
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
IrcsomeBot1Lionel Cdrc was added by: Lionel Cdrc01:12
IrcsomeBot1<Lionel Cdrc> hello everyone, I'm new to the group and new user of Kubuntu since I just installed the version 18.04 on my hp notebook 45 64 bits and I do not understand why its bug?01:30
tomreynLionel Cdrc: what does not seem to work then?05:24
tomreynalso, there does not seem to be a "hp notebook 45". there is a "HP ProBook 450 Laptop" product series. the exact model number you have is probably printed on the bottom.05:27
lordievaderGood morning07:00
ugur_ataHi. I am using Kubuntu 18.04 with default kernel 4.15. When I try to install a newer kernel it says "unsigned kernel you need to load the kernel first" on GRUB08:28
BluesKajHowdy all11:27
Captain_HaddockAnybody have trouble accessing their Gopro in Kubuntu? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zPymVNMmym/11:39
Captain_HaddockMy other cameras connect just fine.11:39
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IrcsomeBot1iamalleksy was added by: iamalleksy14:23
IrcsomeBot1<iamalleksy> Hello everyone!14:23
IrcsomeBot1<iamalleksy> I have a trouble, when trying to install Kubuntu14:24
IrcsomeBot1<iamalleksy> (Photo, 1280x233) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/0VSj3LM4/file_13744.jpg14:24
IrcsomeBot1<iamalleksy> Any ideas how to fix?14:24
IrcsomeBot1<iamalleksy> (Photo, 1280x699) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/f7N8RwMG/file_13745.jpg After waiting (close to a minute) I have such screen for a 10 minutes14:27
john3voltas[m]installed kubuntu 18.04.2 on an HP probook 650 g1 laptop a couple of days ago.15:16
john3voltas[m]several issues already. can't make a vpn connection using fortisslvpn and networkmanager. it works fine from bash using openfortivpn command.15:16
john3voltas[m]also this laptop has been doing some weird stuff when i try to make it sleep. sometimes it simply doesn't work. sometimes it works...15:19
john3voltas[m]and sometimes it kinda works, meaning that it goes to sleep but keeps all the leds lit up as if it's still working. no video, no audio, no cpu fans moving but the leds are all lit up...15:19
john3voltas[m]a third question. in order to connect to a mail server's webmail, i need to use friggin' Entrust IdentityGuard which is sort of a 2FA app. it so happens that these morons from Entrust don't seem to have linux app.15:21
john3voltas[m]any workarounds? is WINE my sole option here?15:21
silver_hookI’m on 18.04 LTS and as of late Akonadi and MySQL started eating up a whole core.15:31
silver_hookAnyone figured how to fix this?15:31
silver_hookI tried `akonadictl fsck` and `akonadictl vacuum`, but it didn’t help.15:32
silver_hookIt seems akonotes has something to do with it as well.15:33
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silver_hookThe Akonotes resource seems to include only stuff from Renku.16:07
silver_hook…I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that unicode characters in Renku seem missing.16:07
BluesKajsilver_hook, do you use kmail etc, in other words need akonadi-server16:18
silver_hookBluesKaj: Yes. And yes, I am aware of what Akonadi serves.16:20
silver_hookBut akonadi-server (together with its childs mysql and akonadi_akonotes_resource) eating up a 200% of a CPU for days and days, even after reboots, is not normal.16:22
silver_hookOh, I just noticed that there’s also dbus-daemon eating up 90% of a CPU (according to htop)16:23
silver_hookSo basically all four cores are at 50% use at all times just because of those four processes.16:23
silver_hookBluesKaj: If I look at what akonadi_akonotes_resource contains in Akonadi Console, it is 10 notes that I have in Renku (the note-taking counterpart of Zanshin).16:24
BluesKajsilver_hook, wish i could help, but I've never used akonadi16:25
silver_hookBluesKaj: Thanks for the willingness at least :)16:25
silver_hookI’m wondering if this is something that is fixed in 18.10 or something I can fix locally.16:26
BluesKajdoes akonadi do auto updates for it's db or ?16:27
silver_hookHmm, odd. If in Akonadi Console I stop akonotes, the dbus and msysql process stop being a problem, but akonadiserver still thrashes 100-200%16:27
silver_hookDunno, but I imagine it does.16:28
silver_hookNow I cleaned the Akonadi cache for the akonotes resource and restarted akonadiserver (and kept the akonotes resource offline). Now akonadi seems to behave perfectly fine, but the independant mysql process is still eating up a whole core.16:43
silver_hookOK, it seems to have gone away now by itself. Odd.17:15
fructoseThe DVD drive on my laptop keeps randomly clicking, as though it's looking for a disc. What's the quickest way to try and fix that if I don't ever use the thing and would be happy to disable it completely?17:33
mparilloI would guess there is a BIOS setting (never tried it myself)17:39
fructoseI was also thinking trying to rmmod whatever drivers its using, but don't know the wisdom of that.17:45
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foormeahey. i realise this is #kubuntu and not #ubuntu+1 but i have an issue: alt-2 and alt-7 stop working as shortcuts in firefox after computer comes out of sleep mode. i see weird output with xev. if i temporarily assign alt-2 and alt-7 to random shortcuts (then unassign), it works just fine and xev output becomes just fine too. i've got xev logs. what package do you reckon i should file this issue against? thanks19:37
geniifoormea: Probably against the firefox package, if it needs to go elsewhere a dev will probably do it from there19:46
genii( like if it's some kernel scheduling issue, etc )19:47
foormeagenii: thanks for your response, i'll see what i can do :)20:20
geniiGlad to assist20:22
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john3voltas[m]if someone noticed my previous messages here, i was having trouble with networkmanager and fortisslvpn on kubuntu
* john3voltas[m] sent a long message: < https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/iVwmkFCQLzcTetuKOVUoLUmU >20:58
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