
kenvandinejamesh: do you think the breeze MR is ready to be merged?00:40
kenvandinejamesh: i think it looks fine and i did some testing today, didn't see any regressions00:41
jameshkenvandine: I suppose we could merge it and do the icon theme later.  It shouldn't hurt to have one without the other00:41
kenvandinejamesh: i need to push out an update soon for some USNs anyway, would like to get as many fixes/improvements out as i can00:41
* kenvandine merges00:41
jameshkenvandine: I think I've got things sorted to let Yaru's CI trigger g-c-t's CI too now00:42
kenvandinei think someone complained about cursor theme, that would be included in their icon theme right?00:43
jameshquite possibly, yeah.00:43
jbichaLaney: g-s-d 3.31.90 works with gnome-shell 3.30. I haven't tried 3.31.91 though00:43
jameshcursor themes are generally part of the icon theme00:44
kenvandinejbicha: i think he's away until tuesday00:44
kenvandinejamesh: yeah00:44
kenvandinejamesh: something to confirm00:44
jbichaok, I think glibc will take a bit more time to migrate anyway00:46
jameshkenvandine: hmm.  Looks like the cursors are in breeze.git, separate from breeze-icons.git00:47
robert_ancelljbicha, can I get you to sponsor the new snapd-glib (in git). I've added autopkg tests which is a requirement for SRU exception.01:59
robert_ancellI've never done them before so if you know better than I do please have a look if they make sense!01:59
robert_ancellLaney, ^ I saw your name on the glib ones (i.e. I copied those). Let me know if they look wrong! https://salsa.debian.org/debian-ayatana-team/snapd-glib02:02
kenvandinejamesh: if you have any thing else you might be able to get into gtk-common-themes by Monday my time, take a swing at it02:28
kenvandineor rather tuesday, i'm out on monday :)02:28
kenvandinei'll defer publishing it until then, that's the snap i'm most concerned with publishing to stable to often02:28
kenvandinejamesh: also, FYI in case you weren't aware the CI builds publish to edge but we have a git mirror on LP that publishes to candidate02:30
kenvandineas the seeded snaps have to be built on LP02:30
kenvandinejamesh: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/+snap/gtk-common-themes02:30
kenvandinehey robert02:31
* kenvandine heads off to get more sleep02:34
didrocksgood morning06:40
dufluMorning didrocks06:54
didrockshey duflu06:54
jibelGood morning07:51
dufluHi jibel07:53
jibelHi duflu07:54
didrockssalut jibel07:56
jibelSalut didrocks07:57
tjaaltonwhat's this packagekit daemon and why is it blocking manual apt update08:07
tjaaltonlocks the db08:07
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tjaaltonah, bad network08:09
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:33
didrockssalut oSoMoN08:33
dufluHi oSoMoN08:33
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, hey duflu08:34
seb128good morning desktopers08:49
seb128tjaalton, it's the service used by e.g gnome-software to interact with the packaging system08:49
tjaaltonseb128: right, it's not new but was blocking apt on a new install because the network driver of the new hw is buggy08:52
tjaaltonfirst time I saw it running08:53
willcookemorning all08:55
dufluMorning willcooke08:58
seb128tjaalton, k08:58
seb128willcooke, hey!08:58
seb128& bbiab, going to co-working now08:59
didrockshey willcooke09:00
willcookeHot cross buns for breakfast \o/09:02
jibelHi willcooke09:05
oSoMoNhi willcooke, salut jibel09:08
jibelI'm seeing bug 1818199 on every boot on disco. Anyone else have this crash?09:33
ubot5bug 1818199 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "packagekitd crashed with SIGSEGV in std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_replace()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181819909:33
willcookejibel, checking09:33
jibelI cannot find something similar on the tracker but there are so many pkgkit crashes there09:35
duflujibel, tjaalton was just mention problems in packagekit09:35
jibelerror tracker*09:35
tjaaltonyeah it's crashing here too09:36
seb128same as bug #1818059?09:36
ubot5Error: Launchpad bug 1818059 could not be found09:36
seb128but packagekit didn't change since 01-0709:38
jibelI don't know the trace in the private bug is too incomplete09:41
willcookehrm, not seeing anything in the logs for a fresh install09:41
jibelapt changed yesterady09:41
jibeland pk crashes in the apt backend09:42
tjaaltonhmm, didn't crash this time09:42
didrocksI didn't update for a couple of days, but it's only at startup?09:43
didrocksah, I'm wrong: -rw-r----- 1 root whoopsie 4467454 févr. 25 08:25 /var/crash/_usr_lib_packagekit_packagekitd.0.crash09:43
didrocksso, for quite some days already09:43
duflujibel, yeah I found lots of reports of that and similar. All in bug 1818199 now09:45
ubot5bug 1818199 in packagekit (Ubuntu) "packagekitd crashed with SIGSEGV in __memmove_sse2_unaligned_erms() from std::char_traits<char>::copy() from std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_S_copy() from std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::_M_replace()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181819909:45
seb128who wants to valgrind it?09:45
seb128duflu, when did those start?09:46
dufluseb128, May 201809:46
jibelduflu, thanks for finding the duplicates09:46
seb128k, so nothing new09:47
duflujust more common09:47
seb128still would be good to debug is someone can reproduce09:47
jibelduflu, are you sure the crashes in the tracker are the same?09:48
* duflu checks again09:48
duflujibel, yes but the robots will call them two different crashes. The top function (sse2 vs avx) is just a runtime choice of which function is best for your CPU model09:49
dufluThe real bug is below that and the same09:55
dufluseb128, appears to be a misuse of C++ at apt-messages.cpp:55 but I can't tell what the mistake is09:58
duflu(assuming it's not an STL bug)09:58
Laneyjbicha: thanks, you can unblock it if you want to be responsible for that :-)10:26
Laney(not here!)10:26
Laneyunblocking won't make it move by itself, still blocked on new glibc10:28
Laneywonder what the blockers are there10:28
Laneynot going to check though10:28
LaneyHI AND BYE!10:28
didrockssee you Laney :)10:29
willcookesee you Laney10:29
willcookehave a good weekend10:29
didrocksand that's a good Friday push : +1500 lines, -8310:33
didrocks(well, started a little bit earlier than this morning though :p)10:34
seb128didrocks, jibel, tjaalton, do you get packagekit to segfault if you start it manually? if so could one of you get a valgrind log?11:29
didrocksnope, doesn't crash manually11:36
seb128same here11:37
seb128jbicha, ricotz, who is dealing with the new vala transition?11:45
seb128gnome-shell-pomodoro autopkgtests are failing, sounds like due to it, https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-disco/disco/amd64/g/gnome-shell-pomodoro/20190223_231441_1816a@/log.gz11:45
seb128also rygel fails to build now :/11:45
seb128error: Return: Cannot convert from `GLib.List<Rygel.DLNAProfile>' to `GLib.List<weak Rygel.DLNAProfile>'11:45
seb128which seems https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/rygel/merge_requests/3.patch but that needs to be uploaded then11:48
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 3 in rygel "renderer: Fix type-argument mismatch" [Merged]11:48
ricotzseb128, I mentioned the required upstream commits to jbicha, seems he didn't get it yet11:52
seb128ricotz, you should really consider applying for upload rights at some point :)11:52
ricotzseb128, please see my last messages in #debian-gnome11:52
seb128ricotz, why not doing MPs/sponsoring request for packages fixes, would open the way for you to be addded to pkg-gnome and being able to do those fixes directly which would benefit everyone11:54
ricotzseb128, I see, although as a bad experience there was my zeitgeist update which didn't get anywhere for weeks, or the vala SRUs11:55
ricotzthis made me think again that the spare time is better invested upstream11:57
ricotzregarding folks, this basically mean and proper rebuild for bionic/cosmic must be considered11:58
ricotzwhat does "rls-bb-notfixing" mean?11:59
tjaaltonseb128: nope, doesn't crash11:59
ricotzseb128, rygel https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/rygel/commit/5234b48eb0765b7ed3e7836213747fbb3b0ee2b512:00
seb128ricotz, it means we are not tracking the bug as a team-owned-item12:03
jbichajibel: there was a packagekit fix uploaded to Debian that we need to merge for disco12:04
seb128ricotz, re sponsoring, yeah we are low on resources, which is why it would be best if you could upload yourself without having to block on others12:04
ricotzseb128, ok, I am really hoping your are not underestimating those vala bug fixes12:04
seb128ricotz, I probably am, I don't know much about vala and I don't know of any concrete user visible issue those would fix12:05
seb128jbicha, were you going to merge or should I? we probably want that one12:05
seb128   [ Andrew Hayzen ]12:05
seb128   * Add aptcc-use-correct-return-type-in-function.patch:12:05
seb128     - Fix function return type, which resolves packagekitd crash12:05
seb128       when gnome-software launches, causing gnome-software to hang12:05
ricotzseb128, considering a core gnome build-dep as not critical seems problematic12:06
seb128ricotz, I think we simply have different perspectives on the problem12:06
jbichaseb128: I just asked Julian in #ubuntu-devel if we can get our diff pushed to Debian so we can sync again12:06
seb128I'm looking at SRUs from an user-impact12:06
jbichaI have appointments today so I won't be able to do uploads until tomorrow12:07
seb128and I don't know how any problem existing and bitting users today that would get resolved by the vala update12:07
seb128but I'm happy to be informed12:07
seb128jbicha, ok, I can do that12:07
seb128or let's see if julian wants to do it12:07
jbichaJulian is an "Uploader" for pk in Debian :)12:08
jbichaok, bye for now :)12:08
ricotzseb128, ok, my pov is vala upstream, and see people working with older versions and reporting fixed bugs is unfortunate, in case of bionic as LTS release is even worse having an out-dated versions while this is usually a development target12:09
ricotzseb128, maintaining several vala branches as LTS releases is reason to provide stable release updates for those distro releases12:10
seb128it's always tricky to do toolchain updates in stable series12:11
seb128you ideally need to test rebuild/runtime the rdepends12:11
seb128which is non trivial work12:12
seb128didrocks, jibel, tjaalton, the packagekit issue should be fixed in https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagekit/1.1.12-2ubuntu112:12
ricotzdoes this actually happen for updates like gcc 8.2 or openjdk 11 in that detail?12:13
seb128ricotz, openjdk yes, the SRU bug lists all the rdepends and there is a ppa used https://launchpad.net/~openjdk-11-transition12:14
seb128I don't know about gcc12:15
seb128vala would probably make a good classic snap :)12:16
seb128would make easier for users on any serie to get the version they want12:16
seb128while we could be more conservative with the distro version which is used to build the archive12:17
ricotzseb128, vala is part of the gnome-sdk which is sufficient for user wanting it that way12:17
ricotzthis doesn't help building archive packages though12:18
ricotzproving newer series of vala in released ubuntu versions is not my goal12:19
ricotzbut fixing issues discovered over the time12:20
seb128right, well I agree it would be nice to have the current version12:22
seb128but it's lot of work and people are busy :/12:22
seb128it also doesn't give confidence that things might need to be rebuilt, it means other packages might also hit problems12:22
ricotzI am fine with scratching the cosmic update, but the keeping bionic updated is kind of essential with its 10 years support12:23
ricotzif it is realized that a package actually needs an rebuild it would be buggy already12:25
ricotzyou won't see such failures which are happening with vala 0.43.x in rygel12:27
ricotze.g. rygel fix itself would likely apply and fix memory management issues in stable releases too12:28
seb128anyway don't worry, we will look at the bionic SRU12:28
ricotzalright, there will be a vala 0.40.14 soon12:29
seb128jbicha, did you plan to ffe the new gupnp?12:35
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didrocksseb128: I'll keep an eye on the crashers after updating13:39
seb128didrocks, 'ci13:39
ricotzis it possible to let the blocked-by-glibc packages to transition from -proposed?13:43
didrocksricotz: maybe ask doko? I don't know the impact if there are some ABI compatibility on some archs which creates this transition13:51
ricotzdidrocks, it is fine I assume he is on this glibc issue13:53
* ricotz is just getting the usual stuck-in-proposed emails13:53
seb128yeah, not easy way around that :/13:58
seb128didrocks, could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell/+merge/363831 since you know about the topic and it's changing a patch you wrote?14:03
seb128also the code diff is small so hopefully it doesn't require too much work, maybe just a round of testing if you validate the approach14:03
didrocksseb128: sure! Just need a test + reboot (will probably do that in the morning, when I don't have too much stuff opened ;))14:07
seb128didrocks, sounds good, thx!14:07
didrocksde rien!14:08
didrocksit looks good, but I want to check the color actually matches now14:09
didrockstrusting duflu on this, but you never know :)14:09
seb128yeah, always good to double check14:16
seb128even if for sure he has better eyes than me for colors and frames14:16
didrocksyeah, same :)14:24
kenvandineThis is a crazy notification https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/10pGZ7CC/Screenshot%20from%202019-03-01%2009-44-37.png14:47
kenvandinei'm guessing update-notifier is using an icon that's way too big?14:47
* kenvandine files bug14:56
kenvandineactually maybe it's a notification-daemon bug14:58
kenvandinei'd think it should be scaling the icon14:58
kenvandinebug 181824615:00
ubot5bug 1818246 in notification-daemon (Ubuntu) "update-notifier's notification is huge due to large icon" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181824615:00
kenvandinejbicha: do you know what epiphany uses for password storage?  To me it seems like it would use the keyring... but it doesn't seem to15:13
kenvandinei noticed timeouts on the console storing passwords15:14
kenvandinebut not apparmor denials15:14
kenvandinei added the password-manager-service plug thinking it should need it, but it really should have shown denials if it was using that15:14
kenvandinebut that didn't work15:14
seb128kenvandine, lol15:16
seb128kenvandine, is notification-daemon still used? also wth about update-notifier being ready, that's supposed to be a service, not something to notify users about15:17
kenvandineoh... dunno :)15:17
kenvandineso it's all in the shell now15:18
* kenvandine updated the bug15:19
kenvandineall i know is i got a HUGE notification from update-notifier15:20
kenvandinefreaking shell focus15:20
* kenvandine edits bug15:21
seb128did you trigger update-notifier manually in some way?15:21
seb128do you use scaling?15:22
kenvandineno and no15:22
kenvandinei was typing in irc when that popped up15:23
kenvandinedoes update-notifier raise a window when updates are ready?15:23
kenvandineoddly i never got such a window15:23
seb128it triggers update-manager15:24
kenvandinei also hadn't rebooted or anything15:25
kenvandineso it's not like the service should have just started15:25
seb128kenvandine, epiphany does use gnome-leyring15:26
seb128or libsecret at least15:26
seb128see https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/epiphany/blob/master/lib/sync/ephy-password-manager.c15:26
seb128also https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/epiphany/commit/50baa813615:26
seb128(flatpak allowed access to the keyring)15:27
kenvandinei saw it was linked against libsecret15:27
kenvandineit's timing out though, something else to debug :)15:28
kenvandineseb128: i updated the bug15:28
kenvandinei guess it's two thing, the shell should scale large icons down15:28
kenvandinejbicha: i'm going to go ahead an push a couple changes to the epiphany snap, as at least they are correct.  but we still need to figure out why it's not working15:29
kenvandineoddly there is no denials at all from epiphany... which is really unusual15:31
kenvandineso it's clearly not even trying15:31
seb128do you build from source?15:31
kenvandineit might not be building with libsecret15:32
kenvandineit does15:34
seb128do you have the build log?15:35
kenvandineit's on LP, i'll look at it15:37
seb128it doesn't seem optional anyway15:37
seb128so dunno sorry15:37
kenvandineDependency libsecret-1 found: YES 0.18.615:39
kenvandineanyway, i have more pressing things to worry about :)15:40
seb128kenvandine, btw, side comment from testing gedit yesterday, your layouting of iso-codes failed warning but there are no dictionnary so still no spell checking (but bundling dictionnaries doesn't sound nice :/ maybe something worth having an interface over to access the host or shared content for dict between apps)15:41
seb128kenvandine, oh and there are denials about the session logout inhibit, which I think has no interface atm so a wishlist for snapd, unsure if that's already known/reported/on some of our lists?15:42
kenvandineportals will handle that15:42
seb128how so?15:43
kenvandinethere is a portal for session inhibit15:43
kenvandineneed a newer gtk and glib though15:43
seb128prompting users every time they open edit to know if it's ok to inhibit their session?15:43
seb128or what's the user interaction?15:43
kenvandinei don't think that one has any user interaction15:43
kenvandinesome of them don't15:43
kenvandineor maybe once15:44
kenvandineand it remembers15:44
seb128ok, nice :)15:44
seb128thx ken!15:44
kenvandinethanks for testing and giving feedback15:44
seb128oh, I forgot to ask how you feel today!15:44
seb128a bit better I hope?15:44
kenvandineno... sadly15:44
kenvandineit's been a miserable week15:44
kenvandinewednesday i was the only day i didn't have a fever15:45
kenvandineit came back15:45
didrockskenvandine: take it easy :(15:45
kenvandinebeen on antibiotics for the past 2 days, still not helping15:45
kenvandinemy family has me in quarantine :/15:45
didrocksyeah, I imagine… source of infection :p15:46
kenvandinei've only left the bedroom to go to the doctor all week15:46
* kenvandine is going crazy15:46
kenvandineit means i've been spending my evenings working :/15:46
kenvandineotherwise too bored15:47
* didrocks hugs kenvandine15:47
kenvandinemy poor wife... spent 2 weeks now taking care of all the kids on her own15:48
didrocksyeah, thought you would come back and rest a little bit… Lies!15:48
kenvandinedamn ubuflu15:48
didrockshey frederik-f!15:49
frederik-fHuhu, ah now I understood IRC15:49
didrocksfrederik-f: going to apply for ubuntu membership next? :)15:49
frederik-fYes I already made it to the wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards15:50
frederik-fBut I have no contributions on launchpad yet, so I linked the yaru repo. Hope that's okay?15:50
=== chrisccoulson__ is now known as chrisccoulson
didrocksfrederik-f: I guess you broke the array and you still need to write a wiki page presenting you :) This is where you will explain your contribution and link to the yaru repo15:52
didrocks(and community.ubuntu.com and so on…)15:52
frederik-fokay, I try my best! :D15:52
k_alamseb128: Hi, good afternoon, can you sponsor few unity mps ?15:53
seb128k_alam, hey, maybe, feel free to give the urls and I will see what I can do15:53
k_alamseb128: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MSQSKFfH7d/15:53
seb128kenvandine, urg :( get better!15:54
kenvandineseb128: thx15:54
k_alamseb128: will vala 44 be in disco ? It is breaking many packages...unity-greeter, scopes....etc15:55
seb128k_alam, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/vala ... 0.43.91 is in disco-proposed, jbicha and ricotz are supposed to handle those issues, you didn't hear from them/got patches?16:02
k_alamricotz patched libunity......that leaves greeter and scopes...not sure if any one working on those....I fixed glib related deprecation in greeter16:05
seb128no-one from desktop team at least16:05
k_alamok...let me try fixing those in greeter....I will ask jbicha later16:08
ricotzseb128, k_alam, I have several updated packages16:15
ricotze.g. https://launchpad.net/~ricotz/+archive/ubuntu/vala-disco/+packages?field.name_filter=greeter&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=16:16
seb128ricotz, did you submit the fix to the vcs-es?16:16
ricotzseb128, no, most of them were synced from debian16:16
ricotzI guess unity-greeter could have been proposed16:17
seb128well at least you are hanging out here :)16:17
seb128k_alam, ^ try grabbing the diff from that ppa?16:17
k_alamAlright..let me try that...Thanks.16:21
seb128k_alam, launchpad is being unhappy, I uploaded unity-control-center but had to do the logo change locally since I couldn't grab the branch at the time16:27
seb128those 2 u-c-c ones are uploaded now16:27
k_alamseb128: The diff seems ok to me for u-c-c....u-s-d diff also seems fine....I used bzr rebase for u-c-c.......may be that's why some issues are happening...16:39
seb128k_alam, no, the issue is the launchpad server being out of order atm16:41
seb128or some bits at least16:41
seb128k_alam, k, so I sponsored most of those, I don't have the slots to deal with the lenses/dh-python now though but the others are in16:59
seb128k_alam, unity-greeter I didn't upload since I think that needs the vala fix as well? let me know when you mp that16:59
k_alamThanks....yes I am preparing a mp for greeter....vala fixes required only after 43.91 lands, so it will work for now...same for libunity......17:04
seb128of course libunity failed to build...17:04
seb128k_alam, no, new vala is in proposed already and packages build again proposed17:05
seb128k_alam, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/413314917/buildlog_ubuntu-disco-amd64.libunity_7.1.4+18.04.20180209.1-0ubuntu3_BUILDING.txt.gz17:05
k_alamlibunity requires this first... https://code.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes/+merge/362923 it needs to be reviewed though17:07
k_alamand dh-python in build depends...which was added without going through trunk17:08
k_alamshould I remove dh-python from my merge since it was already added ?17:10
seb128you can but it's not needed17:11
seb128well I already sorted that out for the changes I uploaded17:11
seb128k_alam, ricotz, that libunity situation is suboptimal, unsure we have people to review those changes/knowing the rdepends, also changing the API seems suboptimal but I don't understand vala enough to know why that's needed17:19
ricotzthe diff could be reduced by concentrating on errors only for easier review17:21
seb128would that means not changing the API?17:23
ricotzmoving the out parameters are only vala API changes without effecting C17:23
ricotzthe API changes I am referring there are the ownership changes17:24
seb128well as said before I don't understand vala enough to comment on that17:27
seb128I think we want to minimal changes required to fix the build to ease the review17:27
ricotzseb128, k_alam, minimized and updated the merge17:35
seb128ricotz, thx!17:35
k_alamricotz:  thanks.17:40
k_alamricotz: will open a merge for unity greeter too ? Only for vala fixes..I can replay my merge on top of that...17:42
k_alam*will you17:42
ricotzk_alam, I don't care for credits, so just use the diff17:43
k_alamAlright...bzr supports author..so I will use that.. :)17:44
ricotz(bazaar feels a bit clumsy to work with compared to git)17:44
k_alamsome unity related already moved to git...rest will move soon17:47
ricotzgood :)17:49
willcookenight all, have a good weekend18:03
Trevinhodesktoppers, fractional scaling stuff (wayland) just merged upstream!18:09
jibelI'm debugging automated desktop tests of disco and I see a timeout of portal service. What is this service? and when has it been introduced?18:56
jibelthen a timeout of packagekit.service. It seems to be blocking ubiquity?18:57
oSoMoNTrevinho, congrats, you deserve a beer!19:21
jibelah no, it's a problem with partman19:23
kenvandineTrevinho: congrats!19:32
kenvandineseb128: aspell is included in the gnome content snap, which you recommend i include hunspell?19:32
* kenvandine isn't up to speed on what's recommended19:32
kenvandinei might be able to use a layout to provide the proper access19:33
kenvandineeither way we'd need to add other langs19:34
seb128kenvandine, yes, but enchant is what is used to access the dict19:38
kenvandineenchant is in the content snap as well19:42
kenvandineseb128: so you think i should add hunspell?19:42
jibelseb128, FYI, automated tests failure is a real failure with preseeded installations of desktop. I filed bug 1818285.19:46
ubot5bug 1818285 in partman-base (Ubuntu) "[disco desktop] preseeded installation fails with parted_server: No data in infifo. parted_server: Line 2387. CRITICAL ERROR!!! EXITING." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181828519:46
seb128kenvandine, well, you want to add the individual dictioonnaries?19:48
seb128jibel, ah, good, thx!19:48
kenvandineyeah, but do we need both aspell and hunspell?19:48
kenvandineiirc hunspell is desired19:48
kenvandineseems sensible to add all the languages to the content snap19:49
seb128jibel, I pinged Steve about it on #ubuntu-devel19:50
seb128kenvandine, the iso has aspell-en and then hunspell-de/es/fr/it/etc19:51
seb128it sucks if we need to bundle all the dicts for all locales though19:51
kenvandineseb128: i think we do need to19:51
seb128we should allow access to the dict from the host19:52
seb128same as fonts19:52
kenvandinesince we don't have a means to add them dynamicly19:52
kenvandineseb128: good point19:52
kenvandinethat should be harmless19:52
kenvandineand very stable19:52
seb128there is no abi/format change there19:52
kenvandinewe do already have that access19:53
kenvandinefrom the sandbox i can list /usr/share/hunspell19:53
kenvandineand see what's on the host19:54
kenvandinethat's good... now we just need to figure out why it's not working :)19:54
kenvandinegedit says there is no language set but hints it could be the lack of dictionaries19:55
kenvandinebut maybe it is really just the language not being set :)19:55
* kenvandine straces19:56
kenvandineoh my... i think it's blowing up because it can't find gspell-1.mo20:01
kenvandinethat's easily fixable :)20:29
oSoMoNgood night and good week-end all21:01
seb128it's work-late-friday today it looks like21:04
kenvandinejdstrand: i have a couple of snaps awaiting review for dbus slot assertions22:04
kenvandinejdstrand: transporter and feedreader22:05
kenvandinejdstrand: and the snap-store auto connection for system-observe has the votes now22:06
kenvandinejdstrand: just nagging a little :)22:06
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