
netritioushello infocop411 :D00:43
netritiousand Unit19300:43
netritioushow are things Unit193? I see cyberanger is here. Guess your threats for litigation worked lol00:44
Unit193Wrong u<tab> :P00:50
netritiousnah, ZachGibbens has a few aliases, not saying Unit193 is one of them is that's what you're thinking?00:53
netritious*is that00:53
netritiousjust ordered one of those HPE 10" square servers with an opteron and broadcom nics...trying to avoid intel anything atm.01:02
Unit193< Ubik> considering litigation against cyberanger01:03
Unit193Not meeee.  One of my alts is JackFrost, was at the time.01:03
Unit193Hah, alrighty.01:03
netritiousoh you are right, that was Ubik01:04
* netritious confessess that he has always got you two mixed up lool01:05
netritiousyou still use Ubuntu Unit193?01:05
Unit193Never really used Mainbuntu, but did and do use Xubuntu as well as Ubuntu server (I appear to be co-project lead on Xubuntu. >_>)01:11
netritiousoh yeah, forgot about that...think at some point in time I d/l and was trying a build you were working on01:26
Unit193Sounds like 'Xubuntu Core'01:28
UbikYeah, he's "here" but never see him talk, lol01:31
Unit193To be fair, few people do.01:31
netritiousI'm sure life just happened. He was a teenager when I first started hanging out here 10 years ago.01:35
netritiousfeeling a bit ancient atm heh01:35
netritiousback then I think w4ett? was LoCo POC, then pace-t-zulu, then cyberanger.01:42
Unit193Fun part: The reason I wandered into this channel was due to a bot, I still run that bot...01:44
Unit193Hah, no.  I don't run that either.  You guys way back when used rbot for something, I still actually have rbot. :301:46
Unit193(In fact, it's spitting out feeds for -news and #xubuntu-devel)01:46
UbikHe used to work for me back in the day :P01:47
Unit193rbot is still better with RSS than Limnoria, and has a reeeally handy way to feed it stuff from the terminal, so nice in scripts. :301:48
netritiousbeing lazy, but ruby or python?01:49
Unit193rbot is Ruby, Limnoria is python.01:49
Unit193(Meetingology, ubottu, drone, etc are all limnoria.)01:50
netritiousok cool, didn't know that.01:51
Unit193Err, ubottu is supybot/py2.  Anyway, not that anyone cares.01:53
netritiousheh took the golang tour. really bored with PHP. think maybe a bot would make a good first project. Actually have a minimal channel controller written in PHP. Unfinished though.01:55
Unit193Ugh, yeah don't do php bots...01:55
netritiouslol for sure01:55
netritioussingle thread nightmares with a while loop....at least I put it into a class struct and just called funcs form the loop. It was ok for what it did.01:56
Unit193(That's what the ol' floodbots of #ubuntu were...)01:56
netritiousoh jeez that;s terrible. I have just always liked socket programming. I have no idea why. Have written stuff in perl, python, php, hell even c++ and delphi/turbopascal lol01:58
netritiousthere was this insanely stupid use case where a user had to update info locally all day, and could only upload at night. brackets for tournaments kind of thing. anyway, written in delphi in 2006, is still in use today. GUI, server, and client, all in one executable.02:01
netritiousserver "served" an inline, editable HTML doc using an MS HTML component. Client was GUI, and another client for pushing to the server with a POST request.02:03
netritiouswas fun learning about multi threading.02:05
ZachGibbensnetritious: was pace-t-zulu PoC? (I remember w4ett, and we kinda split regions under him, but some point everything just sorta faded)02:09
Unit193ZachGibbens: Yeah, though it might have been regional.02:09
ZachGibbensUnit193: Good ol Voiceopia, think I saw the car at BHB awhile back, kinda shocked by that.02:11
ZachGibbensSorry, that was for Ubik ^ (bad tab complete)02:12
netritiousZachGibbens: I think he was maybe interim PoC? idk, was a loooong time ago.02:12
netritiousSo how are you bud? recd memo heh02:13
ZachGibbensThat could be, also either Ubik was joking on the litigation or he's just taking forever and a half to file. (I'd guess the former)02:14
ZachGibbensI'm alright, still trying for IT, factory job ties me up, girlfriend in another country gets a lot of my time too.02:15
ZachGibbensUsually mon-fri 8 hours, pulled a 12 today02:16
ZachGibbensHow are you netritious02:16
netritiousDoing good ZachGibbens. FINALLY left that stupid vape shop gig. Ugh. Mostly good people, but think it's ok to run a business on pirated sw ftw02:19
netritiousyou left me a memo on memoserv02:20
ZachGibbensAh, wonder when.02:21
ZachGibbensUnfortunately, memoserv doesn't have a sent folder (some things email got right, spam wasn't one of them.)02:21
netritioushmmm, think it was last year.02:22
netritiousmaybe mid last year-ish? something like that. you just said sorry that you kept missing me :D02:23
netritiousvapeshop: Can you make us PCI-DSS compliant? Me: sure. see right here where you need basic firewall at each store? vape shope: yeah, but I'm not doing that.02:25
ZachGibbensIRC and Timing eh02:25
netritiouspretty much how everything went.02:25
netritiousfor 3-1/2 years heh02:25
ZachGibbensUgh, that's just sad.02:25
ZachGibbensbasic firewall, they're pretty nondescript on that too. DD-WRT with iptables counts.02:26
netritiouspay was meh and I had tons of freedom otherwise. also wholesale pricing on everything.02:26
netritiouswrote a lot of OP code, automated a few metric tons of operations, built their web stack from the ground up, etc. was fun most of the time.02:28
netritiousold family friend made a joke about me coming to learn how to build houses. seriously considering it.02:30
ZachGibbensThat'd be something different.02:31
ZachGibbensI've considered moving for IT jobs, atm waiting and debating paying for vouchers for tests02:31
netritiousgot an offer from MD, civilian job but company contracted by NASA for 30 years. another old friend works there now, but I really don't like ice and snow heh, and neither would my wife02:32
netritiouss RA02:32
netritiousthere are some other familial things tying me up here too.02:36
ZachGibbensAh, I chase winter storms (budget allowing) so ....02:38
netritiouswell heck, let me see if I can dig up the job link...brb02:39
netritiousjust promise me if you get hired you'll be a reference when the time comes lol02:39
netritiousgoddard AFB02:41
Ubiklook who's here!02:41
netritiousand if you go for it let me know, will try to put in a word for you with my bud.02:41
UbikZachGibbens: hah, BHB...was that at night?02:41
ZachGibbensI think so02:42
ZachGibbensThanks, I'm looking a little closer to the GF atm02:43
netritiousah k02:43
ZachGibbensUbik: unfortunately, just in time for afk and sleep.02:43
netritiouswas nice chatting with you ZachGibbens! leave a memo anytime, I'm bound to to get it eventually :D02:44
ZachGibbensLol, will do, best of luck netritious02:45
netritiousu2 ZachGibbens02:46
netritiousso, I obtained all the top distros, all the *nix. figured it was time to refresh.02:57
netritiousthink I'll just start alphabetically...02:58
netritiousexcept mint, not a fan of the desktop or security ops, and forewent freebsd this go around, said state of affairs with the CoC drama.03:24
Unit193Always best to ignore Mint, yes.  Debian is good.04:06
netritiousyeah I like Debian. It really is the universal os. I've been able to install it on some exotic hardware that definitely wasn;t meant for it heh04:28
netritiousAlso had a really nice setup for KVM. It was when I was exploring alternatives to VMware. I did something, knew better, broke my system. Could never get it back the way it was. So many mistakes learned the hard (mostly stupid) way.05:08
netritiousha found my notes from that project... something about apt-get update && apt-get -f upgrade && apt-get --purge autoremove, as root, there was a kernel upgrade, couldn't figure out how to recover, backups weren't fresh enough, abandoned for LxC/LXC on ubuntu server.06:05
ZachGibbensKVM isn't bad (I've used it) however apt can do some odd things21:45

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