[02:08] @channel: I want to bring this to everyone's attention so that everyone knows what's going on. There's a lot more people in this channel than we have contributors, for reasons that I don't know. Either way, I want to show you all this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2019-March/002428.html [02:09] And that is about as public as I'm going with it at this time. [08:05] Hi Eickmeyer, thank you first for showing us the mail [08:06] I just wanted to say that while watching the different packages, this one https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-menu indicates "A custom menu for menu based desktop environments, such as XFCE, KDE and KXDE." => KXDE instead of LXDE, am I right ? [08:14] On this package also, I wonder if it is intented to support Mate DE ? If yes, I wonder if it would be difficult to rely on some projects like Librazik (french audio distribution based on Debian, available in English) with the librazik-mate-menu package for example which does a really good job. [08:18] There's a lot more people in this channel than we have contributors, for reasons that I don't know. >>>I can maybe give you one possible answer : mine. I'm interested in following Ubuntu Studio's developement. Ubuntu Studio was my first Gnu/Linux distribution 4 years ago, it wasn't really stable on my computer at this time, I look forward to be able to use it as a well integrated toolkit on my Ubuntu Mate [08:19] I also hope to be able to help, but by now, I don't have the time and skills to be able to help in packaging for instance [08:23] ubuntustudio-menu is an xdg complient menu enhancement. Any de that follows the xdg standard should have no problem using it. I will note that a number of stock menu spec files are broken. [08:25] This includes gnome2 probably gnome 3 as well, lxde etc. It is a very small fix, but has been rejected by most maintainers. I will note that KDE is one of the few that gets it right. [08:25] Hi OvenWerk1, I try to install the package on my Ubuntu Mate but it doesn't work... [08:25] Mate change a lot of thing including names this gnome2 [08:25] changed* [08:27] The xdg standard states that the system config should not keep the user config from changing things, but they pull in user configs first then set up styling after :P Just moving one statement fromthe top of file to the bottom normally fixes this [08:27] If mate does follow the standard, it is hard to make something that will work with it. [08:28] *doesn't [08:28] I don't know what they do or not ^^' I'm not really skill on this subject [08:29] The general move has been away from menus anyway... towards a pile of icons like a phone. [08:29] There's a lot more people in this channel than we have contributors, for reasons that I don't know. >>> Eickmeyer, I'm also interested in software testing, I looked around the documentation avaible but it seems to have a lot of outdated things, it is really difficult to get a global picture on what is done and not...also, testing software and testing a distribution is kind of different job I guess [08:30] Anyway after midnight here, so I am off to bed. [08:30] OvenWerk1: I'm a bit oldfashioned I guess :p [08:30] Good night so ! [08:30] I like a good menu. [08:30] It's morning here [08:31] I guess 0030 is morning too .. [08:31] you're right :o [16:24] OvenWerk1, Akberid_taf: -menu works in the standard menu in MATE, but Brisk Menu doesn't comply with xdg standards, so it gets messed up pretty bad. [18:12] @Rosco2 [ Carla, grub-theme & installer], @tsimonq2 This message is what I was referencing. [20:46] cyphermox: You around? [21:17] OvenWerk1: Eickmeyer: etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/studio.menu has a very ugly mix of tabs and spaces in indentation. I can upload it as is now, but please fix stick to some one way of indentation for the next version. [23:19] Eickmeyer: how can I help? [23:19] I was on holiday today, but I can haz a look :) [23:49] cyphermox: If you want to take a look at Carla, feel free. mitya57 would probably appreciate it, he was going to look at it tomorrow, but if I can get more than one sponsor I'd be super stoked. [23:49] Alphabetically, it's the first in the list I sent you.