
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Ever played with guacamole, @KMyers03:38
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> ?03:38
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @AdamOutler, Yes. I had embedded it in my next cloud. It is currently broken though on my server03:39
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> i just built it03:39
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> It requires a client and a server?03:39
floridagram-bot<KMyers> The web UI is the client and the VNC/RDP/SSG server on the boxes you want to connect is the server03:40
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> I just set up LDAP, this is going to be a good use for it.03:42
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> Yep, it's borked03:50
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> i can't get it to install, now I have a 1/2 installed broken app.03:50
floridagram-bot<RazPi> TIL the Pythagorean theorem is just a dot product08:56
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers trying a new coffee10:25
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> 6 pivotal moments in open source history | Opensource.com … https://opensource.com/article/18/2/pivotal-moments-history-open-source12:05
floridagram-bot<RazPi> ooh this looks like a good article thank you12:11
floridagram-bot<AdamOutler> This stuff was in Linux Plus course12:25
floridagram-bot<KMyers> https://youtu.be/euRoAjCRdOg14:30
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @RazPi14:30
floridagram-bot<KMyers> And @Ivoriesablaze14:30
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I fell for that14:34
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Hard 😭14:34
floridagram-bot<KMyers> I figured you would14:34
floridagram-bot<RazPi> @KMyers you gonna be free during the week?16:12
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Weekend?16:12
floridagram-bot<RazPi> after weekend16:12
floridagram-bot<RazPi> So mon-fri16:12
floridagram-bot<KMyers> It depends on when, what's up?16:12
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Just considering crashing over there at some point (maybe weekend not sure) to study and take a break from dealing with apple's deep linking hell16:13
floridagram-bot<KMyers> I am not sure if that is a good idea. That room is packed with stuff with my step father in town. I don't even know where the bed is to be honest16:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Oooh ok, no worries then16:14
floridagram-bot<RazPi> I'm feeling a little bit of cabin fever lately16:15
floridagram-bot<KMyers> I am up for doing something to take a break. I need one16:16
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Badly16:16
floridagram-bot<RazPi> Might be able to do something tonight or tomorrow16:24
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Let me know. I am also in the same boat now that I no longer have a desk16:24
floridagram-bot<Abrerr> @KMyers, At work?16:29
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @Abrerr, Yes. I had to clean out my deak16:30
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Deak16:31
floridagram-bot<KMyers> I took the opportunity to give up my desk after 13 years and work from home full time. I still need to go to the office on occasion but not as often as I used to16:33
floridagram-bot<KMyers> Maybe every 2-3 weeks, nothing set in stone but some meetings are best done in person16:34
floridagram-bot<Ivoriesablaze> You love leading in with , " they told me to clean out my desk," don't you16:34
floridagram-bot<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze, I do, it was fun to tell that to @Panzer_III :)16:35

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