
didrocksgood morning06:17
seb128good morning desktopers07:01
didrockssalut seb12807:04
seb128lut didrocks, matinal aujourd'hui!07:06
seb128ça va ?07:07
didrocksseb128: ça va, oui, matinal :) je voudrais finir le truc Go aujourd'hui07:13
didrockset toi ?07:15
seb128moi ça va aussi, c'est tjs le printemps aujourd'hui :)07:22
didrocksoui, 18°C aujourd'hui ici07:23
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:19
didrockssalut oSoMoN08:21
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, ça va?08:21
didrocksça va, et toi oSoMoN ?08:22
oSoMoNmieux, le rhume commence à se dissiper, et il fait un temps de printemps ici, c’est agréable08:23
dufluMorning didrocks, seb128, oSoMoN, world08:31
dufluor part of world08:32
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu08:32
oSoMoNhow are things?08:32
dufluoSoMoN, a spike of code reviews and conflicts to deal with. Not fun. I just have to give up and leave some of it for another day08:33
dufluYou oSoMoN?08:33
didrockshey duflu08:33
oSoMoNduflu, not fun indeed :/ business as usual on my end, dealing with libreoffice and chromium build/test failures, I do a lot of that these days08:34
didrocksa lot of failures ? ;)08:34
dufluoSoMoN, you are our hero08:34
dufluor one of them, to be fair08:35
oSoMoNdidrocks, few failures, but too often :)08:35
didrocksheh ;)08:35
oSoMoNduflu, allow me to return the compliment, your tireless work on performance fixes makes a huge difference08:36
dufluSome day they will08:36
dufluIt's glacial movement08:37
willcookemorning all08:54
jibelHi willcooke08:54
dufluMorning willcooke08:54
didrockshey willcooke08:55
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke08:55
oSoMoNsalut jibel08:56
jibelSalut oSoMoN08:56
* popey glares at jamesh for a blank store page https://snapcraft.io/portal-test08:57
popey(also, good morning)08:57
popeywould be nice to link to the source of that snap from the store page :)08:58
seb128hey willcooke popey08:58
oSoMoNgood morning popey08:58
oSoMoNsalut seb12808:59
seb128lut oSoMoN, en forme ?08:59
oSoMoNmieux, le rhume s’estompe, et toi?08:59
seb128un peu le rhume et qq bleus après une chute en vélo hier mais sinon ça va, c'est encore l'été aujourd'hui :)09:00
oSoMoNI've found a place to work from, with good wifi and decent coffee, while I'm waiting for suspension to be changed on my car09:01
oSoMoNhullo Laney09:01
dufluHallo Laney09:01
oSoMoNseb128, ouch09:01
oSoMoNautopkgtests all green for LO 6.2 \o/09:02
seb128well done!09:04
dufluLaney,  (back on the mutter proposal) I am trying to make maintenance easiest. So before switching to multiple patches to solve a single bug, would you accept one clean patch covering the diff of both? It seems that what I did for the same bug in disco09:05
dufluAlso copying the patch directly from gitlab was an attempt to simplify maintenance :)09:06
Laneyhi duflu09:07
LaneyI think it's best if one Debian patch corresponds to one commit upstream, but if you don't like that then fine I guess09:08
dufluI feel that's going to create more confusion and headache here, which I assume is also your motivation09:09
dufluHappy to make a patch that's tool-friendly though. One header per patch09:09
LaneyI mean I'm happy to talk to you about why I'm saying this, but I'd rather you didn't accuse me of trying to make things confusing09:10
seb128hey Laney, how was the quiz?09:10
Laneyhi seb128 (& oSoMoN too)09:11
Laneywas good, we got 16/16 on the picture round09:11
seb128impresssive :)09:11
Laneyit was local pubs09:12
Laneyhow are you?09:12
seb128I'm ok, fall with the bike yesterday at lunch and I did scratch my hand and hurt  bit my leg, nothing serious but I had to postpone the tennis match I was supposed to play yesterday evening, shame because the weather is really nice this week09:14
seb128well, it could have been worth so I'm not complaining (too much)09:15
Laneyhope it doesn't bother you for too long09:17
seb128thx :)09:17
didrockshey hey Laney09:17
didrocksseb128: urgh :/09:18
willcookemy woe: Boy #2 now has Chickenpox and was awake most of the night :(09:19
didrockshow old is he already?09:20
seb128they have a sign about it at the childcare, some kids got ir recently09:20
didrocksquite good to have this at this age though09:20
didrocksmy brother had it at 16, wasn't fun09:21
Laneymoin didrocks09:21
willcookeWe could have bought a vaccination, but it was like 130quid, and my kids aren't worth that yet09:21
jameshwith the vaccine available, better to avoid it all together if possible09:21
jamesh(I didn't enjoy it when I was young)09:21
didrockswillcooke: heh, price is raising up with the investement (so time and food ;)) you put in09:21
didrocksI even didn't know there was a vaccine09:21
willcookePiriton is working well09:23
acheronukhas anyone tried installing in German lately? all the proposed language combinations on keyboard selection page look very wrong09:25
seb128acheronuk, that's probably the same as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/181745309:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 1817453 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity is not well translated into Spanish" [High,New]09:29
seb128(retitled now and rls-dd-incoming it now09:31
acheronukseb128: thanks. I had seen that bug listed, but it sounded like they meant the whole UI from reading just its title09:31
acheronukclearly not09:31
seb128the screenshot indicated the same issue that what you describe, the title/initial description was confusing09:32
* acheronuk nods09:32
Laneygood to find installer bugs in a week that's not release week :>09:32
seb128let's see now if it gets ignored until release week!09:32
* Laney was just picturing fixing it in a room in Blue Fin09:33
seb128I can confirm the bug in a french install09:34
seb128Laney, your dream can still be true :)09:34
didrocksif that's biggie in french, it's going to be fixed before release week :p09:34
Laneynew rule should be that English people don't have to fix anything that is to do with foreign stuff09:35
* seb128 reboots, brb09:35
Laneyalso this was on the news today https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-4733437409:35
oSoMoNLaney, but you're Irish, aren't you?09:36
LaneyoSoMoN: yeah, best of both worlds - ignoring things I don't want to do while at the same time having an unlimited Guinness supply09:38
acheronukdidrocks: https://i.imgur.com/FA44sSo.png09:39
seb128duflu, you can't reproduce bug #1817546 with gnome-shell 3.31 from disco-proposed?09:53
ubot5bug 1817546 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Disco) "Changing the volume (with the mouse wheel over icon) locks up gnome-shell" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181754609:53
seb128it's easy to trigger here09:54
dufluseb128, no I can't09:54
seb128you use 3.31?09:54
seb128that's in disco-proposed only atm, not disco09:54
dufluseb128, oh I was testing bionic. So I have no opinion. But it's also confirmed by others already09:54
seb128right, I was just wondering why you request an apport-collect log09:55
seb128the bug is confirmed/understood, the request is just going to annoy the reporter for no benefit from what I can see09:55
seb128(also often those apport-collect tend to not be very useful since that doesn't collect the journal errors & co)09:56
dufluseb128, that was to check for extensions which is usually the problem. So my request was justified. I do answer many more bugs than I have time to reproduce. I know in this case that was the wrong answer but for the greater good, this approach means many bugs get progressed which otherwise would never get an answer at all09:57
seb128duflu, ok, fair enough09:58
seb128I personnally disagree with the method but not enough to try to convince you, let's call it personnal preference09:59
dufluseb128, oh sorry, I did test 3.31 and it works here09:59
dufluSounds like maybe confined to 3.3010:00
seb128k, weird, mouse wheeling scroll on the sound indicator does lock the shell here with the sound icon stucked in the middle of the screen10:00
seb128no, it's a 3.31 regression10:00
seb128that's when reports started and the version I can confirm with10:00
seb128anyway, Marco has it on his backlog so it's going to be handled, don't worry about it10:00
* duflu continues scrolling volume and can't make it freeze10:02
seb128well, then it doesn't impact every install10:03
dufluseb128, it's likely my dev environment shell isn't talking to the pulse daemon properly so I might expect a freeze to be in the call to Pulse10:03
dufluthe GUI appears to work even when there is no connection10:04
seb128it's blocked in a10:08
seb128#6  0x00007fdeebb1373a in ca_context_cancel () at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc10:08
seb128   anberra.so.010:08
seb128<emit signal ??? on instance 0x7fdedc006510 [GCancellable]>0x7fd10:08
duflu<insert joke about our nation's capital>10:11
* Laney sweeps up the tumbleweeds16:36
clobranohey all o/16:58
clobranosoriano just accepted this MR https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/ShellExtensions/desktop-icons/merge_requests/10116:59
clobranoI wonder what's the process for accepting this change in 19.04. Is there something I can do? Like SRU?16:59
gitbotShell extensions issue (Merge request) 101 in desktop-icons "Use GTK theme selection color for selected file-item and rubberband" [Merged]16:59
Laneyclobrano: We'll get another upload of all the changes from desktop-icons git soon17:05
Laneythx for working on that!17:05
Laney(if they do a tagged release, would be nicer)17:05
clobranoLaney: great! About the tagged release, should I ping them?17:09
Laneyclobrano: maybe ask if there's a plan, wouldn't want to rush them otherwise17:10
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seb128clobrano, that's more of a bugfix so no need of special exception to land that in any case17:20
clobranoLaney, seb128: alright, I'll just ask :)17:27
willcookenight all19:03

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