[03:00] Hell9 [03:00] *Hello [03:02] I cant seem to be able to get my PC to boot off of grub. A little backstory: machine used to have Fedora 28, got bored, overwrote fedora with lubuntu but kept the home partition. Installed fresh grub from lubuntu installer. No dice. Had to use super grub2 disk to boot. Did full boot-repair. Did not work. Did manual grub-install and grub-install --recheck . [03:02] Still no dice. [03:03] shantaram3013: is your computer uefi? [03:03] That's right [03:03] And i am using grub-efi-amd64 [03:03] also how many disks? [03:03] what kind of partitioning did you use? [03:03] I also tried installing refind boot manager. [03:03] and you have a /boot partition of fat32? [03:04] Yeah. 1gb /boot. [03:04] There is a single disk, with one sda1 boot and one sda2 extended volume that contains the swap space, home, and root. [03:06] Should i try to reformat the esp as fat16? [03:06] no I don't think fat16 will help [03:06] It was fat16 before and that is what worked for fedora [03:46] Also, tty login is broken with kernel 4.15 [03:47] I apt upgraded yesterday and just rebooted... [03:47] And now i cant even log in === ale is now known as Guest41201 [18:38] Hello please could someone help in bash scripting error in line 16: file or directory doesnt exist. But on line 16 is no reference of any file or dir, just a bucle declaration while : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JyBhFC9QfH/ [18:39] $CONTADOR not CONTADOR [18:40] ok ty [18:40] no, same error [18:41] well that's certainly part of the problem [18:41] you want this code to execute if CONTADOR is less than the first argument? [19:54] !lubuntu [19:54] lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support. [19:55] wow that is kind of outdated [19:55] !18.10 [19:55] Ubuntu 18.10 (Cosmic Cuttlefish) is the 29th release of Ubuntu, supported until July 2019. Release Notes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CosmicCuttlefish/ReleaseNotes - See also: bionic [19:55] lynorian: Only *sorta* outdated, because the LTS is still LXDE IIRC [19:55] yep [19:56] !19.04 [19:56] Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) will be the 30th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for April 2019 (). It will be supported for nine months. [19:57] !kubuntu [19:57] Kubuntu is the Ubuntu flavour using KDE Software and the KDE Plasma Workspaces. See https://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde [19:59] HP: can you query the bot directly in PM please, rather than using just this channel to query the factoids? [19:59] Thanks. [19:59] (less noise for the channel that way) [20:00] ok [20:00] im so sorry guys [20:24] HP: do you have a question or are you just having fun playing with the bot? [20:24] sorry [20:24] i didn't realize teward addressed that [20:24] farther back in my backlog than i thought i was :) [20:25] that said, we ARE happy to answer questions [20:25] *slaps wxl* you need to read your scrollbacks :P [20:46] yes [20:46] :) [20:48] Using PM to ubottu