
vadmestedro: hello10:05
elachecheHello world! :D10:06
u-la-laelacheche: 04 Mar 20:16Z <pavlushka> tell elacheche that pavlushka succeeded only in managing to ask this https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/62201/how-to-get-the-switchdoc-labs-weather-kit-working-using-arduino-uno finally10:06
elachechepavlushka: Problem fixed?10:06
elachecheWassup vadmeste dro :)10:06
vadmesteelacheche: good morning10:07
elachecheGood morning my friend :)10:07
pavlushkaelacheche: not exactly, two scripts gives two units reading , both fails to read the windspeed10:08
elachecheOops.. I don't have the hardware, and never used a such hardware, so I can't really help.. Maybe it's a bad hardware?10:09
pavlushkaelacheche: this script reads the wind direction correctly and this library https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Weather_80422 reads the rain bucket properly10:09
u-la-la[ GitHub - switchdoclabs/SDL_Weather_80422: Arduino Class for WeatherPiArduino using SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Argent Data Systems SparkFun Weather Sensors SEN-08942 ] - https://github.com10:09
pavlushkaelacheche: with the same pin-out setup10:09
pavlushkaI meant by this scripts is https://github.com/sparkfun/Weather_Shield/blob/master/Firmware/Weather_Shield_Weather_Station_V12/Weather_Shield_Weather_Station_V12.ino10:10
droahla bikom ! :D10:10
u-la-la[ Weather_Shield/Weather_Shield_Weather_Station_V12.ino at master · sparkfun/Weather_Shield · GitHub ] - https://github.com10:10
pavlushkadro: o/10:10
droça va elacheche  vadmeste10:10
dropavlushka: O/10:10
elachecheGood good :)10:11
pavlushkaelacheche: I have checked the hardwares, they are ok.10:19
pavlushkax) ?10:22
* pavlushka doesn't understand that emoji /o\10:23
pavlushkau-la-la: tell elacheche that the http://cactus.io/hookups/weather/anemometer/davis/hookup-arduino-to-davis-anemometer-wind-speed sketch reads the anemometer just fine, so it complements the missing functionality of https://github.com/switchdoclabs/SDL_Weather_8042221:53
u-la-lapavlushka: I'll pass that on when elacheche is around.21:53
u-la-la[ Davis Anemometer Arduino Hookup | Code (Part 2 of 3) ] - http://cactus.io21:53
u-la-la[ GitHub - switchdoclabs/SDL_Weather_80422: Arduino Class for WeatherPiArduino using SwitchDoc Labs WeatherRack Argent Data Systems SparkFun Weather Sensors SEN-08942 ] - https://github.com21:54

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