=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash === brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [07:49] Why does it seem like all the image viewer apps aren't able to set a pic as wallpaper? Do any of them work? [07:50] qwebirc36884, try with desktop settings [07:53] Ok, Thanks. [07:53] yw [07:57] One other question, I have always liked the "always on top" feature built into the OS but I've found you can set kb shortcuts for almost everything except toggling always on top, is there a simple way or a app worth looking at that maybe expands the ability of adding custom kb shortcuts? [08:03] qwebirc36884, add a shortcut with: sh -c "wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -b toggle,above" [08:04] and once you open a window that you want to stay on top, just hit the desired key combination [08:05] Ah, easy enough, thank you, diogenes_ . I knew you could add shortcuts via command line but thought you could only make shortcuts for inside terminal, not system wide shortcuts. [08:06] qwebirc36884, yes system wide via settings > keyboard > application shorctuts > add [08:07] I'm guessing the same shortcut will disable it as well or do I need to create a different shortcut for disabling it? [08:08] yes, same shorcut to on/off [08:09] Ok, thanks. I appreciate it, I just recently walked away from Windows finally and went full Linux, I'm still learning my way around and got lots to read and brush up on. [08:09] qwebirc36884, welcome to linux community, the most opened and kind community in the world :) [08:11] I'm loving it! Been playing with Linux for a long time but never decided to use it as my daily goto OS. So trying to learn still the ins and outs of what can be done and customized. [08:13] ohh, when we say linux we mean endless possibilities to modify and make it work exactly the way you want, i'd also advice you to take notes of the commands and the "howto" workarounds that helped you to solve your issues. [08:16] Will do for sure. [08:17] You wouldn't by chance have a suggestion for a dock app that's worth using would you? I looked at Cairo Dock, it's slick but seems to have a lot of things that aren't working so I got rid of that one. [08:20] there are is: Plank, Docky, DockbarX, GNOME Do, Avant Window Navigator [08:20] start with Plank and Docky [08:21] also you could make a dock like look using the usual xfce panel [08:21] Ok [08:22] this is how you do it: [08:22] 1. add a new panel [08:22] 2. add windows buttons plugin to that panel [08:22] 3. go to window buttons settings [08:23] 4. uncheck show button labels [08:23] 5. check "show flat button" [08:23] that's it [08:24] also add any shortcuts you like to it [08:24] Easy enough. [08:25] When you make your own panel like that, is there a way to create a folder that will hold sub-folders and expand when clicked? Sort of a shortcut folder. [08:28] there is a directory plugin that will show you the folders and there is a launcher plugin in which you can add as many applications shorcuts you like and once you click on it, it shows you the list of your applications, like a self created menu [08:28] Nice, I really appreciate your time and help. [08:29] no problem [17:14] How can I install Nvidia drivers on xubuntu? [17:15] rebab, open driver manager [17:16] via command prompt? [17:17] diogenes_: there are 3 drivers on the screen which one should I install? (properietary, tested) or (properietary) (open source) [17:18] rebab, i'd go with tested === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel === pavlushka is now known as Guest99001 === pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka