ikonia | what do you mean how is it built ? | 00:00 |
OerHeks | sources are easy to find, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gstreamer | 00:01 |
black_13 | OerHeks: when you build by source does that give you debug information of am I wrong on that | 00:07 |
OerHeks | yes, if you installed the dbg packages https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages | 00:10 |
OerHeks | build essentials do that, no? | 00:10 |
black_13 | OerHeks: I dont know does it | 00:19 |
kantlivelong | jeez. conky configs are hard to find. i'm too lazy to write them anymore | 00:25 |
OerHeks | 2344 pages, longest tread on the forum https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=281865&page=2344 | 00:27 |
kantlivelong | OerHeks: hah nice | 00:27 |
OerHeks | or maybe the bug1 discussion is larger | 00:28 |
korzq | Is their a way to have Ubuntu live Persistence w/ LUKS encryption | 00:36 |
pragmaticenigma | korzq: no, support for booting from USB flash with multiple partitions isn't reliable | 00:39 |
korzq | ok, but kali can do it.. | 00:40 |
pragmaticenigma | then use kali | 00:40 |
Tyrandis | yeah thats greatr | 00:40 |
korzq | but kali dont like apt addrepo | 00:40 |
Woet | despite using livepatch to avoid rebooting for kernel updates, there's still nearly weekly a "** Reboot required **" due to security updates | 00:41 |
Woet | last week it was ssl, now it's linux-base. is there any way to avoid rebooting while applying these patches? | 00:41 |
OerHeks | Woet, basicly no. | 00:42 |
Woet | livepatch seems a bit pointless then | 00:42 |
OerHeks | if you have livepatch enabled, it secures 1 reboot | 00:42 |
Woet | right | 00:42 |
OerHeks | so you will need to reboot after al, but on your time | 00:42 |
tgm4883 | Woet: I would think that restarting just the necessary services is all that is needed | 00:42 |
Woet | tgm4883: well, with packages like "linux-base", I don't think that's an option | 00:43 |
duoi | so im running ubuntu on a docker container | 00:44 |
duoi | and all of the cron job executions seem to get logged | 00:44 |
duoi | any way i can stop that from happening? | 00:44 |
tgm4883 | Woet: as OerHeks suggested, livepatch works once | 00:44 |
pragmaticenigma | korzq: You can try and follow this article, but I think you'll be on your own: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/6o35ef/live_usb_ubuntu_encrypted/ | 00:44 |
duoi | https://dpaste.de/w78v this is what im putting into my crontab | 00:45 |
tgm4883 | Woet: for everything else, just restart the service | 00:45 |
korzq | pragmaticenigma: thanks! ill look into it | 00:46 |
duoi | and this is how the logs end up looking: https://dpaste.de/qXUq | 00:46 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: I'm not sure there is a way to silence the one item, without silencing all of crontab. Seeing as this looks like a production system, I don't think you're going to want to do that | 00:48 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: If it were me, I'd write my own scheduler on a loop with a one minute sleep | 00:48 |
duoi | pragmaticenigma i dont mind silencing all of crontab. its not doing much of anything besides those two entries. | 00:49 |
duoi | (that im interested in) | 00:49 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: I don't see anything in the documentation to silence it. Is there any particular reason you wish to have it silenced? | 00:52 |
duoi | pragmaticenigma as you can see, its turning the error logs into noise. | 00:52 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: I have jobs on my servers running just as frequent. When something goes wrong, I'm incredibly grateful that the logs have all that so I can figure out what went wrong | 00:54 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: I think I found an idea that might work... but I'm not sure how to use the syntax you used for editing crontab | 00:56 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: You can try this, edit with "crontab -e" https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Q6WqxVzdBH/ | 00:58 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: From the documentation, LOGNAME is supposed to be how you can override the log file being written to. As written, this will send the log output to /dev/null... then when your operations are complete, change it back to syslog. It is important to reset back to syslog so other jobs that need to log there, will still do so | 00:59 |
pragmaticenigma | even if it is the last operation in your cron schedule | 01:00 |
duoi | pragmaticenigma hmm ill look into it, thanks | 01:06 |
justthedoctor | im running an hp stream laptop with a 32 gb eMMC storage device, is it poosible for me to use a sdhc card and usb drive to boot and dual boot ubuntu? | 01:06 |
rfm | pragmaticenigma, where did you find this use of LOGNAME documented. When I read the crontab(5) man page the only ref to LOGNAME I see is to the envar that holds the username | 01:07 |
duoi | justthedoctor depends if your BIOS lets you use the emmc to boot | 01:07 |
justthedoctor | well the emmc is the MAIN harddrive in the laptop | 01:07 |
duoi | oh, i misread then | 01:08 |
justthedoctor | i was wondering if i could use a usb thumb drive to make bootable ubuntu install and use a inserted sdhc card, to install linux to then dual boot windows 10 / ubuntu with that | 01:08 |
duoi | if youre able to boot from the SDHC card, then the answer is yes | 01:08 |
duoi | check to see if you can see it in your BIOS | 01:09 |
pragmaticenigma | rfm: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/crontab.5.html | 01:10 |
pragmaticenigma | rfm: I did preface with "might work" | 01:11 |
pragmaticenigma | duoi: re-reading... looks like my idea isn't going to work... LOGNAME would need to be placed elsewhere that would be system wide | 01:14 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
spq__ | hi, i have a problem - i added russian language to gnome - now i rebooted and i think my layout is also changed during luks password prompt, how to fix? | 01:56 |
spq__ | s/language/keyboard layout/ | 01:56 |
duoi | spq__ are you able to get an onscreen keyboard up? | 01:59 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
spq__ | duoi, during luks password prompt? if you tell me how... | 01:59 |
spq__ | i am not sure something like that exists? | 01:59 |
spq__ | grub still uses english, i can change kernel boot params | 02:00 |
spq__ | also, somehow init=/bin/sh in the linux line (grub edit screen) does not work as expected, how do i get a shell without any init script f*cking up my keyboard layout? | 02:04 |
=== Ayah is now known as auggies | ||
=== auggies is now known as Ayah | ||
spq__ | nobody? | 02:19 |
Ayah | Somebody :3 | 02:20 |
Ayah | May I ask wat you're trying to accomplish? Install a new grub? | 02:21 |
spq__ | "i added russian language to gnome - now i rebooted and i think my layout is also changed during luks password prompt, how to fix?" | 02:21 |
Ayah | Ah | 02:21 |
Ayah | My bad | 02:21 |
Ayah | So, you're trying to change it from the rescue menu? | 02:22 |
spq__ | i try to change it, from whatever | 02:22 |
spq__ | i try to get a shell or something | 02:23 |
spq__ | or disable the keayboard changing | 02:23 |
Ayah | IF you were to boot and get into a terminal from the desktop, would your keyboard prink russian or english letters? | 02:24 |
spq__ | how do i boot into a shell? init=/bin/sh in grub edit menu linux ... line does not work, it still asks for password | 02:24 |
Ayah | Press shift as soon as the grub menu hits (a moment of a _ ) | 02:24 |
Ayah | Then second menu item should be rescue | 02:25 |
spq__ | Ayah: i don't understand what you mean, i cant enter my password in the luks password prompt because i only produce cyrilic when pressing keys | 02:25 |
Ayah | Then go to root | 02:25 |
Ayah | Ah | 02:25 |
Ayah | What about the menu in the desktop enviornment. ISn't there icons? | 02:25 |
spq__ | full disk encryption! no desktop environment! | 02:26 |
spq__ | LUKS | 02:26 |
Ayah | Oh shit | 02:26 |
spq__ | choosing recovery mode in grub also asks me for the luks pw later during the boot before giving a shell | 02:27 |
Ayah | https://websiteforstudents.com/change-ubuntu-17-10-keyboard-layout-to-your-native-language/ | 02:27 |
Andrew | hell0 | 02:27 |
Ayah | Maybe? I hope? | 02:27 |
Ayah | Hi | 02:27 |
Andrew | where are you from | 02:27 |
Ayah | Venus | 02:27 |
Andrew | nice to meet you | 02:27 |
Ayah | :p | 02:27 |
Ayah | You too | 02:28 |
spq__ | Ayah: did you look into your link? thats something in gnome | 02:28 |
Andrew | I am from mars | 02:28 |
Andrew | I can't understand your mean | 02:29 |
Ayah | I suppose you're using Weyland then | 02:29 |
Ayah | lol and | 02:29 |
linux | hi | 02:29 |
Ayah | oop | 02:29 |
Ayah | Hey | 02:29 |
Ayah | lol Andrew* | 02:30 |
linux | hold on | 02:30 |
Ayah | No! | 02:30 |
guiverc | This is not a chat room, please stay on-topic | 02:30 |
Ayah | Ok | 02:31 |
linux | sorry | 02:31 |
spq__ | how to boot into recovery mode (e.g. a simple shell) without the keyboard layout being broken? | 02:32 |
Ayah | After bios press shift | 02:32 |
spq__ | or how to control the keyboard layout with kernel boot parameters | 02:33 |
spq__ | Ayah: why shift? grub comes up anyway or what does it do? | 02:33 |
Ayah | It open the recovery menu | 02:33 |
Ayah | You then can select the root grub terminal | 02:33 |
guiverc | spq__, at grub choose edit (press E with the line is highlighted) and add a ' 1' (or single) to the end of the linux (kernel) line, it'll then proceed only to runlevel 1 | 02:34 |
spq__ | Ayah: shift doesnt change anything | 02:35 |
spq__ | guiverc: unfortunately im still asked for the luks pw and the layout is wrong :( | 02:35 |
Ayah | Sorry :( | 02:36 |
spq__ | can i maybe somehow enter my password with alt-<number> ? | 02:37 |
spq__ | (alt+<number on keyboard> does not work maybe i need to use numpad? | 02:38 |
Ayah | You can take a pic and translate with OCR on a smart phone. Map out the correct characters for your password | 02:38 |
spq__ | ??? | 02:38 |
Ayah | I thought you need to get past the password to be able to change your language | 02:39 |
spq__ | russian keyboard layout does not have all latin characters (i think) | 02:41 |
spq__ | -> i cant enter my password | 02:41 |
Ayah | That was my last resort idea | 02:41 |
Ayah | If you're willing to wait you can post the question on askubuntu or the ubuntu forums | 02:42 |
linux | a | 02:45 |
spq__ | maybe someone can help me now - i added the russian keyboard layout to gnome, now i cant enter my password into the luks boot prompt anymore. help! | 02:56 |
spq__ | also, how should one use the recovery mode with a russian keyboard layout? you cant enter any command... | 03:01 |
=== hill is now known as Guest64802 | ||
=== Guest64802 is now known as hillyu | ||
linux | hi | 03:04 |
rebab | how do I type tilde symbol in browser etc.? [Not for console (f6)] | 03:07 |
spq__ | askubuntu.com/questions/1123939 | 03:07 |
linux | ni hao | 03:09 |
lotuspsychje | !cn | linux | 03:10 |
linux | ni zai na li | 03:10 |
ubottu | linux: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw | 03:10 |
linux | tttttttttt | 03:10 |
linux | xiao zu | 03:10 |
lotuspsychje | stop it linux only english ubuntu support question here | 03:11 |
ebinum | hello, why isnt the link to post new thread showing up on the forum | 03:24 |
Bashing-om | ebinum: Forun issues addressed in #ubuntuforums channel :) | 03:27 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as murthy | ||
adikwok | hello .. finally i can get sound back in gnome with lxde | 05:00 |
adikwok | and i did not do re-install from scratch as per advised yesterday from senior in this ubuntu forum | 05:01 |
adikwok | actually, i was lil bit disappointed from yesterday advise. it was only sound missing. why the advise was suggested to re-install from scratch with some wishy-washy question before. | 05:02 |
adikwok | without giving real solution as the answer. | 05:02 |
adikwok | several month ago, i had problem, and asked help from this irc channel. and the answer is awesome. seniors guided me step by step to fix the problem. the seniors gave the solution for each problem i was asking, back then. | 05:03 |
adikwok | sorry if the seniors get mad with my message. i send this message, because i really love the awesomeness of ubuntu and the support. | 05:04 |
adikwok | ubuntu rocks !! | 05:05 |
adikwok | is there a way to update gnome-shell 3.28 to gnome 3.30 ? | 05:17 |
nakamaki | adikwok: which ubuntu release? | 05:43 |
adikwok | nakamaki: ubuntu 18.04.2 | 05:44 |
nakamaki | adikwok: you can temporarily add the cosmic repo to your sources list, update only gnome-shell and then return everything back to bionic | 05:46 |
OerHeks | that would be bad advise | 05:46 |
OerHeks | upgrade to cosmic 18.10 gives 3.30 | 05:46 |
OerHeks | https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell | 05:46 |
lotuspsychje | !mix | 05:47 |
ubottu | it is usually a very bad idea to mix packages from different releases (or Linux distributions), and it is completely unsupported | 05:47 |
OerHeks | but don't !mix | 05:47 |
OerHeks | and !hwe gives a newer kernel, not gnome-shell | 05:47 |
adikwok | so .. what to do, i love gnome modern design, but lxde is way much faster. | 05:48 |
adikwok | and when i am using gnome, all features like gnome-online-account can work, calendar-evolution etc etc is cooool | 05:48 |
adikwok | OerHeks: i am using kernel 4.19 | 05:49 |
adikwok | OerHeks: 18.04 is getting 10 years support . i guess. so i dont upgrade to cosmic-cuttlefish | 05:50 |
OerHeks | you won't get support with a kustom kernel, you need to update that yourself | 05:51 |
OerHeks | and 10l years, 5 years community, and 5 years paid | 05:51 |
nakamaki | adikwok: one of the amazing arguments for open source is, that you can do whatevs the f you want to your system. but everything comes with a price. | 05:53 |
nakamaki | if you update gnome shell to 3.30 you will lose lts. | 05:53 |
nakamaki | but no risk no fun, eh? | 05:53 |
adikwok | nakamaki: yes. with a price. | 05:53 |
adikwok | nakamaki: is it too risky to try in my only one laptop i am using for work? | 05:55 |
nakamaki | the better question would be, for what do you want the "support"? | 05:55 |
nakamaki | or did you actually use it, apart from apt upgrade | 05:56 |
adikwok | nakamaki: i dont know yet what support i need in lts. | 05:56 |
adikwok | nakamaki: i read some forum, that gnome-shell 3.30 is not as resource hungry as 3.28 | 05:58 |
adikwok | so i wish to try. to get the real full power of ubuntu. .. but i guess its the limitation of my old laptop which only had 2gb ram. so i can not feel gnome power. | 05:59 |
nakamaki | well it all depends on what you do with that laptop. if you want more stability, stay with the things that come in standard | 05:59 |
nakamaki | if you fancy to try out stuff, go for it | 06:00 |
nakamaki | on my client machines i go bleeding edge, because i like trying and figuring shit out | 06:00 |
nakamaki | but on servers i stay with the lts releases | 06:00 |
adikwok | nakamaki: i tried snap install --edge -gnome-3-30-1804 . but seems like still it ate up 1,2gb ram at starting up | 06:00 |
adikwok | nakamaki: now i am still using lxde, and it only took 270-370mb ram at starting up, so i could turn off swap | 06:04 |
adikwok | nakamaki: but i can not get gnome-online-account to sync calendar, todolist, reminders with my xiaomi android :[ | 06:05 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
nakamaki | well tbh, im using gnome2 | 06:10 |
nakamaki | on 18.04 | 06:10 |
nakamaki | so i dont know real much about gnome3 | 06:11 |
cim209 | gnome 3 is where it's at | 06:11 |
cim209 | stock gnome though, not ubuntu's gnome | 06:12 |
nakamaki | i didnt like it when i tried it | 06:12 |
nakamaki | i installed ubuntu mate on my laptop last week tho | 06:13 |
nakamaki | so i might move to mate now | 06:13 |
Ben_X | Who are you talking to? | 06:14 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
adikwok | nakamaki: i tried, lubuntu, gnome3, lxde, and the lightest in my ram is lxde. | 06:15 |
adikwok | i will find out gnome2. hopefully it has gnome-online-account and calendar-evolution can be worked to synced | 06:15 |
cim209 | kde is pretty light | 06:16 |
mpl0de | net | 06:16 |
nakamaki | if you want to go full ram saving, try openbox or fluxbox | 06:17 |
adikwok | nakamaki: ok, i will try openbox, fluxbox, gnome2. .. now i have to go to work first. trying to make money to buy more ram, ssd, core for my laptop | 06:18 |
nakamaki | hah | 06:18 |
adikwok | nakamaki: thank you for advising.. and other seniors | 06:18 |
nakamaki | np | 06:18 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
Guest82327 | Hello does anyone know how to dual boot windows 10 and ubuntu everytime i install ubuntu it never appears in boot menu | 06:25 |
OerHeks | sounds like an UEFI proble, install in uefi mode, see the manual | 06:26 |
OerHeks | !uefi | 06:26 |
ubottu | UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI | 06:26 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
Guest82327 | :ubottu thank you | 06:32 |
cim209 | lol | 06:33 |
=== z is now known as Guest31520 | ||
Guest31520 | Can anyone please help with command to create shell script which hides all .mp4 files in a directory at once using loop? | 06:39 |
yvyz | Sure Guest31520: /join #bash | 06:40 |
nakamaki | sounds like a well populated porn directory :) | 06:41 |
Ben_X | lol | 06:43 |
Guest31520 | no nakamaki : its not like that i am just trying to learn some basic fundamentals it can be any extension .doc or .ppt or any file | 06:45 |
nakamaki | nevermind me Guest31520 :P | 06:45 |
Guest31520 | nakamaki : :) | 06:46 |
yvyz | Guest31520: This channel is not for having other people program for you. If you are having a problem or issue or have a general question about Ubuntu, this is the place. Otherwise please direct your question to a more suitable IRC channel such as #bash. | 06:46 |
Guest31520 | yvyz : i can understand that but i have tried to search solution for the error i was getting but was unable to found one | 06:47 |
yvyz | Well, maybe consider dumping your error into a pastebin, if it relates to Ubuntu, and sharing it with us so that we may help you find that solution. | 06:48 |
yvyz | Or not. Stay l33t my friend. | 07:04 |
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ | ||
nakamaki | pfff.. i need to write an html interface for youtube-dl someday | 07:15 |
ItsMeLenny | does anybody know where i can get a repo mirror for ubuntu 5.04 | 07:41 |
=== lotuspsychje__ is now known as lotuspsychje | ||
lotuspsychje | ItsMeLenny: 5.04 is long en of life | 07:41 |
lotuspsychje | *end | 07:42 |
ItsMeLenny | yes i know | 07:42 |
ItsMeLenny | but im asking if theres a backup mirror people use | 07:42 |
lotuspsychje | ItsMeLenny: start from the start please, what are you planning to do exactly? | 07:43 |
ItsMeLenny | i need to get some dev libs to compile some things in 5.04 | 07:43 |
ItsMeLenny | theyre not on the dvd | 07:44 |
lotuspsychje | ItsMeLenny: 5.04 is end of life, its best you choose a supported version from the topic now as daily driver | 07:45 |
ItsMeLenny | >____< | 07:46 |
ItsMeLenny | "daily driver" | 07:46 |
lotuspsychje | ItsMeLenny: or your choice.. | 07:46 |
ItsMeLenny | i run 18.10 | 07:46 |
ItsMeLenny | thats irrelevant, all i need is some 5.04 repos, i thought maybe someone knew of a archive | 07:47 |
yvyz | 5.04 is 14 years old. | 07:49 |
yvyz | http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/5.04/ | 07:49 |
yvyz | I would definitely want to hear why you are running it. | 07:49 |
ItsMeLenny | as i said i have the dvd, it doesnt have the repo with it | 07:49 |
yvyz | Sounds like a pretty dusty device. Is it using floppy disks? | 07:49 |
ItsMeLenny | im trying to use some software that is 14 years old | 07:49 |
yvyz | Your best bet is to target the maintainer of the repository and see if you can find a repo history. | 07:50 |
yvyz | What repo? | 07:50 |
ItsMeLenny | the ubunutu 5.04 repo | 07:50 |
ItsMeLenny | i read that is was less than 12gb | 07:51 |
yvyz | Im sorry, the ubuntu repo isnt on the ubuntu disc? | 07:51 |
lotuspsychje | ItsMeLenny: what is this magic package you trying to get anyway? | 07:52 |
ducasse | ItsMeLenny: you can try old-releases.ubuntu.com, but this is not really an issue that is supported here | 07:53 |
yvyz | ^ I thought that is what I asked. | 07:53 |
yvyz | And I just linked said old release. | 07:53 |
yvyz | He wants "some 5.04 repos" | 07:53 |
yvyz | What repo? | 07:53 |
ItsMeLenny | the disc isnt every package that was available for 5.04 | 07:53 |
yvyz | Exactly. | 07:54 |
ItsMeLenny | "some 5.04 repos" | 07:54 |
yvyz | What package do you need? | 07:54 |
ItsMeLenny | many of them | 07:54 |
yvyz | Can you name them? | 07:54 |
yvyz | or are you shooting in the wind over here? | 07:54 |
ItsMeLenny | boost and qt3 for starters | 07:54 |
ItsMeLenny | shoot in the wind, what does that even mean | 07:54 |
ItsMeLenny | dont patronise me please, all im asking for is an archive or the like | 07:55 |
yvyz | I am trying to get you to actually define your issue properly. | 07:56 |
yvyz | Here's your boost repos: https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/ | 07:56 |
yvyz | I would suggest becoming aware that supporting older distros like this is going to include actual leg work on your part to support the software you need to run. | 07:56 |
yvyz | Which includes hunting down the repositories of the packages you wish to install, and finding the ones you need. | 07:57 |
ItsMeLenny | thats not an ubuntu repo, thats simply just a library archive | 07:57 |
ItsMeLenny | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MakeUbuntuRepositoryDVDs | 07:57 |
jeffee | i want the 8.04 hardy heron splash loading bar to work is that still possible? | 07:57 |
ItsMeLenny | "5.04 - Hoary Hedgehog: 11.53 GB" | 07:57 |
jeffee | 8/04 | 07:57 |
yvyz | Well, to be fair ItsMeLenny, maybe its time to learn a bit about Linux. | 07:58 |
ItsMeLenny | what does that even mean | 07:58 |
jeffee | the one in 8.10 too, it looked a little like the xp loading bar but it was solid and orange had the original ubuntu logo | 07:58 |
cim209 | i said heron as heroine | 07:59 |
jeffee | i want it now on my shit | 07:59 |
cim209 | i read* | 07:59 |
jeffee | gd | 07:59 |
yvyz | jeffee: have you tried rm -rf / ? | 07:59 |
jeffee | dont be a bitch | 07:59 |
yvyz | !ops | 07:59 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax | 07:59 |
jeffee | i dont have time for it that was a real questino | 07:59 |
yvyz | You should consider re-acquanting yourself with being a better human being. | 07:59 |
jeffee | i want the gd hardy heron splash loading bar, the grub screen i guess | 08:00 |
ItsMeLenny | i can see now that yvyz is just a troll | 08:00 |
jeffee | yes, the grub boot loadin g screen remember? | 08:00 |
yvyz | Hey guys, am I troll? | 08:00 |
jeffee | https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fkbimg.dell.com%2Flibrary%2Flegacy%2Fkcswisdom%2Fimages%2Fkcswisdom_sol_20140401121245%2F1377171059343.type_erase.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.dell.com%2Fsupport%2Farticle%2Fau%2Fen%2Faubsd1%2Fsln265750%2Fhow-to-recover-a-dell-ubuntu-image-on-your-dell-pc&docid=42dfTV6Wn_p8RM&tbnid=BGej_MzmNaVf2M%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiw8N6tivLgAhVqmuAKHeOTDZ4QMwhNKA8wDw..i&w=571&h=439&client=firefox-b-1-ab&bih=595&biw=1360&q= | 08:03 |
jeffee | ubuntu%208.04%20grub%20splash%20screen&ved=0ahUKEwiw8N6tivLgAhVqmuAKHeOTDZ4QMwhNKA8wDw&iact=mrc&uact=8 | 08:03 |
jeffee | almost looks like that but older | 08:03 |
jeffee | well that wont work | 08:03 |
jeffee | https://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntuhardypreview-large_003.png | 08:05 |
jeffee | that, i want that to load the way it used too on the my ubuntu os now, does anyone have any ideas? | 08:05 |
yvyz | jeffee: I am pretty sure you would need to revert to GDM from GDM3, not use XDM or slim, and somehow get it all to work. | 08:07 |
jeffee | yvyz, good thinking xD | 08:08 |
jeffee | i guess that means it not being very compatible with stuff hahaha | 08:08 |
jeffee | i loved that loading screen tho | 08:09 |
CarlFK | jeffee: I think it will be compatible with whatever is in the 5.04 repo | 08:09 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
jeffee | okay, so i could just add that and install gdm or.... | 08:10 |
CarlFK | I think what you mean is: you won't have new stuff in the old repo | 08:10 |
jeffee | right, and the security fixes | 08:10 |
ducasse | it might just be plymouth, if that was used back then | 08:10 |
jeffee | i think there are a few distros with the gdm still right? ............ oh yeah it might have been plymouth | 08:11 |
jeffee | lost the D | 08:11 |
jeffee | i am gonna aget it | 08:11 |
ItsMeLenny | ok, i figured out how to get the archives, thanks for the help | 08:11 |
nakamaki | lol the fuck went on here | 08:13 |
jeffee | lol beer | 08:13 |
jeffee | gagaaagagaaa | 08:13 |
lotuspsychje | !party | jeffee ItsMeLenny cim209 continue the party there maybe | 08:15 |
ubottu | jeffee ItsMeLenny cim209 continue the party there maybe: Please remember that #ubuntu, #kubuntu, #xubuntu, #edubuntu, and #lubuntu are support channels. To countdown to !disco release and then party once it happens, join #ubuntu-release-party - For in-person parties, see http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/3339/ | 08:15 |
cim209 | why am i included | 08:15 |
jeffee | ikr | 08:16 |
ItsMeLenny | why am i included | 08:16 |
ItsMeLenny | i dont even know what that bs means | 08:16 |
jeffee | who the hell is qanon? | 08:19 |
lotuspsychje | jeffee: do you have an ubuntu support question? | 08:19 |
jeffee | yes | 08:19 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
jeffee | jeffee> https://news.softpedia.com/images/extra/LINUX/large/ubuntuhardypreview-large_003.png | 08:20 |
jeffee | * adikwok (~Thunderbi@ has joined | 08:20 |
jeffee | <jeffee> that, i want that to load the way it used too on the my ubuntu os now, does anyone have any ideas? | 08:20 |
jeffee | > | 08:21 |
ducasse | check out if plymouth was used back then, if it was try to see if the config is compatible | 08:21 |
krytarik | ducasse, jeffee: I just did and it was in fact Usplash then still - see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usplash | 08:22 |
Blueking | damn it, somehow password fails on ubuntu samba share... (trying to access it from windows 10 pc) | 08:26 |
lotuspsychje | !samba | Blueking | 08:27 |
ubottu | Blueking: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/samba.html | 08:27 |
jeffee | krytarik, thank you sir | 08:27 |
Blueking | I think it might fail because username are same on ubuntu and windows | 08:28 |
Blueking | hmm I need to put sambashares on /etc/fstab ? | 08:35 |
Blueking | worked fine until yesterday without sambashares in /etc/fstab | 08:36 |
nakamaki | you have to put sambashares into fstab if you want to remount them on boot | 08:37 |
c06 | hi all.. we deployed some servers with ubuntu | 09:03 |
c06 | but after reboot its failing at grub after debugging we are not able to find /boot/grub/i386-pc folder on that system | 09:04 |
c06 | any suggestions why this error is happening.? | 09:04 |
=== sinner is now known as Guest20353 | ||
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette | ||
sentiment | hello. I have a weird problem with the sound system. While I am lsiteing to some music it suddenly becomes distorted, like the sound of old SW radio stations | 10:14 |
sentiment | it recovers on its own but it's annoying | 10:15 |
sentiment | Never had this issue under 16.04, now I am using 18.04 | 10:15 |
=== sinner is now known as Guest69813 | ||
stofflswelt | Hi! I need to upgrade an Ubuntu 12.04 server. But when I try to uüdate I get an error: mysql-server-5.5 : Depends on: mysql-server-core-5.5 (= 5.5.52-0ubuntu0.12.04.1) but 5.5.53-0ubuntu0.12.04.1 is installed | 10:26 |
stofflswelt | How can this be fixed? | 10:27 |
jeremy31 | stofflswelt: 12.04 is EOL unless you have extended support from Canonical | 10:28 |
stofflswelt | jeremy31, So I only can do a fresh install? | 10:29 |
jeremy31 | stofflswelt: That is likely | 10:30 |
jeremy31 | The repos were likely shut down about May 2017 | 10:31 |
OerHeks | finally one security risc less | 10:32 |
tomreyn | stofflswelt: there can be a way to do an upgrade, but you really should not take this path. | 10:39 |
BluesKaj | Howdy folks | 11:12 |
dff | anyone have good suggestions for a mail reader with gpg support? | 11:18 |
dff | other than thunderbird | 11:18 |
OerHeks | no doubt, all of these support pgp https://www.ubuntupit.com/top-10-best-open-source-linux-email-client-software/ | 11:23 |
marcoagpinto | hello | 11:30 |
marcoagpinto | is there a font similar to "Arial" that works in all platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac) and that shows the difference between "L" and "I"? | 11:31 |
RNM | there is | 11:37 |
lufi | hi. How can I setup two network interfaces in 18.04? 1 dhcp and 1 static. with dhcp connected to internet? | 11:39 |
JimBuntu | marcoagpinto, Your question isn't really one for Ubuntu support. Maybe try one of the offtopic channels or maybe even ##fonts | 11:39 |
marcoagpinto | ahhhh | 11:40 |
marcoagpinto | :) | 11:40 |
marcoagpinto | thanks | 11:40 |
tomreyn | lufi: desktop or server? | 11:44 |
lufi | tomreyn server | 11:45 |
tomreyn | lufi: you can either configure it using netplan, or configure systemd-metworkd directly. | 11:45 |
lufi | I am trying to configure it via netplan first but it seems to confuse the routing | 11:46 |
tomreyn | *systemd-netorkd | 11:46 |
tomreyn | lufi: okay. so that's the point where you'd need to share configurations. | 11:47 |
lufi | yeah gimme a sec | 11:47 |
tomreyn | and discuss the details of what you're trying to do how. | 11:47 |
lufi | i rebooted the damn thing | 11:47 |
lufi | here's my netplan config https://pastebin.com/8QAZX2fQ | 11:49 |
tomreyn | also note there is #ubuntu-server where some more netplan ewxperienced folks hang out. | 11:49 |
lufi | I just edited 50-cloud-init.yaml | 11:49 |
lufi | oh ok. thanks for that tomreyn | 11:49 |
lufi | What I wanted to do is enp0s3 to use dhcp and connect to the internet | 11:50 |
lufi | while enp0s8 to be static only | 11:51 |
tomreyn | hmm so no static routes? which network does the dhcp addressed NIC end up on? | 11:51 |
lufi | enp0s3 is dhcp. enp0s8 is static | 11:51 |
tomreyn | static routes != static network configurations | 11:51 |
lufi | i meant static net config | 11:52 |
tomreyn | yes, i understand so much. | 11:53 |
tomreyn | i'm just saying you may need to set static routes as well. | 11:53 |
lufi | hmm already did that. the problem is the routing | 11:54 |
lufi | the default used is the static one | 11:54 |
tomreyn | ...because you have two NICs, so you probably don't want all traffic to pass though one NIC, but somethere and other traffic there. | 11:55 |
tomreyn | https://netplan.io/reference#routing | 11:55 |
tomreyn | if you just need to have this system talk to other IP addresses in the same subnets as those the two NICs are joined to, you won't need static routes. however, if you need to be able to communicate with other ip addresses (you mentioned "Internet"), you'll want to set static routes. | 11:57 |
tomreyn | https://askubuntu.com/questions/1042582/how-to-set-default-route-with-netplan-ubuntu-18-04-server-2-nic | 11:58 |
cappe | not sure how to fix tearing in nouveau, it seems like in browsers only | 12:12 |
qwebirc13871 | Is there an official way to report issues with drivers from the Nvidia ppa? | 12:14 |
blackflow | qwebirc13871: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers | 12:15 |
cappe | hanvt been able to fix the vsync with compiz and I havn't got the nvidia-settings which would enable ForceFullCompositionPipeline that would fix it | 12:16 |
cappe | should I get the nvidia drivers instead and inactivate nouveau? | 12:16 |
qwebirc13871 | I logged in to launchpad and tried to open an issue there. I dont see a way to create one, and the only issues on there are very old. | 12:16 |
cappe | aint there any tools/GUI/commandline to configure nouveau? | 12:17 |
blackflow | qwebirc13871: then perhaps report it from teh command line like `ubuntu-bug nvidia-driver-415`. What issues, though? | 12:20 |
StephenLynx | hey BluesKaj I tried that thing and not only the analog audio didn't work, but then factorio would shutdown all sound when starting | 12:21 |
qwebirc13871 | 418 for 18.04 requires the version of xorg shipped with 18.04. I am on 18.04.2 with the HWE stack. | 12:21 |
StephenLynx | I removed the conf file, rebooted and factorio stopped doing that to my audio | 12:22 |
BluesKaj | factorio? | 12:22 |
StephenLynx | a game | 12:22 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: we have #factorio here on Freenode btw :) | 12:22 |
StephenLynx | kek | 12:22 |
blackflow | pop in | 12:22 |
StephenLynx | im just a newbie, barely over 400 hours tbh :v | 12:23 |
blackflow | that's cool | 12:23 |
StephenLynx | oh wait, almost at 500 | 12:23 |
blackflow | (offtopic here ;) ) | 12:23 |
StephenLynx | loving 0.17 btw | 12:23 |
StephenLynx | anyway, audio is fubar | 12:23 |
StephenLynx | graphic card to blame and the fact audio is still a nightmare on linux | 12:24 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: WorksForMe(tm) on Bionic, .17.8 | 12:24 |
StephenLynx | oh yeah, the issue is not factorio | 12:24 |
StephenLynx | i installed a graphics card and everything went to hell | 12:24 |
blackflow | audio is not really a nightmare on linux. only bluetooth, but that's bluetooth is nightmare in general | 12:24 |
StephenLynx | on my other computer audio only works when pavucontrol is open | 12:24 |
blackflow | pulseaudio used to be a buggy mess, but it's quite stable and okay nowadays | 12:24 |
StephenLynx | figure that one out :^) | 12:25 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: is this regular Ubuntu, or something modified/DIY from a minimal base? | 12:25 |
StephenLynx | the other one is regular ubuntu | 12:25 |
StephenLynx | this one is centos 7 | 12:25 |
lufi | tomreyn regarding the link you sent. I also tried doing that. btw the server is a vm. the static nic is host-only and the dhcp nic is bridged connecting to the internet. | 12:26 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: so which one you have problems with? BTW, CentOS is totally not suitable for desktops | 12:26 |
StephenLynx | i know, but this one is my office workstation and centos is very stable. | 12:26 |
qwebirc13871 | blackflow ubuntu-bug did not work. it said it is not an official package. | 12:26 |
blackflow | it's stable, but at the expense of very, VERY, old software feature-wise | 12:26 |
StephenLynx | i know, I have to use devtoolset-6 to compile node | 12:27 |
StephenLynx | because centos ships with gcc 4.8 | 12:27 |
ph88 | what could be the reason that a package doesnt get a new version? handbrake new version was already released in june 2018 .. but Cosmic will still get older version ?? https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=handbrake&searchon=names&suite=cosmic§ion=all | 12:27 |
StephenLynx | but anyway, audio is even worse for me on ubuntu, so hey | 12:28 |
ph88 | hey | 12:28 |
blackflow | qwebirc13871: gah, then report a generic bug, it'll get triaged appropriately: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect | 12:28 |
StephenLynx | at least here I don't have to keep pavucontrol open to have audio | 12:28 |
StephenLynx | the hdmi audio sucks tho | 12:28 |
tomreyn | lufi: that's all the approaches i could think of. | 12:28 |
StephenLynx | anyway, any suggestion is appreciated. | 12:30 |
StephenLynx | I feel like there is hope, pavucontrol tells me the onboard is working | 12:31 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: did you describe your original issue? I can't see it in the backlog | 12:32 |
blackflow | I mean, details of what's going on, other than "it sucks" or "is a mess". :) | 12:32 |
JuJUBee | What command can I use to move contents of /home to new server over network maintaining perms etc.? | 12:32 |
CyberGhost78 | is there anyone that could help me in #ubuntu-mate | 12:33 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: you can use `rsync -vaAXe ssh /home/ remote-server:/home/` but please do look up in the manpage what those flags mean! Also be careful about trailing slashes on the source side. | 12:34 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, thanks, I will have a look | 12:35 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: might need to run that as root (or via sudo) if there are different ownerships involved | 12:35 |
tomreyn | CyberGhost78: is it mate related? otherwise you can also ask here | 12:35 |
CyberGhost78 | yes | 12:35 |
JuJUBee | There are, I have several user accounts for my students | 12:35 |
ph88 | where is the button to make a new ubuntu bug ticket ? | 12:35 |
CyberGhost78 | its just something basic | 12:35 |
tomreyn | CyberGhost78: ok, i never used it, so probably couldnt help | 12:36 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: also note you'll need the `rsync` package installed BOTH on source and dest computers | 12:36 |
CyberGhost78 | i need to know how to set my default home page to the firefox home page instead of the ubuntu.org home page search | 12:36 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, I have it, but not had success | 12:36 |
StephenLynx | blackflow, yes, onboard doesn't output sound. | 12:36 |
StephenLynx | only the hdmi | 12:36 |
tomreyn | ph88: the preferred approach is to use "ubuntu-bug PACKAGENAME" | 12:37 |
CyberGhost78 | i keep setting it to firefox home page and then when i go to click the home button on my browser it keeps going back to the ubuntu mate.org search page | 12:37 |
StephenLynx | btw, even if I unplug the card power and it stop working the onboard won't output sound. | 12:37 |
ph88 | tomreyn, i cant find the button on the website | 12:37 |
StephenLynx | pavucontrol allows me to use the onboard and reports it as outputting sound. | 12:37 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: did you check if you can play it with alsa directly? | 12:37 |
StephenLynx | alsamixer? | 12:37 |
tomreyn | ph88: and you cannot use ubuntu-bug? | 12:37 |
StephenLynx | its there, everything maxed, nothing muted. | 12:37 |
ph88 | tomreyn, i like to use the website | 12:38 |
tomreyn | ph88: which package are you trying to report a bug about? | 12:38 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: alsamixer to unmute/raise volumes and then `aplay` with some test wav, there's such files under /usr/share/sounds/alsa/ | 12:38 |
ph88 | tomreyn, handbrake | 12:38 |
BluesKaj | StephenLynx, you need to change the output from hdmi to stereo analog in systemsettings>sound>output tab | 12:39 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: the PA settings panel has Test Audio button too | 12:39 |
StephenLynx | BluesKaj, I did. | 12:39 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: and what BluesKaj said, it's possible it's not switching automatically on /un/plug events | 12:39 |
tomreyn | ph88: access https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ , then search for the "handbrake" package | 12:39 |
StephenLynx | ok, let me use those tests. | 12:39 |
StephenLynx | no, I manually changed it. | 12:39 |
StephenLynx | the hdmi goes mute but onboard doesn't output sound. | 12:39 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, remote-server would be the IP of the server or root@IP ? | 12:39 |
ph88 | thx tomreyn | 12:39 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: also check if there's any BIOS option that might've disabled onboard audio, esp. for front and back plugs, some boards have that | 12:40 |
StephenLynx | checked, is not disabled. | 12:40 |
StephenLynx | i heard of that, the auto option | 12:40 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: yes, you'll need to run this as root and connect remotely as root, in order to set appropriate permissions and ownerships. | 12:40 |
StephenLynx | mine is either on or off | 12:40 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: it'd be great if you first create those UIDs on the remote side, if you didn't already | 12:41 |
tomreyn | ph88: after creating the bug report, you'll be asked to provide more information using apport / "ubuntu-bug handbrake", not doing so will likely cause your bug report to expire. but how you file the bug initially is your choice. | 12:41 |
tomreyn | ph88: also this package is synched from debian, so you *may* also want to report it there, | 12:42 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, users are already created with same UID/GIDs. | 12:42 |
StephenLynx | aplay noise.wav works for the hdmi, not for the onboard. | 12:42 |
StephenLynx | I switch them through pavucontrol. | 12:42 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: no, use -D for aplay | 12:43 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, being prompted for root password on remote (new server)? root doesn't have password, does it? | 12:43 |
StephenLynx | I see, -D <device name>? | 12:43 |
StephenLynx | where would I get the name to use there? | 12:43 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: device name, they're listed by aplay -L | 12:43 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: please do look up the aplay manpage | 12:44 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: if you didn't set it, then no, by default, it doesn't. It's wise to set root password and enable the accound, and then TEMPORARILY enable root login for this purpose | 12:44 |
blackflow | *account | 12:44 |
lufi | tomreyn solved it by doing this https://pastebin.com/Pvqw3sNv | 12:45 |
BluesKaj | both chips are intel hda iirc blackflow | 12:45 |
StephenLynx | when I try to use any device specifically, it tells me the device is busy. I can use pulse though | 12:46 |
blackflow | BluesKaj: but they're named differently, like "hdmi" for the hdmi device, and "front" or "hw" or whatever for onboard | 12:47 |
StephenLynx | aplay -D default Noise.wav works, aplay -D hdmi Noise.wav doesn't | 12:47 |
BluesKaj | StephenLynx, pactl list short sinks, then set the default that you want with: set-default-sink <'output device name'> | 12:50 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, thanks. Never enabled root before, always thought was security risk, now I know how to on demand. | 12:50 |
TJ- | Can anyone assist with a frustrating video modeline issue. External Samsung LE40R8 TV, DisplayPort->HDMI connected, offers 1920x1080i, but when selected does a slow continuous vertical roll taking about 18 seconds to cycle. I've been trying to figure out an alternate modeline which would presumably need to correct either sync polarity or gap timings. Current (rolling) modeline is "1920x1080ix60.0 74.25 | 12:52 |
TJ- | 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1094 1125 interlace +hsync +vsync" | 12:52 |
ph88 | why is it that after xenial there wasn't a release with letter Y, Z and A ? | 12:52 |
blackflow | JuJUBee: it's marginally more of a security risk. | 12:52 |
blackflow | ph88: there was. Yakkety Yak, Zesty Zapus and Artful Aardvark | 12:54 |
JimBuntu | ph88, Bionic Beaver seems to have an A in it | 12:54 |
ph88 | blackflow, ah i get it now, i didn't see them because they are not supported anymore | 12:55 |
mah-rakib | Hi | 12:55 |
BluesKaj | StephenLynx, this is the source I used , continue with the flowup instructions to make your changes permanent, https://askubuntu.com/questions/1038490/how-do-you-set-a-default-audio-output-device-in-ubuntu-18-04/1038492 | 12:57 |
StephenLynx | the default audio can be set, I disable hdmi and it tries to use the onboard | 12:58 |
StephenLynx | but the onboard doesn't output sound | 12:58 |
BluesKaj | StephenLynx, did you see my post above ? | 12:59 |
StephenLynx | I saw. | 13:00 |
StephenLynx | how to set the default output? | 13:00 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: can you pastebin the output of `lspci -v` | 13:01 |
blackflow | I'm guessing the kernel is maybe not loading the (appropriate) module for onboard audio | 13:01 |
zeta | I anyone tried running fork-pty inside a chroot in Ubuntu 18 !? | 13:01 |
StephenLynx | https://pastebin.com/e815fRJJ | 13:01 |
StephenLynx | that might be a possibility, but is that normal because of the hdmi being present once? | 13:02 |
zeta | It seems fork-pty wont work unless the whole /dev is mounted, I've tried using strace and only mounting the files used, but that doesn't work ... | 13:03 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: https://superuser.com/questions/904096/switch-default-sound-card-while-both-use-the-same-driver | 13:03 |
zeta | fork-pty works fine in Ubuntu 16 where I just have to mount the files used and not the whole /dev | 13:04 |
StephenLynx | so when multiple sound cards use the same driver it fails? | 13:04 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: I guess it is possible the driver is confused | 13:05 |
BluesKaj | usually the default driver directs the output and usually the hdmi uses digital passthru from the onboard audio afaik | 13:06 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: No; multiple identical devices don't confuse the driver. Your first task is to identify the devices and their outputs (sinks) to find out what order ALSA has them in. "aplay -L" and "aplay -l" will provide that info | 13:06 |
zeta | I've tried denying access to everything besides the files used via Apparmor, and then fork-pty works, but not when I only mount the files needed | 13:06 |
StephenLynx | TJ-, https://pastebin.com/9mPxUz9M | 13:07 |
StephenLynx | also, they are not identical. | 13:07 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: that shows the default device is the built-in, one "card 0: SB [HDA ATI SB], device 0: ALC887-VD Analog [ALC887-VD Analog]" | 13:08 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: now show us "aplay -L" | 13:08 |
StephenLynx | https://pastebin.com/VK0LdH10 | 13:09 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: now test it with "speaker-test -D front:SB -t wav -c 2 -l 2" | 13:12 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: you should hear "Front Left, Front right" | 13:12 |
StephenLynx | Playback open error: -16,Device or resource busy | 13:13 |
whiteout | whens the newest version of ubuntu supposed to drop and whats it called? | 13:13 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: That suggests some other process has grabbed exclusive use of the device currently | 13:14 |
StephenLynx | yes, pulse audio. | 13:17 |
blackflow | whiteout: Disco Dingo aka Dancing Doggo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DiscoDingo/ReleaseSchedule | 13:17 |
Exterminador | hello guys. could someone explain me what's this and how can i block it if possible? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3zjXJ5422V/ | 13:17 |
Exterminador | thanks in advance | 13:17 |
blackflow | Exterminador: it's BIND (the DNS server) query log | 13:18 |
StephenLynx | and btw TJ- | 13:18 |
leftyfb | Exterminador: fail2ban | 13:18 |
blackflow | Exterminador: looks like someone's trying to use it as an open resolver | 13:18 |
StephenLynx | I can run pulseaudio -k and immediately run that test | 13:18 |
StephenLynx | it works, but no sound still. | 13:18 |
StephenLynx | then pulseaudio will hook up on the device after the test. | 13:19 |
blackflow | Exterminador: I wouldn't bother with fail2ban unless you have a big traffic issue with that. keeping BIND properly configured should suffice. | 13:19 |
Exterminador | that's the problem. I didn't configured BIND yet | 13:20 |
blackflow | Exterminador: well someone has. there's apparently a "named" process running with PID 2216 | 13:20 |
blackflow | *2215 | 13:20 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: OK, so firstly PA and speaker-test should work at the same time. Secondly, if there is no output from speaker-test then use "alsamixer", ensure you're working with the built-in sound device, and try altering levels, mute, and so on | 13:20 |
Exterminador | i mean, ive installed it but didn't made any changes yet | 13:21 |
blackflow | Exterminador: it runs with default settings | 13:21 |
StephenLynx | TJ-, already did. | 13:21 |
StephenLynx | everything was maxed, nothing was muted. | 13:21 |
blackflow | Exterminador: which iirc by default prevent cached/recursive resolving for anyone but localhost | 13:21 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: have you tested with headphones ? | 13:22 |
blackflow | Exterminador: do you intend to use it as an authoritative DNS server? | 13:22 |
Exterminador | blackflow: no I don't. | 13:22 |
StephenLynx | yes. | 13:22 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: sometimes the pin-mappings are wrong and output goes where you don't expect it | 13:22 |
StephenLynx | I only have headphones. | 13:22 |
blackflow | Exterminador: then you can close UDP and TCP port 53 on INPUT chain of iptables | 13:22 |
StephenLynx | I have 2 pairs | 13:22 |
blackflow | or whatever firewall you're using, close tcp/53 and udp/53 | 13:22 |
StephenLynx | I tested both pairs on both outputs. | 13:22 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: ahhh, so there are no speakers, you're only testing the headphone port? | 13:23 |
StephenLynx | yes, but don't they use the same port? | 13:23 |
StephenLynx | the green one? | 13:23 |
blackflow | Exterminador: also, just for precaution, reconfigure BIND to listen on localhost only | 13:23 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: no, and PulseAudio's pavucontrol, "Output Devices" tab, lets you select which "Port" to direct output to (Speakers, headphones, etc.) | 13:24 |
blackflow | Exterminador: and by that I'm assuming you're not gonna use it to resolve queries from outside of localhost? | 13:24 |
StephenLynx | ah, that. | 13:24 |
StephenLynx | yes. | 13:24 |
StephenLynx | but only the onboard have multiple options. | 13:24 |
StephenLynx | the hdmi doesn't. | 13:24 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: Which makes sense of course | 13:24 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: on one system here it lists 3 ports: "Line Out (plugged in)", "Speakers (unavailable)", and "Headphones (unplugged)" - which shows the software knows quite a bit about the physical connections | 13:27 |
Exterminador | stupid question: is BIND even needed to anything? I mean, for resolving purposes we already have resolv, right? | 13:27 |
StephenLynx | yeah. so, any idea what might be my issue? | 13:28 |
StephenLynx | this has been similar to the one on my other computer where audio only works with pavucontrol open. | 13:28 |
StephenLynx | I can't find literally anything anywhere. | 13:28 |
StephenLynx | I seem to be the lucky guy with quirky audio on two different machines with two different distros that no one ever had. | 13:28 |
AnalytiCat | My system tray icons are missing. The relevant packages are all installed so I'm not sure what happened. | 13:31 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: if the software indicates it is sending audio to the ports but you don't hear it, that points to a physical issue. One issue I have seen, when connecting headphones to a speaker port, is the output could be line-level, and not powerful enough to be heard on (unamplified) headphones | 13:32 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: the easiest way to check for any output is to connect it to an oscilliscope, or a set of powered speakers | 13:33 |
blackflow | Exterminador: if you don't know what to use it for, then don't use it. It's easy to misconfigure it and turn it into an UDP DDoS bot | 13:33 |
StephenLynx | and now the graphics card is dead | 13:33 |
StephenLynx | hooray, lucky me | 13:33 |
TJ- | StephenLynx: sounds like a broken system | 13:33 |
StephenLynx | sounds like its time for a rope and chair | 13:34 |
StephenLynx | brb ill remove it entirely. | 13:34 |
Exterminador | blackflow: I assume that it wont hurt to remove the package from the system? | 13:36 |
pragmaticenigma | Exterminador: Did you install the server yourself? | 13:37 |
Exterminador | pragmaticenigma: I did. I just don't remember why | 13:37 |
blackflow | Exterminador: if you installed it yourself and don't want to use it, then yes, it's okay. if it was a dep for something else, then that's different. | 13:37 |
pragmaticenigma | Exterminador: Then you should be safe to remove it | 13:38 |
Exterminador | yeah, i did installed it via "apt install bind9" | 13:38 |
Exterminador | I guess the system will moan if the BIND is needed for something else | 13:38 |
sakir | hello | 13:38 |
sakir | m | 13:38 |
pragmaticenigma | Exterminador: In the future, I have found dnsmasq a more user friendly alternative to bind | 13:38 |
sakir | m | 13:38 |
sakir | m | 13:38 |
sakir | m | 13:38 |
blackflow | Exterminador: yes, but it's probably notneeded. BIND is typically used as authoritative DNS server, as other, simpler solutions exist for recursive caching resolvers -- though personally I use BIND even just for that, because I'm very familiar with it. | 13:39 |
Exterminador | pragmaticenigma: I'll take that in mind. thanks for the tip :D | 13:39 |
StephenLynx | and the onboard is still not outputting sound | 13:40 |
blackflow | Exterminador: dnsmasq is not an authoritative DNS server, so it depends what exactly you need | 13:40 |
StephenLynx | ffs | 13:40 |
StephenLynx | im almost giving up and just installing ubuntu here too | 13:40 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: so this is not the Ubuntu system you're having trouble with? | 13:40 |
StephenLynx | no, this is the centos one. | 13:40 |
blackflow | ... | 13:41 |
pragmaticenigma | StephenLynx: All the advice you've been given was under the assumption you were on Ubuntu... | 13:41 |
StephenLynx | the ubuntu will just not have sound unless pavucontrol is open. | 13:41 |
blackflow | which is not true | 13:41 |
StephenLynx | is still pulseaudio tho | 13:41 |
blackflow | that may be case with some specific setup you have there. like I said, audio works just fine on regular, default Ubuntu installations | 13:41 |
StephenLynx | i know. | 13:41 |
StephenLynx | i know no one else has this issue. | 13:41 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: no it's not still PA. different versions, different libraries, differeent featuresets AND .... no SELinux on Ubuntu | 13:42 |
blackflow | so SELinux could be a big issue there too | 13:42 |
StephenLynx | yeah, I think selinux screwed my hdd | 13:42 |
blackflow | it most certainly did not screw your hdd | 13:42 |
StephenLynx | well, not the hardware | 13:42 |
StephenLynx | but now it can't automount with fstab | 13:42 |
StephenLynx | and I have to use my root password to mount after boot | 13:42 |
blackflow | that's possible, I guess. there's /var/log/audit for you to check, and also #centos | 13:42 |
pragmaticenigma | StephenLynx: Start with a default installation. Do NOT modify/add/remove packages after the initial installation. See if your audio is working. If it is not working, come back here and we can help you. Once you start installing random pacakges in an effort to fix your problem, it becomes more difficult to troubleshoot | 13:43 |
StephenLynx | well, disabling selinux fixed my hdd thing | 13:45 |
StephenLynx | audio still dead tho | 13:45 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: at this point, you're just wasting your own time. Install Ubuntu and see if it works there. Ubuntu kernel contains a lot of patches for HW support that are not upstreamed, or are but totally are not downstreamed to centos. | 13:46 |
Exterminador | I guess the system will moan if the BIND is needed for something else | 13:46 |
Exterminador | 3.3 | 13:46 |
Exterminador | 3 | 13:46 |
Exterminador | 3 | 13:46 |
Exterminador | 3 | 13:46 |
Exterminador | +6+-+9---++++++++++++9+ | 13:46 |
Exterminador | 9+ | 13:47 |
blackflow | Exterminador: it won't. it'll install BIND as dpendency. Which is unlikely to happen. And remove your cat from the keyboard please. | 13:47 |
lavinho | good afternoon | 13:47 |
StephenLynx | yeah, I will probably end up installing ubuntu here too. | 13:47 |
StephenLynx | at least I learned my lesson of NEVER EVER trying to install a graphics card on a centos machine. | 13:48 |
blackflow | StephenLynx: and I hope you do realize we can no longer help you until you come with an Ubuntu issue. #centos exist on Freenode too. | 13:48 |
Exterminador | 0 | 13:48 |
Exterminador | 08 | 13:48 |
verb_ | Hello everyone | 13:49 |
verb_ | i have expired client certificate can anyone help me on how to renew it | 13:49 |
verb_ | my ca.crt is ok | 13:50 |
verb_ | but the client.crt has expired | 13:50 |
leftyfb | verb_: letsencrypt.org | 13:50 |
lavinho | how to repair bad sectors in ubuntu ? | 13:50 |
blackflow | !info dehydrated | verb_ | 13:50 |
lavinho | or live iso | 13:50 |
ubottu | verb_: dehydrated (source: dehydrated): ACME client implemented in Bash. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.1-2 (bionic), package size 75 kB, installed size 171 kB | 13:50 |
leftyfb | lavinho: that's not a thing. You cannot repair bad sectors. Buy a new drive as you've been told multiple times now. | 13:51 |
verb_ | sorry i have forgot to mention it;s about openvpn key | 13:51 |
blackflow | lavinho: you don't really, bad sectors are hardware issues. you could force reallocation with repeated writing to them, but it should be done automatically. that said, once you see them crop up, time to get a new disk asap, and take care you have backups., | 13:51 |
pragmaticenigma | verb_: Ask in #openvpn ... that will be a better support channel for answers about openvpn | 13:52 |
ph88 | how can i see which files are in php7.3-dev at https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=cosmic ? | 13:52 |
pragmaticenigma | ph88: For PPA assistance, you will have to contact the maintainer of the PPA directly. They are responsible for documentation of their repositories | 13:54 |
ph88 | pragmaticenigma, i need launchpad assistance not PPA assistance | 13:54 |
verb_ | /msg NickServ VERIFY REGISTER verb_ nhscmkkwbryd | 13:55 |
ph88 | lol | 13:55 |
verb_ | uh | 13:55 |
pragmaticenigma | verb_: You need to change your password now | 13:55 |
ph88 | verb_, i suggest you do that in the "server" window of your client instead of a channel | 13:55 |
Southern_Gentlem | whats the current kernel in ubuntu | 13:55 |
pragmaticenigma | verb_: Also, always... ALWAYS do your registration and identification in the server panel, not in a chat channel | 13:55 |
verb_ | aha i will | 13:55 |
Exterminador | +++++++++2252265333363333333 | 13:56 |
hggdh | Southern_Gentlem: which Ubuntu version? | 13:58 |
pragmaticenigma | ph88: what are you having difficulty with launchpad? | 13:58 |
ph88 | pragmaticenigma, i'm looking for the ext_skel script but i can't find it | 13:58 |
ph88 | don't know how to browse package contents | 13:58 |
pragmaticenigma | ph88: Like I said before, you would have to reach out to the maintainer of the PPA that is listed on that launchpad site... those aren't supported here. The person that maintains that launchpad page is responsible for it's contents. | 13:59 |
ph88 | how can i browse package contents on launchpad ? | 14:00 |
ph88 | this is not specific to any PPA in particular, is it ? | 14:00 |
Southern_Gentlem | hggdh, the latest | 14:01 |
blackflow | ph88: thereshould be a way, lemme check | 14:01 |
blackflow | ph88: yeah, no, can't find it | 14:04 |
ph88 | ok no worries | 14:04 |
hggdh | Southern_Gentlem: for 18.04 is | 14:04 |
Southern_Gentlem | hggdh, ty | 14:04 |
ducasse | ph88: try #launchpad | 14:05 |
Exterminador | sorry..I've pressed the keys while moving the laptop around | 14:06 |
anny | WHATUP. trying to print a pdf (aspx from firefox). all the fonts look great and normal via firefox + pdf viewer, but when i print, i get a bunch of boxes with crap inside them instead of characters. help :< | 14:27 |
skr | anny, try opening it into evince and print from there | 14:28 |
anny | i have skr , that's what i called 'pdf viewier' | 14:29 |
skr | uh | 14:29 |
Southern_Gentlem | anny save it local view and print from your machine | 14:33 |
Southern_Gentlem | timeout since you are pinting from the web | 14:34 |
Southern_Gentlem | printing | 14:34 |
anny | Southern_Gentlem: skr hm its working now. maybe i printed from firefox before, maybe its because i apt install ttf-* | 14:34 |
anny | thanks | 14:34 |
skr | which printer and driver are you using? we had some similar problems and we "solved" by using generic pcl drivers | 14:37 |
ceibal | oa | 14:43 |
ceibal | lao | 14:43 |
guest-f796ca | hkloh[ | 14:46 |
anny | skr i'm using the official cannon mg3000 series deb drivers @ https://www.canon-europe.com/support/consumer_products/products/fax__multifunctionals/inkjet/pixma_mg_series/pixma_mg3050.html?type=drivers&driverdetailid=tcm:13-1533042&os=linux%20(64-bit)&language=en | 14:51 |
marcoagpinto | guys?! What was the fonts channel you told me about? | 14:54 |
marcoagpinto | the one I joined moments ago only has a few users | 14:54 |
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette | ||
rapidwave | Is it really a good idea to store manually installed, updatable software in /opt? | 14:57 |
Pici | rapidwave: yes? | 14:58 |
=== TheReturnOfJo is now known as BattleAngle | ||
StephenLynx | ok, so this is weird | 15:04 |
StephenLynx | the same thing that happens on my ubuntu 18 machine with pavucontrol is happening here on centos 7 | 15:04 |
StephenLynx | definitely something on pulse audio and pci sound cards. | 15:04 |
StephenLynx | pavucontrol open = audio | 15:05 |
StephenLynx | pavucontrol closed = no audio | 15:05 |
hggdh | rapidwave: if it is something outside the repositories, /opt is considered a good place | 15:05 |
pragmaticenigma | rapidwave: Anything that I have manually installed (eclipse, certbot, etc..) I stick in /opt | 15:13 |
linuxsec | hello | 15:15 |
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette | ||
pragmaticenigma | Hello linuxsec | 15:17 |
linuxsec | hello bro | 15:17 |
pragmaticenigma | linuxsec: Do you have an Ubuntu support question you would like to ask? | 15:18 |
leftyfb | linuxsec: the answer is no, you should not IRC as root | 15:18 |
lordcirth__ | Yeah, don't do that | 15:20 |
royal_screwup21 | what's the command that tells me the source code for a specific command? For eg, I created a specific function called `extract` in my.bashrc that extracts any kind of file. I want to see what the function looks like on my terminal, without opening my .bashrc | 15:22 |
ghost_ | Hello, I recently installed ubuntu 18.10. I am having some issues with the display shutting completely off, I have to reboot when this happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated. | 15:24 |
leftyfb | royal_screwup21: type -a <function> | 15:24 |
royal_screwup21 | leftyfb: thanks! I'm new to linux, but I can't seem to find the manpages for type when I do `man type`. Is this expected? I basically want to figure out how to display the name of the files that contains the specific function | 15:26 |
leftyfb | royal_screwup21: it won't | 15:26 |
linuxsec | hoi hoi hoi | 15:27 |
pragmaticenigma | royal_screwup21: If you're defining functions, it's on you to remember where you put them | 15:27 |
linuxsec | ngopi woi wkwk | 15:27 |
tomreyn | linuxsec: this channel is english only, i'm afraid. | 15:27 |
royal_screwup21 | pragmaticenigma: oh okay...I just thought since the type command can show me the source code of the function, it could also show me the location of it | 15:28 |
leftyfb | royal_screwup21: I organize my functions in ~/.bash_aliases.d/<category> | 15:28 |
ayekat | royal_screwup21: `command -V {...}` might help | 15:28 |
lordcirth__ | royal_screwup21, 'man' is for programs. 'type' is actually a feature built into bash. 'help type' is what you want | 15:28 |
tomreyn | ghost_: does this *not* happen with other operating systems? when does it happen - immediately during boot or later when screen locking klicks in? whch graphics card, driver, kernel are you using? | 15:29 |
ayekat | (at least in zsh it displays the name - bash might be different) | 15:29 |
leftyfb | ayekat: correct. "type" works differently in zsh as it does in bash | 15:29 |
ayekat | leftyfb: yes, but I was talking about `command` | 15:29 |
ayekat | also, there *is* a man page for both type and command: http://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/utilities/type.html | 15:29 |
ayekat | (POSIX defines it) | 15:30 |
ayekat | it just won't be particularly useful in most cases - but it exists :-) | 15:30 |
leftyfb | ayekat: command also does not show the origin of the function | 15:31 |
pavlushka | How can I configure the Device-2 as client to Device-1 as server for Apt-Cacher-Ng for this scenario, https://i.imgur.com/YNyVO38.png ? | 15:32 |
royal_screwup21 | the thing is, I installed oh-my-bash and it wiped out my .bashrc and replaced it with its own template. The weird part though, is that my `extract` function, which was defined in my original bashrc, still works, when it's no longer in my ~/.bashrc. I'm trying to figure out where it it's defined... | 15:32 |
ayekat | leftyfb: seems you're right - `command` pretty much behaves like `type` in bash | 15:32 |
ghost_ | tomreyn: 4.18.0-16-generic, GeForce GTX 750 Ti card, Nvidia-340 propietary driver. And it happens while I am using my desktop. Happened last while I was gaming and watching netflix. | 15:33 |
ghost_ | tomreyn: and no, it has never happened on any other O.S. including linuxmint 19.1 debian 9.3 and ubuntu 17.10 | 15:33 |
tomreyn | ghost_: i assume you rebooted since it last happened. did it happen during session before you last rebooted? | 15:35 |
ghost_ | tomreyn:yes, it happened last session. About 35 minutes ago | 15:36 |
tomreyn | ghost_: please post your system log from this previous session using: journalctl -b -1 | nc termbin.com 9999 | 15:36 |
ghost_ | https://termbin.com/f7ixy | 15:38 |
ghost_ | tomreyn:sorry I forgot to tag you. https://termbin.com/f7ixy | 15:40 |
linuxsec | information btc? | 15:41 |
lordcirth__ | Is there a list of all the language-specific #ubuntu channels? | 15:42 |
lordcirth__ | !id | linuxsec | 15:43 |
ubottu | linuxsec: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 15:43 |
metabsd | Can I use clearpart with curtin or preseed in recent ubuntu version ? | 15:44 |
Kon- | Dbus has decided to start looking for org.gnome.SessionManager and thus is now broken, as I'm on Kubuntu. How can I change this to get Dbus working again? | 15:44 |
lordcirth__ | Kon-, you should probably pastebin the exact error message you are getting | 15:44 |
tomreyn | ghost_: so this happened after 2 days of uptime. from the log, it's not clear what happened exactly. does this happen only after the system has been running for days? | 15:45 |
ramsub07 | Hi guys, I want to copy a directory with 1.4 million files. How do I do that efficiently ? | 15:45 |
tomreyn | metabsd: /join #ubuntu-server | 15:45 |
ghost_ | you know, it might be the case. I have just installed 18.10 like 2 days ago.... lol | 15:45 |
Kon- | lordcirth__: The long version is here. The complete output for busctl --user monitor when I try to run the application (qpaeq for pulseaudio-equalizer) https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/H7nCQj3y4P/ | 15:46 |
Kon- | If you CTRL+F for Error you will only find 2 | 15:46 |
Kon- | And they are the same one | 15:46 |
ghost_ | tomreyn:omg, I keep forgetting to tag you I am so sorry. But that could be the case, I have only just installed 18.10 a couple days ago. | 15:46 |
ghost_ | tomreyn, anyhow I will start shutting it down regularly. Thanks for they input, if I have any other issues I will return. you guys are the real superheroes. :) | 15:47 |
Kon- | ErrorMessage="The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files" | 15:47 |
ghost_ | tomreyn:^ | 15:47 |
tomreyn | ghost_: alright, let's hope it doesn'T occur again. what i see on the log is that some minutes before it happened, the runescape client crashed, and there were some compatibility issues between it and the gnome-shell (but those may be benign). | 15:49 |
lordcirth__ | Kon-, and does something not work? Normally that sort of thing is a harmless warning | 15:49 |
tomreyn | ghost_: so this could be a contributing factor, but that's just a wild guess. | 15:49 |
pragmaticenigma | ramsub07: The most efficent and error tolorant method I can think of is to use rsync... otherwise standard file copy works just fine | 15:49 |
ghost_ | tomreyn:okay, it could be the case. I was playing runescape before, have played since the crash as well. but I hope not cause, I need to play mah games lol... | 15:50 |
ghost_ | tomreyn:anyhow, shutting down now. thanks man :) | 15:50 |
Kon- | lordcirth__: Yes. Pulseaudio-equalizer which was working hours ago is now working no more. Let me give you the output from that. Dbus times out. The application has since been purged and reinstalled, and pulse config files removed. Seems to be a DBus issue https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9ZSCXPny7G/ | 15:51 |
=== kfc is now known as pdssBill | ||
Kon- | lordcirth__: If we look in dbus-monitor, we get 2 addition errors not seen in busctl. STRING "Could not get owner of name 'org.kde.kssld5': no such name" and STRING "The given match rule wasn't found and can't be removed" and | 15:53 |
jamie_1 | hey, im looking for a way to monitor for any incoming connections which will output to terminal when it receives any requests to establish a connection coming inwards | 15:57 |
jamie_1 | im working on https://pasteboard.co/I4uikVw.png and im using portmon right now but its causing issues due to calling the old network manager and im on 18.10 | 15:58 |
faLUCE | sorry for the generic question but, how do you say in englis: "backupped file" or "backuped file" ? | 15:59 |
jamie_1 | im using netstat -antp and using awk to parse the most active connection and listing them, but im not sure what would be the best way to list any incoming connections in the interface | 16:00 |
lordcirth__ | faLUCE, backed up file | 16:02 |
faLUCE | thnks lordcirth__ | 16:02 |
lordcirth__ | jamie_1, you want to get a list of all inbound open connections, sorted by bandwidth? | 16:04 |
jamie_1 | lordcirth__: yes, or just any inbound... as there should be none unless i am doing them myself | 16:05 |
lordcirth__ | jamie_1, so, most tools don't really distinguish between directions | 16:08 |
lordcirth__ | What you could do is filter to connections that are using a local port below 1024 | 16:09 |
lordcirth__ | As outbound connections will use a random high port | 16:09 |
=== Class7_ is now known as Class7 | ||
jamie_1 | lordcirth__: okay, ill see what i can come up with | 16:10 |
jamie_1 | lordcirth__: would i be able to use tcp dump and grep '<' | 16:10 |
jamie_1 | sorry grep > "myhostname" | 16:11 |
jamie_1 | or will that just show anything sending a packet to my machine | 16:11 |
pragmaticenigma | I think this is sounding more complicated than it is... Outgoing connections in netstat usually have your localmachine in the source column, while incoming connections would have your localmachin in the destination column | 16:12 |
pragmaticenigma | or am I missing something? | 16:13 |
lordcirth__ | jamie_1, tcpdump shows every packet, not connection direction, yeah | 16:14 |
lordcirth__ | pragmaticenigma, netstat doesn't show source/dest, only local/foreign | 16:15 |
lordcirth__ | It only knows what sockets are open, not how they were opened | 16:16 |
linuxsec | problem use ubuntu? | 16:18 |
lordcirth__ | !id | linuxsec | 16:19 |
lordcirth__ | linuxsec, Indonesia? /join #ubuntu-id | 16:20 |
pragmaticenigma | how can I get netstat to show the full reversed domain lookup value? | 16:22 |
lordcirth__ | pragmaticenigma, full as opposed to what? | 16:23 |
lordcirth__ | It does reverse DNS by default | 16:23 |
pragmaticenigma | nevermind "-W" shows the full domain value | 16:23 |
linuxsec | ngopi woi wkwk | 16:27 |
tomreyn | linuxsec: this channel is english only, as you have been told before. | 16:28 |
tomreyn | linuxsec: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 16:34 |
jamie_1 | lordcirth__: ah, thanks. kinda stinks... but i guess i can just stick with the one portmon call since it only cases a freeze if it has something to actively display, so if there are no inbound connections its fine, and if there is one i have bigger problems then it freezing my conky XD | 16:37 |
jamie_1 | *than it freezing | 16:37 |
lordcirth__ | jamie_1, you could also use shorewall, and enable logging of inbound connections | 16:38 |
lliurex | window | 16:38 |
otyy | Hey there, got a problem with gsetting : wathever I set about gnome.desktop.lockdown or gnome.desktop.screensaver get overwritten when opening gnome-control-center. Anyone know why this weird behaviour and how to workaround it ? | 16:40 |
otyy | I basically just want to change "auto-lock" of the session from a script, that's basically all I want to do. Any way would be good to me. | 16:41 |
jamie_1 | lordcirth__: ill look into it! thanks! tbh the conky overlay im working on is just a hobby project so its not the end of the world if i cant track specific inbound connections without using portmon, none of the other people i share it with are on 18.10 so they have no issues with it | 16:44 |
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking | ||
itsonlybinary | https://packages.ubuntu.com/cosmic/lxd <-- does this mean in the next LTS that lxd will be in snap not apt? | 16:48 |
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leftyfb | !ubuntu+1 | itsonlybinary | 16:50 |
ubottu | itsonlybinary: Disco Dingo is the codename for Ubuntu 19.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 16:50 |
itsonlybinary | thanks | 16:51 |
DarXKai | hi | 16:54 |
DarXKai | anyone awake? | 16:55 |
teward | DarXKai: ask a real question | 16:55 |
teward | !ask | DarXKai | 16:55 |
ubottu | DarXKai: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:55 |
DarXKai | ok ... | 16:55 |
dejuren | awake in which time zone? | 16:55 |
DarXKai | SSL/TCL got problems setting up an eggdrop | 16:55 |
DarXKai | I don't care if they awake | 16:55 |
DarXKai | awakeness would be the thing not geographic location ;-) | 16:56 |
nacc | DarXKai: that doesn't seem like an ubuntu question | 16:57 |
DarXKai | it might be chmod thing as the bots being denied axx to the library | 16:57 |
DarXKai | it aint specifically | 16:57 |
DarXKai | its a nix thing I think | 16:57 |
leftyfb | DarXKai: try #eggdrop | 16:58 |
DarXKai | thanks fella ;-) | 16:58 |
DarXKai | cya | 16:58 |
nacc | DarXKai: hint, read channel /topic when you j oin | 16:58 |
DarXKai | FWIW: tribalism is lame, oh and don't complain ppl arrive when they get skull dragged in ;-) | 17:00 |
leftyfb | heh, cute | 17:03 |
linuxsec | hello everyone | 17:21 |
addajones | hi | 17:21 |
qwebirc25875 | hi | 17:24 |
linuxsec | oi oi | 17:24 |
qwebirc25875 | i need a help | 17:24 |
rynak4 | What do you need help with? | 17:25 |
qwebirc25875 | i want to uninstall ubuntu and install windows 7 | 17:25 |
qwebirc25875 | can anyone help me? | 17:25 |
teward | qwebirc25875: get Windows 7 ISO, write to USB stick, boot to Windows 7 installer, delete any partitions that Windows sees, use 'Free Space' for Windows install, it'll automatically do the steps to erase Ubuntu and add Windows. | 17:26 |
rynak4 | qwebirc25875: It's basically the same for any Linux (i.e. you can find tutorials in the internet). Short version: a) Backup/Copy all the data you want to keep b) Wipe everything c) Install Windows 7 | 17:27 |
qwebirc25875 | how to wipe everything | 17:27 |
qwebirc25875 | i am new to this | 17:27 |
=== murthy is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ | ||
qwebirc25875 | actually this ubuntu is giving so many problem in audio.. | 17:28 |
rynak4 | qwebirc25875: Either use the Windows installer as teward said (i.e. delete all partitions) or use some other tools (e.g. gparted from Linux Live ISO) | 17:28 |
qwebirc25875 | sometimes it is coming but most of the time it won't | 17:29 |
qwebirc25875 | <rynak4> isany step by step documents? there | 17:29 |
rynak4 | qwebirc25875: I am sure there is a tutorial for this online but I currently cannot search one | 17:30 |
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qwebirc25875 | i have bootable usb stick with me | 17:31 |
huggybeers | hello | 17:31 |
huggybeers | I am new to chat | 17:31 |
qwebirc25875 | but i am not able to delete the partition nd install windows | 17:31 |
rynak4 | qwebirc25875: I'm sorry, but I didn't use a Windows Live USB for years :/ | 17:32 |
qwebirc25875 | no no not windows live..... | 17:33 |
qwebirc25875 | i have a usb of win-7 | 17:33 |
qwebirc25875 | @rynak4 can u plz help me? | 17:34 |
linuxsec | maybe i can help u | 17:35 |
rynak4 | I have a question myself: My computer (desktop, Ryzen) sometimes hangs in a weird way: The monitors turn black (no video) and the Network seems to be disconnected (no ssh/ping anymore). However, the computer is still running and USB devices are powered. It also happened under Ubuntu, Debian and Arch. Can anyone make a guess what is happening? | 17:35 |
teward | qwebirc25875: when you boot into the Win7 USB stick, does it show you any partitions or just "Empty Space" or "Free Space"? | 17:35 |
linuxsec | send me your emaiil | 17:35 |
qwebirc25875 | kdsingh891@gail.com | 17:36 |
teward | don't share your emails here | 17:36 |
teward | instant way to get spammed | 17:36 |
teward | and privacy problems | 17:36 |
qwebirc25875 | i connect usb nd then pressed f12 | 17:36 |
qwebirc25875 | it is going to bootmanager but not showing any usb thing | 17:36 |
rynak4 | qwebirc25875: How did you create your Win7 USB Stick? | 17:37 |
qwebirc25875 | using software...i made it bootable.. | 17:37 |
rynak4 | software? ... | 17:37 |
qwebirc25875 | ohh...@teward thanks...i will take care of that | 17:38 |
qwebirc25875 | my friend has given that.. | 17:39 |
qwebirc25875 | i didn't ask about that | 17:39 |
rynak4 | It looks like the USB Stick is not the one you need / not made correctly / broken. What you could try is to go into your BIOS Settings and enable Legacy boot (instead of UEFI) if this is not enabled yet. | 17:40 |
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qwebirc25875 | after that? | 17:41 |
rynak4 | And then try again booting the USB stick with F12 | 17:42 |
qwebirc25875 | ohh...okay | 17:42 |
qwebirc25875 | thnks | 17:43 |
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jamie_1 | the moment when you realize you have spent entirely way to much time building a system monitor because you can | 17:46 |
nathdwek | Hi guys, can you recommend an application to browse single page pdfs as I would browse a photo gallery? | 17:47 |
nathdwek | I am writing an article and all my figures are saved as pdfs, but it's a bit unpractical to browse them when I am on the look for a specific figure | 17:48 |
pragmaticenigma | nathdwek: for software recommendations, please use #ubuntu-offtopic | 17:51 |
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kevindank | Hello, I have a website running on a ubuntu 18 server, and I want to move the site from the /mysite/public_html folder to the /mysite/ folder | 17:58 |
kevindank | do i just do a sudo mv? | 17:58 |
Blueking | how can I see what folders are on wich hdd ? | 18:00 |
kevindank | so the site is current in /var/www/websitename/public_html is where it currently resides and I want it to be in /var/www/websitename/ | 18:00 |
JuJUBee | blackflow, home dirs moved over fine. Thanks for the help earlier. | 18:04 |
the-noob | any ideas why my keyring won't open even if I have the auto-login disabled ? | 18:06 |
the-noob | I'm being asked for the password every time I open an app that requires it (Skype, MySQL Workbench) | 18:06 |
leftyfb | kevindank: first, there is no "ubuntu 18". Second, just move it and update the site config in your web server. If you don't know how to do that, you should probably read up on the documentation for whatever web server software you are running. It will typically be under "VirtualHost" | 18:10 |
qwebirc8019 | I kubuntu and need to install Ubuntu on a friend's laptop. I think it's uefi based and he needs windows dual boot. I had some quick questions regarding uefi | 18:14 |
lordcirth__ | qwebirc8019, go ahead and ask | 18:15 |
qwebirc8019 | Okay so first of all, how do I create a uefi bootable usb? | 18:16 |
lordcirth__ | qwebirc8019, the normal Ubuntu ISO works for both. Just dd it. | 18:17 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: are you creating it from a linux or windows OS or...? | 18:18 |
qwebirc8019 | Linux | 18:18 |
lordcirth__ | I believe he said he' | 18:18 |
EriC^^ | nevermind, just noticed the kubuntu | 18:18 |
lordcirth__ | s running kubuntu | 18:18 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: do, "sudo dd if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdX bs=4M conv=fsync status=progress" | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | where sdx is the usb name | 18:19 |
qwebirc8019 | What do bs and cin | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | maybe checksum the iso prior to using dd as well | 18:19 |
qwebirc8019 | *conv do? | 18:19 |
yvyz | Block Size sets the size of each read and write block. so you technically trasnfer data in 4Meg chunks... etc etc | 18:19 |
EriC^^ | bs is the block size, so it transfers quicker, conv=fsync means it will run sync after it's done so everything is copied right | 18:20 |
qwebirc8019 | Got it. Thank you. Why do we use 4M, though? | 18:20 |
lordcirth__ | qwebirc8019, default is 512b, which is really slow. 1M, 4M, etc all work fine | 18:21 |
EriC^^ | cause that's about where you get a nice speed difference in my experience | 18:21 |
lordcirth__ | ah, conv=fsync replaces doing && sync. Cool, I will try to remember that | 18:22 |
qwebirc8019 | Thank you. Now for uefi, I would need a /boot/efi too along with root and/home right? I assume there would already be the windows efi partition? How do I use and/it extend it? | 18:22 |
EriC^^ | yeah, i think it also only syncs the transfered stuff and not everything lordcirth__ | 18:22 |
BluesKaj | yup bs=4M is decently fast , but not too large to lose data | 18:23 |
qwebirc8019 | And/or * | 18:23 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: yeah there should already be a windows efi partition, likely it has enough space to accommodate ubuntu (it just needs a few mb's) | 18:23 |
qwebirc8019 | How much do you think should be enough for both the os? | 18:24 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: ~300mb is more than enough | 18:24 |
EriC^^ | you could probably make do with like 100 too easily | 18:24 |
EriC^^ | my efi is 51mb with windows + ubuntu | 18:25 |
qwebirc8019 | Oh. I read on some guides that said at least 256 MB per os | 18:25 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: just so you know, some uefi implementations can be tricky, after installing ubuntu you might keep just getting windows til you "do something" | 18:25 |
EriC^^ | with acer's for instance you need to set an admin password to get extra options in the bios to "trust" ubuntu | 18:26 |
EriC^^ | with others, you might even have to trick the bios into thinking its booting windows instead of ubuntu/grub | 18:26 |
qwebirc8019 | I have a dell on single boot kubuntu. So it's easy. His is a lenovo yoga. And he wants dual boot too. So what else should I do? | 18:27 |
EriC^^ | aha i think on lenovo i ended up switching the efi files to get it to boot | 18:27 |
lordcirth__ | qwebirc8019, step 0: backups | 18:27 |
qwebirc8019 | I have already told him to back all the important things up | 18:28 |
qwebirc8019 | So we're good to go | 18:28 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: if you're able to come online if the install doesnt boot you can go from there and see what can be done | 18:28 |
qwebirc8019 | Also do I need to format the usb to ext4 or fat or should I just run dd? | 18:30 |
EriC^^ | no dd will copy everything including the partition table on the iso | 18:30 |
lordcirth__ | qwebirc8019, you are dd'ing to the disk, not a partition, so it will overwrite the partition table | 18:30 |
qwebirc8019 | So I choose "something else" then mount root and/home as ext4. And swap. Then I choose the efi partition, Mount it as /boot/efi and do it format it? | 18:31 |
qwebirc8019 | Is there anything else I'm missing? | 18:31 |
EriC^^ | qwebirc8019: dont format it, cause it'll remove the windows files | 18:48 |
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neoweb | usb 3.0 and displaylink stuff work? | 18:56 |
neoweb | hmm | 18:57 |
neoweb | https://support.displaylink.com/knowledgebase/articles/683482-displaylink-support-for-ubuntu-now-available | 18:57 |
qwebirc48537 | Hello. Is there anyone who could help me on ubuntu for windows? | 18:58 |
lordcirth__ | !wsl | qwebirc48537 | 18:59 |
ubottu | qwebirc48537: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide | 18:59 |
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lsm5 | hi, I'm curious if there's a new package in debian, how long does it take for it to propagate to ubuntu (ubuntu 18.04 in particular), the package in question is slirp4netns https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/slirp4netns | 19:26 |
ioria | !info slirp4netns disco | 19:27 |
ubottu | slirp4netns (source: slirp4netns): User-mode networking for unprivileged network namespaces. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.1-1 (disco), package size 47 kB, installed size 114 kB | 19:27 |
tgm4883 | lsm5: it probably won't propagate to 18.04. It would need a backport to do so | 19:29 |
tgm4883 | !info slirp4netns bionic | 19:29 |
ubottu | Package slirp4netns does not exist in bionic | 19:29 |
lsm5 | tgm4883: i see, is there a handy link I could use to request a backport? | 19:30 |
blackflow | lsm5: you could always try and do it yourself https://wiki.debian.org/SimpleBackportCreation | 19:31 |
tgm4883 | lsm5: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports | 19:31 |
lsm5 | blackflow: ha yup, i was hoping it'd be available by default, else I'll put it on my ppa | 19:33 |
lsm5 | tgm4883: ack, thanks I'll read through it | 19:33 |
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy | ||
=== Noisette is now known as Plumette | ||
FreeBDSM | hello, how to figure out what FS type do I have? | 19:48 |
FreeBDSM | I've installed xubuntu and I can't figure out how to increase partition | 19:49 |
Southern_Gentlem | mount | 19:49 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999" and paste the link here | 19:49 |
hardwell_ | Hello | 19:49 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: `parted ls` `Error: Could not stat device ls - No such file or directory.` | 19:50 |
FreeBDSM | Southern_Gentlem: /dev/sdc3 on /home type ext4 | 19:50 |
FreeBDSM | but is it inside llvm? | 19:50 |
sorin-mihai | is there a way to enforce a certain MAC to a bond interface created with netplan? | 19:51 |
Southern_Gentlem | FreeBDSM, and what partitions do you have inside the lvm | 19:51 |
FreeBDSM | Southern_Gentlem: `lvs` `-su: /sbin/lvs: No such file or directory` | 19:52 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, if parted says that /home is /dev/sdc3, then it's not LVM. That would show up as /dev/mapper/something | 19:52 |
Southern_Gentlem | FreeBDSM, and the parted -ls does work you missed the - | 19:52 |
deadrom | hi | 19:52 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: there's a "-" before ls | 19:53 |
FreeBDSM | https://paste.ee/p/dMjdK | 19:54 |
deadrom | what disk backup program does not compress data by hook or by crook but compresses empty spaces on the go? I dd'ed through pixz (=xz multithreaded ) I lose tremendous speed. need to backup a half-full 1tb ssd to a 500gb ssd | 19:54 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: you want to expand the root fs? | 19:55 |
lordcirth_ | deadrom, dd is going to be an expensive way to back up, especially if you don't 0 free space. Back up your files instead | 19:55 |
sorin-mihai | there's no lvm in that partitioning scheme | 19:55 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: well, I think it won't be good because it will go stripe then on the disk: [biosgrub | root | home | root | swap] | 19:55 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: you can boot a live usb and use gparted to shrink and move the home fs,then expand the root fs | 19:56 |
EriC^^ | backup first obviously | 19:56 |
lordcirth_ | Yeah, back up and be aware that if you cancel it or lose power, you'll need to restore | 19:57 |
izman | Hi, does anyone here have a T480s on 18.04 without this https://github.com/erpalma/throttled script running? I'm just curious about the OOTB experience with these laptops. More specifically if they hit the 80c/25w they should on Linux. | 19:57 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: nevermind the shrinking home part, just noticed you have a ton of space after the home partition | 20:00 |
sorin-mihai | and another ton of swap space | 20:00 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: you could always use that space to make a separate /var and /bin or whatever if that floats your boat | 20:00 |
tgm4883 | izman: I don't think I've got that running on my X1C6. I've got to run to the car dealership but I could check it out later if you still need someone | 20:00 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: need full disk backup. | 20:01 |
lordcirth_ | deadrom, ok, then you should zero free space on your filesystem, then it will compress easier | 20:01 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: I think I'll just enlarge home then | 20:01 |
FreeBDSM | can I do that safely online? | 20:01 |
sorin-mihai | should | 20:02 |
FreeBDSM | I mean right on the live system | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | i thought you wanted to expand the root fs? | 20:02 |
izman | tgm4883, that would be great, I'm guessing if your X1C6 sits around 80C just by default the T480s will also and according to this comment that is correct behavior... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1763144/comments/25 | 20:02 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1763144 in linux (Ubuntu) "Significantly lower power and thermal limits on ThinkPad T480s (and probably others) than on Windows" [Medium,Invalid] | 20:02 |
FreeBDSM | so is it lvm? | 20:02 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: yeh, but even compression level 1 it tries to compress data with 12 threads and crunch the heck out of it. it will speed up once it comes to the zeros, but until then I'll wait for hours | 20:02 |
sorin-mihai | doesn't look like lvm | 20:02 |
lordcirth_ | deadrom, so you want a faster compression? | 20:02 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: no it's not lvm, but ext4 supports live enlarging | 20:02 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: yes. compressing zeros like that but just losely skim over data but not care too much | 20:03 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: well, I think making it 50G would be nice, but if that requires switching off and doing backup - this means this operation is not safe and I'll definitely screw things up | 20:03 |
EriC^^ | you'd need to remount read only, run fsck, then use resize2fs | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | izman: I defintely dont' run 80C by default. That said, I do run baseline kernels on this box | 20:03 |
FreeBDSM | actually, I might have omitted an important part, here it is: https://paste.ee/p/v84hR | 20:03 |
tgm4883 | izman: I've got to run, but I just ran this short test in case it helps http://i.imgur.com/MLYJ5VT.png | 20:04 |
FreeBDSM | my home is 'encrypted' | 20:04 |
FreeBDSM | (dunno what it is encrypted with, lol) | 20:04 |
lordcirth_ | deadrom, try pigz -1 ? | 20:04 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, if you chose home directory encryption in the installer, it's ecryptfs | 20:04 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: it's not really unsafe, just that if the power goes off or it freezes or whatever you'd be screwed without a backup | 20:04 |
FreeBDSM | lordcirth_: yeah, I did that | 20:05 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: yeah that's just ecryptfs as mentioned | 20:05 |
EriC^^ | it wont make any difference for your project | 20:05 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: oooh, that's *way* faster than pixz -1 ! thanks | 20:06 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: you should have a backup anyways, btw :P | 20:06 |
lordcirth_ | deadrom, gzip is an older, faster, slightly less compressing algo. And pigz is well written | 20:06 |
hardwell_ | Hello | 20:06 |
lordcirth_ | xz is quite slow at compressing | 20:06 |
lordcirth_ | hardwell_, hi | 20:06 |
izman | hmm that probably fell under the umbrella of a burst load though, which means it would make sense that it hung out at ~20w for 30seconds or however long that took | 20:07 |
izman | the larger issue was linux machines throttling to sub 1ghz and 15w | 20:07 |
FreeBDSM | well, backup is a good idea, after all | 20:07 |
hardwell_ | Test | 20:07 |
FreeBDSM | dunno how to do that though | 20:07 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: but what a difference, I get 350MB/s now over around 40 with pixz | 20:07 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: copy the contents of your home dir completely somewhere else.. and have the passphrase for the encryption somewhere safe | 20:08 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: um no wait.. aborted "no space left on device". weird.. | 20:08 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: do you want the backup encrypted or no? | 20:08 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: thing is... I don't have a passphrase | 20:08 |
FreeBDSM | so I really don't know how encryption works | 20:08 |
FreeBDSM | it sounds fake to me | 20:09 |
coz_ | ?? | 20:09 |
hardwell_ | How do I update BRLTTY to its latest version? | 20:09 |
mweb | ▲ Hi guys, I would like to know how can I access to a DNS router page http://myrouterdomain with stubby (DNS-over-TLS) because without stubby I can access to a http://myrouterdomain? | 20:10 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, ecryptfs uses the same passphrase as you use to login, and decrypts your homedir when you enter it. If you change your user password, it will stop working | 20:11 |
Southern_Gentlem | mweb, so does the routor support tls ? | 20:11 |
Southern_Gentlem | have you gotten certs for the routor ? | 20:11 |
lordcirth_ | coz_, do you have a support question? | 20:11 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: :D | 20:12 |
Southern_Gentlem | since you are running http instead of https that tells me possible no on both questions | 20:12 |
FreeBDSM | lordcirth_: but how does it work if I change my user's password? do files get re-saved? | 20:12 |
mweb | Southern_Gentlem I can access to my router by http OR https | 20:12 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: well, if you dont have the passphrase, then you absolutely need to keep the "wrapped passphrase" with you somewhere safe + your login password that it uses with it to decrypt your stuff | 20:12 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, if you change it on the command line, your homedir will just fail to mount next login. There's a recovery key that you can save. | 20:13 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: what's a wrapped passphrase? | 20:13 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: actually i think you can just unwrap the passphrase using some ecryptfs-something tool and write it down somewhere safe | 20:13 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, ecryptfs generates a key, encrypts your files with it, then encrypts the key with your password. So you can change your password quickly, and also save the unwrapped password elsewhere. | 20:14 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: your files are encrypted using a long jibberish passphrase right? the wrapped passphrase is that passphrase that's used, except it's been encrypted using your login pass, so that way when you login it just unwraps the passphrase, and uses that one with your files to show them decrypted | 20:14 |
mweb | Southern_Gentlem I have configured stubby with correctly but if I access to a my router page with DomainRouter fail while if I access with a IP Address works. ▲ Why? | 20:14 |
lordcirth_ | hardwell_, brltty is in the Ubuntu repositories. Do you need a newer version than the one there? I see 5.5-4ubuntu2.0.1 installed. | 20:14 |
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Southern_Gentlem | https vs http | 20:15 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: it's better to unwrap the passphrase and write it down, in case you lose the wrapped one, or somehow forget your current login | 20:15 |
hardwell_ | Yes. I want to upgrade BRLTTY to version 6.0. | 20:16 |
lordcirth_ | deadrom, which device filled up? | 20:16 |
deadrom | lordcirth_: I'm an idiot. got the path wrong and wrot eto the live stick... so to tmpfs. got it on now, still 165MB/s tho which still is 4x of pixz | 20:16 |
FreeBDSM | lordcirth_: where is that key stored? | 20:17 |
deadrom | FreeBDSM: lost passphrase? | 20:18 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: sorry, but your explanation is confusing. Passphrase is usually a password for a key. | 20:18 |
FreeBDSM | deadrom: dunno yet | 20:18 |
FreeBDSM | I mean, I know my user's password | 20:19 |
Swell | Swelled gorman | 20:19 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: that's just the logistics of ecryptfs, passphrase is the key | 20:19 |
FreeBDSM | my files are ecryptfs'ed | 20:19 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase | 20:19 |
Swell | sorry meant Norman lol | 20:19 |
Swell | wrong channel | 20:19 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: if you want the actual passphrase use "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" to write it down | 20:20 |
lordcirth_ | hardwell_, it should work if you download https://brltty.app/archive/brltty-6.0-1.x86_64.rpm and use Alien to convert it to a .deb | 20:20 |
FreeBDSM | EriC^^: it asks for a passphrase | 20:21 |
FreeBDSM | (I mean the unwrap command) | 20:21 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, yes. That's the same passphrase as you use to login | 20:21 |
EriC^^ | FreeBDSM: yeah type your normal login | 20:21 |
mweb | Southern_Gentlem I think that is not a problem of the protocol http or https, but a stubby configuration because I setted in NetworkManager Automatic DHCP (only address) and in the DNS box I set to address a stubby | 20:21 |
FreeBDSM | what's login? there's a user and a password | 20:22 |
FreeBDSM | do you mean the password? | 20:22 |
lordcirth_ | FreeBDSM, yes, the password you use to log in | 20:22 |
EriC^^ | yeah | 20:22 |
lordcirth_ | That's how ecryptfs offers encryption with no extra work for the user - it just grabs your password when you are logging in anyway | 20:23 |
EriC^^ | i wonder if he has to also copy some fnek stuff, for the filename encryption | 20:23 |
mweb | Southern_Gentlem ▲ the web navigation work perfectly with a DNS-over-TLS but If I navigate to a local domanin of the router not works! | 20:23 |
hardwell_ | OK. Also, is it illegal to use BitTorrent to download the ISO of Ubuntu? Will I be arrested if I download Linux using BitTorrent? | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | nevermind, there doesnt seem to be any fnek related stuff in the ~/.ecryptfs wiki | 20:24 |
EriC^^ | *in the wiki | 20:25 |
lordcirth_ | hardwell_, no, the official website has the torrents - BitTorrent is perfectly legal, for legal uses. | 20:26 |
hardwell_ | So can I download any Linux distro using BitTorren without being arrested? | 20:28 |
lordcirth_ | hardwell_, Any Linux distro that gives their ISOs away freely, which is nearly all of them | 20:29 |
lordcirth_ | Most distros actually have official torrents, use those. | 20:29 |
=== aa is now known as Guest84711 | ||
sorin-mihai | is there a way to enforce a certain MAC to a bond interface created with netplan? | 20:38 |
pragmaticenigma | sorin-mihai: ask in ##networking | 20:38 |
lordcirth_ | sorin-mihai, https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1718607 | 20:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 1718607 in netplan "netplan should support setting MAC addresses in software" [Undecided,Fix committed] | 20:39 |
lordcirth_ | So yes, it's just undocuments | 20:40 |
lordcirth_ | *ed | 20:40 |
sorin-mihai | lordcirth_, i still don't understand why it would create random MACs that don't remotely look like the hardware ones | 20:41 |
lordcirth_ | sorin-mihai, I dunno. I had to set a mac to make bridges work properly. | 20:41 |
lordcirth_ | Well, to make bridges with their own IPs work. | 20:42 |
BobFrankly | so in trying to fix a 100% full /boot partition, I typoed a space into the wrong spot and nuked /boot | 21:10 |
BobFrankly | I'm still in the server, is there anyway to recover before rebooting? | 21:11 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: what version of ubuntu? | 21:11 |
BobFrankly | 4.4.0-79 | 21:11 |
BobFrankly | -generic | 21:11 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: cat /etc/issue | 21:11 |
BobFrankly | 16.04.3 LTS | 21:12 |
BobFrankly | \n \l as well | 21:12 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: sudo apt install --reinstall grub linux-image-generic-hwe-16.04 | 21:12 |
BobFrankly | in progress, that all I need | 21:13 |
BobFrankly | ? | 21:13 |
leftyfb | you could also reinstall linux-image-4.4.0-79-generic , but the hew kernel will be more up to date | 21:13 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: I think so. Take a look in boot once it's done | 21:13 |
leftyfb | sorry, hwe, not hew | 21:13 |
BobFrankly | I'm primarily a windows admin, what should I be looking for? | 21:14 |
BobFrankly | I see /boot/grub and 3 files within | 21:15 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/GmSbK7j2By/ roughly that <~~~ give or take kernel versions | 21:15 |
lordcirth_ | BobFrankly, so, you need a kernel (vmlinuz*), an initrd (initrd.img*) and /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 21:15 |
BobFrankly | getting "maxreports reached allready" in a few of these lines, is that just for logging or is it going to break stuff? | 21:17 |
BobFrankly | yeah, still missing stuff in grub | 21:17 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: what are you missing? | 21:18 |
leftyfb | ah | 21:18 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: sudo grub-install /dev/sda ; sudo update-grub | 21:18 |
BobFrankly | is there a command to produce the list you did? | 21:18 |
BobFrankly | yeah, grub folder is looking more full now | 21:19 |
BobFrankly | though I don't have a grub.cfg file | 21:19 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: after you ran the install and update? | 21:20 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: I'm also assuming your drive is sda, that could be wrong | 21:21 |
BobFrankly | ya | 21:21 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: lsblk -e 7 -f | 21:21 |
leftyfb | that should tell us what your drive name is | 21:21 |
BobFrankly | boot is sda1 | 21:22 |
BobFrankly | is grub.cfg going to show to ls? or do I need a switch for hidden? | 21:22 |
leftyfb | no, it's not hidden | 21:26 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: try running sudo update-grub again just for fun ... that really should generate it | 21:27 |
BobFrankly | I did, this is what I've got in /boot/grub https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/KJTPWVN2m5/ | 21:33 |
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: looks like you're using grub1 not grub2 | 21:34 |
EriC^^ | "dpkg -l | grep" | 21:35 |
BobFrankly | EriC^^: something missing some that grep | 21:36 |
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: ah my bad, "dpkg -l | grep grub" | 21:42 |
BobFrankly | I got 4 lines, what am I looking for? | 21:43 |
EriC^^ | !paste | 21:43 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:43 |
BobFrankly | yeah, that works | 21:43 |
BobFrankly | https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/ph2RhPJksS/ | 21:44 |
leftyfb | BobFrankly: oh, this is an ec2 instance? | 21:45 |
BobFrankly | it's a VMWare VM | 21:46 |
BobFrankly | Ubuntu Server | 21:46 |
BobFrankly | running InfluxDB | 21:46 |
BobFrankly | so no :P | 21:48 |
* BobFrankly apoligies if he's coming across as a jerk | 21:48 | |
BobFrankly | so am I good? | 21:52 |
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: you're using grub1 | 21:55 |
EriC^^ | sudo apt-get purge grub grub-pc+ | 21:55 |
bwine | Hi there, how do I remove a network connection that isn't listed in the network manager? Unfortunately my system always defaults to it when I start up wifi also. | 21:58 |
BobFrankly | there's my grub.cfg file | 22:02 |
=== Hubert is now known as beforeclick | ||
BobFrankly | upon reboot, it drops to initramfs. I tried exit, and got this: https://pasteboard.co/I4wNfvg.png | 22:08 |
hhyd__ | czesmir | 22:14 |
hhyd__ | hello world | 22:15 |
=== BurekzFinezt is now known as Burek | ||
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: share 'sudo blkid; cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg' | 22:24 |
BobFrankly | /boot - no such file or dir | 22:25 |
BobFrankly | blkid shows a different UUID then the one being alerted in the image | 22:25 |
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: odd, try to boot from grub manually using 'c' | 22:26 |
EriC^^ | type 'ls' and list the partitions here | 22:26 |
BobFrankly | https://pasteboard.co/I4wV1CC.png - partially helpful | 22:27 |
EriC^^ | do you have a live usb you can boot | 22:28 |
BobFrankly | it's VMWare, I'll have to copy in an ISO | 22:28 |
EriC^^ | ok | 22:29 |
abdulhakeem | Is there a way in php.ini to have no file size upload limit? | 22:42 |
abdulhakeem | maybe setting it to -1M or something? | 22:43 |
=== EriC^^ is now known as ftos | ||
rokizar | hi | 22:57 |
rokizar | pple | 22:57 |
rokizar | hi pubg on linux | 22:58 |
shiroininja | hey friend | 22:58 |
rokizar | hi | 22:58 |
rokizar | how are you | 22:58 |
shiroininja | Good, relaxing, watch Halt and Catch Fire | 22:58 |
rokizar | can i run PUBG in linux | 22:59 |
neon_burn | howdy | 23:00 |
rokizar | hi | 23:01 |
shiroininja | I dunno | 23:01 |
rokizar | shit | 23:01 |
rokizar | hhhhhhh | 23:01 |
neon_burn | :D | 23:02 |
rokizar | neon | 23:02 |
neon_burn | yeh? | 23:02 |
rokizar | can i run pubg on linux | 23:02 |
pragmaticenigma | rokizar: No, it is not possible to run PUBG on Linux | 23:03 |
rokizar | oooo no | 23:03 |
rokizar | hhhhhhhh | 23:04 |
rokizar | anyway thank you | 23:04 |
rokizar | question ! | 23:04 |
BobFrankly | ftos: so I've got a live CD booted | 23:04 |
rokizar | how can i change language in libreoffice to type | 23:05 |
=== ftos is now known as EriC^^ | ||
=== Mr-Potter_ is now known as Mr-Potter | ||
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' | 23:08 |
shibboleth | are there not x86 bionic isos/media? | 23:17 |
shibboleth | i can find blogs on "how to make them yourself", but really? | 23:18 |
valinton | Client: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Ubuntu "bionic" 18.04 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz (4,00GHz) • Memory: Physical: 5,7 ГиБ Total (3,3 ГиБ Free) Swap: 7,7 ГиБ Total (7,7 ГиБ Free) • Storage: 42,8 ГБ / 67,4 ГБ (24,6 ГБ Free) • VGA: VMware SVGA II Adapter @ Intel Corporation 440BX/ZX/DX - 82443BX/ZX/DX Host bridge • Uptime: 2d 8h 14m 51s | 23:25 |
BobFrankly | EriC^^: found ppa:yannubuntu/boot-repair while I was waiting for response, this got me going. Thanks for all of your and leftyfb's help | 23:25 |
EriC^^ | BobFrankly: cool np | 23:25 |
BobFrankly | your help got me close and got me the search terms that led me to that | 23:26 |
EriC^^ | ah shucks | 23:26 |
EriC^^ | :D | 23:26 |
BobFrankly | have a good weekend all! | 23:27 |
pragmaticenigma | shibboleth: Ubuntu is no longer distributing 32bit ISO images. If you need to install on a 32 bit system, you can use the mini.iso which still has a 32 bit version. The mini.iso installer requires an active internet connection as the packages are downloaded as they are installed | 23:27 |
pragmaticenigma | !mini | shibboleth: for more information | 23:28 |
ubottu | shibboleth: for more information: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want. The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD | 23:28 |
shibboleth | come on. x86 isn't fringe. they're saving how many man hours not supporting it? | 23:29 |
pragmaticenigma | shibboleth: it's not man hours... it takes a lot of time, and server costs to build and verify the images | 23:30 |
shibboleth | a x86 server iso wouldn't killa anyone :) | 23:30 |
pragmaticenigma | shibboleth: Again, that's why they still produce the mini.iso... it can install any flavor of Ubuntu, best part, your installed system is already up to date when the installation is complete | 23:31 |
Scottbert__ | Is there a way to make alsamixer's settings stick instead of having to unmute the headphone jack after every boot? | 23:40 |
jeremy31 | Scottbert__: Does it behave differently if the headphones are unplugged during boot? I have my laptop speakers muted but it goes off mute if I plug headphones in | 23:52 |
Scottbert__ | No. Last boot they were unplugged -- I plugged them in and had to unmute manually. This boot they were plugged in, no change | 23:57 |
Scottbert__ | Whether I'm using KDE or not shouldn't matter for this behavior, right? | 23:57 |
Scottbert__ | Just checking if I should be in #Kubuntu instead | 23:58 |
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