
guivercremind me someone please - what's the command to view keyboard/mouse input  (verify keypresses etc)04:10
Bashing-omguiverc: 'xev' .04:12
guivercmerci !!   (i was a long way from x<tab><tab> so thanks heaps Bashing-om !!04:12
Bashing-omguiverc: We all get writters block .. happens to the best of us :P04:14
guivercif only it wasn't so many times per hour :(04:14
Bashing-omLOL .. Ya must be over 40 years old then.04:15
guivercalas yeah04:15
guivercif system suspended (qa-test 19.04; lubuntu), after wake mouse-buttons don't work - what package is likely involved?  (for ubuntu-bug...)04:20
Bashing-omguiverc: The mouse also falls under Xorg .04:21
guiverchence the `xev` - makes sense I guess04:21
guivercthanks Bashing-om again ... 04:21
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic11:41
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (disco), package size 2 kB, installed size 15 kB11:41
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
lordcirth__During development of Disco, will kernel major versions be bumped before KernelFreeze, or is it assumed that major is static, and only minor updates will happen until KernelFreeze?15:21
lotuspsychjelordcirth__: this news came out today: https://news.softpedia.com/news/ubuntu-19-04-disco-dingo-will-be-powered-by-linux-kernel-5-0-525202.shtml15:24
lotuspsychjelordcirth__: i think we can say, until final release alot can still happen15:24
lordcirth__lotuspsychje, ok, thanks15:24
lordcirth__4.20 has the new tcp scheduling that is really cool. No idea if it will be a big performance difference.15:25
lotuspsychjecurrently dingo is on 4.1915:26
lordcirth__Yeah, your bot question reminded me15:27

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