
nakamakianyone experienced in stopping ipv6 leaking on an openvpn through ds-lite?06:52
nakamakiim running the openvpn server on a non-ipv6 server06:52
lordievaderGood morning06:59
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jamespagecpaelzer: I have a 2.11 release of ovs in preparation but its failing one test under s390x only - raised upstream10:27
jamespagecpaelzer: I'll upload with that disabled for s390x10:27
jamespagecpaelzer: oh wait - do you remember which test 2767 was?10:30
jamespageI see we already skipped it10:30
cpaelzerwe skipped that one already10:36
cpaelzerand AFAIK you already reported upstream10:36
kstenerudcpaelzer: exim4 merge is ready https://code.launchpad.net/~kstenerud/ubuntu/+source/exim4/+git/exim4/+merge/36395810:52
cpaelzerkstenerud: uploaded11:41
cpaelzerkstenerud: you see rbasak saying "nicely done dep3 headers" :-) that is why I handed you the template :-)11:43
rbasakcpaelzer: taking a_hasenack's sssd MP as I'm in review mode11:52
cpaelzerrbasak:  I just wanted to ask as you have grabbe dthat 9h ago :-)11:58
cpaelzerok, when you are on that I can go for lunch11:59
rbasakcpaelzer: that was date requested, not date grabbed :)12:13
cpaelzerrbasak: ack - makes more sense12:26
=== yiko is now known as yikoru
HyP3rHello, I just trying to install ubuntu server on a hyperv (microsoft) server. With the last Linux (Debian) servers I had the problem that the dynamic hard disc was growing all the time. So I created a thread and the solution is to create the ext4 partition with "-G 4096" (Flex block group size). And now the the question is how I can install ubuntu server and can tell the "mkfs.ext4" to do that:13:54
HyP3rmkfs.ext4 -G 4096 /dev/sdX113:54
HyP3rIn the installer I can only specifcy the Mountpoint :(13:59
HyP3rAnd its also impossible to convert partitions14:00
RoyKHyP3r: boot up on a live thing and create the partitions/lvm/filesystems needed manually, boot up the installer and install the system without changing anything. With the old installer you can do this by hand by pressing alt+right and then run fdisk/lvm-things/mkfs manually. Dunno about the new one (never liked it)14:07
RoyKHyP3r: then use that vm to make a template, so that you don't need to do it manually next time - or use debootstrap to automate things14:09
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HyP3rRoyK: I allready created the ext4 partition with the installar but I can't select those partitions for installing the system14:54
RoyKHyP3r: oh - the new installer? the old one should work well with this14:55
kstenerudrbasak: For the unicode changes to php 7.2.15, I've found a bunch of other commits that deal with the internationalization stuff. Should they all be included? Some of them move away from deprecated API calls14:56
RoyKHyP3r: it's called the "traditional" install14:57
RoyKsimple ncurses thing with a lot of more options than the new one14:57
rbasakkstenerud: I think it's OK to just do the minimal that works.14:58
rbasak(but I'd like that minimal to be correctly and cleanly minimal, etc)14:59
rbasakIf cherry-picking upstream is obtuse and awkward, then comiong up with a minimal patch like it sounds like you did is fine.14:59
rbasakBut we should perhaps explain that in the patch header to explain what and wy etc.15:00
rbasakPHP upstream is a pain for this IME. They seem to tend to iterate on master so cherry-picks are awful.15:01
kstenerudyeah, I've noticed :P15:02
HyP3rRoyK: I have just started the ubuntu-18.04.2-live-server-amd64.iso and have choosen "Install Ubuntu Server". The Interface for installation is not graphical ist also just a ncurses thing...16:17
whislockHyP3r: Correct. Servers don't generally involve graphical interfaces.17:24
RoyKHyP3r: the live-server is the new thing and it's not very good - just something made to look better or more "userfriendly" - use the traditional one17:26
whislockI like the new installer. >.>17:26
RoyKwell, it looks nice, but it's not as good as the old one, where you can do whatever you want, more or less17:28
whislockTrue. I mostly deal with VMs anymore, where the new installer is sufficient. At least, for me.17:31
RoyKwhislock: obviously not for HyP3r ;)17:32
lotuspsychjewelcome amcclure18:38
amcclureI've been in this channel before18:40
amcclureprobably just not for a while18:40
amcclurety anyways :)18:41
HyP3rRoyK and whislock how can I now set those extra command line arguemtns to mkfs.ext4?19:41
RoyKHyP3r: no need - just use the filesystems you have created, or, as I said, press alt+F2 or alt+right and get a commandline and do it manually before you choose to "use this filesystem for xxxxx" and "do not format"19:53
HyP3rRoyK: ok. So I have to download a different ISO where I can do this?20:26
RoyKHyP3r: yes20:43
RoyKHyP3r: as I said, the traditional installer - you can find it on ubuntu.com20:45

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