
mrtuxbluxIs linux easier to crash with many programs than Windows for other people than me?16:17
apt-ghettoI don't understand your question16:21
mrtuxbluxI mean i have crashed in Linux several times when theres some programs on at the same time16:23
mrtuxbluxAnd that doesnt happen in Windows16:23
mrtuxbluxBut still in some way Linux feels lighter / got a better look16:23
apt-ghettoLinux is more sensitive to RAM failures16:23
apt-ghettoCheck the logfiles and check your RAM (memtest)16:24
mrtuxbluxhow do i do that16:25
apt-ghettoDo you see the Grub menu at start?16:25
mrtuxbluxIm in Linux rn16:26
mrtuxbluxI got a journal thing firstly16:26
apt-ghettoDo you have installed your Linux in EFI mode?16:26
mrtuxbluxHow to know?16:26
apt-ghettoFor efi => `sudo efibootmgr -v`16:27
mrtuxbluxI got efi16:27
apt-ghettoFor logfiles => `journalctl -xb -p err`16:28
mrtuxbluxOkay i got text16:28
mrtuxbluxfrom efi command16:28
apt-ghettoWith EFI you have to look at https://www.memtest86.com/16:29
apt-ghettoYou can exit from the journalctl with key "Q"16:30
mrtuxbluxIt exited automatically in fullscreen terminal16:30
apt-ghettomemtest should run several hours, so let it run during the night16:30
mrtuxbluxi can do it while doing other things?16:30
mrtuxbluxbut why is it this thing with ram failure in linux?16:31
apt-ghettoIt is only an assumption, that your crashes are related to RAM16:32
apt-ghettoMaybe you find other causes in the log files16:33
apt-ghettoYou can use also `journalctl -xb -p warning` to see more log messages16:33
mrtuxbluxCome back!16:34
mrtuxbluxWhere are you!16:34
mrtuxbluxAre you apt-ghetto16:37
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tewarddoubt it16:37
mrtuxbluxHelp me!!16:46
mrtuxbluxwho can help me16:46
Eickmeyer!patience | mrtuxblux16:47
ubottumrtuxblux: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/16:47
mrtuxbluxI got a new question16:48
mrtuxbluxIs this a good thing...16:48
EickmeyerNo, that looks like you have a RAM failure in your hardware, but I'm no expert on that.16:48
mrtuxbluxSo on Windows also?16:49
mrtuxbluxcan this be fixed easily?16:49
EickmeyerYour entire computer likely needs replacement, or at least the RAM.16:49
mrtuxbluxWhy my whole PC because off the ram?? xD16:50
EickmeyerDepends on if the RAM is soldered or not.16:50
EickmeyerBut, yes, looks like your RAM is bad.16:50
mrtuxbluxThe ram is with sticks16:50
EickmeyerThen you need to replace the RAM.16:51
mrtuxbluxoh so that will make my PC better?16:51
EickmeyerIf that doesn't work, then your motherboard might have an issue, but I'd start with the RAM.16:51
mrtuxblux... so i can waste money16:51
EickmeyerThat's up to you.16:51
mrtuxbluxwell can you tell me if my motherboard is broken in some way16:51
mrtuxbluxIf i can know that16:51
EickmeyerI cannot.16:51
EickmeyerAnd by the way, for future reference, nobody in this chatroom is required to help you.16:52
mrtuxbluxYes i know xD'16:53
EickmeyerHardware troubleshooting is tricky. If you would feel better just replacing your motherboard, feel free. But, chances are you need to replace the RAM even if you do that.16:53
mrtuxbluxI mean that if i buy ram it may not be broken but only the motherboard?16:54
mrtuxbluxAnd how can i know my max ram16:55
EickmeyerNo, it could be both.16:55
mrtuxbluxWait was i supposed to do memtest86 with sudo?16:55
EickmeyerLooks like, from your paste, you have 8GB of RAM installed, but only just over 5GB is addressable, which is where it failed.16:55
Eickmeyermrtuxblux: Wouldn't matter.16:55
mrtuxbluxand this dont work with windows either?16:55
EickmeyerThat's a Linux program.16:56
EickmeyerReally, a GNU program.16:56
mrtuxbluxI mean my ram is broken on the hardware16:56
mrtuxbluxSo it dont work on Windows16:56
EickmeyerYes. It's indicitive of a hardware failure that Windows is likely working around if it's working at all.16:56
EickmeyerLinux is much more sensitive to RAM failures.16:56
mrtuxbluxI dont understand this. Windows got 5gb ram and it will handle that better? xD16:57
EickmeyerBasically, Windows might work, but its performance would be affected.16:57
mrtuxbluxYe linux does too but okay so a working ram = Linux is on the same level as windows?16:57
EickmeyerIf not better.16:58
mrtuxbluxWith the ram things? With the thing ram does?16:58
mrtuxbluxif i got 5gb some ram must work so how do i single out them?16:58
EickmeyerThere's no way to tell. You should just replace it all. If it was due to a power surge or static, that can mess up a lot of things on your motherboard and other RAM stick(s).16:59
mrtuxbluxoh i think there has been a lightning and power outtages17:00
mrtuxbluxI have had this computer a long time17:00
EickmeyerThat would do it.17:00
mrtuxbluxokay then i will not risk using my PC at that times again17:01
EickmeyerAnd, considering all of the heat/cool-down cycles it's likely been through, that weakens solder joints on the motherboard and other circuits over time. It might be time to replace the whole thing.17:01
mrtuxbluxdo you think amd radeon r7 240 or the ram is the problem with bad performance video editing?17:01
EickmeyerLikely the RAM.17:01
EickmeyerThe RAM, if it's bad, will degrade performance considerably no matter the operating system. Most of your computer's performance revolves around RAM.17:02
mrtuxbluxWhat is this? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jWtVWpVtFw/17:04
EickmeyerNow you have a package installation issue. Try running "sudo apt -f install" and see if that helps.17:05
mrtuxbluxNope :(17:05
mrtuxbluxso my packaging is also broken thats why i havent gotten updates for days17:06
EickmeyerNow try "sudo apt install libkf5kdelibs4support5" and see what that says.17:06
EickmeyerWhat version of Lubuntu are you running?17:11
mrtuxbluxLatest i think17:17
EickmeyerAnd, you might try removing ksysguard (sudo apt purge ksysguard).17:18
mrtuxbluxHow i check that?17:18
wxllsb_release -a17:18
mrtuxbluxits not on my pc17:18
EickmeyerRegardless, try removing it.17:18
mrtuxbluxI did17:18
mrtuxbluxUbuntu 18.10 cosmic17:18
EickmeyerThe result?17:18
mrtuxbluxno LSB modules17:19
mrtuxbluxCan i post it?17:19
EickmeyerYes, using pastebin.17:19
mrtuxbluxin chat the 5 line text17:19
wxlno LSB modules???17:19
wxlwell whatever. the answer is there at least.17:20
EickmeyerI was asking about the result of running "sudo apt purge ksysguard".17:20
* Eickmeyer slides wxl coffee17:23
wxlthanks. still finishing this dark roast17:23
wxli haven't had coffee in a while, so it's going to be a friday to remember17:24
EickmeyerFeeling productive, I take it.17:24
wxlnice to see you here, btw, helping us out!17:24
EickmeyerHey, I'm everywhere I can be to help. :)17:25
wxlyou're my hero :)17:25
mrtuxbluxoh okay i will show you17:25
EickmeyerOkay, run "sudo apt autoremove" then "sudo apt update" then "sudo apt upgrade"17:26
mrtuxbluxits done17:28
mrtuxbluxnothing new installed17:28
EickmeyerCool, and no errors?17:28
EickmeyerOkay, then your packaging errors are fixed.17:29
EickmeyerYou should start receiving updates again.17:29
EickmeyerWhen they're available/released.17:29
mrtuxbluxand it cant be broken?17:29
EickmeyerWell, no promises, but at least you're in a normal situation again.17:29
mrtuxbluxand i use 4682 ram with a game on and chrome17:30
mrtuxbluxso im fine with that little ram?17:30
mrtuxbluxi dont remember what it is that freezes me17:30
mrtuxbluxcant swap fix that?17:31
EickmeyerI would recommend higher, but of course, that's because I run Ubuntu Studio and have a higher need. BUT, if you have 8GB installed but can only use 5GB, that's a serious hardware issue.17:31
EickmeyerNo, swap won't fix that because your computer is going to continue to address all 8GB.17:31
EickmeyerWhether or not it can.17:32
mrtuxbluxbut how does windows use ram better?17:32
mrtuxbluxIt can know that ram is broken?17:32
EickmeyerI'm not too sure about the specifics on that.17:33
mrtuxbluxi wish i got to compare windows and linux with fair specs17:33
mrtuxbluxso that if i got a normal PC with same specs they can be compared17:34
EickmeyerIf you want a fully-funtioning computer again, you need to replace your RAM at minimum.17:34
mrtuxbluxcan i test other things for you to say if thats the only thing i need to do17:34
EickmeyerI, honestly, don't know how to do that. RAM issues are most common, and other issues are harder to detect (or easier, as the system likely breaks completely if the CPU or GPU have issues).17:35
mrtuxbluxI mean if my other hardware is good17:36
EickmeyerFirst step though, is to replace the RAM.17:36
EickmeyerIf I were you, though, considering the unit's age, I'd replace the whole thing.17:37
mrtuxbluxokay i dualboot so i will check this memtest in windows too17:38
EickmeyerGood luck.17:38
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mrtuxbluxi cant download conky even20:19
mrtuxbluxHow do i fix my mirrors?20:19
lubot<teward001> what'sthe error(s) you get?20:37
mrtuxbluxIm gonna try fedora20:53
mrtuxbluxplease help me im not gonna get fedora21:02
mrtuxbluxhow do i get the default packaging?21:03
wxlof what?21:04
mrtuxbluxi cant install anything21:07
mrtuxbluxnever get updates21:07
wxlyou can always run the updater21:08
wxlupdates are not automatic by default21:08
mrtuxbluxnvm im gonna sleep now xD21:08
wxlok, well21:08
wxlhere's what you need to know:21:08
wxlin 18.10 notification of updates is broken (https://phab.lubuntu.me/T166)21:09
mrtuxbluxwell i mena21:09
wxlyou can, however, make updates automatic21:09
mrtuxbluxi cant install updates21:09
wxlor you can just run the updater periodically21:09
mrtuxbluxor install any new app21:09
wxlwhat's the result of doing so?21:09
wxlwhy not remove conky?21:11
mrtuxbluxcant install it21:12
mrtuxbluxits never been installed21:12
lubot<Eickmeyer> wxl: He had the same issue with ksysguard earlier. I think he has a bad sources.list at this point.21:12
lubot<SamuelBanya> Erich I'd love to pick your brain about that project if you ever get a chance within the next week regarding your help with Ubuntu Studio21:13
lubot<SamuelBanya> *via pm21:13
wxlwhat's in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ and what's in /etc/apt/sources.list?21:13
lubot<Eickmeyer> I mobile right now otherwise I would chip in again.21:13
lubot<Eickmeyer> @SamuelBanya [Erich I'd love to pick your brain about that project if you ever get a chance wi …], Sure21:14
mrtuxbluxI used a source list generator and it helped / fixed it completly but now i gotta sleep21:16
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