[00:46] Unit193, guessing that means if we put one together, we could move it along? [00:53] I believe he wanted something a little less manual, but I've had http://paste.openstack.org/show/MpLwGUyhnuW4q27DrsIY for a while now. [01:38] Unit193, I seem to be unable to join #debian-xfce... did it move or something strange? [01:38] or am I there and my client is being funky [01:38] You're not identified, it is +r [01:39] oh [01:39] dang [01:55] Unit193, I think that migration script seems reasonable [02:00] It's not the fastest, and I'd add vars so one can switch direction too. "Problem" is that it doesn't import the first time you use the xfconf backend, soo.. [02:00] * Unit193 shurgs. [16:16] Hi Xubuntu friends! Ubuntu Studio is in danger of disappearing as a flavor. See https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2019-March/002428.html We need help, desperately, and it has to be a MOTU at this time.