
juliankseems I messed up the livecd-rootfs change yesterday - no packages are marked as automatically installed by the minimize-manual script. Just uploaded a fix :)08:04
juliankit was so obvious, ugh08:05
juliankhad to do s/continue/pass/08:05
juliankinfinity: turns out we can't really test the change either, as nothing seems to pull in ubiquity from a metapackage in disco, so its dependencies never get marked in the first place.08:06
dokooSoMoN: I uploaded your packages, plus fonts-liberation2 for the security pocket (no-change upload)09:04
oSoMoNdoko, I saw that, thanks! there was a suspicious amd64 build failure in the PPA (all other arches built fine), I retried the build09:05
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dokooSoMoN: odk/CustomTarget_javadoc.mk:33: recipe for target '/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/workdir/CustomTarget/odk/docs/java/ref/javadoc_log.txt' failed10:50
oSoMoNdoko, yes, that's the same error as last night, looking into it now10:51
dokojavadoc: error - The code being documented uses modules but the packages defined in http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5/docs/api/ are in the unnamed module.10:51
dokooSoMoN: looks like the missing javadoc backport that we already had for disco10:52
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oSoMoNdoko, so https://salsa.debian.org/libreoffice-team/libreoffice/libreoffice/commit/ff9d43e60d872a54a0982b3572e6f2085c09ddf5 should fix it, I'll add that patch and re-upload to the PPA11:02
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ahasenackwhat's the trick again to use a variable like $ARCH in debian/<pkg>.install files?14:55
ahasenackit was another debhelper iirc14:55
ahasenackor should I just use * instead of the arch name?14:55
* ahasenack looks for it14:56
ahasenackusr/lib/*/pmdk_debug/libpmem.so.1* usr/lib/${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}/pmdk_dbg/14:57
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infinityjuliank: ubiquity isn't pulled in via metapackage in *any* release.  If you're operating under the assumption that that's the cause of the bug, your assumption's wrong. :)16:08
juliankinfinity: well, there was some suggests or something from somewhere in a cycle or something16:08
juliankI don't remember the analysis16:09
infinityjuliank: Not ubiquity itself.  It's the top level of that chain.16:14
juliankinfinity: The chain was xubuntu-desktop -> indicator-messages -> ubiquity-frontend-gtk (via provides inidicator-renderer) -> ubiquity -> cryptsetup & lvm16:16
julianksome of those are recommends, some are depends16:16
juliankoh, maybe I should ook at the xubuntu build log16:16
juliankyeah, that one is visiting ubiquity, but that does not happen in ubuntu itself16:18
infinityjuliank: Ahh, kay.  The metapackage isn't what installed it, but it happened to provide something for somehting in the meta's chain.  Check.16:18
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ahasenackdoko: ok, now I hit the problem you brought up in samba-technical@17:18
ahasenackdoko: do you have a link to the fedora packaging which has the patches?17:29
dokoahasenack: https://src.fedoraproject.org/  but as I wrote, they don't have the patches. the one rh guy pointed to the old patch17:32
ahasenackyeah, just cloned, no patches17:38
ahasenackdoko: without those patches, do we have a way out of this?17:39
ahasenacksomething like a symbol file per arch, if that is even enough to fix it?17:39
dokoyes, per arch should work as well17:40
ahasenackno, the symbols having the architecture17:40
ahasenackor did you mean a dh-exec trick for the symbols file?17:40
dokono, dh-exec doesn't work with symbols files17:41
ahasenackdoko: so I would include symbols for all arches in the symbols file, but prefix them with (arch=<arch>)? or what is the trick?17:43
ahasenackdo we have something like this already in the archive somewhere?17:43
dokolibffi.so.7 libffi7 #MINVER#17:44
doko (symver)LIBFFI_BASE_7.0 3.3~2018031317:44
doko (symver)LIBFFI_CLOSURE_7.0 3.3~2018031317:44
doko (symver|arch=!hppa !ia64 !m68k !riscv64 !sh4)LIBFFI_GO_CLOSURE_7.0 3.3~2018031317:44
doko (symver|arch=!hppa !ia64 !m68k !mips !mipsel !mips64el !powerpc !powerpcspe !ppc64 !ppc64el !riscv64 !sh4)LIBFFI_COMPLEX_7.0 3.3~2018031317:44
doko (symver)LIBFFI_BASE_7.1 3.3~2018031317:44
ahasenackdoko: I wonder if the #include trick could help. From the manpage:17:48
ahasenack            (arch=amd64 ia64 alpha)#include "package.symbols.64bit"17:48
ahasenacklooks like it's just one17:49
dokoyes, would just use six lines for that one symbol17:51
ahasenackwhat about the first line of the symbols file, which is the library name? It has $arch in its name17:52
ahasenacklibpytalloc-util.cpython-37m-x86-64-linux-gnu.so.2 python3-talloc #MINVER#17:53
ahasenack PYTALLOC_UTIL.CPYTHON_37M_X86_64_LINUX_GNU_2.1.16@PYTALLOC_UTIL.CPYTHON_37M_X86_64_LINUX_GNU_2.1.16 2.1.1617:53
dokoso, just six separate symbols files17:53
ahasenackdo we need some sort of foo.symbols.in file and render that?17:53
dokolike the current libffi is doing that17:54
dokohave to run now ...17:54
ahasenackok, thanks, I'll look at libffi17:55
ahasenackdoko: 23 symbols files, that ought to be fun :)17:59
ahasenackdoko: got it done for talloc, using per-arch symbols files, and an #include directive to keep it less repetitive, seems fine19:56
ahasenackthanks for the tip19:56
ahasenacklike https://git.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/talloc/tree/debian/python3-talloc.symbols.amd64?h=disco-talloc-2.1.1619:57
dokoahasenack: yeah, but upstream is insane, and doesn't listen ...20:04
ahasenackthe guy from fedora seems aboard20:04
ahasenacknot upstream, but if two (three) big distros push for it, we might get it20:06
seb128vorlon, oh, you also mentioned curl on the desktop iso yesterday, it looks like it's due to gettext which Recommends curl | wget, if we prefer wget we should have it listed first21:49
vorlonseb128: well, wget should have been pulled in already earlier due to it being in standard; so it might be we should do some seed surgery rather than adding a delta on gettext21:54
seb128vorlon, right, unsure what's the best way there22:17
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