
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
pragomerI think xubuntu should think about changing this to a default in the future: opening whiskermenu with super-key AND beeing able to set shortcuts like super+e (=thunar), super+right (tile windows right side), etc....09:50
pragomerthis is the 1st thing I always set when installing xubuntu and it would be so easy to integrate (i solve it via "ksuperkey" which is just only an executable file in my .autostart folder)09:51
pragomerand I think this defaults should make more users happy than vice versa09:51
pragomerkind regards09:51
knomebluesabre, am aware, but thanks for the reminder :)10:50
Spass[m]Whisker Menu on Super key is not that easy to implement (well, it's kind of easy, but it has some side effects) and adding additional thing (like XCAPE) just for this is not a good solution to be included by default, as I used to think.12:05
Spass[m]But what I suggest is adding additional shortcut for Whisker Menu, so leave Ctrl+Esc and add Super+Space (this will be familiar for people who were using elementary OS)12:07
albinardjust tried the disco ISO of 0304, wrote to USB, used Try Before installing, dialog hung at third page (Install updates etc)19:16
ali1234is xfce-panel 4.13.4 in any ppa yet?19:41
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