
sbeattieOkay, I reviewed and +1 the following packages from the https://launchpad.net/~openjdk-11-transition/+archive/ubuntu/stage5/ ppa01:03
sbeattieactivemq 5.15.8-2~18.0401:03
sbeattieafterburner.fx 1.7.0-2~18.0401:03
sbeattieannotation-indexer - 1.12-1~18.0401:03
sbeattieapache-directory-server - 2.0.0~M24-2~18.0401:03
sbeattieaspectj - 1.9.2-1~18.0401:03
sbeattieaspectj-maven-plugin - 1.11-1~18.0401:03
sbeattiebatik - 1.10-2~18.0401:04
sbeattiebindex - 2.2+svn101-4~18.0401:04
sbeattiebridge-method-injector - 1.18-2~18.0401:04
sbeattiecarrotsearch-hppc - 0.7.2-2~18.0401:04
sbeattiecommons-httpclient - 3.1-15~18.0401:04
sbeattieeclipselink - 2.6.6-1~18.0401:04
sbeattieelki - 0.7.1-10~18.0401:04
sil2100doko: ok, saw the #ubuntu-java logs, will copy those soon08:05
huehnerdoko: regarding your ppa:tomcat2, i see full tomcat9 added as new package to bionic which was not present before09:14
huehnerdoko: what is the plan inside bionic? keep now 2 major versions 8.5 + 9 ? or do you plan to make 8.5 go away ?09:14
dokokeep it09:15
huehnerdoko: thx, was little bit worried here09:17
huehnerdoko: but also allows to use tc9 now insie bionic after transition is over apparently :)09:17
dokohuehner: you promised to provide backports for some packages ...09:23
huehnerdoko: i know sorry, did not manage to get time okayed during day job :(09:25
huehnerdoko: i will test in detail your updated tc8 packages as we base our custom images on tomcat8-user old older 8.5.34 to check that09:26
huehnerdoko: i tried to reproduce the ant-optional ftbfs (on bionic+-proposed dist-upgrades) local rebuild but build worked... probably i missed something .. but then didn't have time to follow up yet09:26
sil2100eh, I need to tweak the sru tooling maybe not to sent 'SRU-accepted' comments to the bugs for all the java stuff12:43
sil2100Since I don't know if LP will be able to handle this12:43
sil2100The main tracking bug is so big now that my tooling is taking ages to just get the task switched12:45
sil2100Ok, the 4 additional apps copied, will now go lunch and then copy the tomcat ppa12:46
dokosil2100: tomcat2 ppa13:31
dokosil2100: gluegen2 is missing from teh apps ppa14:34
sil2100On it14:37
sil2100doko, sbeattie: tomcat2 PPA should be copied now17:02
sil2100Now there's a few packages in stage5, but not sure if I won't do those tomorrow17:04
sbeattiesil2100: thanks.18:04
dokosbeattie: there's now ppa:antmaven. but stage5 should go first, I used stage5 as dependency ppa21:18
sbeattiedoko: okay, thanks.21:19

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