
=== JackFrost is now known as Unit193
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
arpad22hi, I only get tty login, no gui login screen08:38
gnrparpad22: What happened before that?08:42
arpad22gnrp: I tried to install bumblebee on my muxless video card system08:43
arpad22can a recovery mode help?09:02
dffi removed a disk with grub on it, i installed xubuntu on a newly installed disk, and now grub cant boot windows (on a separate disk). in xubuntu i can see and mount the windows partition16:37
dffso im trying to follow this - https://askubuntu.com/questions/197868/grub-does-not-detect-windows16:38
dffbut lsblk doesnt show the /boot/efi mountpoint on sba (windows HD)16:39
brainwashdff: it you haven't yet, please ask in #ubuntu18:04
dffbrainwash: i did :)18:05
dffturns out my only option is to boot from a windows recovery live usb and run bootrec18:06
johnfghi folks18:33
johnfgBrand new install and everything is going well.18:33
johnfgQuestion about sasl, needed for my openldap/kerberos setup.18:33
johnfgWhat actually starts sasl, or what is its configuration file on xubuntu?18:34
=== PaulW2U_ is now known as PaulW2U

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