
dokosbeattie: just to make sure, you're done with apps, but didn't start tomcat2?08:10
sil2100Copying that one missing package from stage3 and apps soon09:11
dokosil2100: do you want me to set the verification-done tags for all those, or does this interfer with SRU work and somebody accepts these to -updates?11:14
dokohmm, no, can't work. there is no 1:1 bug<->ppa relation11:15
sil2100Let's leave the tags as they are11:16
sil2100It's not like this will go to -updates anyway11:16
dokosil2100: if you didn't touch netbean yet, I'd like to update to the disco version11:35
dokoahh, just added. will update then11:36
sil2100fonts-liberation2 doesn't have a bug attached to it11:40
sil2100I guess libreoffice as well11:40
sil2100Since these are not real SRUs, I guess I could accept them as is but you'd have to make sure they don't get lost11:41
sil2100sbeattie: do you require tracking bugs in all of the uploads here? ^11:41
sil2100Anyway, besides fonts-liberation2, libreoffice and libreoffice-l10n, everything else from apps has been copied11:42
sil2100(same for jruby-openssl from stage3)11:42
dokosbeattie: ppa:apps: updated netbeans, added libjavaewah-java (netbeans), gluegen2, libjogl2-java and scilab. put into ppa:apps because sweethome3d likely needs the gluegen2 and libjogl2-java updates as well18:38
sbeattiesil2100: I'd prefer to have the bug reference in the changelog, but I wouldn't respin just for that.22:02

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