
runelind_qI have the 19.01 ppa imported.00:00
tomreynrunelind_q: https://docs.ubuntu.com/landscape/en/ReleaseNotes19.01#upgrade-notes00:18
cpaelzergood morning05:25
lordievaderGood morning07:22
zetherootrying to install Ubuntu 18.04 server on md0 ... what am I doing wrong? http://tinypic.com/r/5b5w2c/911:06
FalcHello, I'm trying to do an expert install (priority=low), using the ubuntu-18.04.02-server.iso, using UEFI.11:22
Falcat boot I have a black screen to select what install I want and I do know I need to hit 'e' to edit the boot command, but it's not clear where in that command I need to put the 'priority=low'...11:22
ahasenackgood morning11:36
ahasenackzetheroo: hi, I'm not sure, can you switch to a console and grab the installer logs and open a bug about it?11:37
ahasenackfor some reason it was trying to do stuff to sdb2, but you said md011:38
zetherooahasenack: trying now not as UEFI11:39
zetherooI'm just wondering my this is not a lot more automated ... as in ... 1. select two disks for Raid 1 ... 2. Create md0 ... 3. Install Ubuntu server to md0 and all needed partitions are automatically created ...11:40
ahasenackwell, it is11:41
ahasenackdid you try to put /boot in md0?11:41
ahasenackthere is bug #1785332, but that's not a crash, so yours might be still different11:42
ubottubug 1785332 in subiquity "18.04.1 can't put /boot on SW RAID or LVM" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178533211:42
zetherooI am going to try to follow this doc https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/advanced-installation.html.en11:46
zetheroothis ^ documentation seems outdated11:58
zetheroofrom step 2 "Select the first hard drive, and agree to "Create a new empty partition table on this device?"."11:59
zetheroothat doesn't happen11:59
ahasenackI suspect that is for the other installer12:00
zetherooseems to have been written with the older installer in mind12:00
ahasenackthe old d-i one12:01
zetherooit's pretty normal to want a raid install ... pity it's such a hassle with Ubuntu :/12:02
ahasenackzetheroo: you shouldn't be seeing a crash, which iso have you used?12:03
zetheroothe latest12:03
ahasenackhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/18.04.2/ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso?_ga=2.113316356.269976443.1551182643-138997716.1541676447 is the latest12:04
ahasenackwithout ga :)12:04
ahasenackright, so two disks, uefi?12:04
zetheroo2 disks  - uefi  - but now trying legacy12:04
zetherooboot and swap are normally outside the raid ... no?12:05
ahasenackI'm just trying that with a vm now, uefi mode12:07
zetherooI can't make heads or tails from the Manual partitioner ... :/12:11
ahasenackthe classic one, or from this live-server iso we just linked to?12:13
ahasenackI also just got a crash, but different than yours12:17
ahasenackI think I used incorrect partition sizes, even though I typed in the exact number that was given as a max12:17
ahasenackbottom line, you need to create partitions on the disk, unformatted, with which you will create the md0 array later12:18
zetherooyeah, but what about the boot partition and swap?12:18
ahasenackso I was trying first /boot, outside the array, then used the rest for an unformatted one12:18
zetheroodo they get created outside the md?12:18
ahasenackI wasn't creating swap12:18
ahasenackyou could create it outside the array, or use two extra unformatted partitions for a raid0 md1 perhaps12:19
ahasenackand there create swap later (md1)12:19
ahasenackthe installer will automatically create /boot/efi after you created /boot12:19
ahasenackbut, and I think this is an open bug, this won't help you booting your system if the disk with /boot fails, afaik you can't raid /boot with uefi12:20
zetherooand you cannot select "Make bootable" on the md012:20
ahasenackzetheroo: http://i63.tinypic.com/qnjin4.png is my layout12:21
zetheroo1. create unformatted partition on both disks spanning the entire disk space. 2. Create raid1 with both disks and unformated partitions. 3. ??12:23
zetherooDo I make a 512MB ext4 /boot partition on the md0? I don't think that will work with uefi ... or?12:23
ahasenackno, create /boot outside the raid12:24
ahasenackso create one partition for /boot on one disk12:24
ahasenackon the other, I would create a partition of the same size, but leave it unformatted, just to keep the disks equal12:24
ahasenackthen create, again on both disks, an unformatted partition that will be md012:25
ahasenackand, if you want, another one for md1 or swap12:25
ahasenackthen create the md0 raid, using the big unformatted partition from both disks12:25
ahasenackand in md0, create /12:25
zetheroook, pretty sure that's what I have been doing all along12:26
zetheroowill try again12:26
ahasenackbe conservative in the sizes12:27
ahasenackif the installer says something like "max size is 18.9823G"12:28
ahasenackdon't use that exact value, I think there are rounding errors12:28
ahasenackuse 17G, for this example12:28
zetherooMake bootable device creates /boot/efi12:28
zetherooand then installer doesn't like this ... it wants /boot12:29
zetheroobut won't uefi want /boot/efi?12:29
ahasenackI wouldn't worry about that, I think the installer handles those kinds of details12:29
ahasenackand I don't think a bootable partition matters with uefi12:29
ahasenackbut I could be wrong12:29
ahasenackI just don't remember worrying about marking a partition as bootable12:30
zetheroothen why is there an option to make a disk bootable?12:30
ahasenackdon't know12:30
zetherooit creates /boot/efi as fat3212:30
ahasenackmaybe a leftover from mbr12:30
ahasenackyeah, the efi part is [v]fat[32]12:30
zetherooso /boot as ext4  ... how is that supposed to work?12:31
zetheroodid this work for you?12:31
ahasenackI usually use ext2 for /boot, but ext4 works too. I don't think there is even an ext2 option in there12:31
zetheroonah, same error every time12:34
zetheroofailed to remove holders from ..12:35
ahasenackthen please file a bug here https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+filebug12:35
ahasenackattaching the files from /var/log/installer/12:36
zetheroogoing to try out with Legacy12:36
ahasenackzetheroo: this layout worked for me now, I was a bit more conservative with the sizes: http://i67.tinypic.com/1zcj1ip.png12:39
zetheroolegacy also failed12:41
zetherooahasenack: so you think it's an issue with overbooking the disk space?12:42
zetheroothat would be really wierd12:42
ahasenackthe fact that legacy also failed might indicate something else is going on12:43
ahasenackwe can only help more if you file a bug with the logs, and exactly how you are partitioning the disk12:43
ahasenackthat does look like the size you picked was too much12:47
ahasenackthat ending number, after the 2048 one12:47
zetherooI didn't pick a size ... I let the partitioner take as much as was available12:47
ahasenackyou didn't type in a value?12:48
zetherooin the Size field?12:49
ahasenackyes, when creating the partition12:49
ahasenackwhere it says what's the max available size you can use12:49
zetheroono ... I leave it black and it automatically takes the max there is unused12:49
ahasenackyou have to input a value, or does it accept an empty value?12:49
ahasenackI see12:49
ahasenackcan you try inputting a value, just 1Gb below the max advertised size, to test?12:50
zetherooat which point though ... before making the md0 or after when making the ext4 ?12:50
zetherooext4 at / that is12:50
ahasenackzetheroo: I get the same when I don't pick sizes12:52
ahasenackzetheroo: in all points, although I think the first one (creating the partition that will hold the md0) is more important12:52
zetheroohere is the partitioning layout and the error https://ibb.co/5WP9fkx12:57
zetherooand this was with being conservative with the partitioning of the unformatted partitions for the raid12:57
ahasenackzetheroo: I filed https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/181790412:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1817904 in subiquity "crash when not selecting partition sizes" [Undecided,New]12:57
zetherooSo for now I guess installing Ubuntu server on md raid is a no-go ...12:59
ahasenackdo you have a launchpad account, and could you attach your screenshots to that bug?13:00
zetheroodoing it now13:01
ruben23https://pastebin.com/y2saS4uw  <------ hi guys i have a weird problem, i install ubuntu server with USB it went through and finished the install but when i boot with HDD drive the ubuntu server wont load but if i plug the USB it will load and i get this  on the storage is my USB used as the system for ubuntu or the HDD Drive - any help guys Thanks13:08
ahasenackruben23: when you say it won't boot with the hdd drive, what exactly happens? If you plug the usb back in, and it boots from there, don't you just get the installer again?13:10
ruben23ahasenack: after the install so i removed the USB drive, then boot with C: drive, nothing happens just booting process but when i plug sa usb installer it boots on the newly installed ubuntu server i can login with credentials already13:15
ahasenackwhat do you mean "nothing happens just booting process"13:16
ruben23its pretty weird i tested it reboot with USb works perfectly then without wont load at all, any help please, based on the df -h storage display does the usb drive plays role on the bootable part or does the system detects it.? ahasenack:13:16
ahasenackis your bios configured to even try to boot from the disk?13:16
ruben23yes its already booting from Drive C: as first boot13:16
ahasenackwell, unless you have a 1.8Tb usb disk, that df output shows your hard drive13:18
ahasenackwhat is the 1.8Tb disk?13:18
ruben23yes thats my drive13:18
ruben23my usb is 16GB only13:18
ahasenackone of the options when booting the installer is to boot from the "first hard disk", you might be using that to boot into your installed system13:19
ahasenackor, it might be detecting that's the case, and auto-selecting that option for you13:19
ahasenackthat being said, it should definitely boot from your hard disk on its own13:19
ahasenackif it's not doing that, sounds like the grub installation step failed13:20
zetherooahasenack: is there a non-live installer for Ubuntu server 18.04?13:20
ahasenackzetheroo: yes13:20
ahasenackdidn't you try it already? When you said you tried the legacy installer?13:20
ruben23ahasenack: but during the install of grub no error appears at all it completes the install process, so i cant boot my server without USB being plug now :'(13:21
ahasenackhttps://www.ubuntu.com/#download "use the traditional installer"13:21
ahasenackwhich eventually links to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/18.04.2/release/ubuntu-18.04.2-server-amd64.iso13:21
ahasenackzetheroo: ^13:21
ahasenackruben23: i would do whatever it takes to boot, then run grub-install giving it the correct device13:22
ahasenackruben23: I refrain from giving you an exact command line because dealing with disks, grub, and partitioning, can lead to loss of data if done incorrectly13:22
ahasenackbut that's the gist of it13:23
ruben23ahasenack: the server is brandnew no data at all yet please help me13:23
zetherooahasenack: every way I try I get the live download13:24
zetherooor should I be using the Alternative Ubuntu Server installer ?13:25
ahasenackzetheroo: I gave you an exact link13:26
ahasenackruben23: try "grub-install /dev/sda" after you booted into your installation via the usb disk then13:26
ruben23Installation finished. No error reported.13:27
ruben23should i reboot now with no usb.?13:27
zetherooahasenack: oh doh .. sorry13:28
ahasenackruben23: yeah13:29
ruben23should i pull usb now before reboot.?13:30
ahasenackpull it at the bios screen13:30
ruben23oh ok13:30
ruben23doing now13:30
ruben23woooooh it works...simply wow13:33
ahasenackmaybe grub was installed in /dev/sda1 before, instead of /dev/sda13:34
ruben23ahasenack: Thank you so much for this help, anything i should need to do and adjust to the server.?13:34
ahasenackregarding boot, if it worked, I guess not13:34
ruben23ahasenack: Thanks you so much i thought i was doomed :) really thank you13:37
ahasenackgood luck :)13:37
rbasakahasenack: in https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/squid/+git/squid/+merge/363726, does debhelper definitely install debian/squid.tmpfile correctly?13:41
ahasenackrbasak: yes, it ends up in /usr/lib/tmpfile.d13:42
ahasenackI didn't know about that feature13:42
ahasenackand there are many files in there already13:43
ahasenacklook in dh_systemd_enable(1) for example13:43
ahasenack       debian/package.tmpfile13:43
ahasenack           If this exists, it is installed into usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/package.conf in the package build directory. (The tmpfiles.d mechanism is currently only used by systemd.)13:43
ahasenackalso handled by dh_installinit13:44
rbasak+1, thanks13:44
ahasenackrbasak: cpaelzer: any suggestion on how to make this line in <pkg>.install  multi-arch friendly?16:31
ahasenackI tried dh-exec, and ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH}16:31
ahasenackbut that variable expands to (on amd64) x86-64, and not x86_6416:32
ahasenack(or the other way around, anyway, the difference is "-" vs "_")16:32
ahasenackI could always use * instead of the arch bit, but I fear that might match too many things. Not at the moment, though, but in the future16:34
ahasenackor maybe use some ${} expansion tricks16:34
rbasakahasenack: I don't know, but I'm  curious to know the answer. I've hit that before :-/16:58
ahasenackrbasak: I checked ${} expansion rules in dash, nothing like sed to replace _ with -16:59
ahasenackrbasak: I'm going with a simple globbing for now :(16:59
ahasenackhttps://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/Implementation also didn't have hints16:59
ahasenackrbasak: I'll email ubuntu-devel@17:01
=== Serge is now known as hallyn
rbasakahasenack: does http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/64Rj2Td3nN/ seem reasonable to you as a pin file for the certbot SRU?17:53
rbasakIt seems to work.17:53
ahasenackrbasak: hm, my pinning know-how is not in my warm cache17:54
ahasenackrbasak: checking https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed17:57
ahasenackrbasak: what's the regular xenial-proposed prio number?17:57
ahasenackdon't you need something to "downgrade" the other proposed packages?17:57
tewardi thought downgrades weren't automatic :P18:01
ahasenackI meant a downgrade in the pin-priority, aka, smaller number18:01
=== tif__ is now known as realtime
blackflowrbasak: why is certbot in Ubuntu "useless" because of TLS-SNI-01? Reading your mailing list announcement. Does it not already support http-01 and/or dns-01 ?20:18
sdezielblackflow: I don't know for sure but I believe that TLS-SNI-01 was the default validation method back then20:30
rbasakblackflow: in _16.04_, no other mechanisms were supported at release time.20:43
rbasakSo it'll become useless when TLS-SNI-01 is completely retired.20:44
blackflowrbasak: I see. I thought http-01 was the default and present in all acme clients, certbot included. I don't use it, that's why I don't know, I prefer the simplicity of dehydrated. but quite surprising if certbot didn't support http-01.20:54

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