
sparrMy laptop sound card "Audio device: Intel Corporation Cannon Lake PCH cAVS (rev 10)" puts out high pitch noise to the headphone jack when no audio is playing. How might I troubleshoot that?03:25
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - On Jaunty, please check bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/330814 and help test the new kernel image03:28
sparrthat last bit seems like it might be a bit out of date03:39
sparrhttp://lxr.linux.no/linux+v3.2.19/Documentation/sound/alsa/HD-Audio-Models.txt doesn't list my sound card, or one even close (ALC3266), but it's also for a very old kernel03:46
sparrall of those docs seem to be very outdated :( lots of references to hoary and jaunty and kernel 3.203:47
tomreynsparr: you're right, looks pretty outdated (sorry). on the very top of this page is a link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems04:37
tomreynand another to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio04:38
tomreynunfortunately those seem to be non-current either04:38
tomreyni think many of the suggestions for trouble shooting on spahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting are still ok, though04:41
GargoyleAt some point in the last few days, I've started being asked after logging in to "unlock the login keyring". How do I figure out which app is triggering it and/or have it automatically unlock (which is what I assume it used to do)07:39
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wheresvicHello! I'm looking for a list of features upcoming in 19.04 - could anyone point me to where I could get this information?20:52
ubottuFor release notes of a given Ubuntu release, please refer to the 'Docs' column on the 'List of releases' table at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases21:35
tomreynnot yet linked there, but it'll be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo (work in progress)21:36
tomreyni.e. release notes for disco will be at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseNotes - but they have not been drafted, yet.21:37
wheresvicok got it, thanks a bunch!21:55
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U
=== diddledan_ is now known as diddledan
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