
bear38arighi: Thanks for checking. So, recompiling the kernel it is in this case. Ty03:57
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dijuremoHi Everyone, I am running 18.04 with kernel 4.15.0-45-generic and since the update, I am unable to log in to the virtual terminals. There seems to be an automatic carriage return being added, so I am unable to enter the password correctly.17:16
dijuremoAre there any workaround or fixes for this problem?17:16
* apw wonders if this could be the tty EAGAIN issue17:22
apwdijuremo, on the assumption you have confirmed booting back to the previous kernel fixes the issue; then there is a fix in -46 which might relate and it is worth testing that kernel (which is in -proposed right now)17:28
dijuremoapw: Yes, going back fixes it. I am not sure which one was the last one that worked.17:30
apwworth a try of -4617:31
dijuremoI believe 4.15.0-43-generic was the last good one and both -44 and 45 have the issue.17:32
dijuremoI just enable the proposed repo and install it, right?17:32
apwi would only install the kernel, which should be in the canonical-kernel-team 'proposed' PPA17:34
bear38Reading this conversation got me wondering. Where is the source code for 4.15.0-45 exactly? Or 4.15.0-46? I am able to find the following link, but that is for 45.48, and I have no idea waht that is. Link: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/4.15.0-45.48~16.04.117:34
bear38Also FWIW virtual TTYs are working fine for me in 4.15.0-45 on 16.04 (ctrl + alt + f2). I know you are on 18.04 though.17:36
apwbear38, there are tags in the ubuntu git repositories for each version exactly17:36
apw4.15.0-46 is an abi number, and the full version is alway longer; as the abi numbers are unique in the context17:36
apwof the conversation it is easier to just use the short version as it is enough to identify the kernel17:37
apwbut it is only a partial version number, and there is a .N on the end at least17:37
bear38apw: Thanks, so the official name for -45 includes the .48~16.04.1 suffix. I wasn't sure if the .48 meant it was somehow a middle build. Regarding the git repos though, I was able to find this, but am coming up dry: https://kernel.ubuntu.com/git/?q=
bear38I'm not seeing where the kernel version can be selected there.17:40
apwbear38, that is a top level of the gits repositories, but generally our master trees are elsewhere17:46
apwbear38, for example the 4.15.0 kernels are bionic kernels and therefore here: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-kernel/ubuntu/+source/linux/+git/bionic17:47
bear38apw: Thanks, I think I see. So these branches must already have the Ubuntu patches applied, right? Using the link I posted above I had to manually apply the patch.17:49
dijuremoSo I just booted an image which had 4.15.0-42 and it worked fine. My machine had 4.15.0-43 and it worked fine. On the machine I imaged with the 4.15.0-42 kernel, I installed the latest -45 and the problem is present. Next step, try the proposed one and will report back.18:30
dijuremoI can confirmed that 4.15.0-46 from proposed repository fixes the problem.18:46

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