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MilkmanDanAnyone awake who has an Ubuntuforums account?00:19
jeremybMilkmanDan: I am a UF moderator00:22
rawfodogIm locked out of my bios and am trying to turn on intel virtualization. I was wondering if there is a way to do this at the OS level? I have root.00:26
flembckehello, I am trying to install ubuntu on a android phone. Is this the right channel to ask the questions?00:27
tomreyn!phone | flembcke00:28
ubottuflembcke: Information about the mobile port of the Ubuntu platform (formely Ubuntu Touch) for Phone and Tablet is available here: https://ubports.com/. Support and discussion in #ubports00:28
Bashing-om!touch | flembcke00:28
flembckethank you.00:28
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tomreynrawfodog: I never heard of such, and think it's unlikely.00:29
tomreynrawfodog: i.e. pull bios battery (or whatever it takes) if you forgot the password.00:30
JimBunturawfodog, nope, virtualization support is a BIOS(type) thing00:30
OerHeksthat might work, battery out, turn on, turn off, batery in00:30
OerHekssome bios versions still have password set, but then you need to do something technically to reset, and might loose your hdd access00:31
MilkmanDanjeremyb: Fantastic. :)00:32
rawfodogill try to remove the battery00:32
MilkmanDanIf you're logged in, could you msg me the script here? https://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?s=5cd0c6e04a427e2a8088d19666a0c3e3&attachmentid=186077&d=130015431300:32
MilkmanDanI don't want to create an account I'll never use just for the 600 byte script that the poster decided not to put in his message. :)00:33
royal_screwup21does anyone know  how to change the background theme of terminal with oh-my-bash? https://github.com/ohmybash/oh-my-bash00:35
MilkmanDanroyal_screwup21: Usually foreground/background colors are set by the terminal, not the shell.  Usually the shell sets colors for things like the prompt.00:37
OerHeksroyal_screwup21, that info is on that page00:37
royal_screwup21this might be a stupid question but...I think installing this pugin just erased my evironement variables :( I remember I had access_token in my ~/.bashrc and now it's nowhere to be found; my .bashrc is replaced with stuff from oh-my-bash00:47
MilkmanDanSounds like bad behavior on the part of oh-my-bash.  Do you have backups?00:48
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royal_screwup21oh f**k :(00:49
royal_screwup21I had my gopath, access tokens, other stuff all set in there :(00:49
MilkmanDanBTW, that's not a stupid question.  It's a very wisdom-providing question.  Almost nobody appreciates the value of backups until they feel the pain of loss.  If you learn to appreciate with only the loss of some .bashrc settings you're lucky.  Some people lose much more...00:49
royal_screwup21and I don't have a backup :(00:50
MilkmanDanIf you have a github account you may want to post a miserable report in their bug tracker as a warning to others and a suggestion that they radically improve their installation procedure.00:52
MilkmanDanThey ought to be able to manage something far safer, like echo ". ~/.oh_my_bash.sh" >> ~/.bashrc instead of overwriting the user's file.00:53
pauljwroyal_screwup21, point 2 under manual installation, what does that say?01:00
royal_screwup21pauljw: I did basic installation01:01
pauljwyou should still read all information prior to install.01:02
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davidgpHi. I have both Windows 10 and Ubuntu installed on two different disks. I would like to try to create a kvm virtual machine with the existing Windows 10 install. I would like the VM to be able to take control over the whole disk that Windows 10 is installed on. When adding the disk with virt-manager, I *think* I need to select "Select or create custom storage", and I *think* I need to enter the block device here, but I'm not sure wh02:43
davidgpat it would be. Windows 10 is installed on the only NVMe disk, I don't know if I'm supposed to enter /dev/nvme0 or /dev/nvme0n1. Anyone know?02:43
compdocdavidgp, does gparted show two partitions? probably nvme0n102:45
davidgpAhh, never thought to look at gparted. Just a sec.02:45
shibbolethgparted, cfisk02:47
davidgpgparted shows four partitions on /dev/nvme0n1, it doesn't show any other /dev/nvme0* device. I think I need to enter /dev/nvme0n1.02:47
shibbolethif you ever used fdisk on DOS you're gonna like cfdisk02:47
davidgpI was confused, because with other disks, I see /dev/sda, and the partitions are /dev/sda1, etc. It was the fact that I see /dev/nvme0, /dev/nvme0n1, and then the partitions are /dev/nvme0n1p1, etc is what confused me. I didn't know what /dev/nvme0 was.02:49
davidgpcompdoc: Thanks.02:51
fassldavidgp, https://askubuntu.com/a/66351802:58
fassland yes the disk, not a partition02:59
davidgpfassl, the confusion want how to specify the block device, it was if I was supposed to enter /dev/nvme0 or /dev/nvme0n1.03:00
fassluse lsblk to find out the name of the disk03:00
davidgpThanks, I didn't know about lsblk.03:02
fassland as said in the link, you cannot do that with virt-manager03:03
fasslalso davidgp you probably want to install the virtio drivers to the disk first, booted into windows03:04
davidgpI was able to add the disk with virt-manager. I double checked the xml, and it's similar to the xml described in that link.03:04
fassloh really? didn't know about that, maybe its a new feature03:04
davidgpYes, I know about virtio drivers, but thanks for reminding me :-)03:05
fasslbut, how similar is it?03:05
fasslah ok ;)03:05
davidgpThat's what virt-manager created.03:05
fasslcool, should be fine03:06
davidgpWhen adding the disk in virt-manager, I selected "Select or create custom storage", I entered the block device in the text box, and I selected VirtIO as the bus type.03:07
davidgpBut, now I'm going to bed. Have a good night everyone, and thank for the help, and the information fassl.03:09
MyNameJeffWhat is an Ubuntu?03:22
yoyoHow do you make Ubuntu persistant?03:22
Bashing-omyoyo: See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent .03:31
yoyo@Bashing-om thanks03:35
Bashing-omtoolz: :)03:36
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Guest5Hi, I'm trying to install Ubuntu 16.04.5 as a virtual machine with virtual box, but It gets stuck on the splash screen.04:24
Guest5It gets stuck on the line "Begin: Regenerating SSL certificate "04:25
tomreynGuest5: are you sure this is ubuntu, and ubuntu 16.04.5? i can only find very few mentions of this log line at all.04:33
tomreynso not linux mint or something, right?04:34
tomreynwhich iso did you download there?04:34
Guest5Right. This is ubuntu04:34
tomreynok, have you checked the iso is downloaded complete and matches the checksum?04:35
Guest5no, i should do that04:36
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:36
tomreynGuest5: also this https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu04:38
Guest5thanks for the help;04:39
Guest5Yup MD5 check sums are the same. strange04:50
tomreynGuest5: hmm okay, which OS is running on the host, which viirtualbox version is it?04:52
Guest5WIndows 10. Virtual box 6.004:52
tomreynGuest5: can you try with the virus scanner paused?04:54
Guest5same thing. It still gets stuck on that same line.05:02
Guest5Maybe I'll give mint a try05:02
tomreyni'm just trying the same, though on a linux host. and it seems i ran into a kernel oops there05:02
tomreynor rather a freezing system05:03
Guest5oh wow05:03
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tomreynGuest5: do you have a 64-bit windows there?05:04
Guest5Its a shame I cant run the latest version of ubuntu since its only 64 bit.05:04
Guest5Yes 64 bit05:04
tomreynthen why can't you run a 64-bit guest?05:04
Guest5My cpu wont support gust 64 bit05:04
tomreynthis suggests you don't have vt-d enabled in bios, i think05:05
tomreynwith a 64-bit host, you definitely should be able to run a 64.-bit guest, too05:05
Guest5oh I did not know that. I should look in to that05:06
tomreynthere is #vbox around the corner where you can ask about this05:06
tomreyn(but maybe search the web first)05:07
Guest5thanks for all the help I really appreciate it.05:07
tomreynbot VT-x and VT-d are needed (intel, or both AMD-V and ... i forgot what the other thing is called in AMD land05:08
tomreynapparently just AMD-V aka SVM05:09
tomreynand you're welcome.05:09
Guest5cool man thanks for all the help.05:10
Guest5see you later05:10
tomreynsee oyu05:10
thisisjustatestDear GOD/GODS and/or anyone else who can HELP ME (e.g. MEMBERS OF SUPER-INTELLIGENT ALIEN CIVILIZATIONS):  The next time I wake up, please change my physical form to that of FINN MCMILLAN of SOUTH NEW BRIGHTON at 8 YEARS OLD and keep it that way FOREVER.  I am so sick of this chubby Asian man body!  Thank you!  - CHAUL JHIN KIM (a.k.a. A DESPERATE SOUL)05:14
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queskeris there a posix shell on here somewhere?06:05
queskerwhy is /bin/sh not a real shell?06:06
guivercquesker, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh  may be interesting06:08
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shmamWhen I boot up my laptop, the x session doesn't start automatically and sddm-greeter hogs up a ton of CPU. The way that i can get in is by ALT+F2 and then `startx`. Once it boots up, I have to kill sddm-greeter. Where should I start?06:12
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queskernew to irc I see06:18
whoareUwhen i use lynx browsing chinese web site , messy code disappear ,how to resolve it06:18
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queskerwhat is a quick way to tell if I am on debian or ubuntu so I can put a hacky thing in here to use bash instead of /bin/sh?06:23
UleeperaI did some googling and it seems NTFS should be supported on server 16+.  I recently did an install of 18.04 lts server and added an NTFS formatted drive to the system.  I'm attempting to setup a samba network share on the drive but when I attempt to mod the permissions I received a message saying "chmod: changing permissions of '/media/username/drivename': Read-only file system"06:24
UleeperaDid I miss somethign where I needed to install a package to support NTFS?06:24
queskeror better yet a way to check if /bin/sh is dash06:25
lotuspsychjeUleepera: join #ubuntu-server please06:25
Uleeperalotus - Thank you.  Will do06:25
queskerI tried -V -v --version, none do what you might think06:26
lotuspsychjewhoareU: try links206:28
guivercquesker, try `echo $SHELL`   (BASH is the default shell for Ubuntu, dash is better for scripts, not interactive users)06:28
lotuspsychjeshmam: you would get better luck, when expanding more details to the channel like: ubuntu version, kernel version,flavor,system up to date?06:29
shmamI just found something in journalctl: "Auth: sddm-helper crashed (exit code 15)"06:30
queskerthat's wild.  I made a #!/bin/sh   with echo $SHELL > /tmp/shell    and it says /bin/bash haha06:30
queskerbut /bin/sh is not bash06:30
guivercquesker, i missed one of your questions, this is a Ubuntu Support room, debian isn't on topic here06:31
queskeryour shell is broken06:31
shmamUbuntu 18.04, 4.18.0-3-generic. KDE Plasma 5.12.7, KDE Frameworks 5.44.0, Qt 5.9.506:31
queskeron ubuntu06:31
queskerhow can I tell if /bin/sh is dash06:32
queskeron ubuntu06:32
queskersince -v -V and --version don't work06:32
queskerand your suggestion didn't work either.  try it06:32
guivercquesker, the default shell for a user is found in /etc/passwd  (in the shell field)06:32
queskerI don't care anything about user default shells06:32
lotuspsychjeshmam: did you try a systemd sddm restart yet?06:33
queskerI am asking about /bin/sh06:33
queskerscripts break on ubuntu06:33
lotuspsychje!enter | quesker06:33
ubottuquesker: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.06:33
shmamlotuspsychje: I have it working right now. It just crashes at boot. To fix it, I've been using ALT+F2 and then `startx` to restart it06:33
queskerscripts that run on solaris, hpux, aix, redhat, suse06:33
queskerI asked on one line, nobody seems to know, so I tried to slow it down06:34
shmamsddm is running fine right now, it's just sddm-greeter thats broken06:34
lotuspsychjequesker: if nobody knows try !patience, idle until someone does know06:34
guivercquesker I'd firstly suggest specifying a specific shell (not SH which can vary upon OS)06:34
lotuspsychjeshmam: did you do anything special lately?06:35
shmamlotuspsychje: No. I've had this problem for a while and just been too busy to fix it06:35
queskerhobbyist os06:35
sartanhey folks. I'm wondering if anybody knows if netfilter-persistent supports ebtables. It's not really clear from documentation or exploring filesystem if this feature is included, or if so, how it's implemented06:36
lotuspsychjeshmam: your graphics drivers installed correctly?06:36
shmamI have intel integrated so I didn't need to install any graphics drivers, it just worked out of the box06:37
lotuspsychjeshmam: allright, have you tryed a !nomodeset to bypass greeter?06:38
lotuspsychje!nomodeset | shmam06:39
ubottushmam: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter06:39
guivercquesker, `stat /bin/sh` reports "File: /bin/sh -> dash .."  - but your messages are hard to follow (15 were from you on screen to 11 from everyone else inc. bot - please try & reduce your enter's & don't flood channel)06:40
lotuspsychjeshmam: maybe try to create a second user, perhaps user1 desktop is scrambled?06:40
shmamok I'm going to give the kernel param a try brb06:43
queskerok if file /bin/sh | grep -q dash; then SH=/bin/bash; fi    thanks06:47
queskerluckily this script calls other ones so I can do that06:49
whoareUhow to find some file in browse using command line06:50
ShmamI tried nomodeset kernel param which didn't seem to work06:52
guivercwhoareU, i don't understand your question, but `find / -name ..` (if want to find according to filename etc starting in /)06:54
guivercwhoareU, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/find06:56
whoareUguiverc: when i use wget or aria2c to download something , i need open up the browser to find that file , then copy it to command line,06:57
whoareUi hope to directly find something in commandline  more than06:58
guivercwhoareU, i regularly copy a url & wget it from cli; but I use clipboard, and don't understand how you want to do it sorry06:59
whoareUguiverc: ok, maybe i ought to study english well first07:01
guivercwhoareU, my apologies for not understanding too07:02
FuraiIs there somewhere IRC channel for that graphics PPA07:03
lotuspsychjewhoareU: volunteers are trying to help you here, please tone down07:03
lotuspsychjeFurai: i dont think so07:03
lotuspsychjeFurai: best way to contact is the group on launchpad, or their email listing07:04
FuraiI found the maintainer here on this network and PMed them but got no response. I guess they get tons of questions and just ignored me. All good.07:05
lotuspsychjeFurai: if you find a problem or bug, please file one07:05
guivercFurai, a lot of people try PMing without offers, being ignored is common  (it's better to ask for permission first in my opinion)07:06
FuraiAnd in my opinion being a community manager I keep getting tons of PM and the worse are the meta questions.07:08
FuraiAsking to ask.07:08
whoareUguiverc: i need using commandline tool to find a link of file in browser,07:09
FuraiIf you have already PMed me and I read it what's the point of waiting another few hours just to get your response? Ask straight away and I'll answer when I see it.07:09
FuraiAnyway, that's heavily off-topic. Thanks guys for help and see you around. :)07:10
guivercwhoareU, i now understand what you want; I've used url-checker scripts (that find & check urls are all valid) but I don't know a command that just echos them (I'd probably just fork a checkurl script if I wanted what you do)07:12
whoareUguiverc: whether url-checker is a on-line web service , i only find it http://urlchecker.org/07:22
guiverc_dsorry whoareU, I've used url-checker scripts (perl) in projects, I looked and didn't find the example I was looking for (ubuntu UWN has one as I recall sorry)  - i've seen a number over the years...07:28
krytarikguiverc_d: I think they are rather looking for a CLI web browser like Lynx. >_>07:33
guiverc_das i understood it krytarik, they used a text browser and wanted to extract url's from saved file, but maybe I was wrong...07:34
wwishgrilHi Guys.07:44
wwishgrilVagina Loves Foreskin Gliding [ https://www.bitchute.com/video/LaPsv463Whzw/ ]07:44
nehemiahI have a bunch of computers, booting Bionic from NBD. Most computers work fine but I have three computer that fail to get to the LightDM login screen. Running 'systemctl --failed' shows that gpu-manager and lightdm fails to start.07:44
pragomerI cannot create a pw-protected 7z archive using context menu from nautilus, but it works only when opening the archiving application of gnome and there create a new archive. how does this feature miss from within context menu?08:25
lotuspsychjepragomer: right click on folder/archive gives me the choice of rar, 7z,zip08:30
pragomeryes, but not the possibility to create a password protected 7z archive08:35
pragomerbut, if you open archive manager, drop a file in there, choose to create a 7z archive, you CAN set a passsphrase08:36
guiverc_dpragomer, I had a go [nautilus], and didn't get the option to password protect (but I don't use the option so it could be me mis-using it)  but the option looks easier in thunar (xfce file manager)08:38
guiverc_dthunar is GTK+ based; depending on your release of Ubuntu, it could be GTK+2 or GTK+3 (unlike or like gnome)08:38
pragomerI know that thunar can do this. Just was searching for a solution for gnomes default file manager08:39
pragomerits not big deal, I am sure I could (somehow) create a nautilus action myself.., but it would be nice to have this feature by default08:39
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absenceafter a recent apt-get upgrade, i can only log in using wayland, if i log in with x i get a black screen. it was suggested to add the nomodeset option to the kernel, but then i get a black screen before even seeing gdm. graphics card is intel uhd 620, ubuntu is 18.1009:05
ramsub07Hi, I was listening to some great playlist last evening on my bluetooth earphones. This morning, when I came to work and tried connecting my earphones, to the same laptop running ubuntu 16.04, it says no bluetooth adapters found09:30
ramsub07I'm pretty sure i wasn't dreaming and was indeed using my bluetooth earphones last evening09:31
ramsub07Tried restarting the service bluetooth, reinstalled pulseaudio, nothing seems to work09:31
ramsub07Also, tried restarting the system a couple of times..09:32
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ramsub07Hi, I think my bluetooth driver is broken, could someone help diagnose what's going wrong?09:41
qwebirc71767I'm trying to install Ubuntu 18.04 on a MSI laptop, but the installer is getting stuck and the screen is freezing when trying to do so09:45
qwebirc71767All the info I can find online is about blacklisting the nouveau driver, but I don't see any way to do so with the graphical installer09:45
guiverc_dqwebirc71767, did you verify the download, or more importantly check-install-media (at person+keyboard logo on booting, hit a key and a menu appears allowing you to verify your install media)09:46
qwebirc71767I'm doing the file check right now09:47
qwebirc71767guiverc_d there are no errors in the files09:48
guiverc_ddone the install-media check?  (to verify the write to dvd/thumb-drive/whatever worked)09:49
qwebirc71767all of the resources I find online tell me to hover over "install ubuntu" and press E to get a screen where I can modify parameters09:51
qwebirc71767but I don't see anything happening when doing so09:51
ramsub07Hi, I think my bluetooth driver is broken, could someone help diagnose what's going wrong?09:53
baakoi guys so I install ubuntu 18.10 on a dual boot with windows. The issue is when I login, it crashes and I cant dont anything. So read somewhere I might need to update my GPU drivers. So on the login screen I press Ctrl + Alt and F2 but then this happens https://ibb.co/ngXQ4qF10:03
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baakoanyone understand happening?10:05
EriC^^baako: try a different kernel maybe?10:09
baakoEriC^^, like?10:09
EriC^^baako: version earlier or advanced10:10
baako18.10 is the most recent right?10:10
EriC^^baako: well that's if you ran sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:11
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EriC^^baako: go to advanced in grub then recovery > start networking > drop to root shell10:11
EriC^^and run the command there and see if it updates the kernel10:12
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic10:12
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB10:12
baakoEriC^^, i pressed ctrl alt f2 so i can use the command terminal to run that but am seeing that code in the image from the link10:12
EriC^^baako: is it frozen or you can type stuff?10:12
baakojust keeps running that code again and again10:13
baakodo you know what it means?10:13
EriC^^its some cpu software error10:13
EriC^^try a different kernel... (going twice...)10:13
EriC^^!info linux-image-generic cosmic10:14
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (cosmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB10:14
EriC^^18.10 latest kernel is 4.18.0-1510:14
EriC^^"uname -r" should give you the kernel version you're running currently, gl10:14
baakowas that release before yesterday? EriC^^ because I just install this yesterday around this time10:15
EriC^^baako: brb10:15
EriC^^baako: it doesnt really matter, you might need as a i said a newer mainline kernel, or possibly a previous kernel might even work10:17
EriC^^ill brb10:17
EriC^^baako: did you choose to update the system as the installation goes?10:18
EriC^^otherwise the iso has an old kernel10:18
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baakoEriC^^, no I did not10:21
baakokeys should I press to get the command terminal so i can actually type something10:21
yvyzmeta - t10:29
yvyzOr rather ctrl+alt+t10:30
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test_como estan ustedes??10:40
EriC^^!es | test_10:40
ubottutest_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:40
test_hi! How are you??10:40
anonymipanyone know if it's possible to get docker containters to show in glances when running it under ubuntu 18.0410:57
anonymipdoh... I need to run 'sudo glances' for it do show10:59
EriC^^test_: hi, good you?11:03
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exportwelp, decided my car will just scream at high rpsm xD no need to go much further than that honestly.11:04
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exportmean for a different channel, however i suppose it doesn't matter really lol11:05
exportmeant* rpms*11:05
absenceafter a recent apt-get upgrade, i can only log in using wayland, if i log in with x i get a black screen. it was suggested to add the nomodeset option to the kernel, but then i get a black screen before even seeing gdm. graphics card is intel uhd 620, ubuntu is 18.1011:09
EriC^^absence: try to login using xorg, then show your /var/log/Xorg.0.log11:13
EriC^^!paste | absence11:13
ubottuabsence: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:13
absenceEriC^^: while trying to do this, i accidentally noticed a second hidden x screen while switching from a virtual console. it said something about invalid ioctl for stty, and i remembered i had added a call to stty to .profile. moved it to .bashrc, and the problem was solved11:30
kiddo00how to use aircrack ?11:30
psichaskiddo00, read tutorials11:36
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EriC^^absence: ah good to hear thanks for sharing11:54
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ufkhi.. how do I add another search directory for MiBs to net-snmp ?12:13
Guesti1931Hello, I have a script to remove files older than 30 days from a folder: find /home/foobar/tmp -type f -mtime +30 -iname "*.wav" -exec rm {} \;12:16
Guesti1931I have set it to remove wav files, but can I add more extensions to the same command? Comma seperation etc12:16
Guesti1931Is -o the way to go?12:17
Guesti1931find /home/foobar/tmp -type f -mtime +30 -iname "*.wav" -o -iname "*.gsm" -exec rm {} \;12:17
EriC^^Guesti1931: yeah -o is good12:21
Guesti1931I ended up with this and it seems to work, can anyone see any possible issues? find /home/foobar/tmp -type f -iname "*.gsm" -o -iname "*.wav" -type f -mtime +31 -exec rm {} \;12:26
geirhathat'll only remove .wav files, not gsm12:32
geirhafind /home/foobar/tmp -type f \( -iname "*.gsm" -o -iname "*.wav \) -mtime +31 -exec rm {} +12:33
Guesti1931Hm, I see12:34
geirhahttp://mywiki.wooledge.org/UsingFind is a good read12:36
__aaa__where is snap config file12:51
neureOn ubuntu 18.10 - how do i make switcher show windows instead of apps?13:04
neuredconf editor wm keybindings?13:06
pragmaticenigmaneure: Can you explain in some detail what you are seeing and what you want to change please?13:09
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neurepragmaticenigma, alt-tab switches apps, and only shows one item per Terminal for example13:11
neureI want it to show one item per window13:11
neureI managed to fix that13:11
pragmaticenigmaneure: Super + Tab keyboard shortcut does window switching13:11
neureyeah well i want to do that with alt-alt13:11
neurealt-tab sorry13:11
neurenow how do i get rid of the delay before switch menu shows up?13:12
neureyes i know the delay is there for reason but i know there is a away to get rid of it13:12
neurejust cant remember how it was done13:12
pragmaticenigmaneure: Have you installed the gnome tweaking app?13:12
neureyes, i have13:13
pragmaticenigmaI think the setting is available in there13:13
neurepragmaticenigma, nopes, nothing in gnome tweaks13:14
pragmaticenigmaneure: Maybe this is what you are looking for: https://askubuntu.com/a/4387613:16
neureI dont *think* I'm using compiz13:17
pragmaticenigmaneure: If you haven't installed any other window compistor, you are using compiz by default13:18
neureokay then I am13:18
Le4xjoin #WF313:18
neurebut why does sudo apt install compizconfig-settings-manager install compiz-core?13:19
neureI would expect I already have such package if i was already using compiz...13:19
pragmaticenigmaneure: I think Ubuntu installs a minimal install of compiz with gnome desktop. Installing the settings tweaker needs the remainder.. I'm not sure why13:22
neureso I need settings, gnome-tweaks, dconf-editor, compiz settings..13:22
neurehard to remember which is used for each setting13:23
pragmaticenigmaneure: I'm at the outter limits of what I know on the topic... web searching might get you closer to the answers you seek13:23
ramsub07Hi, I have connected my earphones via bluetooth. The bluetooth manager shows that my earphone is connected, so does the blinking lights on my earphones. The earphone was correctly recognised in ubuntu as "headset". But in the sound settings, I don't see this as an output option. what could be going wrong ?13:24
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CoolerZwhy is dhcpcd not installed?13:36
CoolerZhow can i renew my ip address without that? stop removing important utilities13:36
MeiliCoolerZ: dhcpd is for activing as a dhcp server, clients don't need dhcpd13:37
CoolerZMeili, read, I said dhcpcd13:38
CoolerZdhcp client daemon13:38
MeiliCoolerZ: right, my bad, but you're sure you do not have dhclient installed?13:38
CoolerZwell if i type in dhcpcd it tells me to install something else13:39
CoolerZ$ dhcpcd13:39
CoolerZCommand 'dhcpcd' not found, but can be installed with:13:39
CoolerZsudo apt install dhcpcd513:39
MeiliCoolerZ: can you do "which dhclient"13:39
CoolerZwhat is dhcpcd5? is it a trojan rootkit someone uploaded for fun and profit?13:40
CoolerZ$ which dhclient13:40
CoolerZ /sbin/dhclient13:40
MeiliCoolerZ: Thats your dhcp client, part of isc-dhcp-client13:40
CoolerZMeili, ok so now what?13:43
CoolerZhow to renew my ip address?13:43
leftyfbCoolerZ: dhclient13:43
leftyfbCoolerZ: that is the replacement for dhcpcd.13:43
pragmaticenigmaCoolerZ: Read the documenation: "man dhclient" will tell you how to renew your IP address13:43
leftyfbCoolerZ: actually, I can't seem to find any ubuntu release that ever used dhcpcd over dhclient by default. Not sure what you're referring to about Ubuntu "removing utilities"13:48
juanonymousI forgot to run telnet in ssh? Do i just need to - telnet host/name port to it?13:50
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CoolerZleftyfb, well thats still doesn't help13:55
qwebirc97388how do i download a man page for a specific command?13:55
baakoEriC^^, https://ibb.co/NWsxXpz go deleted it and install with update but now this13:57
EuphOriaWhich utility for Ubuntu is the best for making a bootable USB from a LiveCD ISO?  I've tried "Startup Disk Creator" but it isn't working for me.13:59
MeiliEuphOria: define not working?14:03
qwebirc97388i have installed john the ripper from snap and it apparently did not come with a man page, how can i install one?14:06
leftyfbjuanonymous: telnet and ssh are 2 completely different things. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?14:11
leftyfbEuphOria: "Startup disk creator" writes the official iso's to use just fine14:11
juanonymousAh, its ok now14:12
leftyfbjuanonymous: I would highly recommend running any sort of telnet server on ubuntu14:12
juanonymousI just wanted to know if that is the command to telnet14:12
leftyfbsorry, recommend against*14:12
juanonymousAw, ok14:13
leftyfbjuanonymous: because it's outdated and insecure. What is it exactly you're trying to accomplish with telnet?14:13
leftyfbjuanonymous: where possible, you should be using an ssh server and client, not telnet.14:14
juanonymousI have a program that requires telnet to communicate14:16
juanonymousBut its all good now14:16
juanonymousAnd since youre correct, then ill follow your advice14:16
juanonymousTo be safe14:16
sazawalI am trying to install lubuntu 18.10 on a laptop with usb drive. I have created the bootable usb using Startup-Disk-Creator of Ubuntu. When I boot the laptop with the usb, and go for Live Disk, it says "1.55 no irq handler for vector" and then doesn't go past the lubuntu splash screen. What I am doing wrong?14:20
FedoraUserhi friends14:22
FedoraUserI can't seem to find a way to delete partition from ubuntu server installer (not live)14:22
FedoraUseris it possible to do so?14:22
pragmaticenigmasazawal: You might need to try boot the live iso with "nomodeset" enabled14:23
pragmaticenigma!nomodeset | sazawal14:23
ubottusazawal: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter14:23
sazawalpragmaticenigma, Great, let me see this.14:24
qwebirc97388i have installed a program from snap and it apparently did not come with a man page, how can i install one?14:32
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc97388: You can't, you can reach out to the snap maintainer and ask them why they didn't include documentation, or you can find the man pages online14:34
qwebirc97388pragmaticenigma: really? that's surprising, it doesnt seem like something too hard to implement14:35
pragmaticenigmaqwebirc97388: If it doesn't seem hard, why haven't you done a web search? Try this, follow the instructions for installing it to "local" to avoid conflicts: https://askubuntu.com/a/24481014:36
royal_screwup21so I'm looking at oh-my-bash themes https://ohmybash.github.io/ does anybody know how to make the title bar of the terminal the way it is, with the three dots on left (like the terminal on macs)?14:37
pragmaticenigmaroyal_screwup21: This channel focuses on supporting issues with applications and the Ubuntu OS. For customization you can try #ubuntu-offtopic... for help with themes contact the maker of the theme14:39
leftyfbroyal_screwup21: what version of ubuntu?14:45
lotuspsychjeFedoraUser: join #ubuntu-server for likeminded volunteers14:46
royal_screwup21leftyfb:   16.0414:46
leftyfbroyal_screwup21: then what you'll be doing is moving the max/min/close buttons for ALL applications. Not just your terminal. Is that what you want?14:46
FedoraUserlotuspsychje, thanks, it was rather quiet there, so I figured to ask here as well :)14:48
DevilsDulcimerdoes anyone know why im getting a permission denied error when i try "rm -rf folder" the folder is owned by the user at the terminal as shown by 'whoami' and the octal for column 1 is 714:49
leftyfbDevilsDulcimer: can you pastebin the output of ls on the directory and it's parent along with "whoami" and you attempting to delete it?14:50
leftyfbsorry, ls -l14:50
geniiDevilsDulcimer: Check that nothing is using something in the folder, and that there isn't for instance a file browser that has it opened or you aren't cd'd into it on a terminal14:50
leftyfbgenii: none of that would prevent it from being deleted14:51
DevilsDulcimergenii i think that was it14:52
DevilsDulcimeri tried to replicate it leftyfb but it went through this time14:52
leftyfb$ mkdir testing ; cd testing ; rm -rf ../testing ; pwd14:53
leftyfbthe output of pwd is still "/home/leftyfb/testing"14:54
BluesKaj_Hiyas all14:57
DevilsDulcimerleftyfb that didnt replicate it14:57
leftyfbDevilsDulcimer: right, because being cd's into the directly you're deleting does not prevent it from being deleted.14:58
DevilsDulcimerleftyfb i think i figured out what it is lol15:01
DevilsDulcimeri downloaded pycharm to my desktop...i cd'd into it15:02
DevilsDulcimerthen did a "sudo mv ../pycharm /opt/"   then when i did a "cd .." it took me into the  /opt folder, and i thought i was back in my desktop folder , so when i did "rm -rf pycharm" it gave me permission denied sinc i was now in /opt15:03
DevilsDulcimerumm hold on it didnt paste lol15:03
leftyfbDevilsDulcimer: right, if you had pastebin'd what I asked originally, we would have figured that out in the beginning15:04
DevilsDulcimeri went into pycharm which was in desktop, then after doing "sudo mv ../pycharm /opt/" i did a "cd .." which took me to /opt. i thought i was in Desktop at which point i attempted to "rm -rf pycharm"15:04
DevilsDulcimerim not sure though why mv didnt auto remove pycharm?15:05
DevilsDulcimerfrom the desktop15:05
DevilsDulcimerearlier example you did still removed it even though we were inside it15:05
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leftyfbDevilsDulcimer: because you didn't have access to delete anything in /opt because you don't have permission, regardless of the own of the directory IN /opt15:07
lefreut hey there. My gvt-g setup stopped working while i was trygin to setup TPM. i'm trying to troubleshoot. my dmesg show "Direct firmware load for i915/gvt/vid_0x8086_did_0x5916_rid_0x02.golden_hw_state failed with error -2" followed by "MDEV: Registered". do you think the error is relevant or is it "normal"?15:09
lefreutrunning bionic if it matters15:09
DevilsDulcimerleftyfb, i was asking why "mv target destination" didnt remove 'target'  . in this case target is in the desktop. doesnt mv remove its target by default since it isnt the 'cp'?15:11
leftyfbit does and it will15:11
DevilsDulcimer'mv' acted like 'cp'15:11
CyberMentHi, I am having a lot of issues with my mysql server when I run upgrates/upgrades that are not even related to mysql.  It gets stuck and says things like: "Setting up mysql-server-5.7 (5.7.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.1)"15:11
CyberMentAm I supposed to stop mysql when I run upgrades?15:12
lordcirthCyberMent, it sounds like apt / dpkg considers the mysql package to not be fully installed15:12
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leftyfbCyberMent: it sounds like at some point there was an upgrade to mysql-server but something is wrong with your setup so the upgrade didn't finish. Now every time you try to run updates it will try to finish the mysql-server update and fail15:13
CyberMentlordcirth: ho would I fix  that15:13
lordcirthIf you are in an inconsistent state, apt will try to fix it15:13
lefreutDevilsDulcimer: did the user you used for mv had write right on "target" file/parent folder?15:13
DevilsDulcimerlefreut: yep...ill let this one go, i cant replicate it and dont want to waste anyones time.15:16
thesebanyone notice in 18.04 there is NO WAY to kill a terminal running a program w/o getting the popup?15:34
BrianBlazegood day lovelies, I installed Ubuntu 18.04 desktop but I don't have the screen sharing option. Is that because I did a minimal install? How do I get it in my settings?15:34
nthdevScreen sharing option?15:34
thesebdid anyone crack that one?  I don't like that "Are you sure you want to do that?" popup15:34
nthdevWhat is expected behavior?15:34
leftyfbBrianBlaze: I think that used vino in the background.15:34
BrianBlazenthdev, there is the option in sharing apparently but all I see is ssh15:34
nthdevDo you have vanillla ubuntu15:35
nthdevMaybe finish installing the entire ubuntu-desktop metapackage?15:35
lotuspsychjetheseb: xkill15:35
BrianBlazeyeah ok I will try that15:35
leftyfbtheseb: I use terminator and the way I have it set, it does not bother me about closing when something is running15:35
theseblotuspsychje: i want window to die when i click the "X" in the corner15:36
thesebleftyfb: is terminator a terminal program?15:36
leftyfbtheseb: yes, a very good one15:36
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: is that an option, or does it by default15:36
thesebleftyfb: so you don't use gnome-terminal?15:36
leftyfbtheseb: correct15:36
leftyfbtheseb: terminator is one of the first things I install on a new install of ubuntu15:36
thesebleftyfb: wow..didn't even know there was another option15:36
thesebleftyfb: thanks15:36
BrianBlazevino was the one leftyfb thanks15:38
cim209I install eternal terminal in all of my Ubuntu servers15:39
thesebcim209: i had no idea people used other stuff other than xterm and gnome-terminal15:39
nthdevI usually use xfce4-term  xD15:39
Elagosthello, I have a weird question if anyone can answer it - I have an ubuntu xenial apt mirror that's in a DMZ, and several Trusty servers behind it that I'm trying to upgrade to xenial. do-release-upgrade doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?15:39
thesebnthdev: why?15:40
nthdevBecause I use XFCE/Xubuntu15:40
nthdevNo other reason than that15:40
nthdevI don't hate it enough to switch15:40
cim209theseb: eternal terminal isn’t a terminal emulator15:40
ioriatheseb, gsettings set org.gnome.Terminal.Legacy.Settings confirm-close false15:42
thesebioria: thanks....all the docs on web said to use gconf and mentioned settings that weren't there...my guess is gconf options change every version! :(15:43
nthdevNice ioria15:43
thesebioria: are you a gnome dev? i couldn't find any 18.04 specific info like that so i'm impressed you knew that15:45
ioriatheseb, my little trick : gsettings list-recursively | grep -i  something   and then exlore the outputs15:45
* theseb bows15:47
ramsub07Hi, I am using a bluetooth earphones and I try to connect to my system running ubuntu 16.04. The bluetooth correctly recognises my earphones as a headset device and connects. But I am unable to see this headphones as an option in the sound menu. What could be going wrong ?15:47
jeremybramsub07: sounds like the pulseaudio Bluetooth module isn't installed15:50
flusheddataHi, has anyone been able to sign LibreOffice documents with gnupg?15:54
lotuspsychjeflusheddata: try the #libreoffice channel15:54
flusheddatalotuspsychje: I tried several times, but I got no answer15:55
flusheddatalotuspsychje: I am going to try again. Thank you for your reply!15:55
ramsub07jeremyb I tried to reinstall pulseaudio but it still didn't work15:56
ramsub07i also reinstalled pulseaudio for bluetooth as well15:56
jeremybramsub07: try> pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover15:57
ramsub07jeremyb: it says Failure: Module initialization failed15:57
jeremybramsub07: sounds like the pulseaudio Bluetooth package isn't installed15:59
cutecyclewould you ever do a do-release-upgrade over ssh?16:01
ramsub07jeremyb: i tried to install pulseaudio-module-bluetooth , it says already installed16:02
EvilRoeywhy does SUDO take so...long...to work?  like..10-15 seconds.  Ichecked /etc/hosts, /etc/resolv.conf /etc/sudoers and they all seem fine though16:02
pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: Describe what is too long, and what are you trying to run?16:04
gartxot Hi, I have 2 machines: Acer VN7 (Ubuntu GNU Linux 16.04) + GPD Pocket (Ubuntu GNU Linux 18.10). I want my GPD Pocket to be dual boot GNU Linux and Windows 10, I'm trying to make a bootable USB for Win 10 install but once USB creation is finished GPD Pocket doesnt boot.16:05
gartxotAny idea?16:05
EvilRoeypragmaticenigma: I am trying to run "sudo ls".  sudo takes ten seconds before presenting me with an auth prompt.16:06
pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: ... when was the last time the machine was rebooted?16:06
EvilRoeya month ago?16:07
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EvilRoeyit's a lap[top I had started setting up earlier and now returned to16:07
EvilRoeyocat: you cannot run from me, Taco16:07
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pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: please stay on topic16:08
pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: When you say you rebooted a month ago... are you saying the machine was powered off since you last worked on it and just started working on it again today?16:08
EvilRoeypragmaticenigma: correc.t16:10
pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: Do you have unattended updates active? have you looked at "top" or "htop" to see what processes might be running in the background?16:11
EvilRoeyI ran top, pragmaticenigma16:14
hggdhor checking the output of 'ps -aux | grep -E "(apt|dpkg)"16:14
EvilRoeynothing irregular16:14
ioriaEvilRoey, i'd focus on /etc/hosts16:14
* pragmaticenigma is confused how /etc/hosts affects "sudo"16:14
EvilRoeyOh also I get when I run apt-get dist-upgrade: "Failed to reload daemon: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1': timed out (service_start_timeout=2500ms)16:15
EvilRoeyfor a bunch of services.16:15
EvilRoey"See system logs and 'ssytemctl status irqbalance.service' for details16:15
EvilRoeyand "systemctl status irqbalance.service" times out16:16
EvilRoeyoh dear.  Now my laptop screen's all black.16:16
EvilRoey(doing apt-get dist-upgrad ein the background)16:16
pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: Sounds more like it might be easier to start fresh?16:17
EvilRoeypragmaticenigma: I was /just/ about to reinstall when I rebooted instead,just to be sure16:19
EvilRoeyand everything works fine now16:19
EvilRoeyno delay between issuing "sudo" commands and their execution16:20
pragmaticenigmaEvilRoey: I have had that happen before... Usually it's a background task for apt (one of its optimizers)16:21
EvilRoeyahhh ok16:22
cutecycleis resolvconf deprecated in 18.04?16:22
EvilRoeypragmaticenigma: thank you for your assistance :)16:22
EvilRoeycutecycle: in favor of what?16:22
cutecyclei'm not sure, i just ran into "resolvconf not found" when changing this base image from xenial to bionic16:22
cutecyclemaybe it's just not preinstalled now16:22
ioriapragmaticenigma, it affects sudo, iirc, because it uses 'getnamebyhost'  relying on /etc/hosts  to determine the host it is running on16:23
gartxot Hi, I have 2 machines: Acer VN7 (Ubuntu GNU Linux 16.04) + GPD Pocket (Ubuntu GNU Linux 18.10). I want my GPD Pocket to be dual boot GNU Linux and Windows 10, I'm trying to make a bootable USB for Win 10 install but once USB creation is finished GPD Pocket doesnt boot.16:25
gartxotAny idea?16:25
gartxotPlease :D16:26
gtn04try update-grub16:26
gtn04maybe your grub doesn't found the windows10 installation16:28
gartxotIs Windows 10 USB Installer what GPD Pocket cant see16:29
gartxotIs not installed because I cant boot it for install and then dual boot16:29
gtn04ok, have you uefi installed?16:29
gartxotUEFI installed? What do you mean?16:29
gtn04once i erased this partition, and then i wasn't able to boot on a USB key too16:30
gartxotBoth machines are UEFI, both have Ubuntu GNU Linux and no more OS, but I would like to try dual boot in GPD Pocket.16:31
gartxotAutodesk Maya works perfectly in the big laptop (nvidia) with Ubuntu 16.04, but it doesnt work in Ubuntu 18.10 (the version of Ubuntu Mate that works perfect on the tlitle machine) so I'm gonna try to install it on windows, Just for that. I use Linux the 99.99% of time. :-)16:32
gartxotgtn04, No, I have EFI partition in both machines16:33
gartxotI need them for Ubuntu boot16:33
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ElagostDo you have any other windows machines? The microsoft tool to make a bootable USB works very well.16:39
gartxotI dont :\16:40
gartxotBut last week I did a bootable USB for a friend and it worked (Win 10 + GPL app collection).16:41
gartxotI don't know what happens :(16:41
Elagosthm. I've never created a windows usb on Linux, always the other way around.16:41
Elagosttried unetbootin?16:42
lotuspsychjeElagost: woeusb16:42
Elagostetcher might work as well. http://etcher.io16:43
gartxotI dont understand.16:48
gartxotI used woeusb unetbootin and dd16:48
gartxotNothing works16:48
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gartxotHi again16:59
gartxotgtn04, I changed my big laptop from UEFI to Legacy and USB works17:00
gartxotSo is something related to the USB...17:00
gartxotI don't know what I am doing wrong17:00
EriC^^did someone highlight me?17:01
DevilsDulcimeranyone know why i cant set the topic of a channel i created? when i try to reregister the channel, it says it is owned by me.17:08
ducasseDevilsDulcimer: that's offtopic here, try #freenode17:09
rebabHow can I install Nvidia drivers on ubuntu?17:14
gartxotI cant make a UEFI USB boot17:15
gartxotI read in a page:17:18
gartxotIn my test, the Windows 10 USB created with WoeUSB can boot in both legacy and UEFI mode on my old computer. On my new computer, it can boot in legacy mode but failed in UEFI mode. I don’t know the exact reason, but it’s probably because of bug in this software.17:18
OerHeksgartxot, sure you can, the iso is hybrid, for bios and uefi17:18
gartxotJust what happens to me.17:18
OerHeksehh woeusb is for windows, i don't care about that17:18
gartxotOerHeks, I have Ubuntu GNU Linux installed in 2 machines: Acer VN7 and GPD Pocket, no more OS. But I would like to have GPD Pocket with dual boot Ubuntu Mate and Win 10.17:19
gartxotI cant boot Win 10 USB.17:19
OerHekssorry, i do not support windows, try ##windows17:19
gartxotI would like Win 10 only because Autodesk Maya works (native software for Linux) in Ubuntu 16.04 in the big one, but not in Ubuntu 18.10 (Mate for GPD Pocket is that version and works perfect) so I would like Win 10 only for Autodesk Maya.17:20
gartxotOerHeks, Neither me, but I would like to launch Maya wherever I want... XD17:20
gartxotOerHeks, I can here:17:21
gartxotLinux NG-VN7-GNULinux 4.15.0-45-generic #48~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 18:03:48 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:21
gartxotBut I cant in the GPD Pocket maybe because Ubuntu version, maybe because hardware (intel integrated and not nvidia) or maybe both.17:21
BurningPrincessIs there any GROME packages left   behind after uninstalling GROME?17:25
BurningPrincessI probly spelled that wrong and I think I iuninstalled gnome or gnome-desktop or soemthing like that (it was a while agao)17:26
hylianBurningPrincess: intentionally, or accidentally?17:28
BurningPrincessBy choice (to install LXDE)17:28
hylianBurningPrincess: ahh, to make the system much lighter... so did you want your own verion of lubuntu, or did you have lubuntu, install gnome, and then decide against it?17:29
arooni_team_bis there anyway to make ubuntu start on a particular virtual space on startup?17:29
arooni_team_bi have 9 virtual desktops and would like to use 5 for startup17:30
hylianarooni_team_b: I would think the first question would be, what desktop environment are you using?17:31
arooni_team_bhylian: ubuntu 18.04 running gnome-shell17:31
BurningPrincesshylian:  I had Unbuntu with GROME, but I wanted to lighten up the system (next time I am using lunbunu)17:31
BurningPrincessI am used to a LXDE desktop17:31
arooni_team_bBurningPrincess: don't blame you;  gnome-shell to me is pretty buggy17:31
BurningPrincessI used to use Triqesel Mini but it did not install right so I went to Unbuntu17:32
hylianarooni_team_b: hmm, interesting. i have gnome as well.. maybe i am misunderstanding this.. are you trying to boot to tty 5, or to virtual desktop 5?17:35
arooni_team_bhylian: to virtual desktop 517:35
hyliangnome is actually rock solid. but it's a resource hog... so there is that.17:35
arooni_team_bhylian: things are noticeably better after bringing my old lenovo t420 laptops ram up to 12gb (already had a ssd)17:36
BurningPrincessWhat could be done to speed boot times?17:36
hylianBurningPrincess: The biggest help I have had was in buying a ssd drive. I bought a 250 gb ssd for 35 dollars on amazon, and it made a world of difference.17:38
* BurningPrincess nods17:39
hylianarooni_team_b: wow man, i don't see an option for that... and to be honest I cant think of a reason anyone would want that.. or why they would want ten of them. I have two, and that's always more than enough... i guess the answer is you need a bigger ubuntu geek than me. :)17:39
BurningPrincessIs lbuntu any faster to boot?17:39
arooni_team_bi might reduce to 417:40
arooni_team_bhylian: do you know how to reduce the number of virtual desktops?17:40
hylianBurningPrincess: I would say so. Lubuntu and my more favored option, peppermint os are both quite fast at boot. (as fast as hardware will allow ina a full distro, anyways.017:40
BurningPrincessNext time I get a computer I will try Lunubutu17:41
hylianarooni_team_b: you are using gnome you said? gnome 3 always gives you one more workspace than you are using, so if you are using 2, you will have access to three of them, and so on. if you have three, and stop using the second one, you will be back down to two..17:43
arooni_team_bhylian: i think i'll just run this ridiculously complicated command at startup17:45
arooni_team_bwhile read i; do wmctrl -i -t 2 -r "$i"  ; done  < <(wmctrl -l | awk -v var=$(xdotool get_desktop) '{if ($2 == var) print $0;}' | cut -d' '  -f1)17:46
arooni_team_bapparently moves everything to window 517:46
arooni_team_berrr virtual desktop 517:46
BurningPrincessI should of installed lubunu17:46
arooni_team_brather that 2 should be a 4.  have no idea why it isnt 5; but it seems to work so i'm happy17:46
hylianarooni_team_b: well thats good. :)17:47
BurningPrincessI got my desktops down to 2 0 but I fotgot how17:47
arooni_team_bhylian: probably gnome-tweaks17:47
hylianarooni_team_b: that probably would work... your gnome and mine apparently behave quite differently. I am using the default "looks like unity" gnome that comes with ubuntu.17:48
arooni_team_bhylian: i think i am too; unless i did something wrong lol;  just have a few gnome extensiosn that i like17:49
boqsc_Hello, anyone hear/see me.17:51
BurningPrincessI sqee you boqsc_17:51
boqsc_Great thing. I'm kind new to IRC. Was checking Debian Channel, and for some reasons nobody saw what I was typing.17:51
boqsc_This exact message I've got there: "#debian :Cannot send to nick/channel"17:52
elias_aboqsc_: Now that you are here, go ahead and ask your support question. :)17:52
hylianboqsc_: i see ya man17:52
hylianarooni_team_b: that's half the fun, messing with stuff. :)17:53
BurningPrincessboqsc_: mayve the channel was set so unregistered users can;'t talk or maybe you was +q17:53
BurningPrincessSorry to be offtopic17:54
ubottuFor information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.17:54
OerHekssome channels require that17:54
boqsc_Since this Ubuntu channel is kind of active and full of old-comers, I might ask: What software Ubuntu contains, I need clear structured in depth overview and cannot find anywhere.17:54
boqsc_People keep saying there is no such thing, since Ubuntu is too complex and quickly evolves.17:55
OerHeksoh, people say that?17:55
OerHekscheck out softwarecenter then17:55
BurningPrincessdpkg --list on 1404 seems to allow listling all installed packages (not sure if it works for later ones)17:56
boqsc_Software center does not list Gnome, systemd or any deeper architectural structure.17:58
boqsc_I'm kind interested in getting an overview of what Ubuntu is, and interact with it.17:59
BurningPrincessI can't really help sorry17:59
boqsc_Listing thousands of small packages are overwhelming and unstructured way.17:59
OerHeksif you need to know such info, i am sure you have knowledge enough to find it18:00
boqsc_No problem, since I'm with this issue for a year now, just asking around if someone know if anyone has any distribution analysis tool.18:00
OerHeksinstall synaptic, much more detailed softwarecenter, or use dpkg in TTY18:00
matihi, does anyone have some experience with Ranger? I'm trying to make it show vim previews for .xpm files like for any other file but don't really know how to do this. I guess I have to edit rifle.conf file but I have no idea what to change18:01
boqsc_I do not need to install synaptic package manager, I already have it. The problem with it, it is almost impossible to see the relationships between them.18:02
tgm4883boqsc_: what's your end goal?18:02
boqsc_My end goal might be having a complete understanding of distributions, not only Ubuntu.18:04
boqsc_I've checked Gentoo, Arch linux documentations18:05
ducasseboqsc_: that's going to take a good while, and effort18:05
OerHeksdistrowatch is your help, i guess18:05
tgm4883IMHO, that's not really an answerable question as it's pretty vague18:05
boqsc_Yep and it already takes 1 year, but I have this passion to understand and maybe even program analysis cross distribution tool, if it does not exist yet.18:06
tgm4883boqsc_: I mean, are you talking about packages and dependencies? Or do you want to know how services work? This is all really vague18:06
tgm4883also, pretty off topic for this channel. This would be better in #ubuntu-discuss18:07
sentimenthello. How can I set an env var for my profile when I login?18:07
sentimentand I am not talking about login shell. Just the regular desktop shell.18:08
sentimentspecifically I need to set an env var for firefox18:09
naccsentiment: 'desktop shell' isn't a thing.18:10
naccsentiment: do you mean in all bash environments? add it to .bashrc18:10
lordcirthsentiment, You could edit Firefox's .desktop file? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Desktop_entries#Modify_environment_variables18:11
sentimentdidn't work in bashrc18:11
naccsentiment: then you asked the wrong question :) firefox doesn't launch from a shell18:11
naccsentiment: probably you want what lordcirth said18:11
sentimentyeah I read about that, but I don't know where .desktop file for firefox is located18:11
tgm4883sentiment: did you try ~/.profile ?18:12
sentimentyes didn't work18:12
naccsentiment: what are you trying to set and why?18:12
sentimentit works with env var=val firefox though18:12
lordcirth$ locate firefox.desktop18:12
sentimentbut that is a one time run18:12
tgm4883sentiment: when you say it didn't work. You added it, logged out and back in and then  queried for the variable?18:12
sentimenttgm4883: yes18:13
sentimentNow I will try the desktop file18:13
naccsentiment: if you still have that configuration, try running `login` in a shell and see if it's present.18:13
sentimentis that a system wide file?18:14
sentimentnacc: I tried to see if it was persisted using env | grep MOZ_WEBRENDER18:16
sentimentand it was't listed.18:16
arooni_team_bwill startup applications allow me to run any aribtrary command at startup?  i.e. mv ~/Documents/foo ~/Desktop for example ?18:23
Captain_Haddockarooni_team_b: You can get it to call scripts, yes.18:25
Captain_Haddockor call the scripts from your bash profile.18:26
sentimentJust wanted to let you know that I succeeded only after setting the var in ~/.pam_environment18:29
sentimentwhat a freakin hassle though18:29
sentimentjust to set a damn var, there are too many places to look for18:30
tchakatakarooni_team_b: You could also use cron to do it periodicaly.18:30
sentimentanother thing18:30
sentimenttracker consumes too much cpu after I login18:31
Gula4555857Hello, what would happen if I delete all the packages on Ubuntu? I mean is Ubuntu made out of packages?18:31
sentimentis it a bug?18:31
lordcirthGula4555857, you wouldn't have a working OS18:31
ikanoboriGula4555857: Things wouldn't work pretty much, some of the things required are in packages.18:31
lordcirthYour kernel is a package, as is coreutils, etc18:32
Gula4555857But there would be still some things left even if every single package is theoretically removed.18:32
tchakatakGula4555857: well.. yes but no.18:32
sentimentso what are all these freakin env files for?18:32
Gula4555857Linux kernel is not a package, I'm pretty sure.18:32
lordcirthGula4555857, there would be some mostly-empty directories with a few leftover files.18:32
sentimentwhy the redundency?18:33
tchakatakTheoritically, if you remove evey package from a linux os, you will not have any os, as linux is packages.18:33
hggdhGula4555857: you would have a, for all that matters, empty disk. No Linux, no utilities, no way of working18:33
lordcirthsentiment, setting env in those different files does slightly different things.18:33
sentiment.basrc, .profile .pam_environment /etc/environment /etc/.profile18:33
sentimentsome of them I understand though18:33
sentimentsome are for system wide vars18:34
lordcirthGula4555857, 'apt list linux-generic' - that's a kernel package18:34
tchakatakyou can also add .xinitrc etc..18:34
Gula4555857So even kernel would be gone completely?18:35
lordcirthIn reality, apt would probably stop halfway through after removing itself :P18:35
naccGula4555857: why are you asking?18:35
hggdhGula4555857: you would be left with user data, some package configuration/history, and that's it18:35
Gula4555857That's my way of quickly understanding the basics.18:36
hggdhGula4555857: although it is probable that there would be a few packages left, since the removal would probably terminate in error18:37
naccGula4555857: what basic does this help you understand?18:37
hggdhnacc: none I can see, but ah well18:37
Gula4555857That Linux distribution is a software package suite.18:38
hggdhnacc: and... welcome sir18:38
nacchggdh: thanks :)18:38
naccGula4555857: Ubuntu != Linux18:38
Gula4555857And package manager is the most powerful software.18:38
hggdhGula4555857: *Ubuntu* is distributed in packages. As is Fedora, SuSE, and others18:38
naccGula4555857: powerful in some senses, but really not, in others. It does one thing (which it generally does well)18:39
lordcirthOne can build a working Linux system without a package manager. It just sucks.18:39
lordcirthhttp://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ goes over this process.18:39
Gula4555857Building a Linux system, means combining packages manually?18:40
hggdhanyway, good distraction, and all that; but we should go back to topic18:40
johnnyfiveHowdy, so I asked this in #ubuntu-mirrors but they are pretty silent. I have a weird issue with the ubuntu mirrors. I maintain a local repo using debmirror. However, sometimes, the upstream repositories/indexes reference packages that aren't immediately available to download, which creates a broken repo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Mkv2rWPVWh/18:40
johnnyfiveCan anyone explain why debmirror would receive a 404 when initially trying to download a package, but have it available at a later date?18:40
tgm4883Gula4555857: linux distributions are a combination of different pieces of software. You can get this software as source and compile it, or you can use pre-compiled packages. Most linux distributions use pre-compiled packages. In any case, further discussion of this topic should be in #ubuntu-discuss as it's not a support question18:41
hggdhjohnnyfive: perhaps because the repositories themselves are being updated18:41
nthdev1Probably didn't sync yet18:41
johnnyfivehggdh, so this is known/acceptable behavior?18:41
naccjohnnyfive: what others say, i don't think it's atomic in that sense, but i'm not sure18:41
tgm4883That sounds like a broken sync issue18:41
hggdhjohnnyfive: it is *expected* behaviour, given packages and indexes are held in f=different files18:42
johnnyfiveI'm using the official ubuntu mirror as my source18:42
tgm4883it's been a long time since I had a ubuntu mirror though18:42
lordcirthDoesn't the mirror guide recommend a 2-step sync to mitigate this?18:42
tgm4883hggdh: if that's expected behavior, someone should fix it18:42
tgm4883lordcirth: IIRC you are correct18:42
johnnyfiveIt does? I must have missed that section.18:43
Gula4555857Oh, sorry, I though this is a general chat channel. Thanks everyone.18:43
hggdhtgm4883: not possible. There will always be a time window where the files are not all in a consistent/coherent state (since the files are still being copied in)18:43
tgm4883hggdh: false18:43
tgm4883hggdh: you download the packages, then when you're done. You update the release file18:44
johnnyfivelordcirth, do you know which mirror guide you're referencing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Debmirror doesn't mention any 2 step update process.18:44
tgm4883hggdh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors/Scripts18:44
lordcirthYeah, that18:45
plongshotHi, I'm wondering what the "git --exec-path" should be on an ubuntu 16.04 system?  I know ubuntu has some of it's own version of programs and own ways of making them work sometimes.18:46
tgm4883According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors it's required you use a two step sync to be an official mirror, but in practice I'm unsure how often that is enforced18:46
lordcirthplongshot, I don't think you should need to change that18:47
tgm4883johnnyfive: Also, I'd say it would be good to see your logs of this to ensure it's the same package version that wasn't available and then was. I'd say it's more likely that you had a old cached packages file that was trying to download a file that didn't exist. And between the time it said it was unavailable and the time it worked the packages file updated in the background18:48
tgm4883(or you ran apt update)18:48
texlaMy desktop w/Ubuntu 18.04.1 freezes after boot..last thing downloaded was an upgrade..do I need to reinstall o/s18:48
johnnyfivetgm4883, roger, the paste I have is from debmirror, not from apt, which shows the 404 and then 20018:48
lordcirthtexla, what is it doing when it freezes?18:49
tgm4883johnnyfive: can you pastebin the log?18:49
texlalordcirth, I cannot open any program only ctl+alt=f218:49
nevada1Would you say it's necessary to install third-party software during the Ubuntu installation inside VirtualBox?18:49
geniimaybe ubuntu-restricted-extras18:50
nevada1I mean it's just a tick box.18:51
lordcirthtexla, do you get a login screen? Anything in syslog or dmesg?18:51
OerHeksif you see vbox guest additions as part of the install, yes18:51
nevada1Don't think so. For that I can just insert the Guest Additions CD from VirtualBox after I'm done with updates.18:52
texlalordcirth, After boot I have desktop and all icons but cannot open terminal to test dmesg or anything else18:52
tgm4883texla: did the update finish properly?18:53
nevada1Then again, it says "third-party software for graphics and Wi-Fi hardware and additional formats" Why would you need those in a virtual machine?18:53
lordcirthtexla, but you said you could get a terminal with ctrl-alt-f2?18:53
lordcirthnevada1, there's also some media codecs18:53
plongshotlordcirth: I agree but wanted to verify since I'm tryinto to set up dvcs in my code editor ( it's being a pain about it )18:53
nevada1Guess I'll just install them then.18:54
texlalordcirth, Can get f2 but do not know what to type in it18:54
nevada1Shouldn't hurt.18:54
lordcirthtexla, log in, and 'tail /var/log/syslog'18:55
texlalordcirth, Cannot open f2 and f1 shows logo and red dots19:07
lordcirthtexla, ok. Reboot, and edit the grub kernel line, removing 'quiet splash'. See if you get useful messages.19:08
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dar123hey guyz i am trying to get a static ip on trusty eth119:22
dar123i cannot get the ip assigned on the interface, i added address, mask and gateway to /etc/network/interfaces19:23
BluesKajdar123, are you still using network manager?19:24
BluesKajok add this line, even tho it's dhcp itwill still use your set IP.. iface enp2s0 inet dhcp, insert your ethernet name in place of enp2s019:28
BluesKajalso you probly need to install ifupdown19:28
BluesKajand comment out renderer in netplan19:29
naccBluesKaj: ... on trusty?19:30
dar123i do not have netplan19:30
BluesKajoh sorry, nope judtadd the line above then19:30
naccdar123: maybe pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file?19:31
demetrisi am having an issue with grub19:36
demetrisevery now and then after cold boot i end up in initramfs> prompt19:37
demetrisand help?19:37
demetrisall this after i upgraded to 18.04.2 or/and after a grub update19:38
demetrisnot sure the exact cause19:38
leftyfbdemetris: I would run some disk checks and look at dmesg to see if you have possible issues with your drive/filesystem19:39
demetrisits a brand new ssd disk19:39
demetrisalso i have no issue to boot into win 10 through dual booting19:40
leftyfbbrand new != 100% functional19:42
CodeMouse92Agreed. I've received brand new, already half-dead drives before19:46
demetrisow my audio looks disabled19:51
demetrishow i can re enable it19:51
demetrisis in off state19:52
eater9Hi, I notice today that my laptop is a little slow, so I checked top and there are 5 "telnet" processes running. How can I figure out what's running these?19:57
nacceater9: pstree ?19:57
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eater9pstree, neat. says they're direct children of systemd20:00
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memphis10anyone here have time for some 16.04 lts to 18.04 lts questions20:12
genii!ask | memphis1020:12
ubottumemphis10: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:12
ioriamemphis10, what's the problem ?20:14
memphis10when I run do-release-upgrade.. it checks packages from xenial.. then gives a list of things it is going to remove like apache2 but it doesn't look like it is going to install them again..20:14
ioriawhy do you think that ?20:15
memphis10well.. before that20:15
memphis10what's up with No candidate ver:  linux-image-4.4.0-65-generic20:15
ioriayou still have old kernels installed20:15
memphis10autoremove doesn't remove anything.. so do I need to get rid of those first ?20:16
ioriaclearly, thatose pkgs cannot be upgraded20:16
memphis10No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-140-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-21-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-28-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-31-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-34-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-36-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-38-generic No candidate ver:  linux-image-extra-4.4.0-42-generic No 20:16
karoshiiAny tips on how to fix this without root? https://dpaste.de/mYg420:16
ioriayou need to remove by hand , but it's not an issue20:16
karoshiiis that the right path for lsof on ubuntu? not having much joy with google20:16
ioriamemphis10,  what i'am wondering is why you still have those kernels20:17
memphis10this server has been running for a few years..20:17
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memphis10so I pushed "d" for details..20:17
memphis10Remove: apache2 libapache2-mod-php7.0 libmagickcore-6.q16-2   libmagickwand-6.q16-2 libperl5.22 lxc-common perl-modules-5.22   php-imagick php7.1-curl python-certbot-apache20:18
memphis10Remove (was auto installed) apache2-bin certbot gir1.2-mutter-3.0   gir1.2-spice-client-glib-2.0 gir1.2-spice-client-gtk-3.0   gnome-themes-standard-data libapache2-mod-php7.1 libcurl3   libdouble-conversion1v5 libgjs0e libmagickcore-6.q16-2-extra   libmutter0g libnss3-nssdb libobrender32 libobt2 libsane   pulseaudio-module-x11 python3-aptdaemon.pkcompat python3-certbot   python3-certbot-apache python3-zope.component python3-zope.ho20:18
memphis10but under Install: it doesn't show apache220:18
ioriamemphis10,  the only problem (so far) it's the space taken by those kernels; btw,   paste apt-cache policy apache220:19
memphis10so the do-release-upgrade already changed my sources.list20:20
memphis10apache2:   Installed: 2.4.38-2+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+6.3   Candidate: 2.4.38-2+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+6.3   Version table:  *** 2.4.38-2+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+6.3 100         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status      2.4.29-1ubuntu4.5 500         500 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-updates/main amd64 Packages      2.4.29-1ubuntu4.4 500         500 http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu bionic-security/main amd64 Packages    20:20
naccmemphis10: you were using a ppa20:20
ioriamemphis10,  ah20:20
naccmemphis10: as php7.1 wasn't available on xenial anyways20:20
ioriamemphis10,  should be disabled that ppa20:20
memphis10ahh ok..20:21
ioriamemphis10,  when you are up and running , if you want enable again that ppa and reinstall20:21
memphis10that is coming from my nextcloud install20:21
memphis10or maybe webmin20:22
BurningPrincessSo, is there any GROME related packages that I can uninstall after removing GROME?20:22
ioriamemphis10,  no webmin, please20:22
OerHeksstop joking Grome, it is Gnome20:22
memphis10yeah.. I have it so other people can add and remove users from my ldap20:22
OerHeksadding a desktop is easy, removing one is interesting.20:22
BurningPrincessOerHeks:  its just a spelling mistake20:23
ioria!webmin | memphis1020:23
ubottumemphis10: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.20:23
memphis10oh fun20:23
naccBurningPrincess: that you keep making, so it's not a mistake anymore20:23
memphis10is there any decent replacement for that type of management20:23
naccBurningPrincess: if you removed the metapackage, have you run `sudo apt-get autoremove` ?20:24
hggdhBurningPrincess: but, to answer: it is not easy to fully remove everything Gnome (or KDE, or ...) if you stop using the DE20:24
BurningPrincessThank you for being helpfu;20:24
memphis10so maybe going to 18.04 isn't what I want to do.. what I really want is to get to samba 4.7.1 to deal with some xattr bugs with my osx/win shares20:25
BurningPrincessnacc:  I ran it right now - I removed it a long time ago so the uneeded packages are removed20:25
BurningPrincesshggdh: I probly have fiels and bits left over20:26
hggdhBurningPrincess: most  certainly20:26
naccmemphis10: the upstream version isn't the correct way to approach getting a bugfix (or verifying a bugfix is present). Backprts of bugfixes are done all the time, and the upstream version is not bumped.20:26
naccmemphis10: when you say 'xattr' bugs, are they bugs in samba ? have you filed them in ubuntu?20:26
BurningPrincesshggdh: I kinda wish I used --purge now20:26
AnthaasI'm trying to create a .service file for self-hosted YouTrack. When I run systemctl enable youtrack.service the system doesn't create a symlink for the service.20:27
ioriamemphis10,  cockpit20:27
hggdh^ +120:27
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ioriamemphis10,  and samba 4.7.1   is unknown to me (on ubu at least)20:29
naccioria: memphis10: 18.04 has 4.7.6, so maybe they meant at least20:29
naccin which case it presumably is a specific bugfix20:30
iorianacc, ok20:30
naccioria: but your point is also good, in that picking 4.7.1 is not a great idea, as it's a downrev stable release20:30
ioriai see20:31
memphis10nacc: my problem is that a few days ago I turned on vfs fruits and streams_xattr etc.. now I have a few files that windows 10 cannot open.. it says they are not longer there..20:31
naccmemphis10: so turn them back off? :)20:32
naccmemphis10: and you know 4.7.1 has some fix in samba for this issue?20:32
memphis10based on that20:32
AnthaasI'm trying to create a .service file for self-hosted YouTrack. When I run systemctl enable youtrack.service the system doesn't create a symlink for the service.20:36
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AnthaasIts like the created .service file isn't discovered by systemctl, even after running systemctl daemon-reloa20:43
AnthaasFollowing these instructions: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/youtrack/standalone/Install-YouTrack-JAR-as-Service-Linux.html20:44
OerHeksdid you perform systemctl daemon-reload like that manual says?20:45
AnthaasYes - I've resolved it by dropping the .service file directly into /lib/systemd/system20:48
blackflowAnthaas: no, don't put it there, put it under /etc/systemd/system/20:51
_ramokI'm running a Ubuntu 18.04.1  . I would like to change my DNS from systemd-resolved to dnsmasq . I thought a simple apt-get install dnsmasq would be the solution to be able to dig google.com after stopping systemd-resolved, but it doesn't work20:51
_ramoki've a file in: /etc/dnsmasq.d/consul.conf   with the content https://pastebin.com/JdjeDK7b20:51
_ramokthe logs do also show that and are registered as DNS https://pastebin.com/YvyhMtas20:51
_ramokdig google.com  ; <<>> DiG 9.11.3-1ubuntu1.5-Ubuntu <<>> google.com ;; global options: +cmd ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached20:52
_ramokI've added the server section also in /etc/dnsmasq.conf20:52
RandolfHow can I do a live copy of my Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS system to a new hard drive that I have plugged in externally?20:53
RandolfI've tried to make sense of CloneZilla, but it's just not working for me.20:53
naccRandolf: you mean from within the live system, copy the disk contents to an external drive? why would you do that?20:54
RandolfCloneZilla wants an image repository, but it doesn't seem to provide disk-to-disk copy options.20:54
OerHeksRandolf, you *can* copy all partitions, after that you chould boot with live iso, chroot and set the UUID of the copied partitions right in Fstab20:55
Randolfnacc: Because I need to get everything moved over onto a newer hard drive.20:55
blackflow_ramok: what's listed in /etc/resolv.conf?20:55
naccRandolf: use dd?20:55
naccRandolf: note that it doesn't necessarily mean your new hard drive will be bootable20:55
RandolfOerHeks: In NetBSD, I could set up a frozen snapshot image and copy that using dd.20:55
naccas per what OerHeks said20:55
OerHeksi think he encountered that the copy does not boot20:55
OerHeksUUID changes, those are uniwque20:56
RandolfI haven't been able to copy the live system.  Sorry, I'm still sort of new to Ubuntu and Linux.20:56
OerHeksand do not do this live, but from a live iso20:56
naccRandolf: what do you mean by "live" system? do you mean the "try ubuntu" thing? or do you mean from a running system?20:56
RandolfFrom a running system.20:56
naccRandolf: you want what OerHeks just said, boot from the live ISO or any live image and then dd it20:56
RandolfBooting from an ISO is fine with me, but the newer hard drive is a bit smaller.20:56
naccRandolf: then you don't want to dd it20:57
naccRandolf: that's a new requirement :)20:57
OerHeksclonezilla can encounter that, AFAIK20:57
naccclonezilla can do it, yeah20:57
RandolfWell, I'm finding CloneZilla to be very confusing, and I'm unable to figure out how to select partitions to copy and whatnot using it.  I've got it booting from USB no problem.20:57
_ramokblackflow: /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf    and the content is: nameserver options edns020:57
nacc_ramok: did you only install dnsmasq? did you change your ocnfiguration?20:58
OerHeksIf you are sure all the data from the image could fit the smaller disk, i.e. it won't be written to the wrong disk space, you can check the option "-icds".20:58
nacc_ramok: i dont' think dnsmasq takes over just because you install it20:58
RandolfOh yeah, the disk space isn't a problem because the newer and slightly smaller drive won't reduce the free disk space by very much, and there will still be plenty of free disk space left over.20:59
_ramoknacc: i did some configuration, yes. mainly adding the server section in /etc/dnsmasq.conf20:59
_ramokand added a file to /etc/dnsmasq.d/consul.conf20:59
OerHeksRandolf, oke, have fun21:00
nacc_ramok: system configuration, not dnsmasq configuration21:00
nacc_ramok: your system is still using systemd-resolve21:00
_ramoknacc: you mean by disabling the service?21:00
RandolfOerHeks: I'm not having fun.21:00
OerHeksi hoped you would, with our confirmation21:01
_ramoknacc: okay, I did run: systemctl disable systemd-resolved21:01
_ramokdig google.com doesn't resolve and times out, but dig @localhost google.com does resolve21:02
RandolfCan dd operate on the partition level?  Or is it only disk-based?21:02
nacc_ramok: disable doesn't stop it21:02
_ramoknacc: it's also stopped21:02
nacc_ramok: ok, did you start dnsmasq?21:02
RandolfI'm thinking perhaps copying the small partitions and then rsync the main partition with all my data.21:02
_ramokdnsmasq is running and systemd-resolved is stopped and disabled21:02
_ramoknacc: ^21:02
nacc_ramok: and did you verify /etc/resolv.conf is pointing at the right thing?21:02
RandolfOr perhaps I'm misunderstanding how this is supposed to work.21:02
_ramoknacc: at what does /etc/resolv.conf need to point? to /etc/dnsmasq.conf ?21:03
nacc_ramok: no, definitely not21:03
nacc_ramok: resolv.conf is a DNS config file, dnsmasq.conf is the dnsmasq configurationf ile21:03
_ramoknacc:  currently it's pointing to: /etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf  and contentwise it has: nameserver options edns021:03
nacc_ramok: yes, do you see the problem?21:04
_ramokit's pointing to systemds configuration nacc21:04
RandolfAre there reasonable alternatives to CloneZilla?21:04
nacc_ramok: yes. are you on desktop or server?21:04
_ramoknacc:  i'm not clear where it should point to. I could unlink it and write a static one, but that's probably not recommended21:05
_ramoknacc: server21:05
RandolfWhen I search online all I find are tools for Windows, even when I include Linux in the search terms.21:05
leftyfbRandolf: what's wrong with clonezilla?21:05
BrianBlazeRandolf, I believe acronis works with linux partitions21:06
Randolfleftyfb: I can't figure out how to get it to work for me.21:06
BrianBlazeif u want something more windows like but cloneilla is good too21:06
leftyfbRandolf: That doesn't sound like a good reason to find an alternative to one of the most popular cloning suites for linux21:06
Randolfleftyfb: Its options are confusing, with stuff like "local-disk-local-something-something" and when I try to use the options I can't find a list of disks to choose from.21:06
leftyfbRandolf: there's loads of documentation on it21:07
OerHeksi just pointed to 'smaller'..21:07
Randolfleftyfb: My Ubuntu installation has two partitions -- /dev/sda1: EFI System (512M) -- /dev/sda2: Linux LVM21:07
leftyfbRandolf: there's loads of documentation on it21:08
en1gmaacronis works fine with linux partitions. the big deal is if its mbr or gpt21:08
en1gmabut it will still work with both21:08
_ramoknacc: any idea?21:08
OerHeksEFI .. i would not copy that partition.21:08
RandolfHmm, Acronis isn't free and open source software though.21:08
RandolfOerHeks: Isn't that needed for booting the OS though?21:09
BrianBlazenah most cloning software like that isn't21:09
en1gmai own tih and disk director21:09
nacc_ramok: if you're using dnsmasq, then i think you just want to point your resolv.conf at dnsmasq, no?21:09
_ramoknacc: i don't understand what you're writing.21:10
RandolfOh, HP put the EFI partition there?  I'm just reading that it's OS-independent.21:10
nacc_ramok: dnsmasq is a local resolver, listening on localhost21:10
nacc_ramok: so modify your resolv.conf to query it, not using a symlink to the systemd-resolv configuration21:11
_ramoknacc: so you're saying I should unlink the symlink to the systemd resolv.conf?21:11
_ramokand edit it statically?21:11
nacc_ramok: why are you switcing from systemd-resolve to dnsmasq?21:11
_ramoknacc: i'm using hashicorps consul (service discovery) in combination with docker containers. with systemd-resolved it's too much fiddle21:13
RandolfOerHeks: That link you supplied has a list of advanced options, but that wasn't presented to me in CloneZilla.21:13
_ramokand it's recommended to use dnsmasq21:13
nacc_ramok: you can chain systemd-resolve to dnsmasq and it's a lot less fiddling21:13
_ramoknacc:  how to do that?21:13
nacc_ramok: did you do much research about this beforehand?21:13
RandolfI'm also not working with a disk image, but just want to copy disk-to-disk.21:13
RandolfWell, partition-to-partition.21:14
_ramoki would prefer having dnsmasq and systemd-resolved chained21:14
nacc_ramok: just do some quick searching, i think you'll find plenty of guides21:14
_ramoki'm on it... after 30 seconds nothing useful found :)21:14
nacc_ramok: i feel like you didn't search very hard21:15
nacc_ramok: literally from the project you are trying to use.21:16
_ramoknacc:  that links to this page in the end: https://www.consul.io/docs/guides/forwarding.html21:17
_ramoknacc: my problem is that dnsmasq and systemd-resolved are running on port 53 . i have no clue how to chain both. if i start to run both one or the other is complaining that the port 53 is already in use21:18
_ramoknacc: ^21:18
RandolfOh, I think I see my problem with CloneZilla -- on the home page of the web site, under the "Limitations" heading it reads "The destination partition must be equal or larger than the source one."21:19
nacc_ramok: uh, there's no mention of that url in the github issue21:19
nacc_ramok: did you read the entire issue?21:19
_ramoknacc: slap me. i assumed it's another issue. let me read this one21:20
nacc_ramok: also, my cursory google search that led me to that issue was "switch systemd-resolve to dnsmasq" and it was the 5th result21:20
n0n3m_ramok: set dnsmasq conf: bind-interfaces listen-address=
n0n3m_ramok: no-hosts no-resolv then restart21:21
n0n3m_ramok: systemd-resolved listen on interface
_ramoklet me try this out n0n3m21:22
_ramoknacc: i'll read the issue right after21:22
n0n3m@all: I installed 18.04 on a NUC, and I've a strange behavior on pseudo terminals... I just can't login: I type my login and as soon as I type the return key, the return key is repeated until the terminal reset itself! Any hint ?21:23
_ramokn0n3m: it seems like it works21:25
_ramokat least netstat -tulpn |grep 53 shows me dnsmasq and systemdresolved21:26
n0n3m_ramok: you don't really need the no-hosts no-resolv, keep them only if you want dnsmasq to read those21:26
_ramokthank you very much nacc  and n0n3m21:27
nacc_ramok: nice, yw21:29
mhcerrin0n3m, I think that might be a known issue that its fix should be release next week: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/181387321:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1813873 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Userspace break as a result of missing patch backport" [High,Fix committed]21:30
mhcerrin0n3m, do you know what kernel version are you runnning?21:30
n0n3mmhcerri: 4.15.0-45-generic21:31
mhcerrin0n3m, do you have ssh access to it?21:32
n0n3mmhcerri: I'm reading the launchpad, it seems related21:32
n0n3mmhcerri: yep21:33
mhcerrin0n3m, can you downgrade the kernel to 4.15.0-43-generic or updade it to the version in proposed in the meantime?21:33
n0n3mmhcerri: I'm on Gnome21:33
n0n3mmhcerri: yes I'll try21:37
n0n3mmhcerri: I downgraded to a previous kernel and that fixed it21:47
n0n3mmhcerri: thx !21:47
mhcerrin0n3m, nice!21:48
plongshotI have a program that's misbehaving and I have no idea where to look for an answer. I have been googling a bit and haven't found any information that fits my predicament.  Can anyone assist?21:50
plongshotemmet isn't working in my vs code version 1.31.0   I've been poking around trying to figure out what's going on but have been unsuccessful so far.  Has anyone experienced this before?21:50
leftyfbn0n3m: maybe try the hwe kernel (4.18)21:54
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mhcerrigpiccoli, ^ do you know if that is already fixed in linux-hwe?21:58
pi0were does ubuntu keep it's wifi settings22:05
pi0i configured a wifi connection but wanted to see how it did it manually22:05
n0n3mleftyfb: yep, i'll give it a try, since my nuc is quite new, I don't know if the bug or the patch is in that version however...22:09
leftyfbpi0: what version of ubuntu?22:12
LtHummusis there a way to manage the machines i have active with livepatch? or a way to disable them? or am i just limited to 3 activations without paying money?22:12
leftyfbpi0: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/22:13
pi0thank you22:15
pi0would the same be on rpi?22:15
leftyfbpi0: That is not ubuntu22:16
pi0does ubuntu run on pi22:16
jeremybpi0:  could be /etc/network somewhere22:17
leftyfbpi0: yes22:17
leftyfbjeremyb: that is incorrect. At least for running Pixel22:17
pi0nice! is the distro on the ubuntu website?22:17
leftyfbpi0: I don't understand why you're not asking these question in #raspberrypi since you've been asking other questions there for over an hour22:18
leftyfbpi0: go through the pi website22:18
pi0well my wifi settings are in ubuntu22:18
gpiccolihi mhcerri, it is fixed in the latest 4.18 series22:18
pi0but now i am considering putting ubuntu on my pi22:18
leftyfbpi0: I would wait22:19
pi0just keep stretch22:19
leftyfbpi0: They will be releasing Ubuntu Mate 18.04 for the pi shortly22:19
leftyfbright now it's still at 16.0422:20
jeremybpi0: If you use Network Manager to set up connections, they are in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, but there are other ways22:20
leftyfbjeremyb: Raspbian doesn't use networkmanager22:20
jeremybraspian would be off topic22:20
Bashing-ompi0: A work in progress: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2019/02/26/ubuntu-mate-18-04-2-is-coming-to-the-raspberry-pi-3/#3ce6e42d1ac5 .22:20
leftyfbjeremyb: ya think?22:20
pi0very nice22:22
pi0does this mean no cert22:22
leftyfbpi0: on what context? Is this on ubuntu or raspbian?22:23
OerHekson stretch, i guess22:23
pi0well that setting was on ubuntu22:24
pi0but i need to setup it up on stretch22:24
pi0peap with no cert22:24
leftyfbpi0: are you running a GUI on stretch?22:25
pi0nope just console22:25
pi0trying to learn22:25
pi0but on my laptop i am22:25
pi0with gnome22:25
pi0i think i said it wrong, should be eap22:26
pi0no cert22:26
jeremybpi0: Have you done a search on how to do that in Linux, eap no cert22:28
leftyfbjeremyb: I don't think you understand the context22:29
pi0i did but i do not know how to convert all of my ubuntu 18.10 settings22:29
pi0into a raspberry pi interfaces or wpa_supplicant.conf22:30
leftyfbpi0: please seek support from #rapberrypi22:30
pi0yikes, like "night and day" those 2 are very different22:30
pi0will do for that matter, but on ubuntu, why can't i ssh to raspberrypi.local withing having to find avahi22:31
pi0setting and interface name22:31
leftyfbpi0: I would not try to use the bare configs from Ubuntu and put them into bare configs in Raspbian. You should just focus on getting a simple wpa_supplicant.conf going on raspbian with just an ssid and psk and see if it works and troubleshoot further in #raspberrypi22:31
leftyfbpi0: without avahi, you would need to be running a local DNS server and using ONLY that dns server in your router/dhcp configs22:32
pi0leftyfb: thank you, i will do that22:32
gislavedhow to see why a preseed install doesn't start the real install and hangs on it's purple screen after loading stuff ?22:37
leftyfbgislaved: ALT+F122:40
gislavedleftyfb doesn't show me much network-preseed selected, random crng init done and then it stops22:41
leftyfbtry ALT+F422:41
gislavedI'm on the consoled22:41
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Tyrandiswhats up everyone23:36
caineanyone there?23:40
Bashing-om!ask | caine23:41
ubottucaine: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:41
caineoh i thought this was a chat channel23:42
plutesis arpspoof under a different package name? done a sudo apt search arpspoof and couldn't see anything. Except dsniff ?23:50
xamithandsniff IS the package23:50
plutesxamithan, cheers I thought it was23:51
sullvianDoes anyone know the easiest way to run transmission when starting in ubuntu?23:59

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