
mykhyggzso I want to install this next to my windoze and ubuntu lts. I have free partition sda8. mounted is /dev/sda1 on /boot/efi -- so when I get the option to do "something else" do I just accept boot on /dev/sda and select sda8, then? Overwriting my work install won't be okay... ;-)00:12
mykhyggzmeh. well, maybe I'll have one more chance to abort before it wrecks up my other partitions, if I don't pick right. Cheers, all.00:23
mykhyggzwell, I totally chickened out -- I can't see what I'm to do to be sure I'm installing on a free partition and not b0rking my work installations. I have an ext4 ready, /boot exists, swap exists. I shouldn't need to format or partition... :(00:47
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
BlackadderWhy does uninstalling a mail reader in xubuntu also remove the xubuntu desktop environment?09:13
BlackadderThe same goes for other seemingly harmless 'redundant' software.09:14
gnrpBlackadder: What do you mean? That xubuntu-* package is removed?09:16
BlackadderWell I'm not on xubuntu atm, but yesterday, when I removed mail reader, and rebooted, I couldn't do anything on the desktop09:16
Blackaddereverything was gone09:16
gnrpBlackadder: These are meta packages, which means they do not have any content to themselves, but provide dependencies on all the packages that are assumed to be on a system09:17
gnrpyu should never remove any xubuntu-* package09:17
Blackadderdamn that's annoying09:17
Unit193Well, xubuntu-desktop is pretty safe to lose actually, though I don't know if GNOME software handles that very very poorly.09:18
BlackadderI'm on lubuntu atm, and when I try to remove pidgin from the synaptic package manager, it will also remove lubuntu-desktop and lubuntu-gtk-desktop09:19
Blackadderseems silly that those things must co-exist09:19
DarkTrickI'm on xubuntu. Pidgin was no problem to remove09:20
Blackadderyeah I think I could remove that one as well09:20
Blackadderbut there were others, seemingly redundant, that completely ruined my desktop09:20
Unit193Yeah but it's not important for xubuntu-desktop to be installed, though the upgrader (to newer releases) will re-install it.09:22
BlackadderI don't understand why it isnt important, if it removing it makes my desktop unusable09:24
Unit193Well, it simply shouldn't do that.  I don't have -desktop and haven't for quite some time.09:25
DarkTrickUnit193, you're working only on a tty?09:29
Unit193If by "tty" you mean "Xfce DE", then sure.  Otherwise no.09:29
BlackadderAnyway, thanks for the replies guys09:30
Unit193Blackadder: What'd you use to uninstall thunderbird?09:30
Unit193Err, 'mail reader'.  Do you mean thunderbird or...exo itself?09:30
Blackadderit was called mail reader in the 'software shop'09:31
Unit193I'd personally recommend anything but that, but that *may* mean 'exo', which is not an email client but something important to Xfce.09:31
Blackaddermakes sense, I think09:33
DarkTrickWould probably nice to mark it as such in the software center.09:33
brainwashBlackadder: bug 178376410:19
ubottubug 1783764 in exo (Ubuntu) "Deleting "Mail Reader" crashes the computer" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178376410:19
Blackaddercrashes computer is a bit exaggerated10:19
brainwashso, mail reader is a shortcut provided by exo, and exo is an essential component of xfce10:20
rebabIs 20 GB HDD enough for Xubuntu?14:23
dffi tried everything google has to offer on this18:19
dffafter installing nvidias drivers the splash screen is low res18:20
dffthis did not help unfortunately . https://www.onetransistor.eu/2016/03/plymouth-fix-nvidia.html18:28
brainwashdff: I would ask in #ubuntu18:34
brainwashpersonally, I never bothered with this, and just disabled the boot splash18:35
dffive tried like 50 solutions18:38
dffnone work, my grub and initramfs-tools files look like aids now18:39
=== Blackadderrr is now known as Blackadder
=== Blackadder is now known as Gobelijn
GobelijnThanks to whoever helped me this morning with answering my questions about meta packages and why they deleted my desktop environment19:16
GobelijnXubuntu has now become my main distro.19:16
dffi just have one hang out after using it for a couple of days19:19
dffthe bottom right corner of the window manage is like 1 pixel wide to invoke the resize window mechanic19:20
dffother than that it's looking like it will become my main too19:20
GobelijnYeah true, I changed the theme to Daloa to prevent that19:20
dffi havent got that far yet19:20
GobelijnIts in window manager19:20
GobelijnBelow style19:21
dffah nice19:21
Gobelijnyour welcome19:21
GobelijnI spent the last 3 days trying out different distros19:21
dffive spent weeks19:22
dffi give a distro 3 weeks19:22
dfflast one to get thrown out was linux mint19:22
dffive yet to try arch or gentoo tho19:23
dffim not sure im cool enough19:23
GobelijnIt was a close match between lubuntu and opensuse19:24
GobelijnThis morning I stumbled upon peppermint, which looked very promising and felt the same19:24
Gobelijnbut its not as lightweight as l/xubuntu19:24
dffbottom line for me is the DE19:26
dffwhat's beneath doesnt really matter much to me19:26
dffdebian based is a + tho19:26
Gobelijncan't believe I've never had to do this in linux before19:31
Gobelijnbut how do you hide a map?19:31
Gobelijnoh, just place a dot at start of name19:32
dffyou've never had to edit dotfiles?19:35
dffor use ls -a? :)19:35
Gobelijnno idea what that last thing means19:42
dffopen a terminal19:43
dfftype ls -a and enter19:43
dffls = list19:43
dff-a = all19:44
GobelijnAh yeah I remember19:46
Gobelijnthe ls19:46
Gobelijnwasn't thinking clearly19:46
dffyou'll get a lot more out of your linux experience if you start getting comfortable with the command line19:49
dffi use it way more than any gui front end19:50
GobelijnI used sudo nano this morning, so thats something :p19:50
dffa start19:50
Gobelijnto edit a protected file19:51
Gobelijnbut you're right though19:51
dffyou changed a configuration file i take it19:51
Gobelijnshould use it way more often19:51
Gobelijngoddamn I'm happy with xubuntu20:35
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Kumool(its a damn lie! run away!)22:36
=== fears is now known as hopes

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