
didrocksgood morning06:36
keestuMy ubuntu desktop i have connected to big monitor, and then moved back to  tiny htmi monitor. But unfrotunately,  the screen icors are very very big that i could  not even use it06:37
didrockskeestu: have you try to file a bug on launchpad? if the big icons are the one from the Shell, open in GNOME Shell package, if the icons are the nautilus one, open against nautilus, if it's the one in the monitor (and you are running disco), open it against gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons, if not disco, nautilus06:43
jibelGood morning07:11
didrockssalut jibel07:26
jibelSalut didrocks, ça va?07:27
didrocksjibel: ça va07:31
jibel\o/ finally found the cause of bug 1818285, now it is weird that the binary package contains undocumented changes07:48
ubot5bug 1818285 in partman-base (Ubuntu Disco) "[disco desktop] Installation fails with parted_server: No data in infifo. parted_server: Line 2387. CRITICAL ERROR!!! EXITING." [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181828507:48
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seb128hey willcooke09:03
seb128how are you? had a good w.e?09:03
seb128oh and good morning desktop, seems like I forgot the channel :)09:03
didrockshey willcooke, seb12809:06
seb128lut didrocks09:06
seb128jibel, looking at the ubiquity diff it doens't look like there are undocumented changes, as you pointed on the bug the binaries changing is probably a side effect of the toolchain available at the time of the upload09:08
seb128jbicha, kenvandine, epiphany-browser-master snap failed build on09:10
seb128|Dependency gtk+-3.0 found: NO found '3.22.30' but need: '>=3.24.0'09:11
seb128jbicha, you are replacing the autosync script by syncing the whole archive by hand? ;)09:12
seb128didrocks, thx for testing/merging that g-s theme change :-)09:14
cpaelzer__tjaalton: thanks for looking at 181588909:24
=== cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer
cpaelzerwow underscore proliferation, that is better09:24
cpaelzertjaalton: once you have made your decision on how to continue on it I'm especially interested in a "direct" answer to comment #2509:25
willcookemorning Laney09:25
cpaelzermorning Laney and willcooke09:25
willcookehi cpaelzer09:25
Laneymoin cpaelzer willcooke09:25
tjaaltoncpaelzer: you didn't mention how urgent this is?09:26
didrockshey Laney09:26
Laneyhey didrocks09:26
Laneyhow's it going?09:26
didrocksgood, yourself? Start to be grey though :/09:26
cpaelzertjaalton: I thought the text in comment #25 made that rather clear - sorry - lets make it clear here then09:26
seb128hey Laney, was that a phew from someone who has been cycling against the crazy wind? ;)09:26
cpaelzertjaalton: a bunch of new features which we really wanted users to try and test to get it mature until 20.04 is depending on gl backends09:27
cpaelzertjaalton: and with the bug as-is it is absolutely non-usable in 19.04 onwards09:27
cpaelzertjaalton: therefore I asked if we could revert the change in disco09:27
cpaelzer(the mesa change I referred)09:27
tjaaltoncpaelzer: in disco for sure09:28
tjaaltonor upstream will fix it otherwise09:28
Laneyhey seb128, no not quite (we had that mostly last night, seems it moved across the north sea this morning), was from me recovering my broken server09:28
cpaelzeryeah, my assumption just was that upstream might take longer than we have for disco09:28
cpaelzertjaalton: so my thought was revert this in Mesa for disco and in 19.10 follow whatever the usptreams concluded with09:28
Laneydidrocks: sunny here!09:28
tjaaltonif it's not fixed in 19.0 when it's released, I'll revert09:28
cpaelzertjaalton: thanks, if you'd state on the bug that it will be fixed in Disco either way that would be nice09:29
cpaelzerI can (ugly) work around things until then09:30
cpaelzertjaalton: might I ask what the planned release date for 19.0 is?09:30
seb128what's the bug number you guys are talking about?09:30
seb128can you make sure it's targetted to disco so we don't loose track of it?09:30
cpaelzerseb128: bug 181588909:30
ubot5bug 1815889 in qemu (Ubuntu) "qemu-system-x86_64 crashed with signal 31 in __pthread_setaffinity_new()" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181588909:30
seb128cpaelzer, thx09:31
cpaelzerseb128: will you add the trackers the way the desktop Team uses them?09:31
cpaelzerOr is it just good old "target to series" ?09:32
seb128cpaelzer, just that09:32
cpaelzerI happened to realize that Teams have different approaches to that (e.g. milestones)09:32
cpaelzerok , then I can do that09:32
seb128well, process is to tag rls-nn-incoming then we review/assign09:32
seb128but if that's one understood and that tjaalton is stracking you can directly target09:32
seb128then it ends up on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-dd-tracking-bug-tasks.html09:33
seb128which is the mapping by team of bugs targetted disco09:33
seb128cpaelzer, thx09:33
cpaelzerseb128: tjaalton: the mesa bug task now has a Disco target and a 19.04 milestone and is assigned to tjaalton - I hope that will cover every teams tracking of it :-)09:34
tjaaltonI'll revert it from the test package09:34
seb128cpaelzer, yeah, we don't use the milestone but that can't hurt, thx!09:34
tjaaltonso it's not lost09:34
tjaaltoncpaelzer: I'll push a new version to x-staging soon09:39
tjaaltonlike, now09:39
tjaaltonyou'll have it built in 30min09:39
cpaelzerthanks tjaalton09:55
jbichaseb128: yes, epiphany 3.31 requires gtk 3.24 so we'll probably use the gnome-3-28-1804-sdk snap when it's ready11:10
jbichaI wasn't planning on doing the gupnp/gssdp transitions for disco11:11
seb128any reason not to if those are ready?11:14
jbichaI don't have the time to work on it now and those were low priority11:14
seb128on what? it looks like you did do those updates in Debian and we are in sync? you mean just the FFe paperwork?11:15
jbichaI'm fine with someone else doing it. You'll need to handle Debian bug 923576 and update rygel too11:15
ubot5Debian bug 923576 in libgupnp-1.2-dev "libgupnp-1.2-dev: missing Breaks+Replaces: libgupnp-1.0-dev" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/92357611:15
jbichait's a transition and I didn't test all the rdepends11:15
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Laneyclobrano: hey, are we going to have to update yaru when updating desktop-icons?15:41
LaneyI'm just testing 19.01.1 and there's no visible selection any more15:41
clobranoLaney: hi o/15:42
clobranothat's weird indeed, it should work without any change on theme15:42
Laneywait one second, I have some weird local version number15:44
Trevinhowe've fans https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell/issues/101415:44
gitbotGNOME issue 1014 in gnome-shell "Consider supporting AppIndicators by default (instead of a non-default extension)" [1. Feature, Opened]15:44
clobranoLaney: were you talking about rubberband selection or selected icon (or both)?15:46
Trevinhoclobrano: there are few changes that should be done actually15:46
clobranoTrevinho: which ones?15:46
TrevinhoI've not been going through all the diff yet15:46
seb128hey trevinho, how are you?15:46
Trevinhobut upstream has changed some things, like as per the removal of the dock theming15:47
clobranorubberband takes the color from .rubberband gtk class, icon selection from .view class15:47
Trevinhohey seb128 good, I had some writer inspirantion before so I blogged about the fractional thing xD15:47
seb128good job!15:47
Trevinhoclobrano: as per other things, I didn't spot regressions, but we should probably update the yaru upstream code and go through diffs, I would do it but I've other coding stuff to finish first, so I didn't had much time for it15:48
Trevinhoah clobrano one thing has been changed is the way the windowbuttons are drawn...15:48
clobranoTrevinho: we spotted some, like the arrows in calendar view15:49
Trevinhowhich are now made using css + icon...15:49
Trevinhoclobrano: yep that's one15:49
Trevinhoclobrano: that's weird though since while hacking on scaling I noticed the yaru one was drawn behind it15:49
Trevinhomight be another icon thing + css or smth15:49
clobranoTrevinho: right, we wanted some icons to get delivered, so we can make a stable branch for 18.04 and go on15:49
clobranobut, we might speed up if needed, could you remember me the UI freeze date?15:50
Trevinhoclobrano: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseSchedule15:51
Trevinhoso... ten days15:51
Trevinhobut considering the landing, let's say a week15:51
Laneyclobrano: forget me, I had a local copy in that VM15:52
clobranoLaney: uhu, better so :D15:52
clobranoTrevinho: got it, I'll talk to the icon team :)15:52
Laneyyeh, doing that three way merge thing would be good15:53
seb128jbicha, Laney, trevinho, what's the status of the new gnome-shell? who is owning to get it migrated out of proposed, was that Jeremy who was looking at the other extensions?15:53
cpaelzertjaalton: hi I'm trying to verify the qemu crash against the x-staging PPA15:53
cpaelzertjaalton: so far no luck, but I realized that only some packages got upgraded15:54
Laneyit's blocked on glibc15:54
cpaelzertjaalton: can you pinpoint which of the mesa binary packages has the __pthread_setaffinity_new that breaks it15:54
cpaelzerso that I can check if that is one of those still on -rc5 level?15:54
seb128Laney, as it will clear off once glibc migrates?15:54
seb128or do we have work to do on our side still?15:55
seb128because you guys mentioned deleting extensions but no-one ever gave me a list15:55
cpaelzertjaalton: for example libglapi-mesa doesn't want to install and if I try to foce it it would remove most x* packages15:55
LaneyI think I said last week in the meeting that it will be more clear what to do once glibc clears out15:56
cpaelzertjaalton: is there another ppa along ppa:canonical-x/x-staging that I need15:56
andyrockhey we forgot to update the tags and target this bug for rls https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock/+bug/181702015:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1817020 in gnome-shell-extension-ubuntu-dock (Ubuntu) "Touching and dragging an icon on the dock blocks input to other apps" [High,In progress]15:56
seb128Laney, k, sorry if I forgot that details, it just makes me a bit nervous that we are sitting on our hands and then we will realize that we still have work to do we could have started and delay ourselve by another week15:56
seb128andyrock, feel free to suggest target15:57
seb128andyrock, can you maybe take bug #1817546 from Marco? he's busy with other things and that one is probably a blocked to land the new shell15:58
ubot5bug 1817546 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu Disco) "Changing the volume (with the mouse wheel over icon) locks up gnome-shell" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181754615:58
andyrockseb128: sure thing15:58
andyrockI'm about to propose a fix for the dnd bug15:59
seb128Carlos told me on friday that he changed things around libcanberra handking this cycle15:59
seb128so might be a bug he created15:59
seb128ah, great15:59
andyrocknot sure upstream is going to like it, but it's the same workaround used in other places15:59
andyrockx11 touch in gnome-shell is a little bit broken :)16:00
Laneyseb128: k, well I don't really have that worry (demoting things is not a week long task), but if it makes you happy I'll make you a little list16:00
seb128Laney, yeah, I'm not so worry about the demoting, more about the fact that we found other autopkgtest or such issues in the way, but I guess that's the part where we need glibc to clear to have a better idea16:01
seb128andyrock, :/16:02
Laneyok, well nagging on glibc would be what I would do first16:02
seb128Laney, ok, thx :)16:03
seb128clobrano, are you going to do that 3 way merge for the new gnome-shell/theme/yaru?16:04
Trevinhoandyrock: might be an issue on the patch we ship though, more than actual shell (the locks up issue)16:04
andyrockTrevinho: I'm running vanilla gs16:06
Trevinhoandyrock: and issue is there too (the one seb just pointed you eh)16:06
andyrockTrevinho: which bug are you talking about? the dnd or  the "volume" one? :)16:07
andyrocknm I guess you refer to #181754616:07
Laneydunno why about 10 issues just got raised at once, is indeed confusing16:08
Trevinhoandyrock: volume16:12
cpaelzertjaalton: I pinged on the bug so take your time16:14
cpaelzerI'll only be able to pick it up tomorrow morning anyway16:14
seb128Laney, sorry, it was probably my fault, I'm getting a bit nervous about the different things that still needs to line up, but it's going to be ok :)16:14
clobranoseb128: yep, first I'll sync our upstream folder16:15
seb128clobrano, thx, let us know if you need help with something16:16
clobranoseb128: thanks!16:16
andyrockjbicha: the fix for autopkgtest's failures in tracker has been merged upstream16:27
seb128andyrock, well done!16:28
andyrockupstream is on fire lately16:28
k_alamseb128, Laney: Hi, is there any known dbus test failure issues with glib > = 2.59.3 ? libunity tests fail on proposed....it builds fine with 2.59.2...compiling with lp:~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes16:31
seb128not known from me16:33
Laneyafraid not16:34
Laneythat message sounds like it provides a good place to start poking around though16:34
k_alamdee-CRITICAL **: 06:10:10.027: Unable to set up DBusServer....this is generating from https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ricotz/libunity/syntax-fixes/view/head:/test/vala/test-diff.vala#L35616:38
k_alamand mainloop is running with timeout...16:39
tjaaltoncpaelzer: that's weird, I'll check it out16:49
tjaaltoncpaelzer: seems to work here just fine16:53
cpaelzertjaalton: so it just installas all of them in disco for you?17:03
tjaaltoncpaelzer: yes17:03
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cpaelzerlet me check why it would remove the X* packages17:04
cpaelzermaybe that shed some light17:04
tjaaltonwell I didn't have X installed17:05
tjaaltonyou have nvidia?17:05
tjaaltonX installs fine17:06
cpaelzertjaalton: libglx-mesa0 : Depends: libglapi-mesa (= 19.0.0~rc5-1ubuntu0.1) but 19.0.0~rc6-1ubuntu0.1 is to be installed17:06
cpaelzertjaalton: it is a nuc with i915 graphics17:06
cpaelzertried, no help17:07
cpaelzerI might need to version force more of it17:07
tjaaltonyou shouldn't need to force anything17:07
tjaaltonso if you just apt install libglx-mesa0 libglapi-mesa?17:08
cpaelzerI think it is glibc17:08
cpaelzerlet me flip on propsoed as well17:08
tjaaltonseems to work fine on my laptop too17:08
* cpaelzer begs all your pardon for typo-storm here (it gets late)17:08
tjaaltonyou have some experimental stuff installed?17:08
cpaelzerlibglx-mesa0 : Depends: libc6 (>= 2.29) but 2.28-0ubuntu1 is to be installed17:09
cpaelzerwhen I try to force rc6 I get this17:09
cpaelzerso glibc is at least involved17:09
cpaelzerjust a sec to try that17:09
cpaelzertjaalton: no experimental things - I set up the nuc to test this issue17:09
tjaaltonare you on disco then?17:09
cpaelzerso the nuc has ubuntu-desktop + uvtool + gnome-boxes + gdb17:09
cpaelzeryes disco17:09
tjaaltonah yes, proposed is enabled for that ppa17:10
cpaelzertjaalton: with proposed enabled I get way more installed17:10
cpaelzertjaalton: do I need to restart X to get the new libs active?17:11
cpaelzerok, then wait a minute and we will know17:11
cpaelzertjaalton:  does that look good then ?17:13
cpaelzerworking like a charm now17:13
cpaelzerthanks tjaalton17:13
cpaelzerI'll update the bug17:13
tjaaltonyes, that's better17:13
cpaelzertjaalton: if you need anything from me to make that revert happen in Disco let me know17:15
cpaelzerat the current state this is by far the most simple fix for the overall issue17:16
tjaaltonno that's fine17:16
tjaaltonwe'll get it eventually, within the next few weeks17:16
clobranoseb128: is it correct to sync with gnome-shell tagged 3.30.2, right?17:24
seb128clobrano, sync in which sense?17:28
seb128clobrano, we currently have 3.31.90 in proposed17:28
clobranoseb128: okay, I was confused because looking at gnome-shell master the changes Trevinho was talking about seems to be in master, but not in the tagged versions18:02
clobranoI meant the changes in calendar arrows, for example18:03
Trevinhoclobrano: ah, could be that something has not been relased yet, but will be soon18:13
willcookenight asll18:26
clobranoTrevinho: I see, so is it safe sto start merging from master?18:37
Trevinhoclobrano: yeah, then we can release to ubuntu it together with the shell itself18:37
Trevinhobut upstream yaru should stay in sinc with latest stable branch upstream anyways18:38
clobranoPerfect 👌18:39
Trevinholet me know if you want a review or anything else18:40
Trevinhoclobrano: ^18:40
clobranoTrevinho: yeah, I surely do :)18:44
andyrockseb128: Trevinho found the problem with the volume thing18:59
Trevinhoand is...=19:00
andyrockit's caused by g_cancellable_disconnect deadlocking19:00
andyrockfinish_cb in meta-sound-player.c is calling g_cancellable_disconnect and finish_cb can be the result of cancelled_cb->ca_context_cancel19:01
* andyrock is thinking about the best way to fix this19:01
andyrockmaybe just an idle19:02
andyrockI'll propose a fix upstream19:10
andyrockhopefully we get it in before the release19:10
seb128andyrock, let's see what upstream says, well done figuring it out19:33
andyrockTrevinho: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/47419:43
gitbotGNOME issue (Merge request) 474 in mutter "sound-player: Call ca_context_cancel in an idle to avoid deadlocks." [Opened]19:43
andyrockEOD for me19:43

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