
cyphermoxlist where?00:43
studiobot<Eickmeyer> Did you not get my email? Doesn't matter, but https://launchpad.net/carla00:44
Eickmeyercyphermox: ^00:44
cyphermoxsorry I haven't looked at email all day00:46
EickmeyerI don't blame you if you're on holiday.00:46
cyphermoxjust finished cooking dinner00:46
* Eickmeyer needs to cook dinner too00:46
EickmeyerBut first I need to know when my wife will be home00:47
EickmeyerEither way, with Carla, Ross signed-off on it, but it needs sponsorship & upload.00:48
EickmeyerEventual goals are to get it into Debian.00:48
Eickmeyercyphermox: Sorry I didn't catch that one. Need anything from me? And thanks for doing this. 02:14
Eickmeyercyphermox: Do you need me to make that change?02:52
cyphermoxnah, it's fine02:53
cyphermoxI mean, both of you need to eventually have upload rights02:53
cyphermoxit will go much better if you can do everything and your name ends up in the signature though02:54
cyphermoxie. the -- <name> <email>  part02:54
cyphermoxI've uploaded02:54
cyphermoxI see grub-themes-ubuntustudio also is in NEW now02:55
Eickmeyercyphermox: Yes, and it's in the new queue alreday.02:56
cyphermoxI see you also have some uploads for ubuntustudio-specific packages02:57
EickmeyerThat one was all me, just forked from an existing one.02:57
EickmeyerYes. Once grub2-themes-ubuntustudio is though, then -look can be uploaded.02:58
cyphermoxwell, it's very few things so far, but we'll get there :)02:58
EickmeyerAnd once -look is through, that should be it.02:58
cyphermoxwhat's -look?02:58
EickmeyerIt's the theming.02:59
cyphermoxoh, I see02:59
Eickmeyermitya57 did a ton of stuff earlier.02:59
cyphermoxI don't think you necessarily need to wait to upload the the review queue though02:59
cyphermoxwhat about ubuntustudio-installer?02:59
cyphermoxah nevermind, I see it landed03:00
EickmeyerBasically, I used https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio as a checklist of sorts, with the ones marked "critical" as the bugs on the packages needed.03:01
cyphermoxyeah, it's just that this makes it a little hard to track for sponsoring :)03:01
EickmeyerSo, with Carla in the queue, do you want to change the bug to "fix committed" then?03:02
Eickmeyercyphermox: I get that, which is why I marked them "fix released" when they went through, eliminating them from that list.03:02
cyphermoxthe ubutnu studio task, right?03:03
cyphermoxyou don't already have access to toggle that?03:03
EickmeyerI do. I'll do it.03:03
cyphermoxit's fine, I did03:03
cyphermoxjust making sure you also have what you need for non-upload tasks03:03
cyphermoxwait, what's in grub2-themes-ubuntustudio?03:04
EickmeyerA grub theme, just like grub2-themes-ubuntu-mate but themed for Ubuntu Studio.03:04
Eickmeyermitya57 uploaded it unchanged.03:05
EickmeyerWaiting on it to clear before ubuntustudio-look can get uploaded.03:06
cyphermoxwell, that's why I was asking03:07
cyphermoxI'm not sure why one depends on the other03:07
EickmeyerThere's a metapackage in -look I made for retheming which depends on that.03:07
cyphermoxI see03:09
cyphermoxyou might want to remove it from plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio itself then03:09
cyphermoxseems very unrelated ;)03:09
cyphermoxbut for ubuntustudio-branding-common being a metapackage I agree03:09
EickmeyerFor the plymouth theme, it needs to be a dependency because the plymouth theme slaves the grub theme in the alternates when installed.03:10
cyphermoxok, I see the file03:10
cyphermoxno clue how this works then03:10
EickmeyerI would've wrapped them all into -look if the grub theme weren't a fork of another project.03:11
cyphermoxI would have probably put the .grub file in the grub2-themes-* packages03:12
cyphermoxIIUC it's just a file that will get dropped in palce in /etc/grub.d or something03:13
EickmeyerI just went with how Ubuntu MATE did it.03:13
cyphermoxhuh, it's not even that03:14
EickmeyerSo, on a related note, how long does it usually a new package like that to clear the queue?03:14
cyphermoxit's anyone's guess, really03:15
cyphermoxI mean, it depends on having an archive admin that will review the package manually, so if it's a big package it takes longer03:15
cyphermoxand it depends on how busy they are in general03:16
cyphermoxit often can go slightly faster if you ping people in #ubuntu-release ;)03:16
EickmeyerI'll go ahead and do that for the grub theme then. Carla isn't nearly as imperitive.03:16
Eickmeyerimperative? idk spelling...03:17
cyphermoxwow; ok, the .grub file is a convoluted setup with 05_debian_theme to hook that part into the rest of the grub config. I had never looked at that part of grub before03:17
EickmeyerYeah. Grub is... yeah...03:18
cyphermoxwell, I still don't understand how that piecing works03:19
cyphermoxbut grub is kind of supposed to be my job, so I should figure it out ;)03:20
EickmeyerOh! Well, I can say that, if you take a look at the Ubuntu plymouth theme, that it has similar grub file that is slaved when installed in the alternatives. Basically, the idea is to theme grub to whatever plymouth is doing.03:21
Eickmeyerupdate-alternatives symlinks it depending on the alternative selected for the plymouth theme.03:21
EickmeyerThat gets called at some point by grub during the grub-mkconfig process.03:22
* Eickmeyer did a little bit of grub theming in a former life03:22
cyphermoxsure, but nothing in the grub code is looking at those files, at least that I can find03:23
EickmeyerOh, weird.03:23
cyphermoxI think we're looking at old stuff from grub103:24
EickmeyerHuh. Stuff that somehow survived?03:24
* Eickmeyer wonders if it's documented somewhere03:25
cyphermoxsame grep fails everywhere03:29
cyphermoxso it's not grub1, it might have been stuff that was once patched in, but eventually rotted away03:30
cyphermoxI'll sleep on it, and ask cjwatson in the morning03:30
cyphermoxit's worth checking that out as it might help fixing some flicker issues...03:30
cyphermoxor we dropped it because it caused flicker ;)03:31
EickmeyerWell, thanks for all your help, and have a good sleep! I owe you a steak dinner if you ever come to the Seattle area.03:32
EickmeyerOh, and would you mind sponsoring my PPU application?03:32
cyphermoxI'll have a look in the morning if you don't mind03:34
cyphermoxI'll open it up here so it's the first thing I see when I log in03:34
EickmeyerSounds great. :)03:35
cyphermoxis it on purpose, rights to the specific packages and not the ubuntustudio packageset?03:35
EickmeyerIt's for the ubuntustudio packageset and Carla, even though I put the entire packageset outlined in my app.03:36
cyphermoxwe're talking about different things I think03:36
EickmeyerMust be.03:36
cyphermoxyou're looking for the ubuntustudio-* packages in your application03:36
EickmeyerYes, plus Carla (and the grub theme, even though it doesn't follow that wildcard).03:37
cyphermoxbut there's a formal packageset for all of ubuntustudio (everything that lands on the images)03:37
cyphermoxwhich I think is what slangasek / the TechnicalBoard are really concerned with03:37
EickmeyerYeah, I wasn't going for that much, but if that's what I should be applying for, then I'll go ahead and amend my app. It hasn't been officially submitted yet.03:37
cyphermoxEickmeyer: you're in PST right?03:40
cyphermoxoh, but you'll likely be busy in the mornings03:40
cyphermoxhold on a minute03:41
EickmeyerYes, I'm in PST, but aside from getting my son out the door to school on weekdays, I'm not currently employed.03:41
EickmeyerOn purpose.03:43
cyphermoxok, well, my idea was that if we could have a very quick hangout with just the right people we could make sure we're all on the same page re: upload rights03:46
cyphermoxI /think/ what Steve was saying is that you guys should have access to the seed-based packageset we call ubuntustudio; that's a different thing than the packages being named "ubuntustudio-*" and carla and a few others03:47
EickmeyerRight. As far as I know, we do have access to update the seed (at least Ross does).03:47
cyphermoxyes, you do03:48
cyphermoxwell, you really should if you don't already have that access :)03:48
EickmeyerBut, you're saying everything the seed calls upon.03:48
EickmeyerOkay, that makes sense. The term packageset was thrown around more than individual packages, so I'm pretty sure you're right.03:50
cyphermoxit's really to mean a pre-defined list that contains what you have in the seed04:06
cyphermox(so you can fix things for ubuntustudio generally by uploading directly, not being limited to just what's called 'ubuntustudio-*')04:07
EickmeyerYes, that makes sense. Really, everything else is outside of our scope (more upstream than anything), but I see the need to be able to override an upstream package.04:08
cyphermoxI'm not sure what you mean by that04:24
cyphermoxI was referring to say, fixing a bug in xfce4-flargle because it doesn't flargle quite right when using in ubuntustudio04:24
cyphermox(which is fair, as long as you take care that it then doesn't flargle wrong for other users, say, on xubuntu)04:25
cyphermoxand now, I really must be off to bed04:25

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