
adikwokhello. please help. i am using ubuntu 18.04.02. and changed to lxde. how to get lxde ram to 200mb+? now i got 540mb at the start up.00:00
adikwokseveral days ago, my ram used is around 300mb at starup, but now its 540mb+00:01
OerHeksmaybe some update mechanism is running..00:04
OerHeksi hope you installed more than 512 mb00:05
adikwokOerHeks: how to make it lean again?00:05
adikwokseveral days ago, i had around 260-300+ and its awesome. since my ram is only 2gb.00:06
tonaapt cache show . works in ubuntu 16.04 but not under ubuntu 18.10 how could i know all the packages , I would like to see this structure like 16.04 Package: accountsservice Version: 0.6.45-1ubuntu1 Priority: standard Section: gnome Origin: Ubuntu00:17
OerHeksthat changed to apt show <package> i guess00:21
tonabut how could i show all the packages00:21
OerHeksapt list00:23
OerHeksor apt list --installed00:23
OerHeksalso https://itsfoss.com/apt-vs-apt-get-difference/00:26
tonais there one output similar apt cache show . in ubuntu 18.1000:29
gdi2kconfused about spotify via snap. in trying to fix multimedia keys, I've tried to remove and reinstall it. I've done a sudo snap remove spotify, and it says it is removed, but I can still run spotify from the command line successfully and I still see a spotify directory in my ~/snap directory. How can I remove it properly?01:08
gdi2kah, spotify-client is also installed via apt. what a mess01:10
brimonkThis might not be the best place to ask, but I got a new monitor that uses Display Port, and I'm having issues with it waking up when booting. I've read that I might need to patch my nvidia card's UEFI, but I'm not certain if I really need to. Can anyone help?01:14
brimonkI currently have a GTX 970 on Ubuntu 18.04.01:14
AngelKdehi all I would like to ask if for the moment and more powerful ubuntu 16.04 or 18.04?01:18
texlaUbuntu 18.04 How to have different wallpaper on each workspace I am currently working with 2 workspaces when I change either the other one changes also01:49
yvyztexla: sudo apt install compiz-plugins compizconfig-settings-manager01:53
yvyzActually texla you can do it simpler01:54
yvyzIn 18 you just go to the workspace you want, right click -> Desktop Settings -> Select the image you want and -> Unselect Apply to all workspaces01:54
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yvyzbrimonk: Hey01:54
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brimonkyvyz: Hey.01:55
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yvyzbrimonk: What is the default bootable VGA PCI Slot in your UEFI/BIOS/01:55
yvyzand brimonk are you using HDMI and DP from the same video card?01:55
brimonkyvyz: Um. Probably the one my graphics card is in.01:55
brimonkI'm just using DP.01:56
brimonkBackground, I got a new 144hz monitor. I used to use a DVI cable, but it wasn't good enough for the high refresh rate.01:56
IndustrialWHy are packages like discordapp.com not available on the ubuntu repositories?01:56
yvyzbrimonk: what does the command-> lsb_release -a :: say?01:56
brimonkReplaced the cable and the 144hz happened; however, the display can't wake up from sleep.01:56
yvyzbrimonk: what does the command-> lsb_release -a01:56
IndustrialThey have a .deb on their website for years, but I can't just "apt install discord" ..01:56
brimonk"No LSB modules are available."01:57
yvyzIndustrial: not all software gets rolled into the default or available packes. Plus, the discord installation .rpm is downloadable will install automagically through ubuntu's package manager.01:57
yvyzbrimonk: lsb_relase -a | nc termbin.com 999901:58
IndustrialYes, but why isn't it available by commandline install? Is there any reason for it besides politics?01:58
Industrialtechnically it's very feasible, right?01:58
Industrialthey have a .deb .. just include it ?01:58
yvyzIndustrial: Sure, but if you did a sudo apt-get update, you'd see there IS a discord app in the repo.01:59
yvyzIndustrial: the ubuntu team probably did not find the current one from discord official to be stable. and ubuntu will not include things they believe to be unstable.01:59
yvyzbrimonk: Hmm. Im running DP and HDMI on that same release.02:00
yvyzbrimonk: ubuntu-drivers devices | nc termbin.com 999902:00
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fleabeardIndustrial, their official .deb is great, if you like it crashing when trying to do simple things like change your avatar. Which is probably why the ubuntu team doesn't include it by default.02:00
Industrialfleabeard, yvyz; I see. THat's a perfectly fine reason :-)02:01
yvyzbrimonk: what does ubuntu-drivers autoinstall do?02:01
yvyzIndustrial: welcome to linux. Where everyones running their own races and nobody cares about eachother.02:02
brimonkyvyz: I'll test it after my game of csgo.02:02
yvyzExcept for linus... i think we'd all fall apart of it wasn't for that guy.02:02
IndustrialI mostly dont like the downstream-patches-your-stuff things :( wish it would get fixed upstream and distributed across all platforms02:03
yvyzIndustrial: a core distrib like debian is less worried about your favorite team chat software and more interested in verifying there kernel selection plays well with their idea what a distro should include.02:04
yvyzIndustrial: and further linux, itself, doesn't give a d**n, period. full stop.02:05
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h3lpm3Does ubuntu block incoming connections by default?02:27
amosbirdhas anyone ever encountered a "guioption: s" string suddenly appears in the clilpboard?02:27
OerHeksh3lpm3, basicly no, as there are no rules set for UFW, install Gufw and turn it on02:28
ryuoh3lpm3: no, for good reason. the firewall needs to be configured to be effective, and it might prevent initial access to do such setup.02:29
leonardusis `apt purge` the same as `apt remove --purge`?02:38
graudrehi all, is 5.6 available on ubuntu 18.04? even through unofficial sources02:46
graudremysql-client-5.6 **02:48
yvyzleonardus: yes.03:03
yvyzgraudre: Is there a reason, by chance, you want to one minor version version back from current?03:04
yvyzgraudre: but to answer you question, yes, you can probably find the :ppa for it, or download and install it directly from the mysql team.03:05
yvyzgraudre: no reason you couldn't.03:05
graudreyvyz: just so we can get on bionic without making code changes. 5.6 and 5.7 are imcompatible afaict03:09
OerHeksthere is no logical reason for 5.6, you will need to build it against systemD https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/trusty/mysql-5.603:12
yvyzgraudre: I think you can use mysql-apt-config to select the version you want03:13
yvyzOr what OerHeks, he knows more on this one.03:13
graudreoh dang, yeah I guess that makes sense...03:14
eSoulIf I had a problem with the update of gnome-shell that came down the pike to 18.10 today, should I talk about that here or with the gnome-shell people03:15
graudreyeah mysql-apt-config doesn't have 5.6 available03:16
yvyzeSoul: Here is OK, depending on what the issue is. Whats going on?03:16
OerHeks5.4 i guess, trusty?03:16
graudre5.7 and 8.0. I'm on bionic03:16
OerHekshi eSoul, if it concerns ubuntu03:16
eSoulThe update to gnome-shell today (maybe a couple days ago) broke the gnome-shell-extension-multi-monitors plugin (also available in apt)03:17
eSoulIt looks like a CONST that was defined in the previous version of gnome-shell was not present in the update today.03:18
eSoulTrying to go into my bash_history to see what I had to end up changing03:19
eSoulWorkspaceThumbnail.OVERRIDE_SCHEMA was not defined in gnome-shell after the update03:22
eSoulBut I was able to find in another file online that in js/ui/workspacesView.js it should be set to 'org.gnome.shell.overrides'03:24
eSoulSorry for the spam though03:25
brimonkyvyz: I did a "sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall" and it didn't install anything.03:30
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coolchrisim getting tired of ubuntu againj thinking about rm -rf / ing again04:38
lotuspsychjecoolchris: please dont paste commands here like that04:39
coolchrisi didn't paste it i typed it04:39
coolchrisdumb ass04:39
coolchrissorry im in a bad mood04:39
coolchrisyea some stupid  noob might type it sorry i won't do it agian04:40
coolchrisi reallly do it though when i get upset sometimes04:41
coolchristhne i have to fix04:41
coolchristhis is boring no one is talking i said sorry04:42
lotuspsychjecoolchris: this channel is about ubuntu support, other chat belong elsewhere04:42
lotuspsychje!ot | coolchris for example04:42
ubottucoolchris for example: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:42
grkblood13can you change the depth of an open window via the command line?04:52
grkblood13i want to keep a certain window always on the top04:52
tomreyngrkblood13: you may want to ask this on a gnome (assuning this is what you're using) specific channel. it might be too specific for people around here to know.05:16
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van777Great! Ace Stream Player for "superpomoyka torrent tv" works even faster than on Win06:53
nikolamWHY (oh why) (x)Ubuntu won't BOOT if there is no device , that is stated inside /etc/fstab ??????07:20
ducassegrkblood13: you can try wmctrl07:22
nikolamI use ZFS VOLUME (zfs pool on one SATA drive) to mount it as BTRFS block device . And if SATA drive/ZFS pool is physically not there (zfs volume block device is not there), then whole SYSTEM WON'T BOOT07:22
nikolamWhen I remove/ # line for mounting that Btrfs block device from /etc/fstab, systme boots just fine07:23
nikolamSo it's not about removing device or block device. It is about Ubuntu WON't BOOT if there is no block device for BTRFS in /etc/fstab!07:23
ducassenikolam: add 'nofail' to the mount options07:23
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nikolamducasse, yes, why would system FAIL by default if there is no some block device/file system...   But thanks ducasse07:24
nikolamIt is by default wrong. Why not booting the system and halting is if ONE of the devices in /etc/fstab won't boot ???07:26
nikolamAnd that device does NOT affect boot process...???07:26
nikolamEnough stupid is that I needed to add "defgraded" to mount 2 RAID1 BTRFS devices, so that system won't fail to boot if one of the devices is not available (Then WHY I use RAID1, if it won't boot by default, if other device is not available???)07:29
nikolamEverything is created so it ,nicely, fails to boot for whatever reason, if not specially explainted, manually in /etc/fstab.  Whant's this, 1995?07:30
nikolamMaybe I am spioled by ZFS that does not matter where drives are connected and IF they are connected, by DEFAULT it works... (and WITHOUT Linux config files...)07:31
nikolamThank Linus, that if swap device is not there it can still boot...07:32
maxrazerDoes the Clementine music player tray icon not restore the window for anyone else? This doesn't seem right. I don't remember this happening on other distros. I'm using Xubuntu.07:37
Rembohello, does one of the following patches require restart? https://pastebin.com/HSFTBS5J07:52
lawnmowermani was wondering, with the fdisk command i am able to partition mounted hard drives, does this work for parted aswell?07:54
lawnmowermani cant find anything on the internet about it07:54
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tomreynRembo: why don't you just install them, then you'll know07:58
tomreynit's not like this would stop anything from working07:58
tomreynlawnmowerman: i don't see why not. is it a good idea to do so? probably not, unless you know exactly what the risks are / what this means.08:00
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lawnmowermani want to try and expand my rootdrive, it gives me alot of errors08:01
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lawnmowermanthe machine needs to be powered on, dont worry it is a test machine08:02
tomreynlawnmowerman: using the term "rootdrive" makes me think you should really do it from a live system only.08:02
tomreynafter you created backups.08:02
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lawnmowermani can do it with fdisk however not with parted08:03
lawnmowermanoh to specify, i am using an lvm filesystem08:03
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tomreyni consider myself to be somewhat xperienced with linux / ubuntu (use it for some years), and would (almost) never edit th epartition table of a running system.08:04
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tomreynlvm is not a file system, there is no "root" disk08:06
lawnmowermanoh, yes i know the dangers but this is a very specific thing i want to do08:06
ducasse+1 on what tomreyn says, especially if it involves the root fs08:06
lawnmowermanallright, sorry. i want to expand sda which contains my os in a lvm08:06
tomreynlawnmowerman: why can't you do it from a live system?08:07
nikolamlawnmowerman, well, try to use gparted I just expanded partition on working BTRFS mirror the other day with gparted and then expanded it with BTRFS command, while system were running08:07
lawnmowermanthanks nikolan i'll look into it08:08
lawnmowermani want to keep my system running, just for the challenge08:08
tomreyni meant to ask: why can't you do it from a install/live iso08:08
lawnmowermantomreyn ^08:08
tomreyni see08:08
tomreynwell, good luck!08:08
lawnmowermanbut ill look into gparted thanks for help08:08
lawnmowermanhave a good day people08:09
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nikolamI needed to do that on both devices in RAID1 on Btrfs, to make it use more space, after partitiones are enlarged08:09
mojtabaHello, I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, and yesterday from GUI, I set to suspend computer after 30 min on battery. But now there is no wireless.08:09
mojtabaI have tried several times to restart network-manager, but it does not connect to any wifi.08:10
mojtabaAlthough it shows all the SSIDs, do you know what should I do?08:10
nikolammojtaba, set "Automatically connect when this network is available" under wireless connection settings08:10
nikolamyou get them from "edit connections"08:10
tomreynmojtaba: are you saying you think that "I set to suspend computer after 30 min on battery" and "now there is no wireless" are related?08:11
mojtabanikolam: It has been set already.08:11
nikolamalso "All users may connect to this network" if it is needed for any user to be able to be on that wireless without every user logging in and setting wireless password for him, and yes, to stay online08:11
mojtabatomreyn: I think so, because I did not used that feature before, and I did not have any problem with wifi before.08:11
mojtabanikolam: That one is not selected.08:12
tomreynmojtaba: so did your computer suspend before you used it today?08:12
mojtabatomreyn: It seems no! I was turned off.08:12
mojtabaI left it playing something on battery.08:13
tomreynmojtaba: if you type "uptime" on a terminal, it will tell you when it last rebooted08:13
mojtabatomreyn: 11:43:27 up 22 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.31, 0.51, 0.7208:13
nikolamPut it in Suspend afte "All users" setting, and test if it worked. Also please update to at least 18.04 LTS to be supported in the future ;P08:14
mojtabaany other idea before that?08:14
tomreynnikolam: ubuntu 16.04 is supported for another 2 years.08:14
nikolamtomreyn, gread to know. My thinking is, 18.04 is newer and having similar requirements, maybe jumping to newer LTS is a good idea.08:15
tomreyni agree it can be.08:16
* nikolam rebooting08:16
tomreynmojtaba: can you run this in a terminal and post the url it returns? nmcli c 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999908:17
tomreynmojtaba: can you run this in a terminal and post the url it returns?   nmcli c 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 999908:18
tomreynmojtaba: it also seems like your computers' system time may be wrong, unless you're in a time zone which differs from UTC by partial hours.08:19
ayekatiran (UTC+3.5) matches08:22
tomreynright, i just noticed the ip address points to iran08:23
mojtabatomreyn: I found that it is a bug, but I can not find the solution. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/128655208:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1380480 in linux (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1286552 network disabled after suspend - resume" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:38
gebbionehi i book my computer and it will not send a video signal to the monitors suddenly from this morning. Usually switching off and on worked but now it is stuck. I also tried booting in recovery mode or using the previous kernel. Any suggestions?08:38
gebbionei don't know what is wrong with it. Anyone has any idea what I am looking for in logs to see the error that causes this?08:40
gebbioneit suddenly booted08:40
tomreyngebbione: by "it suddenly booted", do you mean that it works properly now and you're no longer looking for assistence with this?08:43
gebbionei would still like to dig what is happening in those booting sessions if possible08:44
gebbionebut i am not sure where and what I am looking for08:44
tomreyngebbione: me neither. you could start by having a look at the warnings logged during your latest boots.08:46
tomreyngebbione: what's the output of "lsb_release -ds"?08:46
gebbionei will join from the ubuntu machine, 1s08:47
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gebbioneUbuntu 16.04.6 LTS08:48
nanozim unable to reset my password08:51
nanozhave forgotten the password08:51
nanozi have an root account which have password08:51
nanozand another username which have forgot the password08:52
arodI've just installed xubuntu 18.04 on a laptop with an i5 3210M and AMD graphics. How do I switch to intel graphics?08:52
arodlspci is not listing the intel GPU but AFAIK the i5 3210M has one for sure08:52
rpgio@nanoz sudo su - ; passwd username-pw-you-forgot08:53
nanozrpgio, i have root password not another username password who is not root08:54
rpgioso elevate to root08:54
rpgioand run 'passwd username'08:54
rpgioand set the new password for username08:54
nanozhow to elevate to root?08:55
rpgioon the command line, issue 'su - root'08:56
adikwokhello. please help. im using ubuntu 18.04.2 gnome lxde.09:02
adikwokhow to make lxde start with only 200-300mb+ ram usage?09:02
adikwokmine now is around 540mb ram usage at start09:02
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adikwokfirst i install ubuntu with gnome. since i only had 2gb ram. back then seniors told me to try lxde. then i tried lxde .. its awesome fast. .. several days ago, my ram still started at 260-360mb. but just this morning it started at 580mb ;[09:05
smallville7123Rip i09:06
smallville7123Rip u09:06
smallville7123Rip everyone09:06
Ooladikwok: perhaps you can have more information with the LXtask09:09
rpgio@adikwok if you really need a DE that's more lightweight than even lxde, you should try openbox, i3wm and the like09:10
adikwoki tried openbox, it still lxde faster09:10
adikwokOol: i look at lxtask?09:10
rpgiouse slackware09:11
rpgiofor your toaster09:11
Ooladikwok:  lxtask is an app, you can monitor ressources in LXDE09:12
adikwokOol: ok i try09:13
rpgioalso: sudo systemd-analyze blame ; sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain09:14
adikwokits written firefox, thunderbird, which i am using now09:14
adikwokhow to make the lxde, start with most lean apps?09:15
Oolfirefox can take a lot of ressources :)09:15
Oolthunderbird too, depend of usages09:15
rpgiopresumably your system isn't starting with those applications running09:16
rpgiounless you have told it to do so09:16
adikwokOol: it is ok for those, ff, tb, libreoffice since i am using those apps for work.09:16
adikwokyet i could not make the lxde use only 300mb or so at starting up09:16
Ooladikwok: how did you now about 300 Mb ? (which command or app ? )09:17
adikwokrpgio: this what im looking for, how to choose what app to be run at starting up, so it doesnt stay at the memory at starting up?09:17
adikwokOol: free -ltmh09:17
Oolso you can't know if it's lxde or an other process09:19
rpgiohow much ram do you have adikwok09:19
adikwokrpgio: 2gb09:19
rpgioperhaps you should download some more09:19
Ooltop, ps auxf or the lxtask app can tell more09:20
adikwokrpgio: download ram?09:20
gebbionetomreyn, any further info i can provide to troubleshoot the dead screens problem?09:34
tomreyngebbione: sorry, i missed your reply. your logs are in /var/log/syslog*09:37
tomreyngebbione: if you like, you can post the url returned by this command and i'll have a look if i can spot anything that's obviously wrong:  dmesg | nc termbin.com 999909:38
nanozhi getting following recently09:43
gebbionetomreyn, thank you, can i PM the url instead  of sending it in the channel?09:43
nanozunable to login09:43
nanozwas able to login till yesterday09:44
nanozmy last command shows there was crash09:44
tomreyngebbione: ok09:44
tomreynhere's is usually preferred, so that others can investigate and respond, too.09:45
gebbionei was just a bit wondering if this log contained a bit too much info to share it openly09:46
nanozi'm not sure why ubuntu gives me alot of issue in a span of 20 days from first setup09:46
nanozi had 13 days to reset my password from yesterday from today morning unable to login09:48
nanoztomreyn, can you please look into this?09:49
tomreynnanoz: i'm reviewing gebbione's log now. maybe later.09:50
nanoztomreyn, i'm unable to login to my system :/ well if that dont sound serious :)09:51
phionai installed geany in lubuntu and i want the shortcut to be in accessories, not in programming as it is now. what do i do?09:52
nanozhi rpgio09:55
tomreynnanoz: we'Re all volunteers here, you know09:56
nanozsorry about that tomreyn ;)09:57
guivercphiona, sorry I can't help, but this may be useful (customizing LXDE menu - https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1870415)09:57
nanozphiona which desktop your using?09:58
phionananoz: lxde09:59
tomreyngebbione: i notice you have "acpi=force" set there, does your system malfunction without it?10:03
tomreyngebbione: your kernel version is affected by bug 1813873 - but this should not cause these effects.10:04
ubottubug 1813873 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Userspace break as a result of missing patch backport" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181387310:04
tomreyngebbione: the only message i found to provide a potential indication for any graphics malfunction is on the last line of your log.10:09
tomreynyou could search the web for it, maybe finding out more about it10:09
gebbioneinteresting, i ll check10:10
nanoztomreyn, what can i do to login? seems i used same password as of lastime still get login password failed.10:10
tomreynbut remember this was a good boot (dmestg returns the log of the current boot), you may want to reviewe the earlier boots' logs in syslog.10:10
tomreynnanoz: you are not entitled to personal support around here10:10
gebbionetomreyn, abut acpi=force yes i think i had permanent problems without this10:11
nanoztomreyn, asked opinion not personal support10:11
SleepyTurtlehi, would this be a good place to ask about package manual installation with cmake?10:11
tomreynnanoz: you keep addressing me specifically about your issue, though, i have not originally addressed you.10:11
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nanozyes opinion different from personal support tomreyn10:13
SleepyTurtleI want to use environment variables to set a path10:16
tomreynnanoz: you wrote earlier that you "had 13 days to reset my password" - so your passwords expire? is this computer owned by some organization (where this is a more common configuration)?10:16
SleepyTurtleI've tried exporting but it doesn't seem to work10:16
nanoztomreyn, my password didnt expire i have still 13 days10:17
SleepyTurtleusing set("OpenCV_DIR" "/usr/local/share/OpenCV") in cmake works, but I'd rather not have something specific to my computer as part of the build file. I've tried export OpenCV_DIR=/usr/local/share/OpenCV/ but it doesn't work10:18
tomreynSleepyTurtle: cmake is a utility for building software, not for installing any. for questions about developing ubuntu software, you can join #ubuntu-app-devel - or join your favourite programming / scripting languages' channel.10:18
SleepyTurtletomreyn: I'm asking about exporting10:18
SleepyTurtlewhich is ubuntu related, isn't it?10:19
nanozyes owned by organization. tomreyn10:19
tomreynnanoz: and this organization doesn't provide OS support?10:20
SleepyTurtletomreyn: I'll check out  #ubuntu-app-devel anyway, thanks10:20
nanozno tomreyn10:20
tomreynnanoz: i doubt this. after all this sounds like a managed system.10:20
tomreynSleepyTurtle: sure, ubuntu development is ubuntu related, but this channel we use just for ubuntu (user) support.10:21
tomreynexporting environment variables can be done using the "export" command10:22
tomreynon a shell10:22
SleepyTurtletomreyn: I did that and can see the variable in printenv, but it doesn't seem to work with cmake10:23
tomreyn!password | nanoz10:23
ubottunanoz: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords10:23
SleepyTurtletomreyn: sorry about posting here, I've posted in the channel you suggested10:23
tomreynSleepyTurtle: you'Re welcome ;)10:24
nshireis there a quick way to dump the framebuffer to a file from tty?10:25
nshireI keep getting random artifacting and I want to see if I can track anything down10:26
nanozi'm using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword this , option 2 , on moving to bash shell getting the username doesnot exist10:26
nshiresomething like cat /dev/fb0 > file.bmp?10:26
nanozbut was loggin till yesterday with same username10:26
nanozeven last command shows it10:27
tarzeaucheck the screenshot it has the command10:27
tarzeauor https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/how-to-take-a-screenshot-with-dev-fb0-918705/10:27
tarzeauor https://www.cnx-software.com/2010/07/18/how-to-do-a-framebuffer-screenshot/10:27
nshirelooks like the last one is my best bet10:28
nanozthe user is not root user - as you know10:28
tomreynnanoz: in an organization, your user account may be stored ina a networked authentication database, which may not be available during early boot.10:29
tomreynnanoz: talk to your admins.10:29
nanozbtw i'm unable to access /home/username of the respective users folder10:33
tomreynnanoz: talk to your admins.10:34
ramsub07Hi, my bluetooth fails to connect to my earphone when I disconnect my earphones. I had to restart for them to get connected again. I already have paired and trusted my earphones. What could be going wrong ?10:41
ramsub07It also recognises my earphone as "headphone" and provides the "audio sink" option10:42
ramsub07Hi, my bluetooth fails to connect to my earphone when I disconnect my earphones. I had to restart for them to get connected again. I already have paired and trusted my earphones. What could be going wrong ?10:57
=== LaRose_Bleu is now known as LaRose_Rouge
tomreynramsub07: it's not easy to make a good guess onj what may be breaking there without more context. have you had a look at your logs, yet?11:02
ramsub07tomreyn: sure, but how do i check logs?11:04
tomreynramsub07: what's the output of "lsb_release -ds", run in a terminal?11:05
ramsub07to be more accurate, Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS11:06
tomreyninstall the pending updates, reboot, see if it still happens.11:06
=== LaRose_Rouge is now known as LaRose_Bleu
ramsub07tomreyn: sudo apt-get update ?11:10
=== LaRose_Bleu is now known as LaRose_Rouge
tomreynramsub07: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade11:26
tomreynor use the GUI approach which should do the same11:26
BluesKajHowdy all11:27
tomreynramsub07: "lsb_release -ds" should report a higher version number in the end.11:27
lavinhogood morning11:28
lavinhohow to install drivers dwa 171 revision c1 ?11:29
lavinhonot function11:29
jeremy31lavinho: post URL from terminal for> lsusb | nc termbin.com 999911:29
jeremy31lavinho: any results for> lsmod | grep 818811:31
lavinhor8188eu               425984  011:32
lavinhocfg80211              614400  1 r8188eu11:32
LaRose_Rougehi, i  have a question, apologies if its not part of the group but i would like to know the different between wine and winehq builds. i hae both installed and i dunno if i need both or can keep one and remove the other to sae space coz they arent exactly small packages thjemseslves11:32
lavinhoits dongle using insternet11:32
jeremy31lavinho URL for> rfkill list | nc termbin.com 999911:32
lavinhono results11:33
ramsub07Hi guys, my laptop's USB ports have stopped working all of a sudden and it keeps repeating frequently. How do I debug if it's an OS error or an hardware issue?11:33
jeremy31ramsub07: Maybe this is connected to your bluetooth issues11:34
ramsub07jeremy31: even i suspect so11:34
ramsub07I did a sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart and my bluetooth says "no adapters found" and USB has stopped working11:35
ramsub07I checked the power from the port and it says 0W11:35
tomreynLaRose_Rouge: winehq is someone elses' (upstream?) wine build, i think, it's not a package in ubuntu. "wine" in ubuntu is a virtual package depending on wine-stable|wine-development (at least in ubuntu 18.04)11:36
jeremy31lavinho: run the commands at https://gist.github.com/jeremyb31/a8ca23e67a11dc7599e7ffb0a9667d65 and reboot11:37
LaRose_Rougeoh, so if i have winehq installed i dont need ubuntu wine? tomreyn11:38
tomreyn!wine | LaRose_Rouge i think this will tell11:38
ubottuLaRose_Rouge i think this will tell: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:38
LaRose_Rougethanks tomreyn ill check the cahnnel out11:40
lavinhodongle listed is dongle used to the internet connection11:41
lavinhono dwa 17111:41
lavinhohelp me please11:45
lavinhodwa 171 revisonn c111:45
JuJUBeeWhat is the best way to move/copy users home folders to a new server?  Accounts already exist on new server with same UIDs12:11
tomreynalso same GID?12:12
tomreynprobably rsync then12:12
JuJUBeeas root?12:13
tomreynunless oyu can find a different way to access multiple users' data and persist ownership on the target.12:14
tomreynso sudo works, too12:15
JuJUBeeI tried that another time and it didn't work.  Ended up having to write a script to change perms12:16
tomreynor you could tar as root, copy as restricted user, untar as root. but that's not winning you much12:16
Captain_HaddockAny owners of Gopros here? I'm unable to mount the camera in Linux (Kubuntu). The logs show "unhandled action 'bind'" issues.12:18
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: unplug other usb devices, try adifferent usb port at the opposite side of your computer (if any), try a different cable.12:21
GekkoI'm using the Ubuntu 18.04.2 live server installer, and under manual partition options, I cannot find a way to create a FAT32 partition. It's required for creating a EFI system partition12:26
ramsub07Hi, I had messaged here regarding my bluetooth issue and the issue has "spread" to my USB port as well. I tried restarting and everything worked fine for half an hour or so, then the same problem resurfaced12:26
GekkoIs there some other way to create that? Maybe drop in to a terminal temporarily?12:26
tomreynGekko: you just boot in uefi mode and choose the disk you want to have the esp on, and choose to make it bootable12:27
ramsub07When the error occurs, i can see the bluetooth unable to find an adapter and then USB ports have no power12:27
ramsub07How should i debug whether it is a software or a hardware issue?12:27
GekkoThis is a SOC device and I nede to have specific sizes, including an EFI partition of exact size12:27
tomreynGekko: use alternative server installer, optionally partition in advance12:28
GekkoI actually tried using a clonezilla live image to partition manually, but the ubuntu installer didn't list the partitions, only listed the disk12:28
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tomreynGekko: the default ubuntu server installer is unable to install to existing partition structures.12:30
GekkoWell I'm getting the alt one12:31
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: It's happening on all ports :(12:31
Captain_Haddock(I can access the GoPro on my Windows laptop just fine. And other cameras work fine on the Kubuntu desktop as well.)(12:32
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: please post the output of this command to a pastebin: cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline /etc/os-release12:33
JuJUBeeCaptain_Haddock, tomreyn is ExFAT built in to linux os yet?12:33
JuJUBeeMaybe need to install exfat-fuse and exfat-utils?12:34
stdedosHello there! Is there some kind of PPA that updates Evolution (only) to anything newer than 3.18?12:34
ramsub07hi tomreyn12:35
tomreyn!ppa | stdedos this hint contains the address of a ppa search:12:35
ubottustdedos this hint contains the address of a ppa search:: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge12:35
tomreynhi ramsub0712:36
ramsub07tomreyn: my USB ports don't work anymore, and lsusb shows just two devices as the available ones12:37
ramsub07do you know what could be going wrong?12:37
* tomreyn looks around for a crystasl ball, but finds none12:37
ramsub07tomreyn: how do I figure out if it's a hardware error or something to do with drivers/OS ?12:38
tomreynramsub07: logs12:38
ramsub07tomreyn: where do i check the logs specific to USB?12:38
stdedostomreyn thank you. I don't mean to be picky, but, is there some "additional" filtering options and/or sorting per build age for PPAs? "evolution" gives 172 results, "evolution 3.[12]\d" gives one result that doesn't even have the "evolution" package12:39
tomreynramsub07: /var/log/syslog or journalctl12:39
tomreynstdedos: i'm not aware of any. i'm also unhappy with the situation. ppa's are unsupported, though, of course.12:40
ioriastdedos,  Y PPA Manager   should let you do some filtering12:40
stdedostomreyn I know the dangers of PPAs. However, there _are_ enough things that work nicely, and I currently have a small dependency hell to move to 18.04 :/  (I don't like the new UI too, but that's my problem I guess)12:42
stdedosioria thank you, I will check it o12:42
tomreynstdedos: you can use a different desktop environment, gnome-shell is not mandatory.12:42
tomreynstdedos: prior to dist-upgrading, i usually disable all PPAs, then use this script to find out which packages i need to purge (or uninstall) or downgrade to versions in ubuntu proper: https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts#foreign_packages12:44
stdedostomreyn I know. Unity :-p  I don't wanna hog you with coffee-time chatter though12:44
ramsub07tomreyn: i see many lines of logs, but how do i know which is the recent one?12:45
ramsub07I see 14:09:55 but my local time is 13:45 now12:45
tomreynramsub07: maybe it's from a different day, or the log is in a different time zone.12:45
stdedostomreyn some of them are standalone debs. I will keep your script closely though, when I decide to go for it :-12:46
stdedos:-D   *12:46
tomreyn"uptime" reports when you last booted.12:46
ramsub07tomreyn: journalctl shows the recent ones first, right?12:46
tomreynthose "standalone debs" you should really uninstall before you start the release upgrade.12:46
tomreynramsub07: no12:47
tomreynramsub07: journalctl --help12:47
tomreynramsub07: -b to get only logs form latest boot (currently active session)12:47
tomreynit defaults to the "less" pager, press (shift) G to go to the end of the output, double (lower case) g to go to the start.12:49
ramsub07tomreyn: http://dpaste.com/1T1FV0N here are the logs from this session12:53
ramsub07they now match with my timezone12:53
Gekkotomreyn: the alt installer worked. Seems like it's just the debian installer12:53
oaulakhmy bluetooth not working after "sudo apt-get upgrade"12:56
ramsub07oaulakh: lol. welcome to the club12:56
oaulakhramsub07: ur too?12:57
ramsub07not just bluetooth, but my USB as well12:57
oaulakhramsub07: no my usb working fine12:58
oaulakhramsub07: but my netgear wifi dongle not working i have to use usb12:58
ramsub07oaulakh: mine as well for a short while12:59
tomreynramsub07: please post the output of this command to a pastebin: cat /proc/version /proc/cmdline /etc/os-release12:59
tomreynGekko: yes, the good old debian installer is now called 'alternative', since someone made a (much too early) decision to replace it by the new subiquity + curtin based one.13:01
ramsub07tomreyn: https://pastebin.com/Pyx5bGPn13:02
oaulakhtomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/sH6MmF8Fhj/13:02
ioriaoaulakh, you can start upgrading the kernel;  sudo apt full-upgrade13:04
oaulakhioria: ok !13:04
ioriaoaulakh,  and reboot13:05
tomreynramsub07: might be a result of bug 181387313:05
rexwin_how to restart samba in ubuntu 1813:05
ubottubug 1813873 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Userspace break as a result of missing patch backport" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/181387313:05
tomreyn!yy.mm | rexwin_13:05
ubotturexwin_: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle13:05
oaulakhioria: ok sure!13:05
ioriarexwin_,  sudo service smbd restart13:05
oaulakhioria: will this full upgrade those problems like my wifi dongle??? and bluetooth!13:06
ioriaoaulakh,  how can i knwo; you can always boot a previous kernel13:07
oaulakhioria: ok but how, means first i will see this kernel solves my problem otherwise i will switch back to old one13:08
oaulakhioria: help me after i reboot ok :)13:08
ioriaoaulakh, you use the Grub screen or the settings in /etc/default/grub13:08
oaulakhioria: yup13:08
oaulakhioria: grub screen at startup13:09
tomreynoaulakh: despite the name, all that "apt full-upgrade" really does is really to install security patches and bugfixes , it does not upgrade to a newer ubuntu version, it should never introduce new bugs.13:10
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VG6xVKqqvj/13:11
tomreynthis statement refers to official apt repositories, PPA's may behave differently.13:11
oaulakhtomreyn: i'm not sure whats wrong but i face error while connecting my bt headphones13:11
ioriaoaulakh, ok, reboot13:12
oaulakhioria: ok13:12
oaulakhioria: no, still bluetooth not working13:15
ioriaoaulakh, uname -r13:15
oaulakhioria: can i unistall these update to rollback my ubuntu version13:15
oaulakhioria: 4.18.0-15-generic13:16
tomreynramsub07: those "snd_hda_codec_hdmi hdaudioC1D0: out of range" errors are about HDMI audio. this is not your main sound card, but just the one which is used if you use HDMI for audio. there may be ways to disable it if you don't need it.13:16
ioriaoaulakh, dmesg | grep -i bluetooth13:16
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5crxbp8JB7/13:17
ioriaoaulakh, dmesg |  grep -i firmware13:19
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: Sorry for the late reply: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mjdvNd6D9m/13:19
Captain_HaddockJuJUBee: How do I check? (ExFat)13:20
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pDp4HZmzZ9/13:21
Captain_HaddockJuJUBee: I installed exfat-fuse and exfat-utils and then plugged the gopro in. Same story.13:22
Captain_HaddockI don't think I need to reboot. Do I?13:22
DeihmosIs it possible to add a kernel to the installation media ?13:25
ioriaoaulakh, bluetoothctl13:27
klemaxHello. Is there any web based firewall on ubuntu?13:28
nakamakivestacp or webmin can control ufw i think13:29
oaulakhioria: and than???13:29
ioriaoaulakh, the output13:30
klemaxnakamaki: as far as i know, they are hosting control panel. Thats a lot for me. I just need a web interface.13:31
oaulakhioria: it's showing bluetooth terminal, under devices it do showing my headphones but how to connect to my device13:31
nakamakiklemax: you can use those perfectly at home13:31
nakamakii used webmin for all kinds of shit13:32
klemaxDoes webmin support ubuntu 14.04?13:32
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D74MmT9N46/13:32
lotuspsychjeklemax: 14.04 will be end of life soon13:33
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: i don't think you need to reboot to enable user-space (fuse) exfat support. what makes you think you need exfat support, though?13:33
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: The comment by JuJUBee.13:33
oaulakhioria: Muffs L is my device13:34
Captain_HaddockI thought "Captain_Haddock, tomreyn is ExFAT built in to linux os yet?" was a hint :|13:34
JuJUBeeCaptain_Haddock, was just a thought...13:34
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: maybe it was, i don't know.13:34
ioriaoaulakh, pair <mac>13:34
JuJUBeeCaptain_Haddock, have you tried reading the card in a card reader?13:34
tomreynJuJUBee: do you know that a GoPro HERO7 uses an ExFat file system?13:35
Captain_HaddockJuJUBee: I don't have one. BUt I can access the Gopro fine on an old Windows XP laptop.13:35
JuJUBeetomreyn, according to gopro, 64G uses exfat 32G can use exfat or fat13:36
klemaxlotuspsychje: yeah I have to upgrade it.13:36
oaulakhioria: no, but "connect <mac>" works, thanks man13:37
ioriaoaulakh, ok13:37
Captain_HaddockJuJUBee: FWIW, this is a 128GB card.13:37
oaulakhioria: sorry to say can you help me netgear wifi dongle :)13:38
JuJUBeeCaptain_Haddock, I think it is 64G and higher uses exfat13:38
ioriaoaulakh, unplu it,plug again and paste  dmesg | tail13:38
ioriaoaulakh,  dmesg | tail  -3013:39
Captain_HaddockJuJUBee: According to this, I have to reboot after installing exfat. https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225320513:41
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bxB7ZcYZ2N/13:42
Captain_HaddockWill do so in 10 minutes after a transfer is done.13:42
ioriaoaulakh,  sudo lshw -c Network13:43
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v4PQ2vTBJ8/13:44
ioriaoaulakh,  what interface are you using atm ?13:46
oaulakhioria: usb through phone :)13:46
ioriaoaulakh,  ip a13:47
oaulakhioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Zt5twSWY3r/13:49
ioriaoaulakh,  open network-manager and configure the device (wlx00223fed7604)13:50
CrtxReavrIs there a specified way to remove all but the base packages from an Ubuntu Server install?13:51
HyP3rHello, I just trying to install ubuntu server on a hyperv (microsoft) server. With the last Linux (Debian) servers I had the problem that the dynamic hard disc was growing all the time. So I created a thread and the solution is to create the ext4 partition with "-G 4096" (Flex block group size). And now the the question is how I can install ubuntu server and can tell the "mkfs.ext4" to do that:13:51
HyP3rmkfs.ext4 -G 4096 /dev/sdX113:51
oaulakhioria: but device name13:51
ioriaoaulakh,  ip link set dev  wlx00223fed76013:52
ioriaoaulakh,  ip link set dev  wlx00223fed760413:52
ioriabrb sy13:53
oaulakhioria: i have nm-tray13:56
oaulakhioria: i dunno how to fix nm-tray13:56
CrtxReavrI found https://askubuntu.com/questions/240346/how-to-keep-only-ubuntu-minimal13:59
CrtxReavrWhat could go wrong?13:59
=== nanozz is now known as nanoz
nomad_frhi, I've some trouble with /var/cache/fontconfig on ubuntu 18.04.114:04
nomad_frit's keep geatting biger and bigger14:04
nomad_fr# lsof /var/ | grep fontconfig | wc -l14:05
nomad_fr# lsof /var/ | wc -l > 240814:05
nomad_fr# df -h /var/ -> /dev/nvme0n1p5  5.0G  4.7G   14M 100% /var14:05
nomad_fr# ncdu /var -> Total disk usage: 827.6 MiB  Apparent size: 789.8 MiB  Items: 2420314:05
tomreynHyP3r: the correct answer seems ot be in post 3 of the discussion you pointed to - "I don't recommend using dynamic VHDX in a production environment"14:05
tomreynHyP3r: if you still want to use the custom ext4 metadata locations you can do the partitioning and file systems (and maybe other layers in between) first, then boot a live linux system, mount file systems and chroot to the installation directory and use debootstrap to install,14:08
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CrtxReavrYeah, that didn't work well.14:26
samgoodyHi. Am on a VPS, and suddenly getting errors about not being able to allocate memory14:32
ikanoboriMaybe you need more memory.14:40
whislocksamgoody: What are the specs of the VPS in question?14:43
yvyzsamgoody: What is the size of your pagefile, and what is the amount of memory allocated to the VPS?14:43
yvyznomad_fr: sort of expected operation given that a lot of programs utilize fontconfig to handle their fonts. fc-cache is the cache location for said fonts used by said programs.14:44
yvyznomad_fr: you can fc-cache -r to erase all current cache data and rescan.14:45
yvyznomad_fr: see -> man fc-cache14:45
CrtxReavrI have an ubuntu 18.04 server VM on vbox. . .. when the VM is fired up it prints an error on the console "error not symbol table found - hit any key" then after a timeout it seems to boot & function normally.  How can I fix that?14:45
whislockCrtxReavr: I get that sort of thing from time to time. I've always ignored it, as it never seems to actually affect function in any way.14:46
samgoody@whislock, thanks for the attention. I rebooted, and now things look OK.14:46
CrtxReavrwhislock, this will have to go into production though, and people will freak.14:46
whislockCrtxReavr: Well, I'm sorry for that, but that still doesn't mean its significant. It might be easier to just inform them that such messages are "false positives."14:47
whislocksamgoody: It would still be valuable to know the specs of the box in question.14:47
samgoodyHow do I find them out? I can copy from the page of the host, but is there a way to outout it from Ubuntu14:48
whislocksamgoody: In terms of memory, pastebin the output of 'free -h'.14:48
yvyzCrtxReavr: you could attempt to reinstall grub.14:49
yvyzCrtxReavr: or run grub-install14:49
nomad_fryvyz: I fond it, it was not in /var/log/fontconfig ilwas in /var/log/archives/ some old log file that were deleted but rsyslog still keep theom open, I juste restart rsyslog and voila14:49
yvyznomad_fr: awesome++14:49
CrtxReavryvyz, grub-install wants an install device, I assume tha twould be sda, not sda1?14:50
whislockCrtxReavr: Assuming you're not booting via UEFI, yes, /dev/sda would be a good bet.14:51
CrtxReavrAnd that made it go away - thanks guys.14:51
whislockNice. There you go.14:51
acebrianjuanHi all14:53
acebrianjuanAny Qt devs around?14:53
whislocksamgoody: That's a pretty hefty amount of memory. Sounds like something might have run away in terms of memory consumption.14:53
yvyzsamgoody: your swap space should match your memory. at least in best practice.14:53
whislockyvyz: That's not necessarily true.14:53
yvyz^ i know14:54
whislockyvyz: In fact, that's only the recommendation if you're on a desktop and you want to be able to hibernate to disk.14:54
samgoodyWell, not much to do now, I guess. Will monitor it14:54
yvyzwhislock: hmm maybe thats where I got it from. ive just been doing it that way for a long time.14:54
yvyzsamgoody: run -> top -c and sort by memory and see if something starts growing erratically14:55
samgoodyThank you very much/14:55
ioriaoaulakh,  still there ?15:01
mustmodifyI have an old 32bit Dell Inspiron Mini that I'm trying to turn into a "site is up" status screen for various sites I monitor.15:01
mustmodifyI can't figure out how to get wifi working.15:02
mustmodifylspci | grep Network shows "Network controller: Broadcom Inc ... BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY15:02
mustmodifybut... no code like wlan0 etc15:02
mustmodifyand wlan0 doesn't show up in ifconfig15:02
mustmodifyso ... I guess I'm not sure what to do now.15:02
yvyzmustmodify: iwconfig15:03
mustmodifyenp4s0: no wireless extensions15:03
mustmodifylo: no wireless extensions15:03
yvyzmustmodify: what does nmcli d say?15:03
mustmodifyit says that isn't installed. :)15:04
mustmodifyworking on it15:04
mustmodify(I'm plugged into ethernet for now.)15:04
yvyzmustmodify: Well if lshw -C network displays a listed wireless device.... and lsmod lists the driver15:06
yvyzmustmodify: or module rather15:06
yvyzmustmodify: you can: sudo modprobe <thecorrectmodulename>15:06
mustmodifystill installing15:06
acebrianjuanDoes anybody know the Ubuntu packages well enough?15:12
hggdhacebrianjuan: it is probably better to just ask your question15:13
mustmodifyok, I've installed 'network-manager'. Let me try the above recommendations again.15:13
mustmodifyiwconfig shows the same thing15:14
acebrianjuanhggdh: I need some help finding which package contains the required dependencies for building my project15:14
mustmodifynmcli has two rows, enp4s0 /ethernet and lo / loopback15:14
acebrianjuanThis is the output of my CMake build: https://pastebin.com/bx8Sdaru15:15
acebrianjuanNotice that it is complaining about QtLocation15:15
acebrianjuanI'm doing research with `apt search qtlocation` and `apt search qt5location`15:15
mustmodify`lshw -C network` shows two devices... a wifi device and an ethernet device.15:15
acebrianjuanthere are a few packages listed15:15
mustmodifylsmod doesn't seem to show the wifi driver15:17
mustmodifySo `lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net` shows that the wifi device has 'Kernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge'15:20
hggdhacebrianjuan: you can use https://packages.ubuntu.com/ to search for package contents, or apt-cache (needs to be installed), or apt-file (needs to be installed)15:21
mustmodifyI was wrong -- lsmod does show several things with "b43", which seems to be associated with wifi.15:22
mustmodifycfg80211, mac80211, and bcma15:22
DeihmosIs 18.10 considered a stable release or is it something like Debian unstable? Had many bugs with 18.10 but 18.04 was flawless15:27
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yvyzmustmodify: modprobe b4315:28
mustmodifyDeihmos: it's considered 'stable' but won't be supported for as long as 18.04.15:28
yvyzDeihmos: it is stable but only supported for a short while.15:28
mustmodifyyvyz: one moment, I started something else. Will get that as soon as the command line is available again.15:29
mustmodifyyvyz: where did you get that username?15:29
yvyzFrom the lands of mystery.15:30
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: All release versions are considered stable, Ubuntu strives for stability in all of their releases. LTS Releases are specifically created to be supported for an extended amount of time. Regular releases are supprted for a shorter time and require more frequent updates to the version stay on a supported version15:32
pragmaticenigma!lts | Deihmos15:32
ubottuDeihmos: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.15:32
mustmodifyyvyz: I did 'sudo apt-get install firmware-b43-installer' and how wlan0 appears in iwconfig!15:33
jeremy31mustmodify: that wifi needs firmware-b43-installer package to work15:33
mustmodifyta da!15:33
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: For more information about releases see: https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle ... for more information on LTS see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS15:34
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yvyzAnother example that ubuntu-drivers autoinstall should have figured out.15:35
yvyzGlad it worked for yuo15:35
MrHallhello, question about ll command, what means the arrow on S06customScript.sh -> ../init.d/customScript.sh*15:35
mustmodifythanks all.15:36
yvyzMrHall: its a symlinked file15:36
yvyzS06customScript.sh is actually referring to the file ../init.d/customScript.sh15:36
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mustmodifySo I did `iwconfig wlan0 essid mynetwork key mypassword`15:40
mustmodifywith sudo15:40
mustmodifyand then `sudo dhclient wlan0` and I've been waiting for > 5 minutes.15:41
mustmodifyShould I kill it?15:41
jeremy31mustmodify: are you on live iso or on an install?15:42
jeremy31mustmodify: it might be better to reboot15:43
mustmodifyThere it is ... does not seem connected.15:43
mustmodifyI'll reboot.15:43
jeremy31mustmodify: usually you have to unload ssb and b43 then modprobe b43 to get it to load firmware15:45
mustmodifyunload ssb?15:45
mustmodifyifconfig shows wlan0, but it says "Link endcap: Ethernet"15:45
mustmodifyso that's odd.15:45
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hggdhacebrianjuan: perhaps you need the package qtlocation5-dev?15:48
jeremy31Mustmodify easier to reboot15:48
mustmodifyI rebooted.15:49
mustmodifyThat's what it says after rebooting.15:49
hggdhacebrianjuan: also, please note that 'apt search' searches for *packages*, not package contents15:50
eater9\join #mate15:52
acebrianjuanhggdh: I wish I could talk to the person in charge of maintaining the official packages16:06
tgm4883acebrianjuan: I'm confused, isn't the problem you're missing dependencies for a custom source you're trying to build? What does that have to do with the official packages?16:08
acebrianjuantgm4883: yes, it seems that I'm missing dependencies, but the apt package manager gives me very little information about each Qt package that I'm almost doing it blind16:10
acebrianjuantgm4883: I don't know in which package the Ubuntu guys included the required dependencies that I need16:12
tgm4883acebrianjuan: you could use apt-file or use the ubuntu packages website https://packages.ubuntu.com/16:12
tgm4883acebrianjuan: either of those would let you search the contents of packages16:12
acebrianjuantgm4883: the Qt packages are very fragmented16:12
acebrianjuanThis may be an advantage, but for a noob like myself it makes it more tricky16:13
tgm4883acebrianjuan: they may be, but those resources are still going to be your best bet16:13
tgm4883acebrianjuan: if you actually asked the package maintainer (which is likely a team, not just a person), they are just going to search those resources16:14
acebrianjuantgm4883: I've used `apt search qt5quick` and other combinations16:14
acebrianjuanI've gone ahead and installed all the matching packages16:14
acebrianjuanapt install libqt5quick*16:14
acebrianjuanand even after doing that my app can't build16:15
acebrianjuanCMake throws this error: https://pastebin.com/6SFFsFeA16:15
tgm4883acebrianjuan: ok, but did you actually try either of the two tools I suggested?16:16
tgm4883acebrianjuan: it would seem that one of these packages is the one you need (probably the top one)  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RwSmNMKm47/16:17
tgm4883apt search != apt-file find16:17
acebrianjuantgm4883: ok, I'll intall apt-file16:18
ioriaacebrianjuan, install qtdeclarative5-dev  (and libqt5quickcontrols2-5)16:20
acebrianjuanioria: mate that worked! God bless you! How did you know?16:22
ioriaacebrianjuan, ok, well, as you said Qt is spread over several packages16:23
ioriaacebrianjuan, i had the same issue few weeks ago16:23
acebrianjuanioria: what method did you follow to find the right packages? I'd like to learn how to solve this kind of stuff all by myself without having to bother you guys here on IRC16:25
acebrianjuanI feel so foolish sometimes16:26
ioriaacebrianjuan, found: https://github.com/BelledonneCommunications/linphone-desktop/issues/14016:26
acebrianjuanioria: awesome, thank you very much :)16:28
acebrianjuantgm4883: thank you too mate :)16:29
ioriaacebrianjuan, no problem16:29
Deihmosusing the mini.iso installation there is an option to select kernel. what happens if I choose none? WHy will i late rbe able to install a kernel16:30
lordcirth__Deihmos, I would guess the None option is for if you intend to manually install a kernel before rebooting16:31
Deihmosthere is a way to do that?16:31
Deihmosi will check it out then16:31
lordcirth__Sure, you can just switch to a terminal during the installer, tinker, and then continue16:31
Deihmosmy pc has issues with kernel past 4.916:32
lordcirth__What issues?16:32
lordcirth__Kernel regressions should be reported as a bug, I think16:32
Deihmosnot so much an issue but i notice much higher cpu use with my apps on the newer kernels16:32
Deihmosmaybe pc too old for the newer kernels16:33
Deihmoshaswell cpu16:33
blackswani have a ppa on launchpad.net, but the signing key seems to have disappeared from keyserver.ubuntu.com. can anybody point me in the direction of fixing this? i had the exact same problem 2/22 and it then went away, i'm not sure if anybody determined the cause.16:41
blackswanthe url is https://keyserver.ubuntu.com/pks/lookup&op=get&options=mr&exact=on&search=0x166B6D7B59863696BB483868EADD5972943FF4C416:42
geniiblackswan: Perhaps your key is expired16:44
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roddwhats up with ubuntu .org ?16:54
roddthought it was an official domain, but looks like a scam16:54
blackswangenii i do not believe that can possibly be the issue.16:54
pragmaticenigmarodd: Please don't post random links without explaining what's on the other side or adding a warning16:55
roddhows that a random link16:55
blackswanthis is the ppa signing key that launchpad generates automatically.16:55
geniiblackswan: Might be better to ask in #launchpad16:56
blackswanok thx16:56
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AnthaasCan someone tell me why this doesn't _not_ descend into the ./install directory? find . -name *.conf -type f -not -path "./install"17:11
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: because you told it "not" to17:13
AnthaasHuh? I don't want it to go into the ./install directory, but it does...17:13
leftyfbAnthaas: you really should use the actual path. Not relative.17:14
Anthaasleftyfb: That wouldn't make a difference.17:15
Anthaasleftyfb: Additionally, the -path option in man pages for find uses an example with a relative path.17:15
leftyfbAnthaas: try #bash17:16
pragmaticenigmaAnthaas: or use a web search: https://stackoverflow.com/a/421007217:17
hggdhAnthaas: you may want to use -prune: find . -name "*.conf" -type f -path ./install -prune17:25
leftyfbhggdh: they told him that in #bash17:25
hggdhleftyfb: ah, thank you. I do not follow #bash...17:25
AnthaasYeah - the order of options mattered.17:30
Anthaasprune should come first before name etc apparently.17:30
AnthaasFrom a guy there: -prune can have other tests *before* it but effectively needs to be the last thing on the left-hand-side of a logical OR (-o) expression part.  The find will then evaluate the right-hand-side of the -o (logical OR) part.17:33
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limboxxHello, short Question: is there a way to make a application suppress/override global hotkeys? (problem: want to use emacs and when i try to use Meta or Super Shortcuts, the terminal window loses focus)18:08
saint_can anyone tell me why this is not working on ubuntu ?18:11
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saint_basic of basic.18:12
limboxxsaint_: you can't call a function before its declared18:15
saint_limboxx just figured it out :/ thank you18:16
KOLANICHHi everybody. Why there is no prebuilt gtest package in Ubuntu18:19
yvyzWhy should there be?18:19
yvyzHell, I have to install gcc if I want to use it...18:20
yvyzKOLANICH: but there does exist gtest on apt18:20
KOLANICHyvyz: it doesn't install the prebuilt lib, it's source code package18:21
yvyzHave you ever unit tested something  before?18:22
yvyzIf not, this is gonna a whole new world for ya.18:22
KOLANICHyvyz: Yes, I have. I usually use CMake and I already have the prebuilt gtest from git. But now I setup CI and I need the things to be as fast as possible. So no building gtest.18:23
shibbolethsay you wanna do some opencv stuff and release repos are kinda stale (old lib versions)18:24
lordcirth__limboxx, I think you'd need to delete the shortcut18:24
shibboleth*and* you'd rather avoid using pip18:24
shibbolethare there opencv-related PPAs anyone feel like recommended?18:25
yvyzKOLANICH: You have a development issue, not an ubuntu issue. May I suggest absorbing better patterns into your dev procedures?18:25
yvyzshibboleth: why not build opencv locally?18:25
KOLANICHyvyz: a better patterns is when there are prebuilt packages for everything in a distro18:25
KOLANICHyvyz: in ideal case, updated after every commit18:26
shibbolethi'm talking about dependencies here18:26
shibbolethsome stuff required python modules, libs, etc way ahead of release repos18:27
KOLANICHyvyz: so I wonder why there is no and if I should make one18:27
shibbolethand using pip is asking for trouble18:27
yvyzKOLANICH: Lol, the repoository is source code for a reason.18:27
yvyzKOLANICH: may I suggest ##linux so you can learn more about linux.18:28
yvyzshibboleth: this is more for #ubunut-discuss18:28
yvyzshibboleth: this is more for #ubuntu-discuss18:28
KOLANICHyvyz: I use gnu/linux for quite some years; what wrong in my understanding of it do you see?18:29
MapManHi! I grabbed ubuntu 18.10. I have 2 drives, ssd (sda) and an hdd(sdb). On sda, there's win 10. I installed ubuntu on sdb and uefi on sda. Now neither system boots. I get generic 'no bootable device' on launch.18:29
MapManAny ideas?18:29
lordcirth__MapMan, what if you get a boot menu? Do the entries show up there?18:30
lordcirth__F12, perhaps18:30
shibbolethreboot to ubuntu install dvd, chroot, efibootmgr list18:30
hggdhKOLANICH: are you talking about the google test thingy?18:30
KOLANICHhggdh: yew18:30
shibbolethalso, check the esp partition for bootx64/grubx6418:30
hggdhKOLANICH: look for the googletest package18:31
MapManlordcirth__: nah, nothing useful there.18:31
KOLANICHhggdh: it contains only source code18:31
MapManshibboleth: ok, I'll try that18:31
lordcirth__MapMan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair is handy18:31
zzero1hi I cloned with cat an sd to usb drive. The sd card has  Timing buffered disk reads:  34 MB in  3.01 seconds =  11.29 MB/sec . The usb drive has  Timing buffered disk reads: 218 MB in  3.01 seconds =  72.32 MB/sec. However I notive that thing work so much slower than before. I suspected the io and moved from an unbranded microsd to usb 3.0. However things are unbearably slow now. Any ideas ?18:32
limboxxlordcirth__: i just attempted to delete it as an option in gnome-tweaks caught my eye... it has a dedicated emacs-input option that overrides shortcuts specificly for the emacs window... https://imgur.com/wWHX5KD18:32
yvyzKOLANICH: is it too difficult to make CMakeLists.txt within the gtest repo? Or am I missing something vital here?18:32
lordcirth__limboxx, that's interesting, does it work?18:32
zzero1I should mention that the micro sd contains an ubuntu installation18:33
yvyzzzero1: you cloned a drive with cat and not dd?18:33
KOLANICHyvyz: yes, the vital thing is that building gtest is time. I wonder why there is no prebuilt package, so I can just use CMake gtest discovery scripts18:34
MapManshibboleth: can you elaborate a little bit more on what am i supposed to do with chroot?18:34
yvyzKOLANICH: in the time youve been on this channel complaining, you would have it built 100x over by now.18:34
shibbolethwell, boot the install dvd, change debconf pri to low18:34
yvyzHell, add it to YOUR CMakeLists.txt18:34
zzero1yvyz like this # cat /dev/sdb > /dev/sdc && sync18:35
shibbolethmount root in /mnt, boot in /mnt/boot, esp in /mnt/boot/efi18:35
KOLANICHyvyz: rebuilding such a popular lib sounds mad for me18:35
yvyzzzero1: dd would have been more powerful and allowed you to set the buffer block size.18:35
yvyzKOLANICH: its not really popular.18:35
shibbolethmount --bind /dev /mnt/dev, /dev/pts in /mnt/dev/pts, /sys in /mnt/sys, /proc in /mnt/proc18:35
zzero1yeah I know that. I had to use sth faster though18:35
shibbolethchroot /mnt18:35
KOLANICHyvyz: it is. most of C++ projects, I use, use it.18:35
shibbolethefibootmgr --help18:36
yvyzKOLANICH: so its popular for you18:36
pragmaticenigmazzero1: Use dd when cloaning devices... that's what it designed for. As for the difference in Read speeds, there are a lot of different factors and many of them can have to do with the way the card reader is attached to the system versus the USB. Also, in many systems the Card readers share the same node as a USB device, USB will only operate as fast as the slowest device attached to that bus. Basically, the difference in read18:36
pragmaticenigmaspeeds isn't something that this channel will be able to troubleshoot18:36
zzero1pragmaticenigma: I should mention also that the microsd card is attached to the system using a usb card card18:37
yvyzWell, native sd card write speeds are what, 300 MB/s?18:38
pragmaticenigmazzero1: The card reader can introduce it's own latency, and again, the USB bus speed is slowed to the slowest connected device. If you are connected to the same bus as the keyboard, it will be much slower18:38
zzero1the thing is that the system that is contained in the microsd card actually performs much better18:39
limboxxlordcirth__: not really sadly... and i also didn't want to use emacs gui i was aiming for guake...18:40
yvyzzzero1: use cat to dupe drives is a bit oldschool. dd will let you set the io block size with bs=<size>18:40
yvyzzzero1: you could find speed increases with using bs=1M, or 64K, or any number of sizes.18:41
yvyzzzero1: could be a good time to try out a few and learn.18:41
shibbolethand doing either with SSDs as destination is doijg it wrong18:41
zzero1the usb 3.0 cloned system with the supposedly higher speeds, performs like a turtle18:42
zzero1I'm trying to figure out why18:42
hggdhKOLANICH: from the Debian page for googletest: "This package does not contain a library to link against, but rather the source code to build the google test library; this is because the google test library must be built with the same flags as the C++ code under test."18:42
zzero1that's why I'm asking the irc18:42
yvyzhggdh: shh, dont be logical here.18:42
hggdhKOLANICH: so there. It is provided in source code only18:43
zzero1I need some fresh ideas18:43
yvyzzzero1: I am trying to help you.18:43
hggdhyvyz: please don't go this way18:43
yvyzhggdh: what.18:43
zzero1I suppose you are :)18:43
MapManshibboleth: change debfconf pri to low - as in, modify the /var/cache/debconf/config.dat file and change priority to low?18:44
yvyzzzero1: block sizes for I/O are highly important, hense why DD provides a flag for setting it.18:44
zzero1I know guys that disk dump offers more versatility18:44
pragmaticenigmazzero1: the "cat" command is not designed to handle binary data. When you cloned your device, it's possible that the some of the data got corrupted. That is why we are recommending you try it with dd. The "dd" application is meant for binary data. Use that instead18:44
yvyzzzero1: read this http://blog.tdg5.com/tuning-dd-block-size/18:44
shibbolethno, the installer has an option to set it to low18:44
zzero1thanks for the article18:45
pragmaticenigmazzero1: The recommendation of block size with DD is just a tuning method, some devices perform better when then block size isn't maxed out18:45
shibbolethor just edit the grub cmdline, add "priority=low" at the end18:45
shibbolethno quotes18:45
KOLANICHhggdh: thanks. Though still strange.18:45
shibbolethif you're using the... new fischer-price installer i dunno18:46
MapManshibboleth: oh, ok18:46
KOLANICHI am using the prebuilt gtest for long time and worked fine.18:46
zzero1pragmaticenigma: so the idea is that the cloned system behaves so slowish , well because of a possible corruption during the "cat cloning" ? What else ?18:47
johnfghi folks18:48
johnfgSo, I've got no passwd for root.  Not a problem until adding a printer via cups, and it asks for user name and password.18:49
johnfgWhat's the workaround?18:49
yvyzzzero1: so you finished the drive clone, booted the clone, and its slow?18:50
yvyzjohnfg: you could sudo su, and then use just 'passwd' to assigned root a password18:50
zzero1Yeah that's what I'm saying. I'm asking here to actually figure out possible explanations as to why18:51
hggdhzzero1: Ubuntu, by default, does not allow root direct logins. You can do root-stuff via sudo18:51
nakamakijohnfg: doesnt it use the debian-sys-maint user?18:52
zzero1yeah I sometimes do sudo -i to get # instead of a $18:52
johnfgnakamaki: I don't know?  who is that?18:52
nakamakithats an administrative user that gets created during the installation of the os18:53
johnfgnakamaki: I'm running 18.04, and I don't find any debian-sys-maint user.18:53
nakamakiah well its a mysql only user apparently18:54
johnfgnakamaki: Yup, I just found the same.18:55
zzero1yvyz the cloned (usb 3.0 drive) is much slower compared to the microsd system18:56
leftyfbjohnfg: when you run an application that asks for admin credentials, you enter your user and password. Not root.18:57
zzero1so much so that I consider cloning the system again to .... an other microsd ...18:58
yvyzzzero1: when you 'sudo fdisk -l' what are the Units of either disk say?18:58
linarcxzzero1: hello18:58
yvyzzzero1: sudo dumpe2fs /dev/<yourdevice> | fgrep -e 'Block size'19:00
yvyzrun it for both of your drives19:00
johnfgleftyfb: Doesn't work.  I'm in both the lp and lpadmin groups, but cups still doesn't accept those credentials.19:01
yvyzIt seems like something somewhere is forcing your i/o to fragment data in a way that is grossly slowing down iops.19:01
zzero1yvyz https://pastebin.com/xx5FQ9YP19:02
zzero1fdisk -l19:02
yvyzWell, to start, /dev/sda and /dev/sdb have the same disk UUID19:04
zzero1yes, go on19:04
johnfgAny other ideas guys?19:05
yvyzzzero1: sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sda | fgrep -e 'Block size' && sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sdb | fgrep -e 'Block size' | nc termbin.com 999919:05
yvyzjohnfg: are you adding the printer via cups cli or with the gui?19:06
johnfgyvyz: the gui at localhost:631.19:07
johnfgNot used the cli.19:07
zzero1no need to grep https://termbin.com/028g19:08
yvyzzzero1: sorry19:09
yvyzzzero1: sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | fgrep -e 'Block size' && sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sdb1 | fgrep -e 'Block size' | nc termbin.com 999919:09
zzero1you mean the efi partition. not the root here. is that your intention ?19:10
yvyzI just want to make sure the drives have the same block before we do something else.19:11
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: Use the same username and password you use to login19:11
zzero1hold on19:11
yvyzIt is interesting that both disks post the same UUID, which may not be the issue but maybe a symptom of improper disk duplication. Hense, again, why I suggested to use dd in place of cat d > d219:12
pragmaticenigmajohnfg: The cups web interface needs the credentials of a user that has sudo permissions. If your user has sudo permissions, you can just use the same username and password you use to login into the computer. CUPS will take care of the rest19:12
yvyzim not privy to the specifics of using cat to duplicate drives because I literally never use it for that.19:12
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: You still around?19:12
yvyzbut since dd is specificaly designed for cloning, and is nearly pervasive across all distros, linux and unix systems alike... I would strongly recommend seeing what you end up with using `dd`19:13
pragmaticenigmazzero1: This channel isn't the write place to get into a discussion and analysis of why something isn't working. It's intended to provide support for issues. The solution to your problem is to use dd. If you would like to analyze, please ask in #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-discuss for discussion.19:13
zzero1@pragmaticenigma thanks, wasn't aware19:14
Captain_HaddockAnybody here have a gopro? I'm having trouble accessing it in Kubuntu. It is detected and connects before disconnecting. The log states: "upowerd[824]: unhandled action 'bind' on /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb3/3-11"19:15
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: Make sure the USB cable is firmly connected. Try unplugging/plugging both ends a few times. If the problem persists, try a different USB port. Also, if you have another computer (or windows) see if it works there.19:17
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: Works on Windows XP using the same cable. I've tried all the different ports on this desktop. I've also tried installing libraries for accessing exfat partitions as per JuJUBee's suggestion earlier. But that hasn't helped either.19:19
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KrDVpJfBq2/19:20
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: Is the gopro fully charged?19:21
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: yep19:21
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: The issue is power management is causing a fault. Usually indicative of the device trying to pull too much power from the USB port.19:23
IknoweDgreetings ubuntuans.  over successuve ubuntu releases, my ext usb disks are not visible on ubuntu reboot until i power cycle the disks.  need to replace drives, is there anything i should look for in a new disk or is this a ubuntu-specific thing, config problem or what?  thanks.19:23
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: Another suggestion I'm seeing is to make sure the device is set to be a mass storage device. Check its settings as they may have changed.19:25
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: I see. Let me have a look. Also, the other thing I thought off was to turn off automounting.19:25
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: I did find this... but not sure if it is related: https://superuser.com/a/120666519:26
yvyzIknoweD: see -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usbmount/+bug/176801019:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1768010 in usbmount (Ubuntu) "usbmount does not work on Bionic" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:26
yvyzIknoweD: and see -> https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/330094/udev-rule-to-mount-disk-does-not-work19:26
IknoweDyvyz: thx!19:27
IknoweDyvyz: not sure that is the same problem.  these devices are not visible even using lsusb19:28
yvyzIknoweD: so, they were powered on, mounted and usable, then after reboot they are not even listed in lsusb? do I have that right?19:30
IknoweDyvyz: yes, it has been this way for years.  when the intel NUC and its predecessors rebooted, I have to manually power cycle the USB devices for them to be visible on the USBus.19:31
yvyzIknoweD: external drives with independant dc power?19:31
IknoweDyvyz: yes, each is plugged into the same power strip.  their lights show on when ubuntu reboots but are not visible.19:32
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: No option to set as a mass storage device, I'm afraid.19:34
lotuspsychjeCaptain_Haddock: what kind of computer brand is that?19:39
Captain_Haddocklotuspsychje: Computer brand?19:39
lotuspsychjeCaptain_Haddock: your gopro, you branch it to a computer?19:40
Captain_Haddocklotuspsychje: I'm not sure I understand. The gopro is a portable video camera. The computer is an assembled PC.19:40
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: i'm here now (maybe not for long). what's up?19:41
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: has the gopro worked with your ubuntu installation before19:41
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: No.19:41
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: I'm still unable to access my gopro :(19:42
tomreynvia USB?19:42
Captain_HaddockInstalling the exfat libs doesn't appear to have helped.19:42
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: yes.19:42
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: you're on 16.04.6, you said?19:42
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: 18.04.219:42
tomreynoh, ok. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1413440 discusses this and similar phenomenons19:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1413440 in linux (Ubuntu) "USB stops working after a while (xhci_hcd 0000:00:14.0: Timeout while waiting for setup device command)" [High,Triaged]19:43
irrenhaus3hi! if a package maintainer is present: bionic ships a broken version of the package libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0. It contains library version 2.0.2, which erroneously fails initialization for some music formats (i.e. OGG Vorbis). The regression is fixed in library version 2.0.3, as descrbed in the changelog on https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_mixer/. I recommend upgrading the package to that version19:43
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KrDVpJfBq2/19:43
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: did you suspend this system after you last rebooted?19:43
yvyzirrenhaus3: head over to #sdl and mention it19:44
pragmaticenigmairrenhaus3: It's best to file a bug report, pointing to that version as the fix for your issue. Ubuntu devs are not always monitoring this channel as it is run by volunteers19:44
pragmaticenigma!bug | irrenhaus319:44
ubottuirrenhaus3: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.19:44
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: I rebooted just now and I haven't suspended since.19:44
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: but the issue is still present?19:45
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: yes19:45
irrenhaus3pragmaticenigma: thanks, I didn't know about ubuntu-bug. very nice tool :>19:45
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: you could try the !HWE or !proposed kernel19:45
pragmaticenigmairrenhaus3: the bug tool should give you the link of the bug report where you can add the additional information about the patched version19:46
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: Will upgrading to 18.10 help?19:47
irrenhaus3pragmaticenigma: although it fails to report on that particular package, since it's third-party19:47
Captain_HaddockOr I'm guessing a 19.04 beta?19:47
irrenhaus3so I guess #SDL it is then19:47
tomreynCaptain_Haddock: alternatively, this bug report i pointed to above mentions the following kernel options as a workaround (confirmed by some, but not all of the people commenting there):  pci=nomsi iommu=soft19:47
pragmaticenigmairrenhaus3: you might have to report it via the other method. see the help url for options19:47
tomreynCaptain_Haddocki wouldn't upgrade if you can have the same kernel on an LTS release.19:47
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: It's doubtful for your situation that an upgraded version is going to provide a different outcome.19:48
Captain_HaddockOK. I'll check out the kernel options too. Thanks :)19:48
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: Any other suggestions?19:49
irrenhaus3pragmaticenigma: acknowledged, thank you19:49
tomreyn!hwe | Captain_Haddock read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters and this19:50
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack19:50
pragmaticenigmaCaptain_Haddock: A high level websearch finds a lot of issues with gopros... not many solutions at this time19:50
Captain_Haddocktomreyn: Thank you!19:51
Captain_Haddockpragmaticenigma: Most seem to state that the issue autofixes itself :}19:52
pragmaticenigmaI don't think that's the case Captain_Haddock ... more that something they weren't paying attention to resolved the issue19:52
* Captain_Haddock reboots.19:55
qwebirch5326Can someone tell me what exactly the `~/foo/bar/baz $` part of a shell?20:08
qwebirch5326is called*20:08
lordcirth__qwebirch5326, the prompt?20:09
qwebirch5326The prefix20:09
qwebirch5326Does the word "prompt" cover all of it?20:10
lordcirth__The text that gets printed on the new line when you hit enter is called the prompt. Are you talking about only a part of that?20:10
lordcirth__Yes. by the way, the prompt is controlled by the variable $PS120:10
ioriaqwebirch5326, you mean PS1, PS2....etc. etc ?20:10
qwebirch5326Yeah, precisely20:10
qwebirch5326There's no specific name for it?20:11
qwebirch5326I heard someone call it something unusual a long time ago, and I'm trying to figure out what he said20:11
lordcirth__Just the prompt, or PS1, afaik.20:11
de-factohow do i get a tools.jar for gradle? gradle build gives me "Could not find tools.jar. Please check that /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64 contains a valid JDK installation."20:11
qwebirch5326Like a specific name for PS1 that isn't PS120:12
qwebirch5326and not prompt20:12
JimBuntuqwebirch5326, drifting kinda far outside of Ubuntu support here... but might they have referred to the information contained in the promt... perhaps they said current working directory?20:13
JimBuntuqwebirch5326, command line interface?20:17
qwebirch5326Nah. I might have misheard, you never know. Was one fairly unique word. Same feel as ex. "Pipe" or "prompt"20:18
JimBuntuqwebirch5326, Only other thing I can think of would be 'terminal'20:18
fleabeardhash bang?20:18
de-factonevermind java is just horrible software :/20:19
srulisomething got corrupted in a dir, i can ls the dir with "sudo ls" i executed "sudo chown -R user:user dir" but still cannot access the contents without sure, ls the parent shows "d?????????  ? ?     ?      ?            ? dir" but "sudo ls parent_dir" shows "drwxrwxr-x  9 user user 39 Feb 14 11:42 dir" how do i fix this dir?20:54
sruliforgot to mention its encfs mount20:54
srulii rebooted, dont know if anyone responded to my issue21:02
mustmodifyI want to take an old netbook and turn it into a status board to show whether my clients' websites are up.21:04
mustmodifyI have this tutorial: https://thepcspy.com/read/converting-ubuntu-desktop-to-kiosk/21:04
Deihmoscan i add drivers to install disk for my wifi21:04
mustmodifyand I saw this https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/secure-ubuntu-kiosk21:04
mustmodifyI don't care about it being a 'secure' kiosk, but if it restarts for any reason, or has any trouble, I want it to automatically go back to the browser when possible so I don't have to fiddle with it.21:05
mustmodifyAny particular recommendation?21:05
Deihmosi am trying to install using the debian install media but wifi driver is not there. is it possible to add them to the usb?21:11
bray90820How would I disable printer notifications on ubuntu 18.0421:12
hggdhDeihmos: we deal with Ubuntu only here. Try #debian21:12
Deihmosit is ubuntu21:12
Deihmosubuntu also have the debian install method with the mino.iso21:13
Deihmosthey call it the debian installer21:13
hggdhDeihmos: you had said "debian installed media", not mini.iso. As far as I can remember, the mini.iso does not come with wireless. See, for example https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=228145021:17
bray90820How would I check to see if a program is running or not?21:23
geniibray90820: Use ps ?21:24
bray90820PS ehat21:25
=== tonytt is now known as tonyt
texlaUbuntu 18.04 is there a way to install different wallpaper on different workspaces without having to use compiz21:45
WilkinsMicawberI'd like to clone my linux hard drive to a faster drive. Is this worth the potential headache/risk? I tried cloning my windows 10 drive and something about EIFI made it impossible22:16
WilkinsMicawbergoing to try to just clone it with Clonezilla, pop the old one out. Hope grub doesn't explode22:17
WilkinsMicawberlike 99% of the shit i try to do in linux, it seems22:17
iklahow do you get to the console from GDM screen in 18?22:17
iklactrl-alt-fX doesn't work22:18
zuhaitzHi, I bought 8bitdo N30 PRO gamepad, I installed it in Ubuntu 16.04 and it works perfect in retroarch and steam, but in another machine with Ubuntu Mate 18.10 it works in retroarch and in steam only in some games, not in all, could be the gnome-shell bluetooth app the reason? and blueman of ubuntu mate not working for all?22:19
zuhaitzAm I asking in the right channel?22:19
jeremy31WilkinsMicawber: UEFI?22:19
leftyfbzuhaitz: if it works in some games and not others, the OS(ubuntu) isn't the issue22:20
iklaubuntu 18 is painfully slow with integrated intel graphics22:20
iklaany way around this?22:20
zuhaitzleftyfb, but it works in Ubuntu 16.04 with Gnome shell Bluetooth and not in Ubuntu Mate 18.10 with blueman...22:20
leftyfbikla: there is no "ubuntu 18"22:20
ikla.04.2 :p22:21
leftyfbzuhaitz: you said it works in 18.10 but not for all games. That means it works in 18.10. Your issues with those other games/steam/retoarch22:21
zuhaitzGnome Shell SUCKS with intel integrated graphics, Mac OS X had a PERFECT PERFORMANCE 10 years ago with slower hardware22:22
zuhaitzAnd I love gnome shell, but that is true22:22
zuhaitzMy Acer VN7 works perfect with gnome shell, but my GPD Pocket sucks with Ubuntu Mate22:22
zuhaitzleftyfb, retroarchs works perfect in both machines with both ubuntu gnu/linux distros22:23
zuhaitzis steam22:23
zuhaitzleftyfb, maybe is the bluetooth?22:23
zuhaitzin ubuntu mate is blueman,in ubuntu is gnome shell one22:23
zuhaitzarent them using different drivers or .. something like fhat?22:23
zuhaitz<zuhaitz> My Acer VN7 works perfect with gnome shell, but my GPD Pocket sucks with gnome shell so I run Ubuntu Mate <---- correction22:24
iklalivecd the desktop is decent22:25
iklainstallation on disk is slow for graphics22:25
jeremy31zuhaitz: you can install blueman in any version22:26
zuhaitzjeremy31, I know, but I cant run gnome-control-center in Ubuntu Mate, gives me core dump22:26
zuhaitzjeremy31, and gnome-control-center bluetooth works perfect for retroarch and steam, all steam games works perfect22:26
WilkinsMicawberi am literally gay22:27
zuhaitzbut blueman in ubuntu mate works in retroarch (that rules) but in steam only in 50% of games22:27
zuhaitzit is ok to be gay, lasai22:27
leftyfbzuhaitz: you said it works in 18.10 but not for all games. That means it works in 18.10. Your issues with those other games/steam/retoarch. NOT ubuntu.22:29
zuhaitzfor example I bought today "Owlboy", is a native GNULinux game in Steam, 8bitdo N30Pro works perfect in Ubuntu 16.04 (Gnome SHELL) but not in Steam under my small gpd pocket with Ubuntu Mate 18.10 (18.10 is the iso for this machine to work OK). I cant use a configuration that emules keyboard and mouse in steam, but it sucks a lot, the native configuration as gamepad in ubuntu gnome shell 16.04 works peeerfect xD22:30
zuhaitzleftyfb, are you sure?22:30
zuhaitzleftyfb, is not posible that ubuntu 16.04 with gnome bluetooth make another kind of configuration for the device?22:31
zuhaitzdifferent of ubuntu 18.10 one under ubuntu mate / blueman?22:31
zuhaitzI am ignorant... really22:31
jeremy31zuhaitz: not likely that a different config would be used as Bluez reads info directly from the device to see what bluetooth protocols are supported22:32
zuhaitzok, so what can I do?22:33
zuhaitzUbuntu GNU / Linux + Steam in both machines22:33
zuhaitzIn one works perfect, in the other, only un the 50% of games as gamepad (un the other 50% can emulate keyboard+mouse but it sucks a litle xD)22:34
zuhaitz* Cannot join #steam (Channel is invite only)22:35
leftyfbzuhaitz: contact #freenode for help with that22:35
zuhaitzThis is not freenode? XD22:36
zuhaitzWTF? XD22:36
zuhaitzOk, the channel22:36
Furycd001Steam does not have an official public channel on freenode. You can always try #steamdb22:37
jeremy31Steam might be on snoonet22:38
DeihmosThere is something about 18.10 that y laptop does not like22:39
Furycd001HI. I just installed fonts-font-awesome with apt-get on Ubuntu 16.04.06, but nothing is showing under font-awesome inside character map. All the squares are either blank or show a funny error looking symbol. Please help.. I'm just looking to add some font-awesome icons into my conky config....22:39
black_mambais there a way to see the progress while using cp? -v doesn't give that information it seems. I have a large 100gb file to move22:43
FreeBDSMis there a way to limit an /etc/apt/sources.list.d/file.list to 1 architecture?22:46
FreeBDSMI want apt to not throw me this fit: N: Skipping acquire of configured file 'contrib/binary-i386/Packages' as repository 'http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian bionic InRelease' doesn't support architecture 'i386'22:46
leftyfbblack_mamba: use rsync22:46
leftyfbFreeBDSM: apt should only install packages for your arch22:47
leftyfbFreeBDSM: you'll want to contact Oracle for support with their packages22:47
FreeBDSMleftyfb: I know, it just shows this note every time upon apt update, because oracle dropped support of 32-bit arch22:48
leftyfbremove the repo22:48
FreeBDSMokay, so the answer is no, I can't do anything about that on client side22:48
FreeBDSMthx for the info22:49
rheya13I've installed a PCI express dial up modem that "supposedly" works in Linux, based on user reviews.  I can see it with LSPCI, but I don't know what device it is in /dev in order to give that info to efax-gtk23:04
rheya13How do I figure out what in /dev a device is linked to?23:04
rheya13efax-gtk defaults to I think ttyS0 which is, I think, a serial connection, and I believe that's the USB to RJ45 serial adapter that is running to my UPS.23:04
tgm4883leftyfb: he left, but you can tell apt to specify an arch in your sources.list23:10
tgm4883leftyfb: eg. deb [arch=amd64,i386] http://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ quantal main universe23:11
baakohi guys, anyone has a direct line to download ubuntu 16.04?23:25
hggdhbaako: http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/23:27
leftyfbtgm4883: sure, but I don't think that would have helped him23:27
rheya13So I ran ls -1 /dev and exported it to a file with the modem installed, then did it again, to a different file, with the modem removed, and there was no changes.23:27
rheya13However, the modem is indeed detected and listed when I run lspci because it was missing when I removed it, and present again now that I've reinstalled it.23:28
rheya13Also, I have added myself to the "dialout" group.23:31
pragmaticenigmarheya13: Were you being helped in a different channel? if not, I think you might want to give some background on what you're doing23:34
rheya13pragmaticenigma: I had posted a few messages earlier, but rebooted a time or two since then.  I purchased a "US Robotics" dial up modem, PCI interface, that, according to user reviews, works in Linux.  I intend to use it to send faxes.23:36
rheya13It is listed when I run lspci, but I'm not sure what it is in /dev so I can tell efax-gtk.23:36
rheya13It defaults to /dev/ttyS1, which doesn't function at all.  It seems like it wants to respond with ttyS0, but I "think" ttyS0 is a serial connector, the USB to RJ45 serial adapter that goes to my UPS, because although efax-gtk picks it up and attempts to use it, it says, "No response from modem".23:38
zuhaitzHi, I bought 8bitdo N30 PRO gamepad, I installed it in Ubuntu 16.04 and it works perfect in retroarch and steam, but in another machine with Ubuntu Mate 18.10 it works in retroarch and in steam only in some games, not in all, could be the gnome-shell bluetooth app the reason? and blueman of ubuntu mate not working for all?23:38
Deihmosinstalled ubuntu on my optimus laptop and installed the drivers. doesn't ubuntu auto switch video cards ? i notice it will use the nvidia card even when i use battery23:39
zuhaitzSteam is the same build on both machines, one is Ubuntu 16.04 and the other 18.10, in the first all is working OK, in the second in steam only works the 50% of games23:39
zuhaitzAny idea?23:39
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: Linux currently has limited support for machines that have that capability23:39
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: Typically, which card is started with Ubuntu, is the one it will remain running on23:39
Deihmosyep i figured23:40
Deihmosand to switch i have to log out23:40
Deihmosa lot better than how it works on debian though. that was a nightmare23:41
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: there are some tools that offer the ability to switch in session; however, they are not very reliable and are still works in progress23:44
pragmaticenigmarheya13: If the device is not appearing in /dev ... then I'd assume there might be some drivers missing. 56k modems aren't very common and the drivers for such a device may require an explicate install from apt23:45
pragmaticenigmarheya13: I found this page which might help you determine where the device is using dmesg: http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=1161217&seqNum=923:45
rheya13pragmaticenigma: That's what I was afraid of.  I did some searching around and found a page on the Ubuntu wiki detailing drivers, but this one apparently has a "Conexant" chipset, and drivers for them are A) proprietary and B) hard to find in Linux.23:46
Deihmoswhat is a 56k modem?23:46
rheya13rheya13: Thanks, I'll take a look, :-)23:46
rheya13pragmaticenigma: Thanks, I'll take a look23:46
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: questions like that are best found doing a web search try: google.com or duck.com23:47
Deihmosi know what it is. they have been extinct for years23:47
rheya13Sadly, we deal with certain places around here, like the social security office, that don't deal in email, it's either haul paperwork down there in person, send it through the snail mail, or fax it.23:48
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: It is doubtful that the limited support has to do with the GUI bluetooth manager. They both would talk to a backend that is responsible for managing the devices and connectivity23:48
rheya13Anyway, I'm getting off the topic of this channel, I'm off to read.23:48
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: It's best to keep non-support related stuff in #ubuntu-offtopic23:49
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: You might need to search around steam forums to see if other users have experienced similar behaviors and how they might have resolved them.23:50
zuhaitzpragmaticenigma, but the steam client is the same build on both machines... how is it posible ? I dont get it :/23:51
=== fears is now known as hopes
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: The steam build might be the same, but the supporting libraries for the Bluetooth are not23:52
zuhaitzpragmaticenigma, but that libraries are then part of ubuntu distro, right?23:52
zuhaitzI dont want to annoy, believe me xD23:52
zuhaitzIm an ignorant23:52
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: Bluetooth support has always been spotty in all Linux distros. What works in one distro doesn't in another, and sometimes between the versions of the drivers regression issues come up23:53
jeremy31zuhaitz: I am pretty good with bluetooth issues but I don't have any bluetooth game controllers23:54
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: searching the web with the term "bluetooth controller ubuntu steam" shows a lot of various pages with people experiencing issues and how they resolved them. If it were me, I'd stick with the platform that works best for your needs.23:55
zuhaitzpragmaticenigma, but this gamepad is working perfectly with Ubuntu GNU Linux 16.04 (this machine) but not in GPD Pocket with Ubuntu Mate 18.10, and in this machine that version is the one for good performance... :/23:57
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: If you attempt to use any of the advice online, make sure to back up your system (use something like clonezilla) so if things go sideways you can recover23:57
zuhaitzrecover my brain23:57
zuhaitzwhat advice?23:58
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: from your searching websites for help23:59
jeremy31zuhaitz: so it worked on a computer but not on a PDA/phone, whatever the GPD pocket is?23:59

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