
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
kitsimfHi, can anybody help me to connect network folder (yandex-disk)01:21
kitsimfbecause there is instruction just for ubuntu01:21
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
greenfroganyone know how to fix screen resolution issues?14:04
=== greenfrog is now known as Greenfrog
BluesKajHi folks14:13
BluesKajhi Greenfrog14:19
IrcsomeBot1<Silenoz> hi14:19
BluesKajhi Silenoz14:19
IrcsomeBot1<Silenoz> Hi BluesKaj14:20
IrcsomeBot1<Silenoz> A quick question, does anyone know if the new plasma version (KDE Plasma 5.12.8 LTS) has been included in the official package sources?14:23
BluesKajSilenoz, depends on your OS version, but make sure the backports repos are enabled14:24
IrcsomeBot1<Silenoz> ah ok, thanks :)14:25
Greenfrogwhen i change my screen resolution in 18.04 i get a screen full of vertical lines how do i revert setting?14:28
* Greenfrog feels ignored14:32
Greenfrogthanks for your help14:34
BluesKajheh, instant gratification generation14:42
IrcsomeBot1Tiago was added by: Tiago16:19
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest12131
user|51982Intel coffee lake support? H370 chipset mobo???18:35
user|51982Intel coffee lake support newest kubuntu18:40
[Relic]they must be really desperate if they made a coffee lake; most people can get by on the caffiene from 10 or less cups19:12
=== xyab_1990xox is now known as modeski

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