[00:26] I'm back in a town with cell service and wifi access [00:26] It looks like you made a wrong turn in Bolder [00:26] Lol [00:27] and, what do you know, aaron's in cali [00:27] How much was the flight? [00:30] @KMyers anyone up for undergrounds [00:31] I may be, when are you thinking? [00:31] What's an undergrounds? [00:31] It is a Coffee House in Ft Lauderdale [00:31] O ok [00:44] Might head down in a free minutes with my friend [00:45] @KMyers want me to bring ghost pepper chips? [00:45] I may be free in about 30 minutes to head up [00:50] Can I bring that in [00:54] Heading down [00:54] (Location, lon: -80.064917, lat: 26.571441) [01:04] I can't leave just yet so start caffinating without me [01:19] I'm actually not too far from it, but I honestly just want to go home when I get off work [01:24] @Ivoriesablaze, Also you don't do coffee [01:26] @KMyers, Is that a thing? [01:27] ... [01:27] @EZRA1964, I was confused as well but you do not want to see @Ivoriesablaze caffinated [01:27] And when has that stopped me from hanging out over there with you all [01:27] @Ivoriesablaze, Sometimes [01:28] I am just finishing up with some work stuff and will head out shortlyafter [01:28] Also, driving in ft Lauderdale on a Friday night is not my idea of a good time [01:29] So you're saying I wasn't invited anyway... :-P [01:33] I did not say that [01:46] lol, just messing, i really do just want to go home when i get off work, though [01:50] I am still at work [01:51] I don't think I have been there. But I think I might the opposite of Joel when it comes to caffeine. I have trouble getting hyper from it. [02:00] fvck yeah [02:33] @KMyers we're here [02:35] Ok [03:18] @Abrerr 1300 [04:04] (Location, lon: -118.145421, lat: 34.145902) [06:35] @KMyers if you, or really anyone in here, wants to use my onlyoffice, I can give you an LDAP account so you can use it at Collabora.adamoutler.com [06:37] Thanks but I have my own setup [06:37] @KMyers, What are you using now? [06:37] Next cloud with Collabora [06:38] You said it was borked earlier [06:38] No, my Guacamole server is [06:39] Oh. Ok. [06:39] I know why, I just need to change a port on my Omaha proxy [06:39] Docker install for this was easy, going to look for docker for the guacamole [06:39] I couldn't get it to work. All the guides were screwed up and on tomcat6 [06:40] I really need to move the Omaha proxy to a new VM, maybe that will be one of this weekend projects [06:42] I'm really digging ldap. It works well for authentication. I'm considering switching my Linux boxes over to it. [06:42] But I'm worried that if something happens to Network how will I login? [06:43] Normally a local admin account [06:44] I have been considering Radius instead of LDAP. I can even tie my WiFi access at the house to Radius [06:44] I did radius once. It doesn't support everything like ldap [13:47] @AdamOutler, Just flat ldap, or managing with a front end? [13:47] How is everyone this fine morning? [13:48] Yeah, my NAS has a front end. [13:48] Oh nice [13:53] It really is. I have nothing but praise for Synology. They have a plethora of apps from 1st and 3rd parties for Drupal and others. It installs just like apt. These are in addition to the expected functionalities.. webdav, SVN, rsync, samba, SFTP, ssh, ftp, tftp, and a plethora of other check-boxes. [13:53] The webui is awesome. [13:54] Highly recommend. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B076G6YKWZ/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 [18:48] I finally got WiFi working on my custom build [18:49] Still no touch screen and the rotation is still failing.