
joser0913it worked!!! Thank you all. I'll use the spanish channel next time00:07
wxlwe're happy to help here but it should be easier for you to speak there :)00:08
Robb_I'm on Lubuntu 18.10. This is going to be my mom's laptop and I need to create a shorcut on the desktop for her to access LibreOfficeWriter. I don't know how to01:05
wxlRobb_: create a desktop entry and throw it in the desktop folder. make sure to set it as a trusted executable01:07
Robb_Thank you!01:09
wxloh here we go https://manual.lubuntu.me/5/5.2/desktop_icons.html01:09
aden_so when I right click my menu automatically disappears any help?03:25
lubot<JyotiGomes> Good Morning. Does the Lubuntu 1810 and 1904 have no drivers installed to pick up sound from the microphone? I tried to record a text and did not recognize the sound, as if the microphone did not work. Do I need to install drivers or some app?07:36
guiverc_dwhat software you were trying to record sound in JyotiGomes?07:38
diogenes_JyotiGomes, look in pavucontrol > input devices if the microphone is detected and if the sound level is moving07:38
guiverc_dmy pavucontrol just says "No application is currently recording audio"07:41
diogenes_guiverc_d, i mean the input tab07:41
diogenes_not recording07:41
lubot<JyotiGomes> @guiverc_d [<guiverc_d> what software you were trying to record sound in JyotiGomes?], google docs ๐Ÿ˜Š07:42
guiverc_dokay sorry was looking at "recording" - in "input devices" i saw nothing till I selected "all input devices" , now yeah it sees I think the background of my 'ping' noise from hexchat07:42
lubot<JyotiGomes> (Photo, 1280x509) https://i.imgur.com/aOd6YEk.jpg google docs ๐Ÿ˜Š07:44
guiverc_dJyotiGomes:  `sudo lshw -C sound` shows what the kernel recognizes as my audio devices; I suspect your issue is this level (kernel modules, but I'm no expert there, #ubuntu may be better but not for telegram I suspect)07:44
guiverc_dI don't know gdocs (outside of text), it could be you have settings restricting use in your browser (if done thru that; i've used the heh-google for searches briefly to play, then disabled it as I didn't like browser having access to my microphone)07:47
lubot<JyotiGomes> After  sudo lshw -C sound, the output is:  ...   *-usb:1                    ...        description: Video ...        product: HP Webcam ...        vendor: Chicony Electronics Co.,Ltd. ...        physical id: 5 ...        bus info: usb@1:5 ...        version: 18.14 ...        serial: 0x0001 ...        capabilities: usb-2.00 ...07:47
lubot   configuration: driver=uvcvideo maxpower=500mA speed=480Mbit/s ...   *-multimedia ...        description: Audio device ...        product: Sunrise Point-LP HD Audio ...        vendor: Intel Corporation ...        physical id: 1f.3 ...        bus info: pci@0000:00:1f.3 ...        version: 21 ...        width: 64 bits ...        clock: 33MHz ...07:47
lubot     capabilities: pm msi bus_master cap_list ...        configuration: driver=snd_hda_intel latency=32 ...        resources: irq:131 memory:a4228000-a422bfff memory:a4200000-a420ffff07:47
guiverc_d!pastebinit |JyotiGomes07:48
ubottuJyotiGomes: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the ยซ pastebinit ยป package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit07:48
lubot<JyotiGomes> ok, my bad, sorry ๐Ÿ˜Š07:49
duga_duga_DIDZduga just want to say thank you for creating such an amazing O/S, the Lubuntu 18.10 release is the most beautiful, responsive and perfect Linux distro I have ever seen!13:23
duga_duga_DIDZgreat work guys13:24
duga_duga_DIDZabsolutely splendid13:24
duga_duga_DIDZthank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!13:24
=== ale is now known as Guest598
cdoublejji wonder if 18.04 will ever see a PPC release14:24
lubot<tsimonq2> @cdoublejj [<cdoublejj> i wonder if 18.04 will ever see a PPC release], No, sorry15:19
cdoublejjah 16.04 LTS still hasa few years ofl ife left in i think15:20
lubot<tsimonq2> Yup15:20
WishBoywhy the lubuntu.net is first that lubuntu.me on Google SERP ?15:47
lubot<tsimonq2> @WishBoy [<WishBoy> why the lubuntu.net is first that lubuntu.me on Google SERP ?], There's nothing we can do about it.16:15
lubot<tsimonq2> We've tried contacting Google to no avail16:15
lubot<tsimonq2> Lubuntu.me is official though16:15
cdoublejjand lubuntu.com is parked16:16
lubot<tsimonq2> Yeeep.16:16
tewardwow, parked for $7,000 o.O17:52
tewardthat's insane.17:52
teward(I was curious heh)17:52
geniiWe need to come to some international accord on domain squatting18:38
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=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
lubot<SamuelBanya> 7k for a domain is absolutely insane21:10
lubot<SamuelBanya> We'll need Canoical to step in for that21:10
aden_Uhh so after I install a .deb package it shows up and everything but when I launch it absolutely nothing happens ive tried minecraft, davici resolve etc nothing launches? Is there like a default app opener I have to install or something?21:20
wxlBUT installing .deb packages are not necessarily a supported way to get software21:20
aden_well then how do I fix that?21:20
wxlthe worst part about it is everyone deals with things differently21:20
wxlso there could be a plethora of ways to run software in general21:21
aden_well whats one way?21:21
wxlhowever, there's usually ONE way when it comes to the packages in the repositories21:21
wxlso generally, the rule is, install packages from the repositories21:21
aden_spit it out man21:21
aden_uhuh and?21:21
aden_then what21:21
wxlif you must get software from elsewhere, we don't support it. you generally need to look at their documentation to see how they say to run it21:21
aden_well its installed and shows up etc.21:22
aden_just dosnt launch21:22
wxlwhat does "shows up" mean?21:22
lynorianin menu?21:22
aden_when I type in the search bar it shows up21:22
wxlsomething could certainly be set up wrong21:22
lynorianor missing dependency21:23
aden_I use dpkg and gdeb neither worked21:23
wxlif you look at the .desktop file corresponding to that application, what's the Exec line?21:23
wxlyep could be dependencies, too21:23
aden_might just go back to ubuntu21:25
wxlit should work the exact same way21:25
aden_lubuntu is really hard to setup21:25
wxlit's the same underlying system21:25
wxl(at least when it comes to launching applications)21:26
aden_I never had problems launching .deb packages and programs in ubuntu only lubuntu21:26
aden_and theres barely any tutorial on it21:27
wxlthat sounds like correlation not causation21:27
wxlthe instructions to run software for ubuntu are the same for lubuntu21:27
wxllet's try to get specific here for a moment. what version of lubuntu are you on and what specific software (pick one) are you trying to run? give me a link.21:28
aden_how do I check the program log?21:28
wxlwhat do you mean by program log?21:28
aden_just the log in general21:28
wxljust like with any operating system i know of, there's no "general log" per se. /var/log/syslog is the closest there is, but that's not going to tell you the result of every application that ran.21:29
aden_i dunno21:29
aden_no errors nothing21:29
aden_just wont launch21:29
wxli've asked you two questions to try to help resolve your issue and you've not answered21:29
wxli'm not sure i can help you without understanding more21:29
aden_alright ill try and answer21:32
aden_Im on lubuntu 18.10 cosmic most recent version. Im trying to run davinci resolve 15. Im trying to use dpkg21:33
wxlgive me a link to this software21:33
aden_I used a simple script called makedavincideb also21:33
wxlwell jeez this isn't easy is it now21:34
wxldo you have something else that doesn't require me to give them all my information, etc. etc.?21:34
wxland maybe is already packaged as a deb file?21:35
aden_just type random stuff21:35
aden_it doesnt check it21:35
aden_it justredirects you to the download21:35
aden_sorry for my spelling21:35
wxlwell i'm incredibly skeptical of this script21:35
wxlwho provided that?21:35
aden_the internet21:35
wxlso not resolve21:35
aden_Im not sure21:36
wxlhow do you know that script actually works?21:36
aden_ummmmm I used it and it did21:36
aden_its not just davinci21:36
aden_its all the software on here21:36
wxlit works with what?21:36
aden_I mean I cant launch anything21:37
aden_thats .deb originally21:37
lynorianare you on irc from a different computer?21:37
wxlwhat is this script and why are you using it?21:37
aden_remote control?21:37
wxlthat's for debian21:39
aden_well every tutorial still said use that21:40
aden_ubuntu tutorials21:40
wxlthis is a whole degree of mess21:40
wxlso you're using an unsupported script to use some unsupported software21:40
wxland you're wondering why it's not working21:41
aden_wxl: no again every single software I have dosnt work21:41
aden_thats .deb21:41
wxlso you can't run firefox?21:41
aden_its already on here21:41
aden_everything thats on here is fine21:41
aden_or in the shop21:41
wxlthat's initially a deb package21:41
wxlyou know there is absolutely the possibility that the software you're trying to install is packaged wrong21:42
aden_ive tried 7 apps21:42
aden_none have worked though21:42
wxlhow about you give me the simplest and smallest one21:43
lynorianwhich 7 deb files from the internet?21:43
wxlyou know, one that's actually provided by the software developer as a deb file that's meant to work with ubuntu21:43
aden_i dunno ima just go back to ubuntu21:44
wxlok, good luck21:45
wxlheh that page has a "When Resolve doesn't start at all or exits immediately" including log file locations21:53

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