[03:24] hi there guys whats the difference in terms of version of applicationn from ubuntu server 12.04.5 lts going to 18.04.02 did they upgraded all application versions.? [03:42] ruben23: it is usually so that newer / higher versioned ubuntu releases provide higher version application and service versions, too. [03:42] https://packages.ubuntu.com can be used to check these. [03:44] ruben23: unless you are using !ESM as part of a canonical support contract, your ubuntu 12.04 systems have los support in 2017 and have since been running without security patches, accumulating publicly disclosed security vulnerabilities. [03:58] tomreyn: my only problem is i have application perfectly running with ubuntu server 12.04.5 lts now trying to adjust how the new version would break those application [03:59] ruben23: your problem is that you haven't migrated your software during (up to) 5 years of running an LTS release [04:00] if you depend on software which can't be upgraded you're doing things wrong. [04:02] it is common to plan release upgrades about *at least* a year before the OS release it runs on goes EOL [04:03] i'm not meaning to blame oyu there, just telling you how to operate in a reasonable way. [04:05] tomreyn: you are correct im trying to find way to make it work on ubuntu serve rlatest version [04:06] latest LTS release if you ask me, i don't like the idea of having to migrate again after 9 months [04:08] also, this is my personal opinion (and experience?), LTS releases are better supported than the 9 months ones. [05:15] hey, im trying to install something and i get this error, anyway to install it anyway? [05:15] Package libpqxx-4.0 is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source [05:15] E: Package 'libpqxx-4.0' has no installation candidate [05:19] Sebastien: That means the package is not available in the repos to install. I see that there's a libpqxx-6.2 package in synaptic for my 18.10 machine, do you "have" to have version 4.0 specifically, or will newer versions work? [05:20] technically, i think i need to have that specific version. but i can try with your version and see what happens [05:20] heh. thanks. [05:21] i just rebuilt my server a second ago. ill try again from fresh and see if this works. [05:23] Sebastien: If it doesn't have a billion other dependencies that would prevent you from doing so, I was able to find the 4.0 debs on packages.ubuntu.com, so you could download the deb from here and install it. [05:23] https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libpqxx-4.0&searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all [05:26] thanks [05:26] a update worked and allowed it to install [05:26] weird [07:08] Good morning === G_ is now known as G === jelly-home is now known as jelly === cpaelzer__ is now known as cpaelzer === Bodenhaltung_ is now known as Bodenhaltung [10:30] hi there guys this package are not supported anymore.? in ubuntu 18.04.3 lts.? ---> php5-mysql , php5-cli, php5, any idea guys.? [10:32] cpaelzer can you help me with crafting an appropriate changelog for the new php? I'm not really sure what goes where when we are the ones maintaining the package [10:34] ruben23: I think 18.04 moved to php7. [10:35] lordievader: what version does php5 is still being used.? [10:36] ruben23: I was just speculating... look at the repo. 16.04 might still have php5. However, it would be a good idea to update your application so you can move on to php7. [10:37] kstenerud: yeah, standup HO in a bit [10:37] ok [10:47] ruben23: Last ubuntu with php5 is trusty (14.04). You can technically use that, but you should really consider updating your app to use a newer php because trusty EOL is in April. [10:57] kstenerud: I'm there you can dial in safely === yiko is now known as yikoru [12:59] hi guys what php7 version we have for ubuntu server 18.04.2..? [13:07] ruben23: 7.2 [13:08] ruben23: easy way to check: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/php [13:37] ok how do i install php7 on ubuntu server 18.04.2 [14:34] `sudo apt install php`? [16:01] Hello , I have installed xrdp on ubuntu 16.04 and it worked fine. After I upgraded to ubuntu 18.04 . now xrdp doesn't work properly. Here is the xrdp log file: https://pastebin.com/Hjric1j0 [16:02] sesman log file: https://pastebin.com/Uru4AK28 === tobeass-urdin is now known as tobias-urdin [16:43] hellerz: note that those log lines look truncated, you may not be seeing the whole context [16:43] hellerz: "warning, RSA key len 512 bits or less" looks bad [16:46] hellerz: don't try and copy data out from nano to get log data, cat the logs instead and then copy-paste the logs in [16:46] because those truncated lines're probably going to block some useful data [16:46] Cannot read private key file /etc/xrdp/key.pem <-- this is a pretty obvious 'problem' [16:46] sarnold: ^ [16:46] RSA key length aside the lack of a private key file is probably one reason it's failing [16:47] hah [16:50] teward here you go: https://pastebin.com/nrFeAkpt [16:50] here's your problem: [20190304-10:21:37] [ERROR] Cannot read private key file /etc/xrdp/key.pem: Permission denied [16:51] your private key file is either unreadable by xrdp as the user it's running under [16:51] or is nonexistent [16:51] go fix your perms [16:54] teward It does exist [16:54] ls -l key.pem [16:54] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 38 Mar 4 08:39 key.pem -> /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key [16:54] namei -l that thing [16:56] sarnold here is the output: https://pastebin.com/uksNvSsD [16:56] and keep in mind that's a symlink so the actual location of the snakeoil cert is where we need to check the perms on :P [16:56] oh well lookie [16:56] it says the symlink is BROKEN [16:56] what you see is a symlink [16:56] it's broken if you don't have `ssl-cert` installed [16:57] "ssl-cert-snakeoil.key - No such file or directory" <-- ERR:NONEXISTENT [16:57] which means the symlink points to nothing really and therefore the file referenced by key.pem doesn't exist (Therefore "not readable") [16:58] Hmmmm. I *think* namei is giving a *stupid* error message here. [16:58] hellerz: check if /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key exists [16:58] sarnold: unless the file doesn't actually exist [16:58] so sad. I thought this tool was awesome. so sad to see it make this mistake. [16:59] teward: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/kKGmVMWdJv/ [16:59] check with sudo? :P [16:59] sarnold: by default that's rw by root/ssl-cert only I think [17:00] and not other users :P [17:00] STOP SENDING ME A TON OF BUG MAIL LP I DON'T NEED MY WATCH BUZZING EVERY 6 SECONDS >.< [17:00] *grumble grumble* [17:00] teward [17:00] dim@dim-KVM:/etc/ssl$ cd private [17:00] bash: cd: private: Permission denied [17:00] teward: that's the thing. the error message should clearly say Permission Denied rather than Does Not Exist. [17:01] hellerz: sudo file /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key [17:01] if the file exists then check the user that xrdp runs as and that they have access, they may not [17:01] teward output: /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key: ASCII text [17:01] so it exists but xrdp doesn't have permissions to read it [17:02] sarnold: i have to go fix a flapping switch here at work, can you help them figure out getting xrdp permissions, or how to copy the key locally to /etc/xrdp/ so it's not relying on the restricted access folder where snakeoil certs sit? [17:02] *goes to fix flapping internet uplinks at work* [17:02] teward: sure, thanks [17:05] sarnold thanks in advance [17:05] hellerz: so.. easiest would be to copy this snake oil cert to the /etc/xrdp directory.. [17:06] sarnold just did that. Should I change any permissions now? [17:09] hellerz: if there's an xrdp user and group, probably it should be set so that user can read the file, and no one else can [17:09] sarnold I tried to pico ssl-cert-snakeoil.key which is /etc/xrdp but I'm getting permission denied [17:10] which is in* [17:11] hellerz: what user account are you using when you try to edit the file? do the permissions on the /etc/xrdp directory allow that user to traverse the directory? [17:13] sarnold user account is dim , I can see the file/folders when using this account ya [17:13] *on /etc/xrdp directory* [21:28] does anyone know how to create an nginx rewrite similiar to this: 'RewriteRule ^([A-Za-z0-9]+)/?$ php/$1.php [NC]; RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d; RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f' [21:30] this: 'https://whatever.com/Super-cool-cats; should rewrite to 'https://whatever.com/php/Super-cool-cats.php' [21:32] Entry_lvl_dev: #nginx might. I don't, though. [21:34] Entry_lvl_dev: I'd try this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/GKt825t9TG/ [21:34] sdeziel: that won't change the URL though [21:35] that'll only change how it 'tests' the locations IIRC [21:35] unless I'm too tired to remember :D [21:35] teward: sigh, ETOOTIRED ;) [21:36] sdeziel: EHECOMES [21:36] :p [21:36] *chugs cocacola to refresh his caffeine levels* [21:36] *does stupid tests* [21:36] oh good nginx stopped FTBFS in PPA