=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash | ||
MarissaO | I have an issue where i cant get to the tty terminal (ctrl alt F(x)) when using nvidia 415 driver with 18.04.2. Using the nouveau or intel graphics its fine. Does anyone know if this is a known issue or should I make a post with nvidia? | 06:22 |
MarissaO | 418 just hit the ppa, ill try that and see what happens | 06:26 |
mtpmoni | hello, i have a xubuntu 18.04, how can i cofigure the right-click for a touchpad, the gui in the xfce-session dosn't have a option? | 08:35 |
Spass | hello, so to clarify, what exactly happens in the 4th and 5th year of using Xubuntu LTS (let's say 16.04)? you still get all the base system and security updates (kernel etc.), but you simply don't get any Xfce and Xubuntu related packages updates? | 16:36 |
Spass | and of course you won't get any official support here and on the ML when you're using old version, correct? | 16:37 |
Spass | or is it slightly more complicated than that? | 16:37 |
Spass | I'm asking for a friend :D | 16:38 |
genii | Xubuntu and Kubuntu support cycles for LTS releases are different from regular Ubuntu support cycles for LTS. 16.04 support will end this year | 16:40 |
genii | Any base or security updates which all distributions have in common will still be updated, but there will be no Xubuntu-specific updates | 16:43 |
Spass | thank you genii, yeah that what I was thinking, so basically not supported, but pretty much safe from major risks (not a fact, just my opinion) | 16:44 |
Spass | and I know that there potentially could be a major (security) bug in the Xubuntu-specific package, but the risk is small, I think | 16:46 |
genii | Yes, exactly | 16:47 |
Spass | ok good to know, of course I still will advise sticking to the official 3 year period if asked | 16:51 |
genii | The idea here is thatere will still be a one year overlap between LTS versions | 16:52 |
genii | Ubuntu support cycle used to be 3 years for Desktop and 5 years for Server, then they unified it to 5 years for both. But for smaller teams working on other versions like Kubuntu and Xubuntu this spreads their resources ( eg: active developers and testers) too thin | 16:55 |
Spass | yes, that absolutely makes sense, resources of a (much) smaller team should be focused on the current releases | 16:57 |
letterrip | hi all - following this tutorial i can echo to my brightness and change it | 17:18 |
letterrip | https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2088190 | 17:18 |
letterrip | but i'm having difficulties setting up the keys to change the brightness | 17:18 |
letterrip | i got it working, but it doesn't seem to work after reboot | 17:18 |
letterrip | i have nv_backlight | 17:19 |
letterrip | with a range of 0-31 | 17:19 |
letterrip | 0 is off, 31 is max brightness | 17:20 |
letterrip | i can do echo to pass brightness levels | 17:20 |
letterrip | i'll pastebin the scripts | 17:20 |
letterrip | since they obviously needed to be modified, but it was fairly minor | 17:21 |
brainwash | letterrip: so, what is broken? the command or the keybind? | 17:35 |
brainwash | after the reboot | 17:35 |
letterrip | brainwash, here is the output and the scripts | 17:35 |
letterrip | https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/K9xwBxFhfV/ | 17:35 |
letterrip | brainwash, the brightness can be changed via command line | 17:36 |
letterrip | of the stuff if the shell scripts | 17:36 |
brainwash | did you try to reassign the keys again? | 17:36 |
letterrip | but the scripts don't seem to be activated by the key press | 17:36 |
letterrip | how should I "reassign again"? | 17:36 |
letterrip | brainwash - how should I "reassign again"? | 17:37 |
letterrip | note that the brightness indicator widget shows the slider value going up and down | 17:37 |
brainwash | you either delete the current ones and create them again, or edit them | 17:37 |
letterrip | so touch them | 17:38 |
letterrip | ok | 17:38 |
brainwash | see if that makes the keybinds work | 17:38 |
letterrip | nope | 17:41 |
letterrip | brainwash - is there a way to see if the keys are trying to execute the commands | 17:44 |
letterrip | brainwash, will follow this troubleshooting guide and see if i can figure it out - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hotkeys/Troubleshooting | 17:47 |
adrenaline | Does anybody know how to prevent "Close this terminal" pop up from coming up when closing a terminal? | 17:48 |
adrenaline | I can't seem to find the right combo to get the answer from google | 17:50 |
genii | adrenaline: May want to try https://askubuntu.com/questions/499662/how-to-disable-popup-close-this-terminal-when-closing-terminal | 17:52 |
adrenaline | genii: Nice you are much better at google than I am. Haha Thanks | 17:53 |
brainwash | it's here https://docs.xfce.org/apps/terminal/advanced#hidden_options | 17:54 |
adrenaline | genii: that worked thanks! | 17:55 |
genii | Glad to assist | 17:56 |
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delsjuha | hello | 21:30 |
delsjuha | is there any chance to get working with Canon LBP6000 printer in xubuntu? | 21:31 |
well_laid_lawn | delsjuha: a quick web search says that should work | 21:45 |
genii | delsjuha: Download https://support-asia.canon-asia.com/contents/ASIA/EN/0100459601.html and untar it. Then go to it's linux-capt-drv-v271-uken/64-bit_Driver/Debian if you have a 64 bit install or linux-capt-drv-v271-uken/32-bit_Driver/Debian if you have a 32 bit install, and install the 2 deb files that are there with sudo dpkg -i | 22:26 |
delsjuha | genii, thanks. ill check that out. | 23:03 |
genii | Glad to assist | 23:04 |
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