
zuhaitzGPD is a small PC00:00
zuhaitz64 bits small PC00:00
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: I don't believe your issue has anything to do with Ubuntu versions or steam. You likely have two different Bluetooth chipsets between your computers. One that is better supported in Linux, and one that isn't00:01
zuhaitzpragmaticenigma, and any idea for a manual solution?00:02
jeremy31zuhaitz: likely totally different bluetooth devices, the bluetooth in the GPD might be partially unsupported in the kernel00:02
zuhaitzjeremy31, it is working perfect with retroarch, some steam games, too, and the rest if I configure it as a keyboard/mouse emulation00:03
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: about the only thing I can think of is to install the same version of Ubuntu on the Pocket computer and see if you find it has better support. If it doesn't, then it is clearly a fault of the Bluetooth hardware in that computer.00:04
zuhaitzpragmaticenigma, Ubuntu Mate 18.10 is an official ISO for GPD Pocket...00:04
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: right now you are effectively comparing an apple to an orange. Two different computers, running two different versions of an operating system, running two different flavors of said operating system.00:04
zuhaitzOk, I understand00:05
zuhaitzis posible to make a downgrade? xD00:05
zuhaitzis it*00:05
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: there is no command to downgrade, you would have to download the 16.04 image, and install it to the machine like a fresh install. Note that doing so may lose support for other features of the computer that the manufacture may have included in the Ubuntu version that they preinstalled for you00:07
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pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: Before you do anything, I would highly suggest that you back up that machine.00:08
zuhaitzI am using gnu linux for 20 years (debian and now ubuntu), I dont care if I have to install and reinstall / partition, thanks00:09
zuhaitzBut to be honest, I would like a solution with 18.10 XD00:09
leftyfbzuhaitz: what part of this aren't you getting? If your bluetooth device works for SOME games in Ubuntu 18.10 but not others. Then that means your bluetooth device WORKS. Period. The issue is with those other games and their config. Or Steam or Retroarch. Not Ubuntu. Not the device. And not any bluetooth settings.00:10
zuhaitzleftyfb, Retroarch works 100%... Steam is the same version in both machines00:11
zuhaitzThat is what I dont get00:11
leftyfbgreat. That doesn't change the facts.00:11
zuhaitzSame build of Steam and same game version00:11
zuhaitzleftyfb, then I dont get it :)00:11
zuhaitzShould I? I am journalist, not a programmer00:12
zuhaitzleftyfb, pragmaticenigma , I made rm -rf .steam*00:26
zuhaitzI reinstalled games... and 100% of them are working00:27
zuhaitzI am happy00:27
leftyfbso what does that tell you?00:27
zuhaitzleftyfb, That I made a bad manual configuration in Steam in the GPD Pocket00:27
zuhaitzand that I let Steam make an automatic configuration in the Acer VN7 laptop00:27
zuhaitzboth Ubuntu GNU Linux machines with Steam00:27
zuhaitzI was getting mad... now it makes sense00:28
zuhaitzto be honest I tried to make a manual configuration in the litle machine XD00:28
zuhaitzleftyfb, thanks for your patientness00:28
Sleakernot native english speaker ;)00:29
zuhaitzBasque and castilian native speaker, I studied english when I was child XD00:30
pragmaticenigmazuhaitz: please keep to support related topics, for chat and discussions please head over to #ubuntu-offtopic00:32
zuhaitzpragmaticenigma, is the BASQUE word the problem? XD00:34
zuhaitzit use to be00:34
zuhaitzand that really sucks00:34
zuhaitzwell, anyway, thanks for your ... patientness XD00:34
adikwokplease help, my ubuntu 18.04.2 sound is missing. i can not hear any sound from speaker of headset00:52
adikwoki need the sound .please00:52
adikwoki can not move the sound volume from the setting either. there is no speaker logo. only mic. and light00:55
Sleakeradikwok: usually that happens when the system doesn't detect any sound device.00:56
Sleakeroutput device specifically*00:56
adikwokSleaker: how to fix that?00:58
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pragmaticenigmaSleaker: Have you rebooted your machine lately? have you made any changes? when was the last time sound worked?01:02
adikwokpragmaticenigma: yes. i rebooted several times. yesterday evening still fine. sound and pulse-effect went ok01:03
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: what did you change since it was last working?01:04
adikwokpragmaticenigma: i did not remember. just install re-install gdm3. lxde-core01:04
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: and why did you do that?01:05
adikwoktry to minimize ram usage at startup01:05
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: So you uninstalled two of core components of your system and are now wondering why your sound doesn't work?01:06
adikwokpragmaticenigma: i install and re-install those two01:07
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: That doesn't take into consideration the dependencies that go with them.01:07
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: When you uninstall things like gdm3 and lxde-core, there are other modules that have those flagged as parent dependencies. If they are removed, software marked as dependent on them also gets removed01:08
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: Try installing pulseaudio... if that doesn't resolve your issue, then you are probably looking at installing Lubuntu from scratch.01:08
adikwokpragmaticenigma: ok i re-installing pulseaudio01:09
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pragmaticenigmaadikwok: or restore your back-up image of your computer that you made before starting this experiment.01:09
Tin_manadikwok, if you have good backups, might be better to just reinstall.01:09
adikwokTin_man: i have backup but dont know how to restore. i did backup with rsync01:10
Tin_mannot familiar with resync..01:10
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: rsync is not a backup too01:11
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: when talking about making a backup, we're talking about you having made a backup disk image of your computer using a tool like clonezilla01:12
adikwokpragmaticenigma: i never did with clonezilla or others01:13
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: Then you have no backup01:13
adikwokpragmaticenigma: :[01:13
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: which is unfortunate... if installing pulseaudio doesn't resolve your issue, you will have to install from scratch01:14
adikwokwhen i use qpaeq. here is the error message:01:14
adikwokQStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-adi'01:14
adikwokThere was an error connecting to pulseaudio, please make sure you have the pulseaudio dbus module loaded, exiting...01:14
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: Next time you want to test performance enhancements, do it on a unimportant computer or a virtual machine. Also, learn how to make real backups of your computer and how to restore them01:14
adikwokpragmaticenigma: real backup - real restore . main project to learn01:15
pragmaticenigmaadikwok: that message means your system is gone... time to install from scratch... move your personal files somewhere safe and start over01:16
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adikwokpragmaticenigma: ok. thx for the advise.01:17
jdownieI'm running stock Ubuntu and wondering if there is a way to display the output from a command in a dock icon.01:19
jdownieI used to be able to do that in XFCE to show how my git repos were going - to remind me to commit/push.01:20
jdownieany tips would be appreciated.01:20
pragmaticenigmajdownie: You'll have to better describe what it is you're trying to acomplish... dock icons are not "live"01:21
jdownieOh, well you probably just answered my question, i'm hoping there is a way to show some simple text like "P: 3" on my display all the time.01:21
jdowniethat would tell me that three files have been modified in my "Personal" repo.01:22
jdowniei have a shell script that will give that output.01:22
jdowniei was picturing something on the dock that would run the script every five minutes or so.01:22
jdowniexiaxiaoyu12138: hi01:23
pragmaticenigmajdownie: Conkie (I think that's the name) can do overlays on the desktop of system stats... I'm sure it's possible to add a module for that01:25
jdownieoooh, that's what i was hoping to learn. thanks for that.01:28
rfmjdownie: you might try notify-send command, might be too visually noisy for what you want tho01:28
pragmaticenigmajdownie: I was close, it's conky01:28
jdownierfm: thanks, i'm reading up on that one now too.01:30
jdowniepragmaticenigma: yeah, found it. not in the software app though.01:31
xiaxiaoyu12138WB WB WB WB01:40
jdownieconky looks cool, but i'm interested in notify-send with a keyboard shortcut too.01:40
jdowniethankyou both for your help!01:40
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throwUPNeed some help setting up a LAMP stack02:13
throwUPI can't get the default database for mysql to initialize02:13
throwUPusing ubuntu 16.0402:13
pragmaticenigmathrowUP: what do you mean by default database to initialize?02:14
throwUPthe database directory structure02:16
throwUPmysqld --initialize doesn't seem to work02:16
pragmaticenigmathrowUP: Are you installing mysql from apt or some other source?02:16
throwUPyes from apt02:17
pragmaticenigmathere is nothing to intialize... mysqld is installed as a system service02:17
throwUPI get Errcode: 17 - File Exists02:17
pragmaticenigmathrowUP: what instructions are you following?02:17
throwUPi think it's a bit outdated02:18
pragmaticenigmaconsidering you're using ubuntu 16.04... yeah... not the right version. also those instructions are for digital oceans' droplets ... not a standalone ubuntu instance02:19
throwUPIt's on a droplet02:21
throwUPshould i start over with a more current ubuntu version?02:21
pragmaticenigmathrowUP: Then this isn't the place for support. digital ocean provides a non-standard version of Ubuntu. since documentation availble to the volunteers here comes from Canonical, it's hard to support that platform02:22
pragmaticenigmathrowUP: Also, up your web searching game... https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-16-0402:24
pragmaticenigmawas first result when searching "Ubuntu LAMP 16.04"02:24
ArchDebianI have an Optimus Laptop (a laptop with 2 video cards: Intel & Nvidia). Is a good idea to install Bumblebee and switch between the cards, or is better just install nvidia drivers and only use this video card?02:54
eater9Hi, last time I was in here I had a problem with my root filesystem randomly remounting itself read-only, and I promised to get a dmesg log next time it happened. Voila but I'm not sure there are any insights http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xDP2RK5xm8/02:55
eater9and here's the SMART report http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8RzdbPgmk8/02:58
Muliganhey fellas03:05
Muligani'm using a live usb of 18.04, and i'm trying to see about flashing a sas drive's firmware03:06
Muligananybody have an idea of how to list the sas HBA?03:06
Muliganor even the drive at that...03:06
Muligani'm seeing the HBA via lspci03:08
Muliganbut no drive03:08
[RobDude]When I try to ping my Windows PC from Ubuntu I get the follow error:  'ping: myOtherPc: System error' but if I ping any other random name, it will output 'ping: asdfasdf: Name or service not known'.  My Windows Pc is up and running and I've completely disabled the firewall.  I did install winbind and edit my /etc/nsswitch.conf file - can anyone tell me what I have done wrong?03:43
yvyzeater9: looks like your file system is corrupted. or some part of it.03:52
yvyzeater9: check lines 1604 -> 1607 in the log you posted03:52
yvyzEXT4-fs atempts to mount the FS, the FS is corrupted, and so EXT4-fs mounts the file system read-only03:53
eater9Yeah, that's the moment when it goes bad, but I'm trying to figure out why03:53
eater9Before that it was running for a week with no problems03:54
yvyzeater9: somethin is wrong with your file system.03:54
yvyzeater9: things can break03:54
yvyzArchDebian: I am assuming all laptop screen graphics are piped via the Intel on-board GPU and the nividia card is used for external display.03:54
eater9Any thoughts on how I can figure out what's causing the issue?03:55
yvyzArchDebian: you could go either way, but installing the nvidia driver directly would at least be a good start.03:55
ArchDebianyvyz: thank you I'll install only the nvidia driver03:55
yvyzeater9: looks like the file that sits across the 82786420 block is corrupted.03:56
yvyzeater9: or better, the file with inode# 9311347 is your issue03:57
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yvyzeater9: if you can boot a live usb, and mount the drive, you may be able to delete that corrupted file03:57
eater9That is just a file that I was downloading at the moment the error happened, but it doesn't explain why the error happened03:59
yvyzMuligan: Have you verified your BIOS configs are in fact configured to allow SAS drives?03:59
eater9And why it keeps happening04:00
yvyzeater9: https://askubuntu.com/a/5907704:01
eater9It happens with different hard drives though04:01
eater9So I don't think it's a problem with the drive04:01
yvyzMaybe don't download that file anymore?04:03
eater9There isn't any particular behavior or file that I can figure out as the cause of the filesystem becoming RO04:04
yvyzYour disk controller could be going bad.04:05
eater9How would I diagnose whether that is the issue?04:07
eater9I don't see any obvious problems in the SMART data04:08
yvyzWell its a possibility. But you said its happening on different drives.04:08
yvyzAnd I assumed you just swapped the drives out withint he same machine04:08
yvyzHense the common denominator would be your disk controller.04:08
yvyzeater9: have you run fsck to attempt to repai04:11
yvyzrepair* ?04:11
eater9Yes, after this happens I can't boot without repairing04:12
yvyzI would bet that its a dying hdd04:15
yvyzIs it an SDD?04:15
eater9Yes, two different new SSDs04:15
eater9on a pretty new but out of warranty thinkpad04:16
eater9good night for now04:28
Jordan_Ueater9: Were both ssds using the same cable?04:42
Muliganyvyz, BIOS on the HBA has been completely wiped04:49
Muligani did this for my FreeNAS boxes...04:50
Muliganthe other server that has a H200 detects the drive under FreeNAS/FBSD, however, does not assign it a /dev04:50
Muliganit only shows 'PASS8' next to the drive under FreeNAS04:50
Muligani've another identical drive in the same system that passes, which is currently getting 0'd out04:50
Muliganhowever, it has a step-up in firmware that's already been laoded on it04:51
Muliganthus I moved the drive to this box04:52
yvyzlspci shows it04:52
MuliganI've had issues w/these sets of drives attached directly via cable from the HBA04:53
Muliganso tomorrow, I'm going to down one of my esxi hosts in my dev setup, and attach it via the backplane to one of my poweredge R510's04:53
Muliganshow's the HBA, yes04:53
yvyzMuligan: Whats the HBA make/model?04:54
Muliganbut no drive, which I don't believe lspci will show in the 1st place04:55
Muliganeither a Dell H200 or H31004:55
MuliganI've the H310 directly attached via cable on my t20 at home here04:55
Muliganwhich I'm sure won't show up04:55
Muliganbut at work, (dev enviroment), it's tied to a H20004:55
Muliganand through the backplane04:55
yvyzWonder if ubuntu needs the driver for it.05:28
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nisstyreHi, how does one build a customized version of an official ubuntu package? (similar to the Arch Build System on Arch Linux https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Build_System ). There is a library that I want to apply a patch to. Before anyone asks yes I know what I am doing.05:53
lotuspsychjenisstyre: we reccomend to use the existing packages from the official repos first instead of own compile05:58
lotuspsychjenisstyre: what is it your trying to make & why?05:58
nisstyrelotuspsychje: it's a patch for gtk3 that hasn't been released yet that fixes an issue I encountered while trying to build some Haskell software https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/commit/95c0f07295fd300ab7f3416a39290ae33585ea6c05:59
nisstyreit will be released eventually but just got fixed05:59
nisstyreall it does is expose some functions05:59
nisstyrethere's a bug report here https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=112145606:01
ubottubugzilla.opensuse.org bug 1121456 in GNOME "libgtk-3.so does not export gtk_cell_accessible_parent_get_row_header_cells function but Gtk-3.0.gir has it listed" [Major,Resolved: fixed]06:01
nisstyreanyway, I tested it before and it fixes the issue. I just don't know how to build a custom deb or whatever on Ubuntu06:01
lotuspsychjenisstyre: just an idea, maybe talk to the #ubuntu-devel guys about it, they might be interested in your solution06:02
nisstyreWell, it's already been merged into gtk3, just hasn't been released yet but could be backported I guess06:02
nisstyreI guess I can mention it in there as well06:02
nisstyreit's a very simple 2 line patch06:02
yvyznisstyre: dpkg-deb --build06:04
yvyznisstyre: or use checkinstall06:04
nisstyreyvyz: cool, I'll try that, thanks06:05
yvyznisstyre: http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/packaging-new-software.html06:05
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nisstyrelotuspsychje: found a workaround that doesn't require rebuilding it but I'll definitely try contacting the maintainer to see if they can patch the fix in if they haven't already06:28
lotuspsychjegreat nisstyre and thank you for submitting this to the community06:44
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shrimphi guys - i'm trying to make partitions for a new ubuntu installation and i have about a terabyte of free space to work with, how much space goes in which partition? i was reading that you probably want a swap partition about the size of your RAM but i don't know if the rest of the free space should just be thrown in root or if i should make other stuff as well06:59
JimBuntushrimp, there is a lot of choices to be had with this. It used to be that swap partitions were suggested to be 2x the RAM, now 1x or less is often suggested.07:00
shrimpi got that far, yeah07:01
JimBuntuAs far as making many small partitions, that's really up to you. My preference, a large partition for long term storage and the rest basically for '/'... reduces the chance of running out of space/etc. I also prefer if /boot is kinda bigger than normal07:01
AC3JA swap partition is no longer necessary, a swapfile will be used instead. I just use / and /home partitions07:05
shrimphow big should each respective partition be, given that i have 1tb of free space then?07:06
AC3JI did 40GB for /, it's overkill but I have the space...07:07
shrimpand i'm assuming the rest go into the /home partition, correct?07:08
AC3Jyes rest in /home07:08
shrimpok thank you07:09
nisstyreJimBuntu: I never use swap personally because it can cause performance issues and as mentioned you can just use a swap file if you really need one07:11
nisstyrethe linux OOM killer will kill processes that run amok usually07:11
JimBuntunisstyre, yeah, partition or file, they are treated pretty equally now.  As far as the need of swap in general, I think that really depends on your workflow/programs.07:12
nisstyreyeah true, I guess some people might benefit from it if you're doing things like video editing07:13
{bosco}what happened to wubi ? running windows and want to install ubuntu 18xx07:33
nakamakiofficially its provided up until 14.04 lts afaik {bosco}07:34
{bosco}nakamaki: so how do i install ubuntu via windows ?07:35
ubottuWubi was a way to install Ubuntu from within Windows, but it is no longer supported in recent versions of Ubuntu and Windows, and was never well maintained even for Ubuntu 12.04. Do not use Wubi. See !install for other options for installing Ubuntu.07:35
nakamakiwhy do you explicitely want that?07:35
ratataIf i have a bash script with this; file_name=$(data +%Y-%m-%d)            tar -cf bkp.$file_name.tar.gz $1 and i start the script with ./scriptname.sh /home.07:35
nakamakijust download an iso, make a usb stick and install it from there07:35
ratatawhy would i get an error?07:35
{bosco}nakamaki: just dont have a usb stick with jme or else i would lol07:36
geirharatata: you mistyped date07:36
nakamakilol okay07:36
ratatayeah i see that now, its not an exact copy of the script07:36
ratataits the tar part thats not working07:36
geirhaand you need a command terminator between the file_name assignment and the tar command07:36
ratatacommand terminator?07:37
ratataits the $1 that is not working07:37
geirharatata: tar will not automatically compress it with gzip just because you include .gz as extension to the destination file name. You can add -z for that though07:37
nakamakiyou could partition your hdd and then write your install image to the new partition with unetbootin and reboot. then start the unetbootin from the bootloader and install from there07:37
ratataThank you!07:37
geirharatata: and $1 should be "$1", with quotes. Or "$@" if you want to support adding multiple files/directories07:37
geirhaso  tar -zcf "bkp.$(date +%Y-%m-%d).tar.gz" "$@"07:38
ratataThank you for the clarification07:39
VivekanandaHey everyone. I just installed ubuntu 18.04 on my very new very powerful clevo p870tm. I am not that new to ubuntu but am coming back to it after a bit. I need to find out what hardware has missing drivers. How to do that ?07:42
tomreynfarsight: do you have a question?08:12
tomreynor 7?08:12
neurehow can i make the login screen to show up as mirrored on all displays?08:12
tomreynhi neure08:12
neureit is really weird that this is not the case by default08:13
neureI have laptop connected to extranal display and it is not great that I have to use the laptop display to login while everything else i do on the external display08:13
neureideally login should be visible on all displays08:13
tomreynneure: you should probably tell which ubuntu version + login manager you're referring to.08:16
neure18.10 but it was the same with 18.04 as well08:16
neurewhatever is the default login manage08:17
tomreynthat'd be gdm then08:18
tomreynlooks like this is bug 176084908:19
ubottubug 1760849 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "Login screen appears on only one monitor and it's not the one I want" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176084908:19
da7nielhey question: I've downloaded a package online because apt doesn't have an up to date version, but I'm not sure how to set it up so that it works with command line as if I had simply used apt.08:19
da7nielI've tried resolving all the dependency issues by copying over the necessary files to /usr/lib, /usr/bin, etc, piece by piece, but there has to be a better way08:20
neureI just filed a duplicate :P08:23
neureHow can I mark my bug as duplicate?08:24
geirhada7niel: you shouldn't put anything in /usr/lib or /usr/bin, only apt should do that. Install custom software in /usr/local or /opt08:24
da7nielgeirha: okay, thanks for the tip08:25
tomreyn!latest | da7niel08:34
ubottuda7niel: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.08:34
tomreyn^ just in case you're new to ubuntu08:34
SirisianI plugged Ubuntu up to my TV and I can't use any resolution other than 3840x2160. I ran xrandr and it says: Screen 0: minimum 3840 x 2160, current 3840 x 2160, maximum 3840 x 2160, so it's locked at 3840x2160 min and max. I can add extra resolutions into xorg and it loads the modes, but throws them out I assume since they're outside of the minimum. Is this normal?08:45
HoloMy computer can not boot from the ubuntu installer usb so I installed ubuntu onto an external drive. The computer that could not boot from the installer usb has booted from the external drive. how would I install ubuntu to the internal drive?09:48
tarzeauHolo: insert the external disk into it?09:49
tarzeauHolo: or take the internal out, make it external, and re-insert it?09:49
tarzeaui had the same problem with a machine, we use ipxe/pxe/network install with preseeding09:49
Holotarzeau the eternal is the failing SSD that has some bad lockups09:50
tarzeauthrow it away then, and get one that's not locking up/failing09:50
Holothere really is not an easy way to run the CLI server installer from a running ubuntu one?09:50
tarzeauah well yes there is09:50
HoloIm about to, I just need to get ubuntu installed to the internal drive09:50
tarzeaudebootstrap way, google it09:50
tarzeauyou can install linux from one media to another.09:51
tarzeauit's even possible for one arch to another..09:51
tarzeauit works. but it's not with the menu you get the installer with09:51
Holorip the nice easy server menu installer09:51
HoloI was hoping to be able to run that again09:52
tarzeauthe server menu installer? is a debian product, isn't it?09:52
tarzeauubuntu has it not anymore?09:52
AnticomHey guys. I'm on xenial and just ran my daily routine of upgrading the system. However apt upgrade got stuck. Looking at htop it says it's currently running /bin/sh /usr/sbin/update-secureboot-policy --enroll-key09:52
AnticomAnd i don't just wanna kill it. What to do?09:52
tarzeauAnticom: check the logs? /var/log/ dpkg/ or syslog or so?09:54
Anticomtarzeau: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xkDgJbF69q/09:55
Anticom"Kernel is locked down from EFI secure boot" doesn't sound too pleasing09:55
tarzeauno idea, i turn off that crap from bios and use unsigned linux kernels09:56
tarzeaui'd suggest anyone else to do the same09:56
tarzeautype that see command in a shell, and read on09:56
Anticomi prefer not to disable secure boot tbh09:56
tarzeauAnticom: why?09:56
Anticomwell first because it never failed on me before and second as far as i understand the concepts it ensures my kernel doesn't get tinkered with09:57
tarzeaudo you think your stuff is more secure with it? can other people physically access the computer?09:57
tarzeauthe google is full of people with that failing09:57
tarzeauif you're the only one with keyboard access to it, don't worry09:58
Anticomtarzeau: it's my personal computer, so it's unlikely others get physical access to it09:58
tarzeauif security was an issue, you wouldn't use ubuntu, or linux i guess09:58
tarzeauso no worries09:58
tarzeauare you using encrypted filesystems?09:58
Anticomnot atm09:59
Anticomalso i get your point but can we work on solving my issue first please?09:59
Holois ubiquity still used?10:00
AnticomHolo: sure you don't mean unity?10:00
tarzeauunity the 3d software or unity the ubuntu desktop software?10:01
tarzeauAnticom: i'm sure he means ubiquity10:01
AnticomHolo: nvm10:01
tomreyntarzeau: ubiquity is the ubuntu desktop installer10:01
tarzeauUbuntu live CD installer ah the gui thing10:01
tomreynHolo: ubiquity is still in use10:01
tarzeautomreyn: not so, when you use the command line version, or preseeding10:01
tarzeautomreyn: then it's the debian version10:01
tarzeauhe's saying CLI, not gui version10:02
tomreyntarzeau: the alternative server installer and mini.iso still use the debian installer, yes10:02
tarzeautomreyn: also the desktop one, in non-gui mode10:02
HoloI am indeed looking at the cli for server10:02
tomreyntarzeau: i'm not aware of this option10:02
Holowell desktop cli should still work10:02
tarzeautomreyn: ah maybe the removed it, haven't used interactive installer for 15 years10:02
HoloI just really dont feel like doing it manualy10:03
tomreynHolo: what are you trying to do, whats' the issues you're facing, if any?10:03
Holotomreyn I cant boot to the live server from a USB Drive on this older pc10:04
tomreynHolo: and the error message is?10:04
Holosaid older pc does use 32bit UEFI10:04
Holoboot device not found10:04
AnticomSo can i just kill the upgrade and run it again or what am i supposed to do?10:04
tomreynuuh, 32-bit uefi is not fun.10:04
tarzeauAnticom: yes10:05
Holoyah.... it installed to an external just fine10:05
Holonow I need to just get that dam installer and install it back10:05
Anticomhm it doesn't respond to sigterm10:06
Holo Subiquity server installer is what I want10:06
tomreynthat's the "live server" installer, the default one10:07
B1ack0phi there10:08
B1ack0pi got an error report : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4khNwZrxJ9/10:08
B1ack0pwhat is this error about and how can i fix it?10:08
tomreynB1ack0p: the flameshot "Powerful yet simple-to-use screenshot software" you have installed crashed.10:09
tomreynB1ack0p: you will probably not be able to fix it yourself. you could report a bug. did you submit it when it asked whether you'd like to report it?10:11
B1ack0ptomreyn: is that all about?10:11
Holoindeed, and it appears to be a snap only package10:11
B1ack0ptomreyn: yes i reported it10:11
B1ack0pflameshot is working still why error i dont understand10:11
tomreynB1ack0p: then you basically did all you could, unless you're into programming.10:12
B1ack0pnope i am not into programming but i wish :/10:12
tomreynby the way, what you posted contains a partial memory dump. those can contain sensitive information, so you should not normally post those publicly.10:13
tomreynwhat happened is that flameshot accessed a region of memory it should not have needed to / doesn't have access to, this is usually an indication of a programming error.10:15
tomreynB1ack0p: ^10:16
B1ack0pso it is a bug?10:17
tomreynmost likely10:17
B1ack0pmay i ask you something? are u an engineer? or have degree on computer sciences?10:17
Holowell then that failed, Guess ill have to use the gui version and rip it out later10:18
ShabbeerHi, can any one help me in trobleshooting the audio problem in ubuntu 16.04.10:18
tomreynB1ack0p: sorry, we only do ubuntu support chat on *this* channel.10:19
tomreyn!audio | Shabbeer did you read this, yet? it's a bit outdated, but mostly still relevant10:20
ubottuShabbeer did you read this, yet? it's a bit outdated, but mostly still relevant: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.10:20
Shabbeer@tomreyn and @ubottu, I am unable to resolve the issue.10:31
lavinhogood morning10:42
lavinhoi have instlled dwa 171 revisin c1 gut hub but before reboot no detect10:43
lavinhohelp me please10:43
dffi want to try kubuntu and wipe this xbuntu install, for DE back up purposes ive saved themes, icons, xfce-settings, xubuntu-settings and thunar10:47
dffanything else i need to save incase i want to restore the DE environment10:48
zenirc369im trying to use "send" command in combinaton with "expect" command in ubuntu10:48
zenirc369but i dont find send command10:48
zenirc369 but i dont find "send" command10:48
zenirc369when I gave the command "send" in the terminal, it suggested me the following10:49
zenirc369The program 'send' can be found in the following packages:10:49
zenirc369 * mailutils-mh10:49
zenirc369 * nmh10:49
zenirc369Try: sudo apt install <selected package>10:49
zenirc369SO i installed both of the above packages "mailutils-mh"  "nmh", but still I didnt get the send command10:49
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lunatikoshello ! how to know what wine library need a program to run it well ?11:20
lunatikos(appart searching in wine DB)11:20
BluesKajHi folks11:37
zetherooI removed a faulty disk from a raid, and replaced it with a new disk. I need to create the partitions on the new disk as they exist on the healthy disk, including the 'BIOS boot' partition.11:38
zetherooIs there a way to copy over the partition scheme to the new disk?11:38
zetherooor do I have to create each partition manually with fdisk?11:38
yvyzlunatikos: I do not understand your question. Could you be a little more clear?11:43
yvyzzetheroo: What type of RAID are you running?  What is managing your RAID?11:44
yvyzBluesKaj: o/11:44
BluesKajhi yvyz11:44
lunatikosi use bitwig studio its a DAW native linux but i need to use "VST" dll as plugins FX / instruments from windows : the vst <-> linux-plugins bridge works well but some plugs crash cause missing wine librarties.11:45
zetherooyvyz: I think sgdisk is what I needed11:45
yvyzzetheroo: I still am not able to know what your system configuration is.11:46
lunatikosubuntu 18.1011:47
lunatikoswine staging latest release11:47
yvyzYea I am familiar with bitwig.... very familiar.11:47
yvyzAnd VST's11:47
yvyzYea, this might be trial by fire lunatikos. VST development is crazy dynamic.11:48
lunatikosis it possible to auto-login with Pidgin IRC11:50
lunatikosi reconnect fats...11:51
V7Does anyone know what's this? https://i.imgur.com/CBzDqFt.png btw, this is status bar from byobu12:33
V7lucasrolff: Have you thought about changing client? For example to weechat?12:34
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netsrotHi, is there a reason why the kernel from kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v5.0/ doesn't work on amd 2400G? kernel 4.18.20 works from there.12:48
pragmaticenigmanetsrot: because those kernels are not fully supported and tested yet. stick to the ones provided through the main repository. that ppa is for testing only12:51
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ryahi_skaprinavMy usb drive has become read-only. How do I make it read-write accessible?13:06
ryahi_skaprinavI can't even format it or unallocate it using gparted.13:07
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: can you pastebin: tail -f /var/log/syslog and plug in your usb?13:08
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ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, https://pastebin.com/1fdUAccC13:10
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: that doesnt look to bright indeed13:11
pragmaticenigmaryahi_skaprinav: Looks like you might need to try and reboot... I think the drive has a stale mount13:12
ryahi_skaprinavit is not working in any of the other pc as well.13:12
ryahi_skaprinavI just need to format it.13:12
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: what brand is your usb and formatted in wich layout?13:13
ryahi_skaprinavhp v22013:13
ryahi_skaprinavit is showing fat3213:14
ryahi_skaprinavin gparted13:14
lotuspsychjemeanwhile try what pragmaticenigma suggested please?13:14
smallville7123what package is mount in13:21
ryahi_skaprinavMount point: /media/ryahi/HP V220W13:21
ayekatsmallville7123: dpkg -S {file}13:21
ayekatah wait... context13:22
smallville7123as i dont have mount installed13:22
ayekatsmallville7123: the package is also named `mount`, it seems13:23
smallville7123and it issnt in any of the *utils13:23
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: did you reboot as adviced?13:23
ayekatupstream is util-linux, but debian/ubuntu seems to have split it into a separate package13:23
smallville7123E: Unable to locate package mount13:24
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, yes it got mounted but still can't format it13:24
ayekatsmallville7123: ah wait, I've only got an ubuntu 16.04 under my nose here13:24
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: what about disk-tools in ubuntu, can you format there?13:24
ayekatsmallville7123: well yeah, no, it should be there: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/mount13:25
ayekat(and also later)13:25
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, no option is not available13:25
ayekatsmallville7123: maybe your package repo configuration needs some fixing - how did you end up with a system without mount, though?13:26
smallville7123Isnt in linux-utils13:26
BluesKajsmallville7123, check your package manager13:26
smallville7123apt 1.4.8 (aarch64)13:27
ayekatyeah no, I already wrote it is in mount - the package is called `mount`13:27
BluesKajmount should be ther unless your sources file doesn't have the 'main repo'13:27
smallville7123Nope ;-;13:28
smallville7123I just have this13:29
smallville7123# The main termux repository:13:29
smallville7123deb https://termux.net stable main13:29
ayekatonly…?  O_o13:29
ayekatlike... /etc/apt/sources.list, not /etc/apt/sources.d/{something}.list?13:30
pragmaticenigmasmallville7123: What did you do to your machine prior to finding out that you needed mount?13:30
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.13:30
BluesKajsmallville7123, ^13:31
smallville7123In /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/etc/apt/sources.list13:31
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: whats the history of that stick?13:32
ryahi_skaprinavI don't know. It belongs to a friend.13:33
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, When I try to mount it:https://pastebin.com/PttFL1Mh13:34
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: it doesnt have a physical switch or something?13:35
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smallville7123What does this mean13:37
ryahi_skaprinavI don't know what that means lotuspsychje13:37
lgp171188On my Kubuntu 18.10 install, apps installed as snaps do not show up in the launcher search and the path containing the binaries aren't added to $PATH in the shell (I use zsh) as well.13:37
smallville7123If you have a *.deb package file, you can install it with dpkg. Note that packages downloaded from Ubuntu or from repositories of other Linux distributions will not work due to incompatible libc ABI, however statically compiled binaries may work.13:37
lgp171188Is there some thing that has to be done to fix this?13:37
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: could you try this from a windows system, maybe check on the hp website for its software, it might be an encrypted kind of usb13:40
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: could you pastebin also: fdisk -l please?13:40
befree22Im trying to make a liveUSB from the latest ubuntu iso, this command didnt' work. dd bs=4M if=input.iso of=/dev/sd<?> conv=fdatasync Cannot find initramfs13:42
befree22stick is fat3213:42
befree22installed to /dev/sdb not /dev/sdb113:42
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, https://pastebin.com/V1E8y9f913:42
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, it shows disk is write protected in windows13:44
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: if you dont need the data on it, try this plz: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=2M count=113:47
ryahi_skaprinavDo i have to write the command as it is13:48
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: yes13:48
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, dd: failed to open '/dev/sdb': Read-only file system13:49
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, sudo hdparm -r0  /dev/sdb113:50
ryahi_skaprinavioria, https://pastebin.com/rwzcy3vf13:52
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, ok13:52
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, open gparted13:52
ryahi_skaprinavioria, opened13:52
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, umount the usb device13:53
ryahi_skaprinavioria, it is not mounted13:53
ryahi_skaprinavioria, still can't delete it13:54
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, run  'mount'  in terminal ans paste the output13:54
ryahi_skaprinavioria, https://pastebin.com/GRjV5tm113:55
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  unplug ,plug again and paste  dmesg | tail -3013:56
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: are you on ubuntu or WSL?13:56
ryahi_skaprinavubuntu-mate 16.0413:57
ryahi_skaprinavioria, https://pastebin.com/8bp4pZ6i13:57
lotuspsychjeioria: weird stuff right13:59
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, run  'mount'  again14:00
ryahi_skaprinavioria, https://pastebin.com/JXurBLaN14:00
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, not sure, but probably that device  was manufactured “closed-for-business"14:03
ryahi_skaprinavNo, it was working alright until few days ago. It got mounted once and so I was able to get the data out of it but suddenly it has stopped working14:04
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, you see it's not event mounting14:05
ryahi_skaprinavyes but it got mounted before14:05
ioriawhere ?14:05
ryahi_skaprinavmount point: /media/priyank/HP 220W14:06
ryahi_skaprinavAfter that I manually unmounted it14:07
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, again  ;  sudo hdparm -r0  /dev/sdb14:07
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: on almost dead media, i always try sudo photorec to recover data, if that doesnt work pretty sure its dead14:08
ryahi_skaprinavioria, same output14:08
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, reopen gparted and try to run  fsck on that drive14:09
ryahi_skaprinavioria, ok doing that14:10
ryahi_skaprinavioria, how do you do that?14:10
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, select the drive; right click or something14:11
ryahi_skaprinavAll options are blacked out ioria14:11
EriC^^ryahi_skaprinav: are you selecting the drive or partition?14:11
feelextrawhat's a Snap store?14:12
lotuspsychje!snap | feelextra14:12
ubottufeelextra: Snaps are containerised software packages similar to flatpaks or appimage. For more info, see https://snapcraft.io14:12
ryahi_skaprinavEriC^^, drive14:12
EriC^^ryahi_skaprinav: you need to do it on a partition14:12
lotuspsychjefeelextra: its the store where the snap software is gathered14:12
feelextralotuspsychje: thanks you!14:13
feelextrawhich gatherings of snap software can be considered Snap Stores?14:13
feelextrais a github repositroy can be considered Snap Store?14:13
lotuspsychjefeelextra: on ubuntu you can choose to install packages from apt repos or snaps now14:13
ryahi_skaprinavEriC^^, Ofcourse I'm right clicking on partition14:14
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, exfat-fuse  exfat-utils are installed ?14:14
EriC^^ryahi_skaprinav: you just said drive, anyways nevermind14:15
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lotuspsychjefeelextra: the snapstore is just the GUI where snaps are shown14:15
lotuspsychjefeelextra: are you on ubuntu right now?14:15
feelextralotuspsychje: i am on linux mint14:15
feelextrai have snap installed14:15
feelextraand already using a couple of snap software14:15
lotuspsychjefeelextra: we dont support mint here sorry14:15
feelextrai didn't ask for support it's okay lotuspsychje14:16
ryahi_skaprinavioria, yes14:16
feelextralotuspsychje: is there a Snap store besides Snapcraft's website? i thought Snap software can be distributed anywhere.14:18
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, you said took the data from it ...but you dind't say if you wrote successfully on it bfore14:18
leftyfbfeelextra: you might be better off asking these questions in #snappy14:18
feelextraleftyfb: thank you!14:19
ryahi_skaprinavioria, yeah the data was written on it by a friend. It contains some folders written by him.14:19
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  yes, but could You write something on it before now ?14:20
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, try to change usb port14:23
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, and paste  sudo parted -l14:25
ryahi_skaprinavioria, https://pastebin.com/Hz5eFdsS14:26
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, sudo mount -v  /dev/sdb1  /mnt14:27
ryahi_skaprinavioria, waiting14:27
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,   sudo mkdir /mnt/myusb14:27
ioriaryahi_skaprinav, sudo mount -v  /dev/sdb1  /mnt/myusb14:27
ryahi_skaprinavioria, mount: special device /dev/sdb1 does not exist14:29
ryahi_skaprinavEven though my gparted shows it is there14:29
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ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  something in  'df -h' ?14:32
ryahi_skaprinavioria, https://pastebin.com/MRBhf1ES14:34
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  if not, killall your FM (caja, nautilus, nemo)14:34
ryahi_skaprinavalready done14:34
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  and ?14:35
ryahi_skaprinavioria, still the same14:36
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  do you have a windows box ?14:39
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: maybe try if you can still get data from it: sudo apt install testdisk and sudo photorec after14:40
lotuspsychjeim curious if photorec would see the usb14:40
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  try to install some HP USB Disk format tool14:40
ryahi_skaprinavI got all the data from it lotuspsychje14:40
ryahi_skaprinavok ioria14:40
ryahi_skaprinavthanks both of you14:40
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: yes i know, but would be interesting to see if photorec would be able to access it14:40
ioriaok, keep us informed14:41
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  something like this : https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/download/hp-usb-disk-storage-format-tool/14:42
ryahi_skaprinavdoing just that ioria14:44
ryahi_skaprinavioria, it is also giving write protected error14:45
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  and no switch on the device ?14:46
ryahi_skaprinavnone that i can see14:47
ioriaryahi_skaprinav,  no other ideas  sy14:48
ryahi_skaprinavok still tanks for the effort14:48
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, no photorec is not recognising the usb14:48
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: try this tool: https://www.pny.com.tw/index.php?cls=2&mode=download14:49
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, sry it did recognise14:49
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: see if you can recover data from that partition?14:50
ryahi_skaprinavi don't need data from that drive, I already copied it14:50
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: yes, you said that..this is just for testing purposes14:51
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, yes it started recovery14:52
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: hmm interesting, you can cancel it this would prove the usb is actually not dead yet14:52
ryahi_skaprinavyes, guess I will just take it to a HP store14:53
lotuspsychjeryahi_skaprinav: try that windows tool i linked you above14:53
ryahi_skaprinavlotuspsychje, will try that later thank you for your time14:55
Muliganyvyz, shouldn't require a drive if it's showing up in lspci w/the corresponding chipset (LSI2008) more than common these days14:56
tonyvickyhowto install i3wm ?15:07
MapManHi! I installed latest qt5 on my ubuntu (5.11.something). Due to compatibility I need to downgrade to qt 5.9.x. How can I do that? I more or less know how to remove existing qt5 packages, but how do I grab version specific qt packages?15:19
tarzeauMapMan: compatibility to what software?15:20
tarzeauMapMan: maybe easier to fix that software? if it's free?15:20
MapManNot really, it's a private fork of musescore.15:21
tarzeauMapMan: music notation?15:22
lordcirth__MapMan, if it's for one piece of software, you may want to consider a VM, LXC container, or systemd-nspawn.15:22
tarzeauwhich you did the fork of, or someone else?15:22
tarzeauMapMan: https://sources.debian.org/src/musescore/2.3.2+dfsg2-4/debian/copyright/ GPL says15:23
tarzeauMapMan: if you have the binary, you are entitled for the source of it too15:23
geniiWith apt-get, you specify version you want like: sudo apt-get install something=version-you-want-here15:23
MapManlordcirth__: that's a no go, the app is a part of a more complex dev env set up, I'd have to host everything in a say, VM then.15:23
tarzeaugenii: it'll be fun with multiple packages, and qt generally15:23
MapMangenii: thanks15:24
geniiMapMan: If you installed higher version from a ppa, might want to also purge that ppa from your lists so it doesn't auto-upgrade to the later version15:24
MapMangenii: Right.15:25
leftyfbor pin the ppa15:26
MapManI'll look into it. Auto-upgrade could be problematic in the future.15:26
van777Hey! What's the best way to emulate android? I've installed ANBOX, and not happy with it15:30
lotuspsychjevan777: i recently testes androidx86 iso on vbox, much better experience then anbox15:30
geniiMapMan: To prevent the auto-upgrading, use pinning as already suggested15:30
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto15:30
van777lotuspsychje: thanks!15:31
lotuspsychjevan777: http://www.android-x86.org/download15:31
MapMangenii: will do, thanks!15:31
van777lotuspsychje: did you try genymotion?15:31
lotuspsychjevan777: no sorry15:31
lotuspsychjevan777: feel free to discuss more at #ubuntu-discuss15:32
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MapMangenii: one more thing: I'm running ubuntu 18.10, which defaults to cosmic suite of packages. Bionic suite contains Qt version that I need. How can I grab the packages from bionic suite instead of cosmic?15:32
geniiMapMan: That's not a good idea.15:32
geniiMapMan: A better ( more proper) way is to add the deb-src repository of a version you want, download the source code and then build a deb15:33
leftyfbMapMan: if this setup is of any importance, I would be running it 18.04(bionic) since you'll have 5 year support on it.15:35
geniiMapMan: Also, what leftyfb says15:35
leftyfb!ohmy | MapMan15:35
ubottuMapMan: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:35
MapManAhem. True, that might be the safer way to go and also would automatically solve the qt problem15:36
leftyfbMapMan: I always stick wih LTS releases of Ubuntu and never bother with non-LTS.15:36
MapManleftyfb: there's nothing wrong with ubuntu per se here, it's that qt messed around with a lot of their headers and broke compatibility15:36
MapManbut yeah, I don't want to build qt myself15:37
zetheroowhere in Ubuntu 18.04 do you add search domain?15:41
zetherooused to be in the Network Manager but it seems it's not there anymore15:41
SimonNLipv4 setting zetheroo ?15:44
SimonNLand ipv6 setting15:45
zetherooSimonNL: nope - nothing there. It was there in 16.0415:45
pragmaticenigmazetheroo: This might work? https://askubuntu.com/a/106846815:46
SimonNLI'm on mint 19.1 ubuntu 18.04.1   networkmanager settings shows it15:47
zetherooI don't want to try all kinds of hacky stuff. I want to know what the officially supported solution is.15:47
pragmaticenigmazetheroo: That is officially supported... it's just a different interface15:47
nacczetheroo: it was removed from the gui, i think15:48
zetheroonacc: yes I know :)15:48
limboxxwhich irc client would you guys recommend? i am currently using a bare bone (not yet customized) weechat and until i find the time to set it up properly is there a good alternative?15:48
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leftyfbzetheroo: run nm-connection-editor15:49
van777limboxx: weechat is great combined with weechat-android15:49
pragmaticenigmalimboxx: This channel is focused on support type question. Please visit #ubuntu-offtopic for software recommendations15:50
limboxxpragmaticenigma: sry, i will15:50
geniilimboxx: hexchat is widely used15:51
zetherooleftyfb: interesting - but I cannot type in anything15:52
zetherooso if /etc/resolv.conf cannot be edited by hand, how are you supposed to change the information in there?16:20
geniizetheroo: the manpage for resolved.conf should give you some idea16:22
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zetheroothis all used to be so much easier :/16:24
geniizetheroo: /etc/systemd/resolved.conf is probably the only one you need to edit, in this case16:27
zetheroogenii: is editing that file supposed to make any difference in /etc/resolv.conf?16:33
zetherooin resolv.conf I have 'nameserver' .. whats that?16:35
EriC^^zetheroo: i think you need to do sudo systemctl restart resolvconf16:35
pragmaticenigmazetheroo: resolv caches dns queries locally to reduce the time it takes for repeat DNS lookups16:35
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zetherooEriC^^: I did 'sudo service systemd-resolved restart'16:36
pragmaticenigmazetheroo: This is Ubuntu 18.04?16:36
pragmaticenigmazetheroo: the command is "sudo systemctl restart ..."16:36
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pragmaticenigmazetheroo: "sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service"16:37
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zetheroo1so now I have the domain search entry in the resolv.conf, but still nothing with that domain resolves in Chrome/Firefox16:42
geniizetheroo1: Can you manually ping anything past your router?16:43
zetheroo1Here is some of my network info: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wd5D85Dbrx/16:43
zetheroo1genii: like google.com? yes16:44
zetheroo1I'll mention again (in case it got lost before while disconnecting/connecting) that this is with a VPN to my workplace16:45
zetheroo1trying to access any of the internal (site.domain.local) websites fails in the browser16:45
zetheroo1before all I had to do was add mt.local to the search in resolv.conf ... now it's still not working16:46
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sony_1anyone know a solution for the Ubuntu Login Loop? I have 16.04LTS, and now when i login with correct password, it goes to the desktop, and logs me back out17:23
pragmaticenigmasony_1: Are you able to add a new user (access TTY with Ctrl + Alt + F2) and then go to the gui login and see if it still happens?17:24
mustmodifyI have ubuntu server installed on a netbook.17:28
mustmodifyIt's 32 bit, and there apparently isn't a 32-bit version with desktop. Even if there is, I'm trying to be as lightweight as possible.17:29
mustmodifyI want to set up this netbook so when it is restarted, it'll automatically launch a web browser to a certain page. I don't need it "locked down", it'll just be in my office. Any suggestions for getting that done? Or direction?17:29
leftyfbmustmodify: there is still 32bit versions of the packages. Just not ISO's.17:29
pragmaticenigmamustmodify: Canonical is no longer releasing 32-bit install images anymore. The only way to install 32-bit is using the mini.iso release, which downloads the packages on install17:29
pragmaticenigmamustmodify: mini.iso also is the best way to install minimal system from my experience17:30
pragmaticenigmamustmodify: From there you could select the Lubuntu Minimal Desktop, and once installed, install your web browser of choice, set it up to auto-login and auto-launch the browser on startup17:31
mustmodifylubuntu minimal17:31
mustmodifyok thanks17:31
sony_1pragmaticenigma,-- yes this happens on all users, new accounts created17:41
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erle-What is the difference between libc6-amd64-x32-cross and libc6-amd64-i386-cross17:52
plutesdo you think designing a pair of Nike's for my b-day with apt get on them is a bit much?17:55
lotuspsychje!ot | plutes17:56
ubottuplutes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:56
pragmaticenigmaerle-: One is for 32bit and the other is for 64bit environments17:57
erle-pragmaticenigma, no, they are both on my AMD64 install17:58
[rg]in the dconf editor there is a setting for scale factor on com.ubuntu.user-interface17:59
[rg]what values can it take17:59
pragmaticenigmaerle-: Quick web search... the X32 allows 64bit applications to be written using 32bit pointers18:00
erle-pragmaticenigma, yes, but so does i38618:00
erle-it does not explain why there are two18:00
pragmaticenigmaerle-: Sounds like a good time to do a web search.18:01
erle-of course I did that before I asked here18:01
pragmaticenigmaerle-: https://packages.debian.org/sid/libc6-x32-i386-cross18:02
erle-I see that both packages exist in APT, and both are not dummies18:02
erle-pragmaticenigma, I see those descriptions in APT. It says that one is x32 and one is i386. It does not explain what that means.18:03
pragmaticenigmaI just told you erle-18:03
pragmaticenigmaX32 allows for 32bit pointers. x32 ABI is an application binary interface and one of the interfaces of the Linux kernel18:03
erle-is it for running 64 bit apps on a 32 bit kernel? or what does it mean?18:04
pragmaticenigmaerle-: If you want better detail than that, then find a software development channel.18:05
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erle-at least I know now it is not the same :)18:05
[rg]i see, its 'monitor': size18:06
ioriaerle-,  x32 is to use 32bit pointers on 64bit arch (but it's going to die soon, afaik)18:06
pragmaticenigma[rg]: Why not start with what you are attempting to do? It will help someone better understand what it is you're asking18:07
ioriaerle-,  btw, the two pkgs have difference sources : cross-toolchain-base-port  vs cross-toolchain-base18:07
[rg]trying to get font scaling done on mate, analagous to the gnome font scaling18:07
[rg]i dont see any direct options18:08
pragmaticenigma[rg]: That is because it's a setting not intended to be tweaked manually18:09
[rg]pragmaticenigma, it was in unity?18:09
pragmaticenigma[rg]: It appears it accept positive integers: 1 = 1.0x scaling, 2 = 2.0x scaling18:09
pacchuso whats this chat18:09
pragmaticenigma!topic | pacchu18:09
ubottupacchu: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic18:09
pragmaticenigma[rg]: scratch that18:11
pragmaticenigma[rg]: It allows you to set the scalling factor for each monitor in relation to one another. It accepts a JSON encoded string18:12
[rg]pragmaticenigma, so then I cant just scale my primary display?18:12
pragmaticenigma[rg]: To use it the format appears to be "{'DSI1': 16}" would achieve 2x scaling on the DSI1 interface18:13
[rg]yeah, im trying {'e-DP1' : 12 } but nothing, maybe a reboot18:14
pragmaticenigma[rg]: where DSI1 is the name of the connection, it could be VGA0, HDMI0, etc...18:14
[rg]i assume thats the correct display since thats what xrandr shows18:15
pragmaticenigma[rg]: Are you using the correct format? dconf write /com/ubuntu/user-interface/scale-factor "{'e-DP1': 12}"18:15
[rg]yeah, im using the dconf editor18:15
[rg]it accepted the format18:15
pragmaticenigma[rg]: After saving, it would require you to restart your session18:15
[rg]ok, gonna reboot and hope for the best :)18:16
[rg]thanks pragmaticenigma18:16
mustmodifySo I have ubuntu server installed. How do I figure out which packages I need to turn it into lubuntu desktop?18:34
[rg]seems like the scaling worked althout minal effect18:34
[rg]mustmodify, why down the the server?18:35
[rg]also there should be a lubuntu package18:35
mustmodifyI'm not sure what you're asking.18:35
mustmodifyBut I had already installed server18:35
[rg]to turn into a desktop?18:35
mustmodifyFound a 32-bit ISO18:35
mustmodifyWell... I don't really understand the minimum requirements needed to get a command prompt to minimally support xwindows18:36
mustmodifyand I kind of figured server must be a subset of desktop.18:36
pragmaticenigmamustmodify: I believe if you use the meta package it will take care of the rest: apt install lubuntu-desktop18:36
mustmodifytrying that now, thanks.18:37
[rg]there is a minial iso available btw18:38
pragmaticenigma[rg]: that's what we directed to them earlier18:38
mustmodifyWell then perhaps I just like to do things the complicated way, ever think of that?!18:39
mustmodifyI had already downloaded server even before that.18:39
pragmaticenigmamustmodify: It's your computer, you're free to do with it as you please.18:39
mustmodifyI'm just trying to get this damn radiator set up. :)18:39
[rg]pragmaticenigma, i fear i will have to force the font dpi :/18:39
mustmodifyI'll get there one day. I tried some instructions I found, ended up installing full ubuntu-desktop, then somehow it got messed up. I couldn't login to lightdm but I could login at the prompt. So I ended up reinstalling everything.18:40
[rg]i wonder if you can update old iso's with new iso's , since its just an archive18:41
BillyColeIm writing a fairly large quantity of data out to a file in rust, and it seems slower than I'm expecting/hoping.  Wondering if there's a way to optimize it further: https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2018&gist=fa1ccabe85a6a8a0d31169cb4fb788ae18:41
[rg]BillyCole what fs?18:42
pragmaticenigmaBillyCole: That sounds like a question best asked in a rust development channel.18:43
[rg]brb rebooting18:43
BillyColeI tried writing to a tmpfs file system just to be sure it was disk related. But I'm only able to write about 1GB per minute using the above code.18:44
BillyColepragmaticenigma: I can do that too, but just wasn't sure if there was a better way to do writing.  Seems that there are a lot of examples out there.18:44
pragmaticenigmaBillyCole: This channel supports Ubuntu OS... it's not a programming/software development channel.18:45
pragmaticenigmaBillyCole: It's best to find the channel that matches the topic of your inquery... you'll receive better responses in the correct forum18:45
BillyColepragmaticenigma: Ha! Sorry, my fault, the autojoin got me.  Thought I was in the rust channel18:45
relipseHi I've got Ubuntu enabled on my windows 10 box, I'm ssh'ed into a server, how do I transfer a file from that server back to my windows box?19:01
relipseI tried scp19:01
lordcirth__!wsl | relipse19:01
ubotturelipse: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide19:01
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van777relipse: you can "sudo python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80"19:08
lordcirth__That is a handy trick, if you don't need security19:08
bindirelipse: with a client like WinSCP you should be able to transfer files back and forth19:09
SimoniousI'm trying to mount a new volume..  and I'm missing a detail somewhere. This works correctly: mount /dev/vdb1 /home   But when I put it in fstab, mount -a, or mount /home both fail19:10
Simoniousblkid -s UUID -o value /dev/vdb1 4ee1be97-e112-4c20-837e-aeec097087a719:10
Simoniousfstab: LABEL=4ee1be97-e112-4c20-837e-aeec097087a7     /home           ext4    defaults        0 019:11
pragmaticenigmaSimonious: are you trying to use a second device in place of your /home directory?19:11
Simoniouspragmaticenigma: yes19:13
SimoniousI've moved home to home_old19:13
Simoniousand created an empty /home19:13
Simoniousas a mount point19:13
pragmaticenigmaI think <pass> needs to be set to: 219:14
pragmaticenigmaLABEL is also wrong19:14
rfmSimonious, when mounting by UUID use UUID=blah, not LABEL=blah19:14
pragmaticenigmaUUID=4ee1be97-e112-4c20-837e-aeec097087a7     /home           ext4    defaults        0 219:15
Simoniousrfm: cool, that solved it19:15
Simoniouspragmaticenigma: thanks19:15
gamesterHey all. You know that gdm3 cog? Where are the config files that control the entries for the cog?19:16
pragmaticenigmaSimonious: the <pass> should be set to something higher than mount point "/"19:16
Simoniouspragmaticenigma: I don't understand your last statement19:16
Simonious0 019:17
Simoniousso 0 1 then?19:17
pragmaticenigmaSimonious: If there isn't already one with 0 1... yes19:17
pragmaticenigmaSimonious: I have a swap partition so my swap is 0 0, root "/" is 0 1, and /var is 0 2 for me19:18
Simoniouswhy have swap partitions fallen out of vogue?19:18
rfmas the fstab man page says, set root to pass 1 and everything else to pass 2.19:19
Simoniousrfm: that seems to contradict stock install which defaults to 0 0 for /19:20
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rfmSimonious, never noticed that (although my 16.04 desktop install still uses pass 1, I see the server install used 0.)  For all I know the fstab pass numbers are ignored since systemd is doing the fscks now...19:27
frendaThis trick works on Windows: https://superuser.com/a/1276815/315125 to increase the width of sidebar in Firefox, but not on linux! Any idea?19:41
lordcirth__frenda, perhaps a plugin like this one? https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/sidebar_plus19:43
frendaAh, Thanks; going to try it19:44
frendalordcirth__: Same problem. It also has a width limitation!19:47
lordcirth__hmm. Sorry, dunno19:48
elfatherbrownHi guys. Anyone knows of a good source for del packages of atom.io?19:51
pragmaticenigmaelfatherbrown: This channel supports Ubuntu OS and it's supported packages. Please use alis to find an more specific channel for your question19:53
tomreynSimonious + rfm please see bug 178535419:54
ubottubug 1785354 in subiquity "/etc/fstab: fs_passno is 0 for all file systems" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178535419:54
larneehi all19:56
DeihmosOn Debian there are no updates to the packages from stable. Is Ubuntu the same?19:58
pragmaticenigmaDeihmos: Debian is a completely different distrobution. Ubuntu and Debian are both very different OS's19:59
MapManHi! I have a problem with Qt. Here's the problem explained with the error log: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YtKhWys3w9/20:01
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tomreynDeihmos: please don't cross-post on multiple channels at the same time.20:01
MapManIn short: im trying to build MuseScore but it bombs on 'make' due to Qt issue20:01
pragmaticenigmaMapMan: You should ask that question in a qt development channel20:02
MapManpragmaticenigma: will do20:03
pragmaticenigmaMapMan: You might have some luck with #ubuntu-app-devel20:03
Simoniousnext question - rsyncing a largish file.. hit ctrl-c to abort in fit of impatience at lack of feedback long term.. notice that target volume still reports more space used thought the file name is not listed..  how does one recover this phantom usage?20:08
bdonnahue1hey guys. coming from RHEL. How can I install the xwindows server on ubuntu?20:10
lordcirth__Simonious, there will be a file in the target, .filename.xxxx20:10
lordcirth__And files starting with a period are hidden. Use ls -a.20:11
lordcirth__bdonnahue1, Xorg? Do you want a window manager / desktop environment, or just Xorg?20:11
Simoniouslordcirth__: so there is, thanks20:11
bdonnahue1lordcirth__, I do not want to install a desktop env on the server. I just want to run apps over ssh connections20:12
lordcirth__bdonnahue1, I think you want 'apt install xserver-xorg', then20:12
bdonnahue1Thanks, i will give that a try20:13
leftyfbbdonnahue1: can I ask, if you need xorg, why didn't you just install the desktop version?20:14
bdonnahue1leftyfb, I was led to believe the descktop version what much "heavier" both in terms of packages being installed and the day to day footprint20:14
bdonnahue1i am not using the vm as a desktop20:15
bdonnahue1i just run desktop aps on the vm20:15
bdonnahue1gui apps*20:15
lordcirth__It's not that big of a deal for perf, but there are a lot of packages that maybe don't make sense on a server20:15
lordcirth__especially stuff that lets non-root users do stuff like reboot or mount USBs20:15
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bdonnahue1lordcirth__, ah ok thanks20:16
bdonnahue1i am trying that install command now, will post back in a min20:16
MapManOk, I'm back from #qt channel. Things got weird. I installed 'libqt5core5a' package, which contains file libQt5Core.so.5.9.5 yet the file is not where it's supposed to be.20:18
MapManthere's no such file: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5.9.520:19
leftyfbMapMan: you're not supposed to install packages from different releases. It's not something that can be supported.20:19
leftyfbMapMan: install Ubuntu 18.0420:19
MapManI am on ubuntu 18.0420:20
MapManfresh install20:20
MapManthat's the problem.20:20
leftyfbso what's the issue with the fresh install?20:20
MapManI just said what's the problem. I'm trying to install qt yet it doesn't work20:20
MapManon 18.10 I had an issue due to qt version mismatch, now qt is not recognized at all because the qt core lib is not there, even though package is installed20:21
lordcirth__MapMan, and installing the package showed no errors?20:22
leftyfbMapMan: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5.9.5 does exist when you install the libqt5core5a package. I have it20:22
lordcirth__apt-file search /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5.9.5 confirms20:22
leftyfbI also confirmed that20:22
lordcirth__MapMan, have you looked for the file in a shell, or is it just a compile tool that's telling you it doesn't exist?20:22
lordcirth__MapMan, wait a minute, double check what arch of package you installed20:23
lordcirth__dpkg -l  'libqt5core5a'20:24
lordcirth__If you somehow defaulted to installing the i386 version, it would be under a different path20:25
tomreynlooks like MapMan lost interest in this all of a sudden?20:28
lordcirth__People are busy20:29
lowkeycoat1Is ubuntu from linux deploy for Android phone coverd here?20:33
lordcirth__lowkeycoat1, you mean installing Ubuntu on an android phone? I don't think so20:34
lowkeycoat1Know of anywhere I can get some assistance? I'm really confused as to the point if I can't move files20:35
hggdhlowkeycoat1: please try #ubports20:35
lowkeycoat1Thank yoh20:36
abdulihello people20:43
lordcirth__abduli, hello, do you have an Ubuntu support question?20:44
james_brownhow do i play a dvd in ubuntu 18.04? I have tried what is suggester here ---> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2317951  but without luck20:59
lordcirth__james_brown, I don't recall having to doing anything other than installing vlc?21:01
lordcirth__Do you have libdvdread4 and ubuntu-restricted-extras installed?21:01
james_brownlordcirth__: when i play it with vlc i get this error: Playback failure: DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/sr0". Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.21:02
lordcirth__james_brown, and what does the log say?21:02
pragmaticenigmaIf the DVD is new enough, the copy protections that are used don't work with out a lot of tweaking21:02
lordcirth__Tools > Messages21:03
lordcirth__Yeah, DRM is a pain21:03
james_brownlordcirth__: the log files are not saved in the vlc folders21:05
lordcirth__james_brown, you may need to increase the verbosity under Tools > Messages, then try again21:06
phazonjames_brown: you may need libdvd-pkg which will pull in libdvdcss from vlc repos21:11
Guest53785i'm having troubles upgrading my system: " dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:  unable to open files list file for package 'bluez-cups': Bad message21:11
phazonjames_brown: sudo apt install libdvd-pkg && sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg21:12
Guest53785i've tried to apt update, upgrade, clean, autoclean, and autoremove.21:12
Guest53785dpkg -l shows that bluez-cups is "ii"21:13
Guest53785afk, sorry21:13
pipegeekhi folks!  I'm wondering: in light of cve-2019-5736, and google's urging us all to update chrome to 72.0.3626.12121:16
pipegeekI see that the latest version of chromium-browser in ubuntu lts is 72.0.3626.119 still21:16
pipegeekdoes anyone know if that version is affected, and whether we should avoid using chromium until that package is updated?21:17
lordcirth__pipegeek, that CVE is for runc, did you get the wrong one?21:19
lordcirth__You meant CVE-2019-578621:20
pipegeekI noticed that too :| but that's the CVE mentioned in the google release notification21:20
pipegeekoh oopsie doodle21:20
pipegeekyes I did.21:20
pipegeekthanks, lordcirth__21:20
pipegeeknot my day x)21:21
lordcirth__I do not see an Ubuntu or Debian page about this CVE21:21
ranndI receve a strange error on 16.04 LTS : https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4vzD9NNz7G/21:22
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ranndI may install normal packets as hexchat, etc , but when I run apt update this is the output, I haven't synaptic or other packet manager opened21:23
lordcirth__rannd, 'sudo apt install --reinstall libappstream3'21:25
hggdhthis is referred to in the CVE git for Ubuntu21:25
ranndlordcirth__, ok I run the command21:26
pipegeeklordcirth__, that seems somewhat concerning x)21:26
pipegeekbut okie doke, thanks21:26
lordcirth__hggdh, link?21:26
hggdhlordcirth__: hold on, I cloned the ubuntu-cve-tracker, now I have to find the link to it...21:27
hggdhbut Disco already has it, not yet (it seems) backported21:27
ranndlordcirth__, ok now go thx all21:27
lordcirth__Ah, https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2019/CVE-2019-5786.html21:27
lordcirth__rannd, great21:27
lordcirth__pipegeek, ^21:27
hggdhlordcirth__: https://git.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cve-tracker/tree/active/CVE-2019-578621:29
pipegeekoh!  sweet!21:29
pipegeekthanks lordcirth__ , hggdh21:29
pipegeekglad it's being tracked.  I'll go look21:29
gbellinozDoes anyone know why there's no linux-image-extra- for ?21:29
pipegeek"Priority: medium" seems at odds with "actively exploited zero-day"21:30
gbellinoz(sorry, 4.15.0-46)21:30
lordcirth__pipegeek, it requires the user to go to a malicious site, and is a package that is only on desktops, and only if people installed it21:31
lordcirth__high or crit would be, like, an openssh vuln21:31
pipegeekmakes sense!21:31
pipegeekokay, thanks all.  Good to know21:32
james_brownphazon: they were installed already21:35
shibbolethwhich vuln are you talking about?21:36
james_brownlordcirth__: so this seems to be the log https://pastebin.com/eixfPC6X21:38
phazonjames_brown: did you also run 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure libdvd-pkg' ??21:38
james_brownphazon: yup21:39
lordcirth__james_brown, if you run 'lsblk -f' does sr0 show up?21:39
james_brownlordcirth__: sr0    iso9660 170501_2015 2017-05-01-20-17-07-00               /media/james/17021:40
lordcirth__Why is it mounted?21:40
lordcirth__sudo umount /dev/sr021:40
lordcirth__And try vlc again21:40
gbellinozprobably nautilus (shakes fist)21:41
gbellinozor gnome, or unity, or I can't even keep track anymore.21:41
lordcirth__I like that in KDE, it pops up and asks21:41
james_brownlordcirth__: could u pls explain from what u understand that it is mounted and why it shouldnt be?21:41
phazonjames_brown: also might wanna try uninstalling the vlc snap package, and install vlc using plain olde apt (or apt-get, etc)21:43
lordcirth__james_brown, vlc normally reads the disk itself. Mounting a drive or CD makes the individual files show up (under /media/james/170 in this case). Reading something while it's also mounted is bad.21:43
james_brownphazon: why?21:43
lordcirth__Ah, you have snap vlc? That *should* work, but yeah, worth trying if umount doesn't help21:43
james_brownlordcirth__: i see, and why is it mounted? i certainly didnt do that manually21:43
lordcirth__james_brown, your desktop environment probably automounted it21:44
Guest53785hi sorry about that21:44
james_brownlordcirth__: can i disable that feature? it is not the best thing if i understood correctly21:44
Guest53785i'm having troubles upgrading my system: " dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:  unable to open files list file for package 'bluez-cups': Bad message21:44
lordcirth__james_brown, yeah, if you search for 'mount' in settings, there's probably a switchg21:45
Guest53785dpkg -l shows that bluez-cups is "ii"21:45
randomnick111I've installed newest available Nvidia drivers that my Gpu supports.. I'm running a decent CPU and Gpu (Intel Core i5-3330 and Gainward gtx760 phantom21:45
lordcirth__Guest53785, do you have third-party repositories enabled?21:45
phazonjames_brown: because snaps are semi-isolated and library issues such as libdvdcss may be alleviated by installing the regular package21:46
Guest53785lordcirth, let me check?21:46
Guest53785steam's repo, google chrome's, and kubuntu's backports21:47
phazonGuest53785: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | nc termbin.com 999921:47
phazonthen paste the url it gives you21:47
Guest53785i just unchecked them via "software sources"21:47
lordcirth__Guest53785, ok, so do 'apt update' to apply that, and try again21:48
james_brownphazon: i see, thanks.21:48
Guest53785https://termbin.com/vlt8 --- apt update results in same error while trying to upgrade21:49
james_brownlordcirth__: i unmounted it and i still get the errors21:50
phazonwell, that's a snap pkg for ya...21:50
lordcirth__james_brown, ok, so yeah, try the apt package21:50
MapManlordcirth__, leftyfb: sorry, I had to run, still afk. I will read the backlog and respond to all you suggested later.21:50
james_brownlordcirth__: yessir21:50
MapManappreciate the help21:50
lordcirth__Guest53785, what if you run 'dpkg --configure -a' ?21:51
Guest53785lordcirth, no output, same error while doing upgrade21:52
Guest53785"dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting: unable to open files list file for package bluez-cups21:53
Guest53785i've done a clean & autoclean21:53
james_brownlordcirth__: i still get the errors xD21:54
lordcirth__Guest53785, 'cd /var/lib/dpkg/info; ls *bluez*'21:54
lordcirth__Most likely that is the corrupt file21:54
vowlI like to modify the sudoers file that a certain user group can only mount one specific nfs share. I do not find the correct syntax21:55
lordcirth__You can rm it, then run 'apt install --reinstall; apt -f install21:55
lordcirth__vowl, that's possible, but why not mount it for them?21:55
Guest53785rm bluez-cups.list ?21:56
lordcirth__Guest53785, yes21:56
vowlIt is a shool homework. Thus I have to do the task21:56
lordcirth__it's a cached info file that probably got corrupted, and will get regenerated21:56
Guest53785should i also rm the .md5sums file?21:56
lordcirth__vowl, ah, I see21:56
lordcirth__Guest53785, shouldn't hurt21:56
Guest53785rm: cannot remove bluez-cups.list : bad message21:57
lordcirth__vowl, are they supposed to only be able to mount it in one place? (That would make sense)21:57
Guest53785rm -f gives same error21:57
lordcirth__"bad message" ??21:57
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Guest53785root@ASR970:/var/lib/dpkg/info# sudo rm -f bluez-cups.list21:58
Guest53785'rm: cannot remove 'bluez-cups.list': Bad message21:58
Guest53785i tried w/o the -f also21:58
lordcirth__Guest53785, well that's a bad sign. 'dmesg | tail'21:58
lordcirth__What filesystem is your / on?21:59
vowlthere is an fstab entry and when the user like to mount the specific nfs share the fstab will triger21:59
Guest53785root & var are on different filesystems21:59
Guest53785but dmesg | tail states " [ 2683.049269] EXT4-fs error (device sde3): ext4_iget:4784: inode #404797: comm dpkg: checksum invalid:22:00
vowlthe have to mount it only on one specific place22:00
lordcirth__Guest53785, ok, so what fs is /var using? and is it full?22:00
Guest53785 /var is not full22:00
lordcirth__Guest53785, that sounds like a corrupted filesystem. You should boot a liveCD and fsck it.22:01
lordcirth__While you're at it, check smartctl -a22:01
Guest53785it's just /var. can i nuke it while running?22:01
* Guest53785 doesn't have a live system or spare media atm22:01
lordcirth__Guest53785, maybe? I wouldn't bet on it22:01
Guest53785smartmontools not installed22:02
lordcirth__Guest53785, yeah, so you'll need a liveusb since you can't install it22:02
Guest53785it's trying at least22:02
Guest53785is smartmontools supposed to ask about postfix?22:02
lordcirth__vowl, yeah, so what you do is make the /etc/fstab entry like you normally would, but with the added option 'noauto'.22:03
Guest53785what are the dangers of nuking a running system's /var?22:03
lordcirth__Guest53785, you can use --no-install--recommends22:03
hggdhI would not nuke /var, there are important package data & configuration there22:03
Guest53785i've got plenty of space to make a new /var somewhere else22:03
lordcirth__hggdh, in this case he just wants to umount and fsck it, but I'm still leery22:04
vowllordcirht__:I have this entry in fstab22:04
vowllordcirht__:My problem is the sudoers syntax22:04
lordcirth__vowl, great. then we need to whitelist the command 'mount /mountpoint'22:04
hggdhlordcirth__: a boot via livecd would be the best way to do that22:04
lordcirth__Yeah, that's what I said22:04
Guest53785i've got enough space in /22:04
Guest53785is moving /var to a new filesystem feasible?22:05
lordcirth__Guest53785, you could, but if your hard drive is failing, shuffling all that data around isn't good22:06
Guest53785df -h -> https://termbin.com/f4qk22:07
Guest53785i've got a blank hard drive to copy the old /var to22:10
Guest53785and edit the fstab to point to the new /var instead next reboot22:11
Guest53785worth a shot?22:11
lordcirth__vowl, I believe it would be: %groupname ALL (root) /bin/mount /mountpoint22:12
lordcirth__" Groupname may, on all machines, run as root '/bin/mount /mountpoint'"22:13
lordcirth__The sudoers manpage is quite arcane22:13
lordcirth__Guest53785, if you aren't deleting anything, yeah, that's worth a shot22:15
Guest53785so dd, or should i rsync?22:15
Guest53785i really only need to write /var to a new place, right?22:16
vowlI get an syntax error  %usergroup ALL (root) /bin/mount /data22:16
Guest53785because my / partition has plenty of space for just /var22:17
Guest53785so if i mkdir /newvar & copy everything from /var to /newvar, then tell fstab that /var is no longer it's own partition?22:18
Guest53785i'm not sure which approach is best22:18
lordcirth__vowl, any detail other than 'syntax error'?22:19
lordcirth__vowl, ah, I forgot '='. %usergroup ALL=(root) /bin/mount /data22:20
lordcirth__Given that this is homework, please make sure you understand why this works.22:20
Guest53785lordcirth: I found space to move /var to a new disk. cp or rsync?22:23
Guest53785i have enough space on / to house /var, at least until I order a new disk.22:24
pipegeekGuest53785, fwiw I would rsync -a unless it was really important that it be byte-identical at the new location.  dd will copy all the empty space too.22:24
pipegeekbut either should work so long as the destination is larger than the target22:25
Guest53785pipegeek, can I rsync minus a specfic file(s)?22:25
Guest53785i'd like to not copy over things with "bluez-cups" in the name22:25
lordcirth__Guest53785, man rsync, look for --exclude22:25
pipegeekrsync is very flexible and yes you can exclude things22:25
pipegeekyup ^^ what lordcirth__ said22:25
Guest53785thanks much, going to try to move /var.22:26
vowlI think the first one was correct %user ALL=(root) /bin/mount server:/data22:27
vowlHe has the problem with server:/22:27
vowlit is an nfs share22:27
lordcirth__vowl, if you have an fstab entry, you can call 'mount' specifying either the mountpoint or the device and it should work.22:27
vowlI try22:27
lordcirth__I would generally have the user specify the mountpoint, since he needs to know that anyway. The server is a background detail22:28
Guest53785"rsync -a --exclude=bluez-cups /var /newvar" ?22:29
Guest53785am i missing anything?22:29
Sbur3I'm looking to rearrrange some stuff on my Ubuntu installation. One thing I am trying to do is to do a fsck on a partition that I have unmounted.  Fsck talks of a "dirty bit".  What is that and what should I do with that??22:29
geirhaGuest53785: it has to match the path completely22:31
lordcirth__Guest53785, --exclude '*bluez-cups*' should work22:32
Guest53785here goes22:32
pipegeekGuest53785, oh you may want to add trailing slashes to your paths.  I think as is you may end up with /newvar/var22:33
pipegeeksomeone correct me if I'm wrong22:33
Guest53785rsync: readlink_stat("/var/lib/dpkg/info/bluez-cups.list") failed: Bad message (74)22:34
Guest53785rsync error: some files/attrs were not transferred (see previous errors) (code 23) at main.c(1196) [sender=3.1.2]22:34
Guest53785how can i check to see if everything else copied22:34
lordcirth__Guest53785, you could ls -R each side and diff?22:34
james_brownlordcirth__: i still get the error messages on vlc22:34
pipegeekif you add -v (verbose) to your rsync command it'll show what's being copied22:34
lordcirth__or -v, yeah22:35
pipegeekrunning it a second time, that list should be shorter22:35
pipegeek(since most has ideally already been copied)22:35
geirhaand -n (dry-run) can be useful along with -v22:35
pipegeekbut also do ls on /newvar to make sure it looks like you expect it to22:35
pipegeekLike I said I think it might be /newvar/var right now (unless that's what you want)22:35
Guest53785it's going well so far22:35
Guest53785only file with problems was bluez-cups22:36
MapManlordcirth__: output of the command you asked me to run (dpkg -l 'libqt5core5a')22:37
MapManlordcirth__: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H69XRNs6SV/22:38
Guest53785shit. i have /var inside of /newvar22:38
lordcirth__Guest53785, that's fine, just "cd /newvar; mv ./var/* ."22:38
geirhathen rmdir var22:38
lordcirth__won't take very long, since you're only renaming, not copying22:39
james_browni cant play dvd with vlc even tho i installed all the needed packages on ubuntu 18.04, vlc gives me an error: Playback failure: Cannot play a non-UDF mastered DVD. Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.22:39
Guest53785lordcirth: run that under / as my pwd?22:39
lordcirth__Guest53785, /newvar is an absolute path22:39
pipegeekGuest53785, yup I figured22:40
Guest53785it contains all the /var files now22:40
Guest53785so rename /newvar, and tell fstab that /var is no longer it's own partition?22:40
Guest53785then i should be good, right?22:41
pipegeekGuest53785, no: cd /newvar && mv ./var/* . && rmdir ./var22:41
pragmaticenigmajames_brown: that is because the disk was burned or created using a non-standard format. There are no methods to play back a disk that isn't UDF compliant22:41
james_brownpragmaticenigma: it's a cisco icdn1 disk22:41
Guest53785i did the cd /newvar && mv ./var/* . part22:42
pragmaticenigmajames_brown: I have no idea what that means22:42
MapManlordcirth__: also to answer your earlier question: I am physically checking whether the file is there or not, it's not compiler or make complaining22:42
james_brownpragmaticenigma: cisco ccna's exercise disk, i dont think that a company like cisco makes cds that are not able to be read22:43
lordcirth__MapMan, and this is 18.04, right?22:43
pragmaticenigmajames_brown: you'd be surprised22:43
lordcirth__james_brown, they are able to be read by some players. They just aren't standards-compliant22:43
MapManlordcirth__: yes, 18.04 LTS, fresh installation from a couple of hours back22:43
james_brownlordcirth__: so which player would you suggest?22:44
pragmaticenigmajames_brown: some disks are just meant to be used only in a traditional DVD player22:44
lordcirth__Cisco does a lot of things that mostly work but don't follow standards22:44
lordcirth__I'm not sure what would read it22:44
james_brownand how can i find out what format it is?22:45
lordcirth__Well, 'file /dev/sr0' will tell you want format it *says* it is. But it's probably not compliant to any formal standard22:46
lordcirth__If it says iso9660, there's hope that some tool might read it22:46
lordcirth__too late lol22:50
MapManlordcirth__: uh, so I removed libqt5core5a (which removed A LOT of other things, unsure if things will explode now) and reinstalled back right away and lo and behold, libQt5Core.so.5.9.5 is there as it should...22:51
aidanany know which flash plugin to install for 16.2?22:51
james_brownhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_9660#Operating_system_support     here it says that linux does support iso9660 format22:52
aidanmany thanks22:52
james_browni dont understand22:52
aidanapologies wrong chat22:53
tgm4883james_brown: I'm coming into this late, but I believe the question was whether your disk actually was iso9660 compliant22:53
tgm4883not whether linux supports that standard22:53
james_brownwhat i understood is that my disk is written in the iso9660 standard22:54
lordcirth__james_brown, it claims to be, but that means little coming from Cisco22:54
pragmaticenigmajames_brown: what we are all trying to say is that if VLC won't play the disk, there is no workaround.22:55
pragmaticenigmajames_brown: It is documented in VLC that it will not playback DVD burned using the ISO9660 format22:55
tomreynwell maybe it's not a video DVD, but a data one, which can be mounted, and then it might contain video files and other data22:56
tgm4883james_brown: I might have missed this in the backlog, but out of curiosity, can you browse to the disk rather than trying to play it in VLC?22:56
lordcirth__tgm4883, it was mounted earlier22:56
james_brownpragmaticenigma: i cant find any software that does22:56
tgm4883Looking at what the disk is on Google, I'm seriously doubting it's a video disk22:56
lordcirth__So you might be able to dig the files out22:56
tgm4883It's a cert training disk, this is most likely not a video CD/DVD22:57
deadromon dual boot, can gparted move windows-C and enlarge Windows' System Reserved Partition? (and not render Windows unbootable)22:57
james_browntgm4883: then what is it?22:57
tgm4883james_brown: a data DVD22:57
tgm4883james_brown: as in, you load up whatever the training tool/documents are on the disk22:57
james_browntgm4883: i will try to mount it again and look at the files22:58
tgm4883james_brown: good idea22:58
lordcirth__deadrom, You'd probably have to correct the bootloader afterwards. Grub with os-prober would probably handle it. If not using grub, ask on #windows22:58
tgm4883james_brown: screenshot or pastebin it if you want us to take a look22:58
MapManlordcirth__: something must've gone horribly wrong with my ubuntu installation. I now had similar problem with libdouble-conversion1 - make was complaining it wasn't there. Tried to install the package, it's already there. Uninstall, install again, boom, it's working.23:09
lordcirth__MapMan, hmm, yeah, something must have been interrupted or corrupted.23:10
MapManI'm gonna do a fresh install again, as to avoid similar problems in the future (who knows what else, and in what way, will explode?)23:11
MapManlordcirth__: thanks for your help23:11
pragmaticenigmaMapMan: when I do dev work with builds, I use VMs23:11
pragmaticenigmathat way if the VM gets hosed, my main computer doesn't suffer23:11
MapManlol, I now got compiler segfault23:12
pragmaticenigmaWelcome to compiling open source...23:12
MapManpragmaticenigma: I'm dual booting, exactly for that purpose. I was using xubuntu vm before but I need the performance + vm was causing problems of its own23:12
MapManit's funny in a way because last time I extensively used linux env was about 10 years ago, running slack on my laptop23:13
MapManand I'm having exactly the same kind of problems I did back then23:13
MapMansuch as installer breaking MBR23:14
MapMananyway, see you soon after I reinstall ;)23:14
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Guest74103Hey, I had the messed up /var earlier23:44
Guest74103I wanted to say that after copying /var to a new place, I was able to reboot and fsck the older /var. Everything seems to work.23:45
Guest74103I had to reboot twice to get a working desktop, and networking somehow was dead during, but after the fsck apt worked well.23:46
Guest74103'Twas a wild ride, thank you for helping me through it!23:46

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