
mdeslaur<mdeslaur> joemcmanus: lol00:53
mdeslaurwhoops, paste fail00:54
mdeslaurlol: https://twitter.com/b6n/status/110308201963279974400:54
* tsimonq2 follows mdeslaur on Twitter01:01
dufluOh, disco-proposed just got kernel 5.005:15
didrocksgood morning07:12
dufluMorning didrocks and seb12807:14
jibelHi all07:15
dufluHi jibel07:16
didrockshey duflu, salut jibel07:19
jbichaclobrano: the pager indicators on the right side of the Activities Overview are missing in disco with disco's Yaru theme. Is that already fixed by your 3.31 shell theme rebase?07:33
jbicha(I mean with gnome-shell 3.31.90)07:34
clobranoHey jbicha, yes it should be this one https://github.com/ubuntu/yaru/pull/120507:40
gitbotubuntu issue (Pull request) 1205 in yaru "Replace page-indicator icons with SCSS /copied from upstream shell theme" [Closed]07:40
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers08:04
dufluMorning oSoMoN08:05
oSoMoNhey duflu08:05
jibelToday's disco is installing fine and I promoted image 20190305.108:09
jibelI'm now looking why images are not promoted automatically08:10
didrocksjibel: the bug which was shallowed by the other bug now :)08:18
didrockshey oSoMoN08:18
oSoMoNsalut didrocks08:19
seb128hey duflu didrocks jibel jbicha oSoMoN clobrano desktopers08:24
seb128how are you today?08:25
didrockshey seb128, the weather is grey and windy here, you?08:26
seb128same, quite windy today and a bit of rain08:26
dufluseb128, is the 19.04 board meant to have 2 different labels "GNOME Shell" that are different colours?08:31
seb128duflu, probably not, likely someone who overlooked that we had one and created it again08:31
dufluseb128, yeah the old one drifted off the first screen and into "Show more labels"08:32
seb128that's probably why08:33
oSoMoNsalut seb12808:33
dufluseb128, shall I merge them?08:33
seb128duflu, yes please08:33
seb128oSoMoN, lut, en forme ?08:33
oSoMoNseb128, ça va, et toi?08:33
seb128encore un fond de gorge qui gratte et un peu fatigué mais sinon ça va08:34
clobranoHey seb128 o/, good morning everyone08:36
didrocksmorning clobrano08:36
dufluHi clobrano08:37
willcookeGood morning|afternoon all08:52
didrockshey willcooke08:54
willcookehow goes didrocks?08:55
didrockswillcooke: weather isn't as nice as the previous days, otherwise, good, you?08:57
dufluMorning willcooke08:57
willcookemuch the same :)  It's been raining a lot and the heating is back on08:58
willcookehi duflu08:58
didrockswaow, we are not as far as putting heating back on08:58
dufluRain tomorrow here (it's strangely exciting)08:58
seb128hey willcooke, Laney09:02
seb128how is u.k today?09:02
willcookemorning seb128 Laney09:02
didrockshey Laney09:02
Laneyhey seb128 willcooke didrocks, what's up?09:02
Laneylooks grey today09:03
didrocksnot much, you?09:03
seb128windy, raining, summer moved away for now09:03
duflu'lo Laney09:08
willcookeseb128, I'm thinking that I will move the "drop facebook from xenial" card to next cycle.  OK with you?09:09
dufluIs disco going to get gnome-control-center GUI support for fractional scaling in time?09:10
willcookeduflu, TBD.  I hope yes, but we will do some testing next week to decide.09:10
seb128willcooke, sorry, was in a call, yes moved the xenial/facebook one souns good09:57
willcookeoh, I managed to send that rls bugs email to the desktop mailing instead of the group in my contacts.  Sorry about that.  No harm done though I think.10:12
seb128indeed not, all those bugs are publics10:30
willcookeI guess it will go to the community hub anyway at some point, so yeah, fine10:31
willcookeI started looking at scraping the rls bug pages yesterday, the bugs are all in a JS JSON object, so I would have to download the HTML and the parse it, fine the JS, fine the variable, and trim it, and then parse it.10:31
willcookeThat seems wrong10:32
willcookeCan someone link me to the code that generates those pages?10:32
willcookeI could just run a report myself and use the results there instead of screen scraping10:32
seb128willcooke, I don't know/can't find it, bdmurray probably knows though10:39
willcookeseb128, ack, I'll ask him.  Thanks10:39
seb128or maybe Laney10:39
Laneyafraid not10:41
Laneywould seem sensible to coordinate with Brian on any required changes, e.g. saving that json to a file and having the webpage load it from there so it's downloadable for others too10:43
willcookeroger roger.  I'll speak to Bryan10:44
seb128jbicha, you saw that your appstream sync fails to build?10:47
LaneyI found https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-reports-dev/ubuntu-reports/trunk but I'm not sure the rls ones are in there10:47
* willcooke looks10:53
seb128tseliot, you saw that your ubuntu-drivers-common update failed to build?11:25
tseliotseb128: yes, and I'm working on it11:26
seb128k, thx :)11:26
seb128willcooke, Laney, others: any opinion on dropping the restore_filechooser_typeaheadfind change we have on gtk? it's somewhat an heated topic, but the patch is buggy atm (it creates focus issues with the search entry) and typeahead was dropped from nautilus as well, I think we should try without it and see what's the feedback is (so we have time to revisit before the LTS if needed)11:51
didrocksas we have tracker now, I would +111:52
willcookeha, I was just looking at that too11:52
Laneyyes that is fine by me11:53
willcookeI didnt know that the search box was so broken11:53
willcookeHaving just tested it, yeah, that sucks11:53
willcookeI guess I just always used type ahead11:53
seb128reading https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/issues/839 makes me think people still care about it11:53
gitbotGNOME issue 839 in gtk "FileChooser: Allow disabling recursive search" [5. Filechooser, Bugzilla, Opened]11:54
seb128but let's experiment and see how it feels :)11:54
seb128thx didrocks Laney willcooke11:54
willcookethanks seb12811:54
seb128if we end up restoring the patch we should fix the "steal focus from the search entry" problem11:54
seb128in fact we should probably fix that anyway since it gets regular complains from LTS users11:55
willcookeThat would be good11:55
willcookeseb128, you want me to open a bug about fixing type ahead in B>?11:56
seb128willcooke, no, that's bug #159217711:56
ubot5bug 1592177 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Focus drops from search input in GtkFileChooserDialog after first character, which stops searching (broken behaviour)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/159217711:56
willcookeah, I see11:56
seb128I tagged it tls-bb-incoming now11:56
jbichaseb128: yes, appstream needs to adapt to glib https://github.com/ximion/appstream/issues/22212:04
gitbotximion issue 222 in appstream "0.12.6 test failures on Ubuntu" [Open]12:04
seb128jbicha, thx, maybe you can add that to the trello card?12:04
dokodid somebody already looked at poppler not migrating?12:39
seb128doko, not since glibc migrated today12:40
cyphermoxseb128: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/grub/+git/ubuntu/commit/?h=ubuntu&id=c3a5ea3adb4f9474c94f840a6beca83927c1b15312:41
seb128cyphermox, thanks!12:41
seb128on step closer from flicker free boot :)12:41
cyphermoxI wonder12:41
cyphermox(I mean, theoretically, sure, but in practice, there are lots more small things)12:42
seb128one step indeed12:43
seb128it's that many remaining12:43
seb128we are going to need the newer plymouth next cycle, which keeps the vendor logo on screen12:43
seb128and a intel video driver fix which is in newer upstream kernels12:43
seb128it's not that*12:43
cyphermoxI've heard of the vendor logo patches, those already exists (doesn't necessarily need to wait for upstream)12:44
cyphermoxsomeone pointed out they'd like to see it ;)12:45
seb128well, everything is in upstream git master12:45
cyphermoxthat said, I mean, it's nice, but it also means we should then figure out a way to show our logo or progress elsewhere12:45
seb128I think it's late for disco now for that though12:45
cyphermoxyeah, I agree12:45
cyphermoxbut next cycle, sure12:45
seb128they current implementation keeps the bios logo on screen12:45
seb128and has a vendor/distro logo at the bottom12:46
seb128hopefully it's easy to put ours there and it looks nice :)12:46
cyphermoxthat's got to be theme dependent though12:46
cyphermoxin other words, we'll all collectively need to discuss what to do about theming at early boot, even if that's just a matter of removing the aubergine background color12:48
cyphermoxseb128: for plymouth next cycle I'd like to carefully review the patches we carry, and decide if we really, really still need all of them; and attempt to stick to upstream snapshots if plymouth maintainers still don't do releases12:49
seb128cyphermox, they do releases no? we had one this cycle12:50
seb128but yeah, agreed on the less patching12:50
cyphermoxwe had one this cycle but it's been few and far between IIRC12:50
seb128I go co-working every now and then with one of the upstreams so I would be happy to help talking about our delta/seeing what we can drop12:51
seb128I can also nag them for releases if needed :)12:51
cyphermoxI'm pretty sure some is just fluff12:51
seb128andyrock, just as a follow up, https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/commit/?id=1374746116:30
seb128andyrock, I included that in the .92 update, thx for the fix :)16:30
ahasenackhi, did we drop the cirrus xorg driver in disco?16:40
ahasenackI just had an experience where I created a vm with uvt-kvm (which uses libvirt), and X failed to come up16:40
ahasenacklogs show it failed to find the cirrus driver16:40
cpaelzerahasenack: I just remembered working with tjaalton on some other issue, there is the x-staging ppa which you might test as well if that is easy for you16:41
cpaelzerand @desktop-team cirrus is the default of libvirt since like forever and for the same reason won't change as long as possible (they are very strict on the XML-in-definition-out as a stable API of some sort)16:41
ahasenack"Failed to load module "cirrus" (module does not exist, 0)"16:43
tjaaltonahasenack: cirrus has a kernel driver now16:43
tjaaltonso it should use modesetting16:43
cpaelzerahasenack: e.g. in uvtool we only say "<video/>" and get cirrus by default16:43
cpaelzertjaalton: could it be that this driver isn't in the -virt kernel builds?16:43
ahasenacktjaalton: let me paste the full logs16:43
cpaelzerahasenack: whicih kernel flavor do you have running?16:43
ahasenackcpaelzer: 4.19.0-13-generic16:44
ahasenackand I do have the meta linux-image-virtual16:44
ahasenackmaybe it's in modules-extra16:45
tjaaltonit is16:45
ahasenackok, let me try that then16:45
ahasenackswitch the hw back to cirrus in the vm, and install that extra modules package16:45
ahasenackcpaelzer: hm, how do I switch it back to cirrus? :)16:46
cpaelzerahasenack: in virsh edit or in virt-manager?16:46
ahasenackthe dropdown which had cirrus before, and where I selected qxl, no longer has cirrus16:46
ahasenackbut, well, I can use virsh edit too I guess16:46
cpaelzereasy, just enter cirrus there ignoring the dropdown options16:46
tjaaltonisn't qxl the default?16:46
ahasenackah, and Cirrus != cirrus16:46
ahasenackok, cirrus worked16:46
ahasenacktjaalton: wasn't here16:47
cpaelzerextras has /lib/modules/4.19.0-13-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/cirrus/cirrus.ko16:47
ahasenackok,back to cirrus, saved, booting16:47
cpaelzerahasenack: if that ends up working that would be a bug against the kernel to make it part of the normal modules and not -extra16:47
tjaaltonseems to be default on my vm's16:47
tjaaltoncpaelzer: that'd pull core drm too16:47
ahasenackok, X didn't come up as expected, now installing extras16:47
cpaelzertjaalton: well, if a default VM can't have UI that is a reason to move it to non-extra I think16:48
cpaelzeraren't there other graphic drivers needing drm already?16:48
cpaelzertjaalton: /lib/modules/4.19.0-13-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/drm.ko is in linux-modules-4.19.0-13-generic already16:49
ahasenackI got a default of "qxl" when using virt-manager's wizard16:49
tjaaltonthey're all in extra16:49
tjaaltonoh, ok16:49
cpaelzerahasenack: yes qxl is amore modern default, but that is virt-manager trying to be smart (as I said before higher tools need to define that)16:49
ahasenackbut uvt-kvm gave me cirrus. cpaelzer said earlier uvt-kvm doesn't specify anything, so it's the library's default that is taken, and that is cirrus?16:50
tjaaltonqxl.ko is in extra as well :)16:50
cpaelzerahasenack: libvirt defaults to cirrus, uvtool doesn't specify anything -> cirrus, virt-manager defaults to qxl so that is what it is using16:50
ahasenackX started now, after I installed extras, and using cirrus16:50
cpaelzerahasenack: tjaalton: qxl should be moved as well then16:51
ahasenackwell, how did it work then, without extras, and with video qxl?16:51
cpaelzeror OTOH - the X11 stack should depend on the -extra package16:51
cpaelzerhow about that - that would not make non-extra fat?16:51
cpaelzerand at the same time still fix the issue16:51
tjaaltonuh no16:51
cpaelzertjaalton: I believe you, but is there a quotable statement why "no"?16:52
cpaelzerjust for -extra having so much stuf you rarely want?16:52
cpaelzerand you don't want to pull it in everywhere?16:52
tjaaltonwhich extra should it depend on then?16:53
tjaaltonX would force the generic kernel?16:53
cpaelzerI always get lost in the dependencies of the kernel16:53
cpaelzerI would have hoped one could somehow say "the -extra of the current one"16:53
cpaelzerbut I read your answer as there is no such thing :-/16:53
ahasenackdoesn't seem to be a linux-modules-extra metapackage16:53
ahasenackwithout a version16:53
ahasenackit's linux-image-generic or bust16:54
cpaelzertjaalton: ahasenack: moving cirrus and maybe qxl to non-extra then as a soltion?16:54
cpaelzeror even "solution"16:54
ahasenackhow did qxl work without the kernel module, it used a fallback solution?16:54
cpaelzermaybe it only needs the kernel module for e.g. KMS but works without by just X drivers?16:54
cpaelzertjaalton: ^^ ?16:54
ahasenackcpaelzer: or have uvt-kvm change its default?16:54
ahasenack"empty" -> qxl?16:55
tjaaltonahasenack: the log should tell, maybe16:55
cpaelzerahasenack: that would be fine for me as well16:55
cpaelzerahasenack: but you need to tell multipass at least16:55
ahasenacklet me just try qxl without the kernel module16:55
cpaelzerahasenack: interested what comes out of that tes16:55
tjaalton[    25.547] (EE) VESA(0): Specified fbbpp (24) is not a permitted value16:56
ahasenackX came up, let's see logs16:56
tjaaltonthat's why cirrus failed16:56
cpaelzertjaalton: 24bit colors?16:56
tjaaltonseems so16:56
ahasenackyou mean, cirrus wasn't there, it tried vesa, which failed because of bpp?16:57
tjaaltonyes, it should still work without kms and cirrus x driver16:57
cpaelzeroh so that is the actual issue that "changed" then16:58
ahasenackmh, in the working case, I don't have an X log file...?16:58
ahasenackin ~?17:01
ahasenackno such thing17:01
ahasenack~root or ~ubuntu17:01
ahasenackmaybe I have to login17:01
cpaelzerahasenack: I tihnk you need to log in17:02
tjaaltongdm uses wayland17:02
tjaaltonin the failing case it can't17:02
tjaaltonwithout kms17:02
ahasenackok, got it17:02
ahasenackit loaded qxl_drv.so from xorg17:02
tjaaltonheh, right17:02
ahasenackso where do we stand? cirrus used to have an xorg module, now it's just kernel, and it's not installed by default?17:05
ahasenack(in vms)17:05
tjaaltonafk for a bit17:05
cpaelzerahasenack: yes that is what it seems17:05
cpaelzerahasenack: I'm still leaning to move cirrus.ko to non-extra17:05
cpaelzerunless we have something much better based on the issues around 24 bpp17:06
cpaelzerahasenack: and a bug to uvtool (please assign me) to make the default qxl17:06
ahasenackI can do the latter17:06
sarnoldmdeslaur: ^^ does uvt need to be adapted for this too?17:07
cpaelzerahasenack: and for moving the kernel module a bug against linux I gues?17:07
ahasenackwell, if we change uvtool, then we don't need the module moved17:07
ahasenackthe question is if something else doesn't specify a default17:07
cpaelzerahasenack: the world is bigger than uvtool17:08
cpaelzerotoh: virt-manager has a different defaulöt17:09
cpaelzervirt-install as well17:09
cpaelzerahasenack: maybe open a bug to move it still17:10
cpaelzerjust saying it would be their choice?17:10
cpaelzerI like if things work by default :-)17:10
cpaelzerand I'm somewhat afraid that other paths to spawn guests will still hit it17:11
ahasenackI always get a bot yelling at me when I file a kernel bug :)17:11
ahasenackbut yeah17:11
ahasenackat least to have the discussion17:11
cpaelzerit is just 42k17:11
cpaelzerso not the biggest part in -modules17:11
ahasenackthe deps might be17:11
ahasenackwhat's the name of the module again?17:12
ahasenack(kernel module)17:12
cpaelzerahasenack: /lib/modules/4.19.0-13-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/cirrus/cirrus.ko17:12
ahasenackok, bugs filed17:16
ahasenacksubscribed you to the kernel one, and assigned you to the uvtool one17:16
tjaaltonwell, vesa shouldn't try 24bit17:18
tjaaltonbut maybe just 16 by default17:18
ahasenackwhat are valid modes?17:18
ahasenack8, 16, 32?17:18
tjaaltonthat'd fix the failure17:18
tjaaltonkenrel fb doesn't support 2417:18
ahasenackwhat is qxl anyway, and why is it better than cirrus?17:18
tjaaltonactually I thought qxl_drv.so was dead as well17:19
ahasenackoversight? :)17:19
tjaaltonbut apparently it has some features that are desirable17:19
tjaaltonahasenack: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/O7QhcGDGN33k0x9PtKmGnQ/raw17:22
tjaaltonshould I build a driver for you?-)17:22
ahasenack is that just picking 32 instead of 24 if 24 is requested?17:23
ahasenackif 32 is supported, that is17:23
tjaaltonyes, which shouldn't be in this case meaning it'd fall back to 1617:23
ahasenackhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1818879 is the kernel bug, and I also mention this vesa issue and added a task for xorg17:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1818879 in xorg (Ubuntu) "pull cirrus.ko into main kernel package" [Undecided,New]17:24
ahasenackhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uvtool/+bug/1818877 is the uvtool bug17:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1818877 in uvtool (Ubuntu) "uvtool should specify a default video device" [Undecided,New]17:24
* ahasenack goes back into python2-removal land17:24
tjaaltonahasenack: I'll build a driver pkg in a minute17:25
ahasenackI never heard the words "build xorg" and "in a minute" together17:25
tjaaltonvesa driver17:25
ahasenacktjaalton: besides ldap and sssd, you also do display drivers? :)17:26
sarnold"don't worry, that xorg build will fail in a minute"17:26
ahasenacksarnold: that is more common17:26
tjaaltonahasenack: that's my actual job, or part of it17:27
tjaaltonbesides oem kernel17:27
tjaaltondidn't even take a minute, just 36 seconds on sbuild17:27
ahasenackquite the contrast17:27
tjaaltonfreeipa et al is just a hobby, and on the back burner until fedora moves to java11..17:30
ahasenacktjaalton: worked, I haz display17:31
ahasenackhm, wait17:31
ahasenackbetter clear these logs and try again17:32
ahasenackI can't be sure which log is fresh and which one isn't17:32
ahasenackthe one I thought was fresh is talking about qxl17:32
tjaaltonthe log should be in /var/log/17:33
tjaaltoncheck the timestamp :)17:33
ahasenackok, cirrus in the vm, no extra-modules package installed17:33
ahasenackno X log in /var/log17:34
ahasenackchecking .local17:34
ahasenackit's a .1.log, not .0.log17:34
ahasenackok, cirrus not loaded17:35
ahasenackunloads modesetting17:35
ahasenacktjaalton: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gfmbsYc7g517:36
tjaaltoncirrus.ko available?17:36
ahasenackoh shoot17:36
ahasenackit's not in /lib/modules17:37
ahasenackmust be in the initramfs17:37
tjaaltonyeah, purge modules-extra17:37
ahasenackI did17:37
tjaaltonhmm would think it ran update-initramfs17:37
ahasenackok, now it's gone17:39
ahasenackx took a while to come up17:39
ahasenackit was probably trying all fallbacks17:39
ahasenacklet's see17:39
ahasenackno cirrus in lsmod17:40
tjaaltonand gdm does different things17:40
ahasenackand Xorg.logs in /var/log17:40
ahasenackthis log keeps dancing around places17:40
ahasenackI have 3 xorg logs in /var/log now, with the same timestamp17:40
tjaaltonstill fails?17:41
ahasenackno, it worked17:41
ahasenackbut I couldn't figure out quickly enough which log to check17:41
ahasenackso I rm -rf them, rebooted again17:41
tjaaltonok, check the other logs17:41
tjaaltonif there's some weird failure17:41
ahasenackok, I have /var/log/Xorg.0.log before login17:41
ahasenack /var/log/Xorg.0.log before login, I'm at the user selection greeter: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PCDYQfv68H17:43
ahasenacktjaalton: ^17:43
oSoMoNI'm calling it a day, have a good evening everyone17:43
ahasenackbetter? 16bpp?17:43
tjaaltonahasenack: yeah, did the right thing17:43
ahasenackah, and I see the 16bpp-iness when logging in17:43
mdeslaursarnold: good question18:00
kenvandinemvo: i'm running core beta but help URLs still aren't valid.  Shouldn't that be in beta by now?18:24
* kenvandine tries edge18:26
kenvandinenot in edge either18:27
kenvandineuser-open error: Supplied URL scheme "help" is not allowed18:27
mvokenvandine: yes, that looks fishy, its a bit late here already but we should talk about this tomorrow, this should work18:43
kenvandinemvo: ok, thanks18:43
* kenvandine tested this... it worked before18:43
mvokenvandine: hm, hm, I wonder what is going on if that used to work. we also have a (spread) test :/18:44
kenvandineit's failed in the check if it's in the allowed schemes18:45
kenvandinenot even failing to set env or anything18:45
kenvandineit's that hard coded list18:45
kenvandineat least that's what it looks like18:45
willcookenight all18:52

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