[05:00] I need server class hardware for $500. What you guys got? [05:01] @AdamOutler, Hopes and Dreams [05:01] @RazPi, Sorry. Fell asleep when I got home [05:02] @KMyers, Seriously? Like not even some old stuff? [05:02] Ok. Desktop class it is for my server... Just went dead and stopped working. [05:03] My website is offline. [05:04] @AdamOutler, Why do you need server grade stuff? [05:05] Running two Android VMs continuously [05:06] Obviously my setup doesn't like it. [05:07] Server grade should not be needed but I get it. Unfortunately I do not have any surplus hardware at home that could run that [06:11] Does it need to be in rack format? [11:57] So I'm watching a video from nand2tetris on coursera [11:57] and I'm getting strange flashbacks to encarta [11:57] For some reason my brain is like "wow look a moving person on a text info page" wth [16:41] What are you seeing? [16:43] Considering Alita [16:44] It is good. I saw it a week ago [16:53] So this happened in my area this morning. Not to long before I made my way to the bus stop on my way to a job interview. … https://www.local10.com/news/florida/hollywood/suspect-in-custody-after-man-stabbed-in-hollywood-police-say?__vfz=medium=sharebar [16:58] No charges... [16:59] https://www.theverge.com/2019/3/4/18246182/usb-4-thunderbolt-3-specs-features-release-date [19:34] ... [21:15] I'm waiting for my new server. I imagine this is current status [21:39] @SivaMachina, You should watch battle angel alita with it. [21:41] So I found this course on coursera called nand2tetris where you supposedly learn how to build a computer from nand gates [21:41] Anyone heard of it? Opinions? [21:41] I'm taking it next to the deep learning specialization [21:56] Sounds like a Been Heck type of thing [21:56] Hi BTW guys! [21:57] I did find something that may be cool to check out the other day [21:58] What is it? [21:59] So TKL is always cranking out new appliances for their distro [22:00] They have what is in short a small version of a YouTubeesque media platform. [22:00] It's pretty cool [22:00] Memory heavy (thanks php) [22:01] Damn near what I had sorta put together about 5 years ago with nginx and the rtmp module. [22:01] Wait, does anybody know how to do webrtc? [22:01] and video streaming? [22:01] This guy [22:01] I've done the nginx/rtmp thing and the latency was damn near 10 seconds [22:02] JR, what stack do you use? [22:02] Nginx [22:02] But this is internal for me [22:02] As my use case is unique [22:03] Now that it's actually in repo it's nice [22:03] There are others but they are costly [22:03] Such as Wowza and Red5 [22:04] Also I didn't have the latency issue [22:04] Oooooo [22:05] Newtek NDI is great for LAN use (capturing Windows ect) [22:06] I need to work on the cloud side to see how well it works but damn is it bandwidth heavy. [22:06] And of course OBS with specific plugins [22:08] My apologies for being long winded there [22:09] No no I had to run out to handle the door, but that's actually really relevant to my own work, I'm spec'ing out webrtc video specifically for the latency [22:10] and at some point I realized crap, I can't stream mp4's any faster than 5-7 seconds [22:10] I'm certain cost is a factor yes? [22:10] Also VLC has said NDI plugin [22:11] Hello playlist over NDI into OBS [22:11] Then casted over the web [22:12] Now that they fixed NVENC on the Windows side it's not kicking the CPUs ass [22:14] I can cast from VLC? [22:14] @gillymomo I might ping you again in the near future via IM, this is really good info [22:14] Oh yesss [22:14] Please do! [22:15] Sweet, messaged, thank you! [22:15] VLC + OBS + any RTMP server = Major power [22:16] I think you can cast to a Chromecast with VLC. I haven't tried it. [22:32] FML [22:34] That's why they make these... [22:34] Keyboards! [22:38] @ahoneybun are you at @RazPi's desk? [22:41] Yumi [22:42] I drive many distros [22:42] @AdamOutler nope my coworkers desk in support. [23:03] My new keyboard. [23:04] I have that same keyboard, not bad for the price [23:04] Nope not for $35 bucks. [23:04] I could never get used to it though [23:05] I have a Goldtouch for work and it's really different. [23:05] I actually have two, that one and the one with number keypad [23:06] About 1000 corrupt inodes later.... [23:06] sl works, therefore the repair was successful! [23:11] Lol [23:32] System booted. Mounted ro. Wouldn't start networking. Ran fsck, everything worked. [23:32] All I can say is "Fsck yeah!" [23:32] 🤣🤣🤣