/NCwKMhqAS3MHrdz1620:32
compdocyou have 2 nics?20:33
mustmodifyI thought I was having an issue with my onboard one, but then it turned out it was the router.20:33
mustmodifyI'll uninstall it if that removes confusion.20:33
compdocok, what files do you see in  /etc/netpla20:33
mustmodifyI don't have /etc/netplan20:34
compdocthis is 18.04?20:35
mustmodifyI updated from 16 if that matters.20:35
mustmodifyIt was not a great experience.20:35
compdocso then you use /etc/network/interfaces20:35
compdoccan you post that file on pastebin?20:36
mustmodifyok, I have stuff in that file.20:36
compdocthat looks correct for those nics, although dhcp can assign the nameservers20:40
compdocyou sure your dhcp service is working?20:41
mustmodifyIt is not working.20:41
mustmodifythat's the problem.20:41
compdocon your router, or whatever20:41
mustmodifyI'm on a PC plugged into the same router.20:41
mustmodifywhen I `ping` I get "Network is unreachable"20:42
mustmodifyso it's not just DHCP.20:42
mustmodifyI uninstalled other networking stuff, apparently.20:42
compdochow about setting the ip address manually? you just need to use the same settings as your working pc, except a different ip20:42
compdocyes, theres no addresss20:43
compdocshows in you pic20:43
compdocwhats the ip of your current machine?20:43
mustmodifyThat machine was at .1820:43
compdocjust a sec20:44
mustmodifycurrent machine is
vernohello, i just used OS-Uninstaller to uninstall windows from my dual boot, but i cant boot any OS anymore.20:46
compdocmustmodify, try this    https://pastebin.com/gzeYvfSH20:48
compdocfor /etc/network/interfaces20:48
OerHeksverno, use the live iso to reinstall grub? see ubottu20:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:48
compdocmustmodify, oops, thats wrong20:49
compdocuse the same nic in both places20:49
mustmodifyok, now what?20:51
mustmodifyin progress.20:52
compdocthen ip a, and see if that nis has an address20:52
vernoOerHeks, thanks20:53
leonardusI'm helping a friend learn Ubuntu, is there any remote desktop software I can use so I can see what he's doing and show him how to do stuff?20:53
flusheddataCan someone sign LibreOffice documents with GPG in Ubuntu 1820:53
vernoleonardus, google Timeviewer20:54
mustmodifycompdoc: It does; but when I ping, it's 'Destination host unreachable'20:54
flusheddataleonardus: The easy way: 1) Teamviewer, 2) Anydesk20:54
flusheddataBoth are very similar. Anydesk is founded by former Teamviewer team members20:55
compdocmustmodify, is that gateway ip correct?   gateway
flusheddataBoth are easy to setup and straight20:55
mustmodifyI'll verify20:55
mustmodifyoh, no. Let me fix that.20:55
mustmodifysurprisingly, the gateway shown on windows is
compdocthen you need to change that20:56
mustmodifyyep, already done and rebooting20:56
Charlie4friendhello :) My laptop is running epiphany os. currently wifi download speeds are coming out at 20mbps whereas phone and other laptop are showing 50-55mbps. where to start in addressing this?20:57
compdoccan you ping
flusheddataCharlie4friend: It depends on your machine's wifi hardware. Your laptop is probably quite old, isn't it?20:58
Charlie4friendflusheddata whats the terminal command to show network adapter?20:58
mustmodifyIT WORKS!20:59
mustmodifyThanks compdoc.20:59
mustmodifySo ...20:59
mustmodifySo what now?20:59
compdocyour machine sounds messed up, but not completely gone :)20:59
mustmodifyI mean, presumably I shouldn't be using a static IP.20:59
mustmodifyOh good.20:59
OerHeks!cookie | compdoc20:59
ubottucompdoc: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:59
compdocyou shouldnt need to, but no problem using it20:59
compdocsudo apt update, to start. but you might need to do more than that21:00
mustmodifyI did update, thanks.21:01
compdoci dont know how to reinstall network components21:01
mustmodifyHey, just being up is a big deal. Thanks.21:01
compdocif any device on your network uses that address,, things will get wonkey21:02
lunatikoshello ! i would like to add a sudo command at boot... how can i do please, i'm newbie.21:02
JimBuntulunatikos, man /etc/rc.local ?21:05
mustmodifyThanks again compdoc21:06
mustmodifyLikely there would have been a LOT of random-attempts-at-whatever before that got solved.21:06
compdocsure. good luck21:07
lunatikosjimbuntu added it to rc.local "ntfsfix /dev/sdb1"21:11
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lunatikossry i was away :s21:11
jjbuggleyear of desktop question: how do I reduce an image size?  I need it to go from 4mb to under 3mb21:11
JimBuntulunatikos, that looks right to me.21:11
lunatikosgimp ?21:11
lunatikosok i gonna try jim i come back after boot21:11
lunatikosback, jim, it don't work :(21:13
Charlie4friendsorry for noob question. for basic daily usage would you reccomend installing an antivirus for epiphany os? thank you21:14
lunatikosi would like to "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1" everytime im on desktop21:14
lunatikosat boot21:14
OerHeksepifany os is not supported here, but generally no21:15
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using Samba). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:15
OerHekslunatikos, why would one fix a filesystem standard on boot?21:15
lunatikoscause i tried chkdsk on windows and there no errors, but hdd refuses to mount on linux, except if i do ntfsfix command.21:16
compdoc chkdsk is horrible to run on disks, except to fix files21:17
compdocjsut read the SMART21:17
lunatikosi have projects on windows hdd i would like to have access on both windows / linux... (i have no dual boot, i do boot in bios)21:17
lunatikossmart is to control hdd health no ?21:17
JimBuntulunatikos, did you put the command above the exit command ?21:18
lunatikosabove = up ?21:18
compdocnot control it. its used to read info about the drive, like if its dying21:18
JimBuntuyes, earlier in the file21:18
JimBuntulunatikos, then that is why. Your added commands need to come before the exit command21:18
compdocyou using ubuntu now?21:18
jjbuggleis there a way to convert a pdf to jpg?21:19
lunatikosi do "exit = 0"  (enter) then "ntfsfix ...." ?21:19
JimBuntulunatikos, other way around please21:19
lunatikosi have ubuntu21:19
compdocopen the disks utility21:19
lunatikosplz help me, it has been 3 days with no success :(21:19
JimBuntulunatikos, it should be your command ( enter ) then exit 021:19
JimBuntudon't type in the 'then' sorry21:20
lunatikosadded "exit=0" to rc.local21:20
JimBuntuOnce it's working well enough, someone can help you with WHY you are having this issue. I'm betting Windows isn't actually being powered off and is actually doing that fastboot thing, which leaves NTFS drives in a 'dirty' state21:21
lunatikoscompdoc, now in disk util i do what ?21:21
lunatikosah ! exit 021:21
OerHekshttps://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-fsck@.service.html and enable it:  uuid=.... 0 0  to 0 121:22
compdocselect the drive in the list, and in the upper right of the window, there's 3 short bars. click that and select SMART DATA etc21:22
lunatikosi have no smart data21:23
lunatikosno, sata21:23
compdocyou might need to enable smart in the bios then21:23
compdocthats a shame21:24
lunatikosi think its on, i reboot fast...21:24
compdocwas it off?21:28
lunatikosrc.local wont work. smart was activated, but sata hot plug was disabled so i enabled it for all..21:29
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compdocdont think that matters for samrt21:29
lunatikosmy disk tool21:30
lunatikosif i click active it wont boot, saying acpi error21:30
compdocI dont think thats right. its the gnome-disk-util21:31
compdocthat looks different21:31
lunatikosi have 18.10 i think21:31
lunatikos(it has jack audio + gimp + libre office included..)21:32
compdocdo you see smart as an option anywhere? right clcik?21:32
lunatikoshow do i download it "disk-utility" ?21:32
compdocsudo apt install gnome-disk-utility21:33
compdocyes, now click the little gear icon upper right21:36
lunatikosok then ?21:36
compdocselect smart. show a pic of that21:36
compdocis that the boot drive?21:36
compdocthat drive is perfect.21:38
compdocno problems21:38
lunatikosnot the boot drive, its astorage21:38
compdoccheck all your drives21:38
compdocreallocated sectors value should = 021:39
lunatikosall ok21:39
compdocsmae with pending sectors21:39
compdocgood. hard drives and ssd can begin to fail and show reallocated sectors. you have to replace the drive then21:40
lunatikosall ok 021:40
lunatikosreplace ?21:40
compdocif they have more than zero reallocated sectors, then the drive is dying21:40
lunatikosthey all 021:41
compdoci replace a lot of failing drives for my customers21:41
compdocthey go bad a lot21:41
lunatikosso why it doesnt mount ?21:42
compdocits ntfs21:43
lunatikosso ?21:43
compdocin the disks program, slect the drive, then select the large partition in the image, and click the start button21:43
lunatikosthen ?21:43
lunatikos(play button right ?)21:44
compdocdoes it show mounted?21:44
compdocyes, play button21:44
lunatikosit refuses to mount21:44
lunatikosit does nothing21:44
lunatikosstatus is not mounted21:45
compdochow abuot the 2nd partition?21:45
compdoci cant tell how large those are21:45
lunatikosall stay not mounted21:45
lunatikos1 go21:46
lunatikos*1 To *21:46
lunatikos2 to21:46
compdochow many partitins does it have? just 2?21:46
lunatikosssd 500 go21:46
lunatikos4 to21:46
lunatikos1 on each disks21:46
OerHekshas it ever mounted, and were you able to read AND write?21:46
lunatikoson ubuntu 16 or 14 yes21:46
lunatikosnot in 1821:46
OerHeksi think you need exfat utils21:46
lunatikosbut never21:46
lunatikosexFAT allow more than 4 Gb files ?21:47
OerHekssudo apt install exfat-fuse exfat-utils21:47
OerHeksrestart nautilus \21:48
lunatikosnautilus is terminal ?21:48
lunatikosfile ?21:49
lunatikosi reboot ?21:49
compdocused to browse files21:49
lunatikosexFAT format allows + 4 Gb files ?21:50
lunatikos(movies x264 etc...)21:50
OerHeksyes, it is their next generation filesystem.21:51
QwertyChouskieHalp! https://i.imgur.com/QWQsuKX.png GTK2 theming broke21:51
lunatikosi do what with file browser now ?21:51
QwertyChouskieAnd I have a bunch of stuff up so I don't want to reboot21:51
OerHeksbut your screenpost says so, so i guess you had to install these before in 14.04 and 16.0421:51
OerHeksnow mount that sdb again, in your filemanager, or manually21:52
lunatikosi must reformat the NTFS data in exFAT, and recopy folders in exFAT ?21:52
compdocshould just work with the magic of linux21:53
lunatikosit refuses to mount in file browser21:53
compdocif not, try to reboot and see if Disks program can mount it21:53
lunatikosok i reboot21:53
OerHeksgood, then that ntfs is corrupted, but not by windows... now think.21:54
lunatikosno it wont mount21:56
lunatikosin chronology there is fat < ntfs < exFAT ?21:56
lunatikosin chronology there is fat32 < ntfs < exFAT ?21:57
compdoclunatikos, I dont mount ntfs disks in nix very often, but i just google how to with the version  of ubuntu21:57
lunatikosi not found21:57
lunatikosthe better is i format in exFAT then i re-copy all files in no ?21:57
compdocI would think you need to load ntfs utils rather than exfat21:58
lunatikosi got ntfsfix21:58
lunatikosif i type "sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdb1" it mounts21:58
compdocexFAT is a file system that was created to be used on flash drives like USB memory sticks and SD cards.21:58
catbeardanyone have a command to return the apt package name given a full path to a file?21:59
lunatikosif ntfs filesystem is the pb i can reformat in exFAT then copy back files...21:59
lunatikosif exFAT is compatible by both win10 & ubuntu22:00
OerHekslunatikos, no, your ntfs drivers should be fine, there might be something else what corrupts your partition, like malware22:00
OerHeksin windows22:00
lunatikoshow i can do ?22:01
lunatikosi launched eset, malwarebytes and rogue killer..22:01
lunatikosall clean22:01
Bashing-omcatbeard: ' dpkg -S <full_path> ' do ya ?22:01
lunatikosi have a kaspersky bootable disk22:01
lunatikosthe better is i format no ?22:02
lunatikosin exfat22:02
OerHeksif there is no data on it, you can22:03
OerHeksbut that is not a fix22:03
lunatikosthere iare datas, i can copy back on later..22:03
lunatikosok i gonna format in exFAT22:04
lunatikosi added you to contact OerHeks and compdoc22:05
lunatikos... too much time i passed trying to fix the pb, the job, my projects awaits.22:05
lunatikosu agree with EXFAT format ?22:06
compdocme? I dont use it, so cant say22:07
lunatikosi use kaspersky rescue disk to try to heal the partition 1st ?22:08
lunatikosext4 is not compatible with windows 10 ?22:08
compdocthats an AV, dont think it can repair. open the drives in windows. or boot the Ubuntu dvd live and try22:08
VitoGhi compdoc22:09
compdocI heard something about win10 and linux file systems recently22:09
lunatikoswhat filesystem i should use to work both in win10 and linux ubuntu ?22:09
compdocbut usally not. ext4 for nix, and ntfs for windows22:09
compdocand zfs for really large22:10
lunatikosexFAT is ok for both ? + files + 4 Gb ?22:10
GOAtiahi all please help, I have some issues with updating, editing of repositories. 1. The "software & update" icon/program is nowhere to be found on my system. 2. I tried a sudo update and upgrade command and an error "N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details." therefore I am unable to see or access any repositories. Running Ububtu 18.1022:10
=== xerox123- is now known as xerox123
lunatikosexFAT is ok for both ? + files + 4 Gb ?22:10
lunatikosfiles > 4Gb22:11
catbeardi need to install nvidia drivers on bunsenlabs linux, gtx 1050 4GB model22:11
catbeardneed to run cuda-z22:12
lunatikosi format in ubuntu and click "usable by windows" ?22:12
compdocsounds good to me22:12
lunatikosbut its ntfs again..22:13
compdocbut can you mount it22:13
lunatikos"fat" format in disk utility is exFAT or fat 32 ? i need files > 4gb.22:13
compdoctry to mount it22:14
lunatikosi click fat in disk utility ?22:15
compdocformat in ubuntu and click "usable by windows"22:15
lunatikosbut can't mount if ntfs22:16
compdoctry it22:16
lunatikosthere also a choice "other"22:16
compdocyou couldnt mount those weird partitions. maybe you can mount a proper partition22:16
lunatikosok i gonna try22:17
GOAtiahi all please help, I have some issues with updating, editing of repositories. 1. The "software & update" icon/program is nowhere to be found on my system. 2. I tried a sudo update and upgrade command and an error "N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details." therefore I am unable to see or access any repositories. Running Ububtu 18.1022:19
lunatikosi'll tell you mates, i added you in contacts... seeya22:19
lunatikosbye ! nn22:19
lunatikos(i gonna do it now..)22:19
nacc_GOAtia: don't paste parts of messages, instead use a pastebin and provide the complete output from `sudo apt update`22:20
OerHeksGOAtia, are you behind a proxy?22:20
cekHow do I specify which cert to use for dkms module signing?22:20
OerHeksdkms module signing .. all i know is MOK utils22:21
catbeardok just installed xserver-xorg-nvidia i think and rebooted as instructed, now it doesn't let the mouse or keyboard do anything on login screen22:22
GOAtiaI shall use the pastebin in future sorry, I am new at linux and Hexchat still have a lot to learn, wrt to the proxy I am not sure, how do I find out? I am connected directly to the fibre router22:23
lunatikoswhat i can use to format in exFAT ?22:31
GOAtia?? where do I find this Pastebin ?22:33
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
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GOAtiaOh I see :)22:35
GOAtiaOK, I just pasted the command lines, should I send the address ?22:39
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xamithanxIf you want people to see it,  yeah22:40
Bashing-omGOAtia: If you want us to see what you want us to see, then yes ,, post that link :)22:40
GOAtialol cool sorry first time https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XR2TBQCRQj/22:41
Bashing-omGOAtia: :) ... All a process of learning.22:41
OerHeksthere are no cosmic candidates, remove that repo and you are fine22:42
GOAtiaThats my problem I cannot access, edit, alter or remove repos.. the "Software & Update" icon/program cannot be found on my system22:45
xamithanxdo it manually22:45
tomreynGOAtia: can you open a temrinal?22:47
tomreynGOAtia: which graphical desktop do you run there?22:47
tomreynkde, gnome?22:48
tomreynGOAtia: still around?22:49
GOAtiayea I dont know where to check22:49
tomreynwhen you installed ubuntu, did you download it from ubuntu.com.com, or some other site?22:50
tomreynerr ubuntu.com22:50
GOAtiaFrom ubuntu.com22:50
CountryfiedLinuxI logged out of a live session on Ubuntu Mate. What's the user name and password to log in?22:50
bobdobbsI want to lay out and print some stickers on my home printer. I've got printing set up. What software should I use for laying out a page for printing?22:50
tomreynGOAtia: type this in the terminal: software-properties-gtk22:51
tomreynGOAtia: then press enter22:51
compdocyou can take the linux out of the coutry, but you cant take the country outta linux. my pappy used to say22:51
tomreynGOAtia: does this bring up the software settings you were looking for?22:51
GOAtiacommand not found :(22:52
tomreynbobdobbs: i'm not really good at this, but i guess a vector graphics application.22:52
GOAtiasorry typo22:53
tomreynGOAtia: so you got the software properties GUI now?22:53
tomreynthe window with those settings opened?22:53
GOAtiayes finally22:54
tomreynGOAtia: you can right-click the icon on the panel and add it to favorites22:54
OerHeksbobdobbs, openoffice/libreoffice gives all sorts and standard printer sticker formats, also businesscards and such22:54
bobdobbsOerHeks: thanks. I'll give that a shot :)22:55
tomreynbobdobbs: inkscape would be the standard for editing vector graphics, i would think.22:56
tomreynbobdobbs: but it might be oversized, and maybe lobreoffice draw is easier in the end.22:56
OerHeksoh, that is creating the graphics, yes22:56
bobdobbstomreyn: I kinda know my way around inkscape. But would it really be the best for printing stuff?22:56
OerHeksi read to print on;22:57
tomreynbobdobbs: i would not know, have a lack of experience there, sorry.22:57
tomreynbobdobbs: Maybe Inkscape to create the graphics, then LO Draw to lay them out on the page.22:58
GOAtiaYAY thanks man :) I will be able to try and sort it out from here22:59
bobdobbsLO Draw?22:59
tomreynubuntu's office suite22:59
GOAtiaThanks for the help guys22:59
tomreynGOAtia: you're welcome. make sure "sudo apt update" returns no warnings or errors in the end.23:00
OerHeksubuntustudio-graphics  ~-video and ~-publishing  are pretty good https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntustudio23:01
OerHeks-photography gives darktable too23:02
amazoniantoadcan anyone invite me to #programming?23:21
leftyfbamazoniantoad: that's not what this channel is for. Go to #freenode for help with other channels23:22
amazoniantoadleftyfb, thanks23:22
bobdobbsis there a printer management ui on ubuntu?23:33
bobdobbsI think I've print job stuck. I'd like to delete it so I can... print something else23:33
xamithanxthere is a cups windows23:35
bobdobbsxamithanx: this is a gui? how do I access it?23:36
xamithanxit is called print-manager on kde,  not sure on gnome23:38
tomreynbobdobbs: settings -> devices -> printers23:38
tomreynthat's if you'Re on a current ubuntu (gnome-shell)23:38
jeremybThen there is localhost:631 in a web browser23:39
bobdobbsthanks :)23:41
bobdobbsdamn. I tried cancelling all three jobs in the queue. The dialogue responded by hanging, and the printer spat out a page of semi-printed garbage23:42
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puxavidaI have xbuntu 18.10 installed on a laptop. The resolution is too small so I changed the scaleing to x2, but now top of the applications hide under the top panel.  Is there a way to adjust this?23:57
eater9Hi, running ubuntu 18.04 and twice now in the last week, in the middle of the workday, the root filesystem has suddenly become read-only. I have to reboot from a live disk and fsck it. What the heck could be causing that?23:57
puxavidaapplications do this when super-right arrow or maximize23:57
tomreyneater9: broken storage, check smart data23:58
tomreyn!smart | eater923:58
ubottueater9: smart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools23:58
OerHekspuxavida, hold windows key & drag with L-mouse23:59
tomreyneater9: also see system logs (journalctl)23:59
tharkunGood $DAY, I am looking for some versions of several daemons running under ubuntu. Where can I look into that information?23:59
tomreyntharkun: on a nearby random number generator?23:59

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