
pavlushkazaki: you can take that as a tutorial I guess, https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/62201/how-to-get-the-weather-kit-with-anemometer-working-using-arduino-uno20:04
u-la-la[ How to get the weather kit with anemometer working using arduino (UNO)? - Arduino Stack Exchange ] - https://arduino.stackexchange.com20:04
pavlushkazaki:  and I will up load the complete sketch to github after some furnishing20:05
pavlushka.tell zaki: you can take that as a tutorial I guess, https://arduino.stackexchange.com/questions/62201/how-to-get-the-weather-kit-with-anemometer-working-using-arduino-uno22:00
u-la-lapavlushka: I'll pass that on when zaki is around.22:00

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