[06:53] where can I find disco -server.iso? like http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04.2-server-amd64.iso [06:55] CarlFK: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/ this? [06:57] lotuspsychje: yep - thanks [06:59] CarlFK: keep in mind 19.04 is non-lts right, for testing no prob, for production not reccomended [07:00] any idea why it is so much smaller than previous versions? [07:01] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases/18.04/release/ubuntu-18.04.2-server-amd64.iso 883M [07:01] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/pending/disco-server-amd64.iso 752M [07:02] sorry no, the #ubuntu-server guys might know that1 perhaps CarlFK [07:18] lotuspsychje: [07:18] opps. never mind that [08:43] Its been long since I done any testing, so want to be sure, is the terminal view feature during install has been removed? [08:44] guiverc: you might know this? ^ [08:45] pavlushka: you mean the progress of the install expanding during setup? [08:45] lotuspsychje: yes [08:45] didnt test myself, but i dont think they removed that [08:46] did you read this somewhere perhaps pavlushka ? [08:46] lotuspsychje: I don't see any on the yesterdays buils [08:46] build [08:46] ah [08:46] lets await someone who tested it recently :p [08:47] lotuspsychje: no but as there is not, so I was not sure if it a bug or as removed feature [08:48] yeah interesting notice pavlushka [09:01] lotuspsychje: please link me to the testing and filing issue page [09:20] !bug | pavlushka [09:20] pavlushka: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs. [09:45] pavlushka: you think its a bug on your side? [09:47] lotuspsychje: OK, you are asking me to be sure, I will [09:48] lotuspsychje: guiverc? [09:49] patience pavlushka lets await someone who actually tested a recent image [09:50] lotuspsychje: you could say !patience :p [09:51] pavlushka, what's the question? [09:52] okay, terminal view feature - not sure what you mean sorry [09:52] guiverc: lotuspsychje> pavlushka: you mean the progress of the install expanding during setup? [09:53] guiverc: the progress of the install expanding during setup? [09:53] sorry I don't know to what that refers... i'm lost [09:54] when you see the setup window at bottom you can 'unfold' the progress to a tty [09:54] guiverc: during install from ISO, there's a small terminal running under the setup window [09:55] guiverc: https://news-cdn.softpedia.com/images/news2/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-enters-feature-freeze-beta-available-march-28th-525085-3.jpg [09:55] the button is gone [09:55] if there is, was I don't know of it sorry, I walk away during install & only check to see if done.. [09:56] back to waiting pavlushka :p [09:56] lol [09:57] the likes to go away as it happened during the 16.04 testing as well [09:57] i'm zsync'ing an iso now; when I qa-test it I'll look (it's 16.04.6 so maybe it'll have it), if i see & understand I'll respond again [09:59] lotuspsychje, very clear pic - I didn't notice it earlier today (another qa-test), but I'd not probably watch that (like a kettle boiling?) [10:00] yeah not every user will unfold details usually [10:00] but as pavlushka i always unfold myself [10:00] not that its very handy but.. [10:01] yeah, seems like something really is happening :p [10:01] mostly you see skipped progress lines [10:01] it would have been really interesting if you could follow the whole progress in CLI [10:02] lotuspsychje: but sometimes for an install issue, it helps [10:02] true [10:02] pavlushka: did you compare LIVE vs INSTALL ? [10:03] lotuspsychje: you mean direct install vs loading the live env and then install [10:03] ? [10:04] yeah [10:06] lotuspsychje: no, I did a direct install [11:58] pavlushka, won't help sorry, but the 16.04.6 desktop installer has the bar (preparing, installing & bar slowly filled) [12:00] guiverc: and the disco-dingo don't and it is just a removed feature you are saying? [12:01] nah sorry I don't recall for 19.04; today/last-few-days is 16.04.6 for me (closest release) [12:02] ok, who is dealing disco-dingo? can you refer? [12:05] pavlushka: keep in mind we still in development mode right now right, things can still break [12:05] feature freeze is end of march.. [12:08] you know what ill test myself, gimme 10min pavlushka [12:09] lotuspsychje: are you hooked up to the server directly? 10 mins? [12:10] no? [12:10] few minutes iso, then burn, then install === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy [12:31] pavlushka: burning :p [12:46] pavlushka: its working here [12:47] lotuspsychje: good to know, may be something went wrong here or got fixed today [12:48] pavlushka: i actually see the setup moving now [12:48] so its improved :p [12:48] cool [12:51] Hi folks [12:55] pavlushka: was it 19.04 desktop you tryed right? [12:56] yes [12:56] disco dingo [12:56] might have been a glitch indeed [12:57] seeing tons of NVRM errors on that setup now lol === ErichEickmeyer is now known as Eickmeyer === lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje [18:24] lotuspsychje: about the artwork, is that a dingo? doesn't look like one [18:25] pavlushka: as i said earlier, we still in development mode now [18:25] pavlushka: so it looks a lot like cosmic still [18:27] lotuspsychje: I was like what? and yes today's iso has the show progress button (zsynced again) [18:28] cool [21:07] tried to launch ubuntu-software-center, packagekit crashed, software-center listing nothing, are these incidents correlated? likely but I usually use apt, so less familiar with it. [21:53] it's well possible. logs may help you get more info.