Goatia | hey guys, I need some serious help, im new at linux and dont know too much...I need to install wine but am running into some problems with the repositories, signatures not being verified, public keys not being available and are disabled etc etc...isthere someone who can spare some time to help me get my system running? | 19:14 |
OvenWerk1 | Goatia: You may get more help on #ubuntu than here. | 19:21 |
OvenWerk1 | what do you "need" wine for? If you are using a lot of windows software, just using windows may make more sense | 19:22 |
Goatia | no I am trying to setup ubuntu studio solely for my music creation, at this stage its all working fine exept for VSTi plugins I need for LMMS. In order to use VSTi I need to have Wine setup. LMMS does not want to load any VSTi at the moment | 19:31 |
OvenWerk1 | I was not aware that LMMS could handle windows vst, I do know that it handles linux vst though. | 19:34 |
OvenWerk1 | That would be something to ask the LMMS devs. It may be possible to use Carla as a wrapper for windows vst instead. | 19:35 |
Eickmeyer | Goatia: Here's a starting point: https://lmms.io | 19:36 |
Goatia | I had Carla installed and working, but did not work so well with LMMS, if I may ask, where can I find VSTi for LMMS Linux, that will work with VisTige in Lmms. Do you by any chance know? | 19:40 |
Eickmeyer | Goatia: You would have to check with LMMS, but a simple Google search for Linux VST should help too.. | 19:42 |
OvenWerk1 | sometimes known as lxvst | 19:43 |
Goatia | oh ok lxvst... I will do a search... Thanks for the advice guys | 19:44 |
Eickmeyer | Goatia: You could also ask in #lmms if you have more LMMS related questions. | 19:48 |
Goatia | will do thanks a lot :) | 19:52 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> yeah Goatia, what do you need wine for in UbuntuStudio? | 20:25 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [yeah Goatia, what do you need wine for in UbuntuStudio?], He is no longer in the IRC. | 20:30 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> ah | 20:33 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> @Eickmeyer how are things going with the maintainer? I read the latest news | 20:33 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [@Eickmeyer how are things going with the maintainer? I read the latest news], We're in a good situation. Ross's application is in with a bunch of endorsements. My application is as well, but I'm not expecting to get upload privileges. I expect Ross will get upload privileges. | 20:35 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> That is good at least!! | 20:35 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Should have more info on Monday. | 20:35 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> in other news, Do any of you here have any music you've created UbuntuStudio/Linux/Open Source Software that you've released under creative commons or public domain? | 20:40 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [in other news, Do any of you here have any music you've created UbuntuStudio/Lin …], I do not. I'm mostly a live engineer. Look up Lorenzo's Music, though, they have a whole album they did with Studio. | 20:40 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> Oohh nice! So Live engineer as in just mixing for live events? or like live DJ/VJ stuff? | 20:41 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [Oohh nice! So Live engineer as in just mixing for live events? or like live DJ/V …], I've done mostly churches for the past 25 years. We're talking full-size bands weekly. | 20:43 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> ah yes | 20:43 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> is this the other link? lorenzosmusic.com | 20:43 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Yep. That's them. | 20:44 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> do you by chance know what album or if they have a write up about using UbuntuStudio? | 20:47 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> I'm trying to get more use cases to people using Linux and Open Source for production work and such for a proposal I'm working on | 20:47 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> I do see they have CC-BY on their site so that is a plus | 20:48 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [do you by chance know what album or if they have a write up about using UbuntuSt …], Most of that info was done by Jason Evangelho with Forbes: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jasonevangelho/2018/09/25/open-source-challenge-why-one-band-chose-linux-to-record-their-new-album/ | 20:49 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> well now!! :) that helps! THanks! | 20:50 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [<reply to image>], Sorry, I forgot to take away pinning permissions. Since this is an official support channel, I have to state the rules. :/ | 21:58 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> Welcome to Ubuntu Studio Support! This is an official support channel and creativity chat. Please stay on-topic. For off-topic, please see the link at http://ubuntustudio.org/creativity. | Pastes to https://paste.ubuntu.com | Please be patient and see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio if no one is around. | 22:01 |
Eickmeyer | For IRC Members, that was for pinning to the Telegram channel. | 22:01 |
studiobot | <designbybeck> sorry, was thinking it would just pin for me so I could have it later. I copied it out! Thanks | 22:10 |
studiobot | <Eickmeyer> @designbybeck [sorry, was thinking it would just pin for me so I could have it later. I copied …], No worries. | 22:31 |
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