
sparrtomreyn: thanks for the links02:21
=== lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje
pavlushkaI ran "sudo apt update" but resource locked by other process, that means a automatic update is running in background.10:54
pavlushkaSo I thought about opening ubuntu-software-center but it is dormant (because the repo update is running in background) while software-updater is reporting me about the amount of update10:57
guiverc_dpavlushka, if it's been awhile, check you haven't another terminal open in another workspace waiting at a `sudo apt dist-upgrade` question (it's my most common reason for that message)10:58
pavlushkaguiverc_d: I know that case but no10:59
pavlushkaand my guess is after updating the system, the ubuntu-software-center will come to act, lets see, re-launched twice11:01
pavlushkaok, I got signed out from ubuntu-software-center11:02
pavlushkaso I signed in but still ubuntu-software-center is not responding11:03
pavlushkasigned in to both ubuntu-one and snap store, lets wait for it a while then11:05
pavlushkaok after few more relaunching, the Ubuntu-software-center came to live.11:21
pavlushkabut it took a long while11:25
pavlushkaand also the ubuntu-bug gui does not work which pops up after any crash, I just ignored the issue as random but it's not, had to report from terminal pointing /var/crash/file.crash, then it worked.12:48
bittin_Updated to Beta 3 today of 19.04 :)15:54
lotuspsychjenice bittin_ 15:54
lotuspsychjeand you like it?15:54
bittin_yeah with awesome as a wm15:55
pavlushkaand its still is a nuisance, https://youtu.be/dUAlA9x1gCQ19:44
pavlushkathe ubuntu-software-center ^^19:44
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=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
pavlushkaok, its updated in a way, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y56iMXBlJxg ubuntu-software-center issue20:43
OerHekswhile you have an root terminal open, you perform softwarecenter tasks.. hmm, that should give a warning20:48
OerHeksand you stop updates, ctrl C, why?20:49
pavlushkaOerHeks: just to retry in the software center to if it works21:39
pavlushkaOerHeks: "while you have an root terminal open, you perform softwarecenter tasks.. hmm, that should give a warning", I always keep a root terminal open for any privileged task, that should not and mostly does not interfere with package management21:42
pavlushkafor instance ubuntu-mate software-boutique works fine21:43
pavlushkaHeyla Bashing-om, nice to see you :)21:46
Bashing-omHey pavlushka - Just getting around :) .. Hoz things ?21:47
pavlushkaBashing-om: a little buggy :p21:47
Bashing-ompavlushka: Then not bored are you ?21:48
pavlushkaBashing-om: correct.21:48
Bashing-ompavlushka: Bug reporting time ?21:49
pavlushkaBashing-om: yes, coz I was bored :p21:49
Bashing-ompavlushka: Uh Huh .. I got a couple of bugs opened for 19.04 that I too am not making any headway with.21:51
pavlushkaBashing-om: one is confirmed, other is new of redshift, interesting21:55
Bashing-ompavlushka: Yup - got one for redshift also . 21:56
pavlushkaBashing-om: you are a terminal guy (everyone else here also is), if not for testing, redshift is a fancy thing for you for sure.22:01
Bashing-ompavlushka: Yeah ... terminal .. and is an aggravation that I can not get redshift working (xfce4). - there is nightshift on Gnome -22:03
pavlushkaBashing-om: I know you'll be happy to see me go (for some shut eye) :p22:06

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