
studiobotmario_buoninfante was added by: mario_buoninfante06:54
studio-user393Hello, I'm a new Ubuntu Studio user, I'm having problems with installing softwares from the software manager, can install from snap store, but nothing gets installed from the good old software repo.11:41
carbonzerohey guys. finally back online. quick question. i've gotten the ppa for ubuntu studio controls installed and now I just need to install the audio production package for the time being. would it be sudo install ubuntustudio-audio?17:29
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Did you install ubuntustudio-installer?17:30
carbonzeroEickmeyer: oh, no, not yet. i need to do that still. thank you for reminding me.17:31
EickmeyerThat's the first step to adding Ubuntu Studio's Toolkit to another flavor.17:31
carbonzerook, i forgot that part. doh! remind me again of the terminal command? sudo apt install ubuntustudio-installer?17:32
EickmeyerI haven't made the wiki page for it yet.17:32
EickmeyerAlso, don't add carla yet.17:32
EickmeyerI need to delete it from the PPA and re-add it.17:33
carbonzeroEickmeyer: and i do that AFTER i add the PPA correct? I'm trying to get this installed pretty quickly since I'm going to be at SCALE in Pasadena on Friday and I want to at least demonstrate the audio portion since that's important to me.17:33
EickmeyerYes. Add PPA, install ubuntustudio-installer, run it, and select what you want.17:33
carbonzeroEickmeyer: wiki: it's all good. Carla: man, I can't add her to my call list? jeez dude. lol17:34
carbonzeroEickmeyer: *smacks my forehead* i've got discover updating my system and i forgot it won't let me do anything at the moment. smh17:35
carbonzeroCarla still being a pain?17:36
EickmeyerCarla is a plugin host and patchbay.17:36
EickmeyerCarla is ready for the repos, we're waiting on sponsorship.17:36
carbonzeroEickmeyer: oh, I see. Sponsorship? Just to use Carla?17:36
EickmeyerNo, to get it in the official repos. Right now it's in the backports and our development (autobuilds) PPA.17:37
EickmeyerPart of the process.17:37
carbonzeroEickmeyer: oh, gotcha. So it's just got to make it to the top brass and get the stamp of approval?17:39
carbonzeroEickmeyer: slow Starbucks connection here. Got out of classes for most of the day for a power outage on campus and I rushed over to Starbucks to do this.17:41
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Comcast isn't being much better for me at home.17:41
EickmeyerBut, yes, Carla needs the stamp of approval, but moreso, our grub theme needs it so everything else can get updated.17:42
carbonzeroEickmeyer: i hear ya about home connections. we're on Spectrum but the stinking router's in the kitchen and my office's in the back of the house and it seriously needs to be relocated plus i need to run ethernet cable to all of the rooms. ugh..time consuming.17:45
carbonzeroEickmeyer: carla: cool. now, one more question, i've been typing out your instructions for the installer so i don't lose them again, to change over to the low latency kernel/headers (whatever it's called) for better performance, how would that need to be done?17:46
carbonzeroEickmeyer: I'm preparing the instructions for those people who want/need them when they see how it works on my laptop with kubuntu and want to do the same thing.17:47
carbonzeroEickmeyer: i know that the wiki's coming but I'm just getting it all lined up just in case it's not there when I get to Pasadena on Friday for SCALE 17.17:49
Eickmeyercarbonzero: It will be done automatically on reboot so long as you installed the lowlatency settings.17:51
carbonzeroEickmeyer: sweet! So it's all there in the installer?17:51
EickmeyerYep. That was the goal of installer, to be the one tool needed to get things configured for flavors other than Ubuntu Studio.17:52
carbonzeroEickmeyer: cool! And I'm very happy to see that this installer is now a reality. It'll help people keep their favorite flavor but get to use the tools Studio provides and that's the coolest thing ever.17:53
EickmeyerInstaller has been there for years, we just added the additional purpose / retooling.17:53
carbonzeroEickmeyer: oh ok.17:54
carbonzeroEickmeyer: that makes sense because that's what you use when you're installing ubuntu studio from the start anyway, correct?17:55
carbonzeroEickmeyer: the next step for me is finding some awesome near field monitors and some kind of acoustic/sound proofing solutions.17:56
Eickmeyercarbonzero: Nice. I live in a travel trailer, so soundproofing is a nonstarter for me. :/17:57
EickmeyerWhen you install Ubuntu Studio from the ISO, it runs the Ubiquity installer. Ubuntu Studio Installer is a separate tool with two purposes: 1) Add packages you may have opted out of when installing Ubuntu Studio, and 2) Installing Ubuntu Studio as a Toolkit on top of an existing Ubuntu (or official flavor thereof) install.17:58
* Eickmeyer realizes that line is a good intro for the wiki page.17:59
carbonzeroEickmeyer: ahh. that makes sense.17:59
carbonzeroEickmeyer: lol yeah, it is! copy and paste that brother!17:59
carbonzerothat's perfect for the wiki since it's a simple explanation.17:59
carbonzerooh good grief. i think my mobile phone's got a faster connection than this Starbucks wifi. ugh18:01
Eickmeyercarbonzero: I hope eventually everything goes wireless for internet connectivity. Relying on Comcast or other providers sucks.18:04
* Eickmeyer 's connection has improved trememdously, and thinks the RV Park router was reset18:05
carbonzeroEickmeyer: yeah, that's true. i know you can get unlimited data through cellular phones and can use them as a hotspot and it's pretty decent18:08
* OvenWerk1 will stick with wired for as much as possible... probably forever18:09
EickmeyerIf only I weren't limited to 10GB/month18:09
EickmeyerI said that, and then my connection just went wonky again18:10
OvenWerk1Eickmeyer: there are two big problems with wireless: latency and security18:10
carbonzeroOvenWerk1: yeah, i do like the hardwired connection for my desktop.18:11
EickmeyerOvenWerk1: That's true. Somebody somewhere will find a reason to crack it.18:11
carbonzeroEickmeyer: spoke too soon, man18:11
OvenWerk1Eickmeyer: notice I put latency first18:12
EickmeyerOvenWerk1: My 5G (internal to my trailer) network has almost zero latency.18:12
carbonzeroOvenWerk1: that's true.18:13
carbonzerook, dudes. power's back on on campus and i'm heading back over there for the much faster connection. lol i'll return in a bit.18:13
OvenWerk1Eickmeyer: but not reliable latency. Wireless = collisions18:13
EickmeyerSee ya!18:13
EickmeyerOvenWerk1: That's true.18:14
carbonzeroEickmeyer: thank you for the help with those instructions again. i committed them to a document so i'm good now. i feel the power of the studio now! lmao18:14
OvenWerk1you can't do studio audio connections over wireless for recording. There will be dropouts18:14
EickmeyerOvenWerk1: Yes, I agree. I was talking about WAN more than LAN, but yes. I wouldn't do audio applications unless wired.18:19
studio-user414Anybody here?22:10

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