=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash [08:04] bluesabre, we're still getting loads of those daily CD health check mails to the -devel mod queue, can you do something about it? :P [08:05] bluesabre, or do you want me to make blunt action (eg. start poking random people about it :D) [11:10] the current 19.04 installation is not forwarding from this screen https://imgur.com/4g6RVIk [11:11] the current ubuntu iso installation does [11:12] knome, those should have stopped, the max size was increased to 2gb this week [11:36] Unit193, I think xfce4-panel can actually be synced now... it looks like the dm-tool patch was upstreamed [11:36] (can you sanity check me on that?) [11:36] hello, I've updated torrent links on the 16.04 release page to new point release 16.04.6 - https://xubuntu.org/release/16-04/ [11:37] thanks Spass! [11:38] it will be soon EOL but hey, it still has a month to live ;) [19:27] bluesabre: what is the status regarding xubuntu-core/desktop pulling in unity? you haven't commented on the solution yet [19:29] 2018-10-14 [19:29] that's quite a long time now