
=== JackFrost is now known as Unit193
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot1<Anarchotaoist> Has anyone successfully installed KDE Ring or Jitsi on Kubuntu. I cannot get these apps to work!00:45
tomreyn!latest | dwinchester_01:46
ubottudwinchester_: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.01:46
dwinchester_Is there a way to only get the lastest version of a specific program?01:46
tomreynsee also !snap01:47
tomreyndwinchester_: do you mean the latest ubuntu package version, the latest snap, the latest upstream version?01:48
dwinchester_I'm not entirely sure. I'm fairly new to this01:49
tomreyndid you read what ubottu pointed out?01:49
tomreynok. so you cannot have both stability and latest upstream release. you can have something close to latest upstream release, maybe, using snaps. but this means giving up on stability.01:51
ubottuSnaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io01:51
tomreynit may also mean giving up on source code availability, source code review by a trusted party.01:52
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=== dwinchester_ is now known as dwinchester
=== dwinchester is now known as dwinchester_
=== dwinchester_ is now known as dwinchester
=== dwinchester is now known as dwinchester_
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=== dwinchester__ is now known as dwinchester
IrcsomeBot1<Linuxophil> Does anyone know if there are plans to integrate Matrix/Riot into Plasma?05:29
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lordievaderGood morning07:18
IrcsomeBot1ESkYnE was added by: ESkYnE08:38
ocean416hi, how can i see the channles? I am looking for a GERMAN KUBUNTU channel10:34
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:34
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:11
WolfpainI need some help, I installed Kubuntu 18.04 alongside windows but it wont launch. I select Kubuntu from the dos menu and it starts but doesn't launch11:22
BluesKajwodencafe, you mean grub, right? How far do you get ?11:39
BluesKajoops wrong nick, guess he left11:41
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=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
wodencafeBluesKaj: huh? o_o13:59
wodencafeOh that wolf guy13:59
Admiral[m]when I enable the plasma extention on chrome, sound doesnt work on google translate14:17
Admiral[m]can anyone else confirm?14:17
Admiral[m]kubuntu 18.1014:17
=== crb is now known as G4S
RoeyHello there.  I've shut off EUFI/PTT on    my laptop and I fou ndthat it doesn't boot.. so I booted off of a LiveUSB stick.  How can I repair my installation?16:20
RoeyIs this just a matter of installing GRUB on the drive from which I want to boot?16:21
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:29
database2iopl: operation not permitted16:48
geniiYou have an old IBM 8514 monitor?16:49
database2new laptop16:50
database2buyed last month16:50
database2call to iopl(3) ends with “Operation not permitted”, even when running as root16:58
m_tadeuhi...my nic is only working at 100Mbit/s when it's capable of 1000Mbit/s...any  idea why? or how to check why?17:30
m_tadeuhmmm....autonegotiate is set to off...how to set it on?17:58
geniitwiddling with ethtool, usually18:02
m_tadeuwill it work when I boot?18:07
geniiIf you find some ethtool settings that you like, probably will have to put them in a pre-up directive in /etc/interfaces18:08
genii..or post-up, more probably18:09
m_tadeunetwork manager is taking care of my ifaces...is that a good idea?18:11
m_tadeuahhh...it actually allow me con configure it18:12
m_tadeuneed to reboot :P18:12
m_tadeuit's fixed18:17
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mojonashi! is it possible to create desktop files for kde control center modules? I would like to be able to launch the modules from albert launcher, and this would be the easiest way to do it21:13
=== stephans is now known as tangarora
EdgyMC_69Hi. How do I add an additonal DNS through GUI? I've written in the IPv4 tab of my connection in the Other DNS Servers the IP adress of the server I want to use (it's in a local docker container) but it's not updated even after reboot. Do I have to wait some more or something?22:40
EdgyMC_69nslookup can use that dns to resolve domains22:41
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tomreyncris_ cris__ cris___ cris____ cris_____: how many clients do you need connected?23:41

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