
n-iCe how you doing02:14
MeadI'm doing great, just quaffed some whiskey02:15
lubotfranksmcb was added by: franksmcb03:32
lubot<tsimonq2> Welcome to the qlub, @franksmcb!03:33
lubot<franksmcb> Thanks.  Funny the spots I find you in 😁03:35
stvnstckhello hello04:54
stvnstckquick question. how do you completely reset the panel?04:55
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cdoublejjstvnstck which panel07:38
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== skm is now known as skm_ibmr50e
skm_ibmr50eYo. You messed up in Lubuntu 18.10. When I press Super key, it allows me to search for programs and options, right? But when I press Alt the menu disappears, and I have to press Alt to use diacritical marks to search for stuff which has them; eg. when I type 'kol' it won't find records like 'kól' and i can't input 'kól' because Alt makes Super menu hide. Fix it!!17:46
=== skm is now known as skm_ibmr50e
wxlyou can easily fix it17:52
wxljust go into shortcuts and remove the definition for the super key17:52
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest40890
wxlor re-assign it17:52
wxlor are you saying the issue is that no matter what the alt key messes with the search?17:53
skm_ibmr50eI switched 'show/hide menu' shortcut to ctrl+escape and now neither work17:54
skm_ibmr50eyeah, @wxl, when I press Control or Alt during search the menu just hides and recent window is activated17:55
skm_ibmr50eshortcut reassigning didn't work17:55
skm_ibmr50esound like lxqt issue so I guess I should hit them up, not you17:56
wxlit's there in 19.04, too17:56
wxli don't see any issues upstream on the subject17:57
skm_ibmr50ewhat's their github so I can issue it?17:57
wxlthis is likely a lxqt-panel issue https://github.com/lxqt/lxqt-panel/issues17:58
skm_ibmr50eyeah, lxqt-panel and menu widget17:58
skm_ibmr50ethanks wxl imma describe it for them17:58
wxlskm_ibmr50e: could you drop me a line when you get that filed?17:59
skm_ibmr50eyea sure17:59
muzzhi all20:58
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK
=== BrianG61UK_ is now known as BrianG61UK

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