
=== sinner is now known as Guest12399
catbeardhow do i get ubuntu to stop turning off my tv when i lock my computer00:19
rebabhow can I remove an installed program (tar)?00:37
Sleakera tarred program is only 'installed' insofar as it's extracted onto your system00:38
Sleakerthe typical method of installing software is via dpkg/apt which use the debian packaging system00:38
OerHeksdepends what was in that tar, if you had to upack it and run the exectable, just remove that polder00:38
Sleakerso if you didn't install it via dpkg/apt then you're kind of on your own with what the tarred program did if you've run any sort of install scripts that came with it00:38
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Sleakerif all you did was untar it. probably just delete the directly.00:39
rebabI've installed it (make install)00:41
Sleakerrebab: so you built some app from source.00:42
Sleakerrebab: you should check what the makefile does when install is called so you know how to reverse it00:42
OerHeksrebab, without knowing what program, i hope you build uninstall too :-D00:42
OerHeksso sparse with information, you can get many answers00:43
Sleakerrebab: basically, you've just done something to your system that we can't really tell you what it did, and you're not using the normal software installation method. You're kind of in the 'do it only if you know what you're doing' area.00:43
OerHekswhat ubuntu version, what program, what manual did you follow?00:43
rebabi've figured it out. "make uninstall" worked00:46
royal_screwup21anyone know of sites like cryptopals, except for a different topic than cryptography? I like the challenges and how each subsequent challenge build on top of the previous ones https://cryptopals.com/01:12
badSophiahow can i know it is 64bit or 32bit?01:22
hggdhbadSophia: uname -i01:23
Bashing-ombadSophia: 'uname -m' too :)01:23
badSophiax86-64 is 64bit or 32bit?01:23
hggdhbadSophia: 6401:24
badSophiaah 8)01:24
rebabme again. how can I remove a program's config file without remove it?01:25
ShadowWizardI have tried install LAMP in a new install of 18.4 server twice using this guide https://dzone.com/articles/install-lamp-on-ubuntu-1804-1  And another time using another guide I can't find.  And mysql keeps demanding a password I never set.  As soon as I get to mysql_secure_installation it asks for a password.  My account password doesn't work.  Blank doesn't work.  What is going on?  Is there01:36
ShadowWizarda better guide to follow?01:36
ShadowWizardp.s.  By twice, I mean formatting the hdd and installing the OS again01:37
cim209why does ubuntu server require frequent reboots?01:37
cim209like every week or bi-weekly01:37
CodeMouse92cim209: It shouldn't. Most run without reboot for years on end. It probably has to do with your configuration.01:38
OerHeksopenssl update, kernel update ..01:38
cim209CodeMouse92: the motd shows system restart required01:38
nisstyreShadowWizard: try this: sudo -s -u mysql mysql -u root01:38
cim209i'm on 18.04 LTS wit livepatch enabled01:38
OerHekscheck out USN01:39
CodeMouse92cim209: Like OerHeks said...updates.01:39
nisstyreassuming you have a mysql user (grep mysql /etc/passwd to check)01:39
cim209i do have auto updates enabled but the amount of reboots in ridiculous01:39
OerHeksif you have livepatch enabled, it secures 1 reboot01:39
OerHeksso you will need to reboot after al, but on your time01:39
ShadowWizardnisstyre: error 1698 access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'01:40
nisstyreShadowWizard: try doing the mysql_secure_installation script with that01:40
Bashing-omcim209: https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch <- apply critical kernel security fixes without rebooting ,01:40
cim209Bashing-om: i do have that enabled01:40
ShadowWizardnisstyre: How do I do that.  Please how me the enire command.01:41
cim209OerHeks: it's frequent01:41
nisstyreShadowWizard: I don't have the command. The suggestion is to run it as the "mysql" user01:41
nisstyreShadowWizard: you could try "sudo -s -u mysql", and then run the "mysql_secure_installation" script01:41
OerHekscim209, sorry to hear that, but it is needed.01:42
ShadowWizardnisstyre: I don't know how to do it.  Thats why i am asking.  I have no idea how it got a password.  i never gave it one.  i installed apache2, mysql-server, and then ran the script, and it asks for password01:42
nisstyreShadowWizard: are you sure it's not asking you for a password so it can SET one?01:42
nisstyreOn my system that script says this: "In order to log into MariaDB to secure it, we'll need the current password for the root user.  If you've just installed MariaDB, and you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank, so you should just press enter here."01:43
ShadowWizardnisstyre: no, because when I enter the password, it sa "Access denied doe user 'root'@'localhost'  Its a VM, I can show you a screenshot.01:43
cim209OerHeks: my dedicated takes forever to boot up01:43
nisstyreShadowWizard: well whatever script or tool you used to set it up must've set the root password then01:43
cim209just checked "cat /var/run/reboot-required.pkgs" and it says linux-base was updated01:44
ShadowWizardnisstyre: I didn't use any.  It installed, then I typed the secure command.  Let me give you a screenshot01:44
cim209so i guess it's a necessity01:44
nisstyreShadowWizard: the documentation I just linked tells you how to reset the password without knowing it01:45
cim209ShadowWizard: your mysql root password is in /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf01:45
ShadowWizardnisstyre: How did a password get set?!?!?!  https://i.imgur.com/DqiwWy3.png01:45
cim209or something similar01:45
nisstyreShadowWizard: that doesn't necessarily mean a password got set01:46
nisstyreit's just saying that you couldn't authenticate with the "root" user01:46
ShadowWizardnisstyre: I will try resetting the password, but the last time I tried that it was to no avail..  brb01:46
ShadowWizardnisstyre: Now its says the unix socket file doesn't exist.. Same thing that was happenign last tiem I tried.  Screenshot coming01:49
cim209ShadowWizard: did you look in my.cnf?01:50
ShadowWizardcim209: The directions provided did not tell me to look in there.  But last tiem I did that (2 formats before this) it just has 2 inclides.01:51
cim209ShadowWizard: your root password gets saved in a cnf file in /etc/mysql, just look in all the files01:52
ShadowWizardMy quesion is, HOW IS THIS HAPPENING!?!?!  Litreally.  Install ubuntu.  Rebooted VM.  Loged in.  Did update.  Installed apache2, installed mysql.  Ran script.  BAM!  Didn't work.01:53
ShadowWizardcim209: I found the password in a debian.conf file.. WTF?!  Anyway I reset the password and will try and reboot it and see what happens.01:56
cim209ShadowWizard: oh weird01:56
cim209normally it would be in a my.cnf01:57
ShadowWizardcim209: I know.  That files only has 2 includes.  This is TOTALLY FUCKED!  Literally BRAND NEW INSTALLS!01:57
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cim209ShadowWizard: you should install mysql and your other stack in docker so if you mess up, you don't have to reinstall the whole OS01:58
Scottbert__I need a windows virtual machine to run quickbooks. Is there any reason that 32-bit vs 64-bit windows would matter for this?01:59
ShadowWizardcim209: changing that password didn't work.  Abd whats a docker?  I am not a linux guy my any strech of the imagination.  i am just trying to follow simple tutorials, and I am askee for passwords that don't exist!01:59
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
ShadowWizardcim209: Perhaps this is a massive BUG?02:00
cim209Scottbert__: 64-bit is recommended for higher ram machines02:00
Scottbert__I have 8G on the host system02:00
cim20932-bit can only utilize up to 2gb of ram i think02:00
ShadowWizardAnyone else have any suggestions?  I can format again and re-install the OS, again..02:01
Scottbert__So there's no BENEFIT to using 32-bit, like lower resource usage02:01
cim209ShadowWizard: did you change the password with mysql_secure_installation02:01
ShadowWizardcim209: It wouldn't run.  I ran it, it asked for the current password, I gave it, sait it was wrong.  See the screenshot.  It shows i JUST installed mysql.02:02
cim209did you use the password from the cnf file02:03
ShadowWizardcim209: https://i.imgur.com/DqiwWy3.png02:03
cim209you're doing it wrong, try mysql -u root -p02:03
ShadowWizardcim209: After looking again, it wasn't the password for the root user, it was another password...02:03
cim209the password in the conf file is the mysql root user password02:04
ShadowWizardcim209: WHAT config file?02:04
cim209you said you found it in debian.conf?02:04
ShadowWizardNo, it was the wrong one..  Just a sec, let me look around at a couple of things..02:04
cim209ShadowWizard: https://i.imgur.com/FhzLAoY.png02:06
ShadowWizardcim209: Yea, wish it was that simple...  Let me show you the mess I have.02:07
ShadowWizardcim209: https://i.imgur.com/dUQ2Rp8.png02:08
ShadowWizardmore to come02:08
Scottbert__So, whenever I look up virtualizing windows I get to a step where I'm advised to install a bunch of packages02:08
cim209check if your password is in one of those files02:09
Scottbert__but libvirt-bin is not available02:09
Scottbert__What do I do about it?02:09
Guest93471ip tracker ?02:09
ShadowWizardcim209: I did.. please be paitent so I can show you the mess.02:09
cim209ShadowWizard: so what the others said didn't work? stop mysql and then sudo mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &02:11
Scottbert__NM, eventually googled the right words to learn that it's been obsoleted in favor of libvirt-daemon02:11
ShadowWizardcim209: SAid it couldn't open a socket or something..02:11
cim209maybe your mysql install is borked02:11
ShadowWizardcim209: TWICE?!02:11
Guest93471how to install photoshop CC on Ubuntu?02:12
ShadowWizardcim209: again.  Did the followinsg.  Erased the VM.  Installed ubuntu.  Updated.  Installed apache2, Installed mysql.  Ran script, BANG! Didn't work.02:12
ShadowWizard Erased the VM.  Installed ubuntu.  Updated.  Installed apache2, Installed mysql.  Ran script, BANG! Didn't work.02:12
ShadowWizardYes, TWICE!02:12
cim209what is the script?02:13
Guest93471what are you guys talking about ?02:14
cim209ShadowWizard: yeah weird02:14
cim209Guest93471: mysql issues02:14
ShadowWizardIs there another tutorial I can follow to get LAMP working?  Not that I think it will matter, because its gonna have me do the same thing.02:15
cim209ShadowWizard: idk, i don't use apache02:16
cim209i have LEMP stack02:16
ShadowWizardI think apache is irrilevent at this point..  Because its the mysql thats not working.02:16
ShadowWizardI can try the whole thing again, and install mysql first instead.02:17
Guest93471why i cant scroll with twofinger ? i have alredy turn on my natural scrolling02:17
ShadowWizardBut from my limited knowedge, it shouledn't make a difference,.02:17
Guest93471when i first intall ubuntu its work but now didnt work...02:18
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ShadowWizardGuest12399: Welcome to my world.  The only thing I can come up with at this point is there is a MAJOR bug in it somewhere thats fuckign everythign up.02:19
Guest93471backbox and ubuntu ? which better ?02:22
ShadowWizardcim209: Did you see the my.cnf file?  2 inclides, thats it02:22
Bashing-omGuest93471: You ask that in the ubuntu channel .. bet on the response you get :)02:23
Guest93471oww sorry02:23
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OerHeksyeah, go with backtrack, kali is old02:27
programmerqIs there an install method to get a bootable USB drive that's a full/portable ubuntu installation?02:28
OerHeksput the iso on 1 usb, and perform the install to the 2nd02:28
programmerqyeah I should probably just do that. I've tried doing usb passthrough on virtualbox and vmware from osx, and I even looked into how to pass through a usb drive on hyper-v on windows 10. (I don't have a currently running linux box at the moment)02:29
OerHeksyou could deploy a vmware image, and store it on usb02:30
OerHeksrunning from usb is sad02:30
programmerqgoal of running from USB is to test how well it works on some different laptop hardware without nuking the existing OS02:31
nimaOk guys, the Ubuntu community convinced me . . . I am gonna try Ubuntu LTS as my new webserver.02:31
programmerqlast time I tried running linux  on a laptop was over a decade ago02:31
programmerqand it didn't go well02:31
programmerqso I'm not ready to nuke the existing os02:31
pragmaticenigmaprogrammerq: I wouldn't think that is a fair assessment though, since your bottle necked by the throughput of the USB device02:31
nimaI was asking this question earlier today, and was unfortunately disconnected.02:31
ShadowWizardFound solution.  I wasn't using sudo when runnign the script..02:32
programmerqI'm not worried about speed-- I'm worried about whether trackpad/wifi/etc work out of the box.02:32
pragmaticenigmaprogrammerq: you couldn't assess performance, you could test functionality02:32
programmerqfunction keys, brightness02:32
programmerqthat's my goal02:32
nimaDoes anyone know of a guide to creating an LXC image of Ubuntu Server for my virtulazation server?02:32
pragmaticenigmaprogrammerq: and for that, you just need to image the live installer to the USB drive... no need for extra stuff02:32
OerHeksin these 10 years linux made a huge jump, but an installation swapping from machine to machine,.. the GPU driver might need some work02:33
pragmaticenigmaprogrammerq: with USB you can get persistance though, which allows you to place on your desired settings for things02:33
programmerqyup, persistence is part of what I need for testing different settings over several boots02:33
pragmaticenigmaprogrammerq: You can make a persistant USB... it's not hard02:34
programmerqpragmaticenigma▸ that was my lead in question...02:34
programmerqand I got an answer02:34
programmerqand I'm going for it02:34
pragmaticenigmaah, okay... saw a rabbit hole of vmware and all sorts of other things02:35
programmerqyup, lol02:35
Deihmoswhen i login it says 26 packages can be updated. 13 updates are security updates02:35
Bashing-omprogrammerq: See: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent .02:36
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Deihmosi have the server set for just security updates02:36
programmerqBashing-om▸ I had come across that, but the only linux systems I have at the moment are virtualized, hence my previous rabbit hole of vmware and usb passthrough02:36
nimaOk well, anyone here have any experience with creating LXC containers in Ubuntu?02:36
pragmaticenigma!enter | Deihmos02:36
ubottuDeihmos: Please try and keep as much of your info as possible on ONE line - easier to follow for everyone.02:36
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Bashing-omprogrammerq: :D Then as OerHeks Pointed out ... 2 USBs should do the trick.02:39
nimaprogrammerq: Please keep in mind that not all USB drives are created equally, there were some FreeNAS installs that wore out their USB boot drive quite quickly and crashed.02:39
programmerqI'm certainly not worried about that for this short term functionality verification exercise.02:39
sethjCan I get a GRUB commandline from a liveUSB?02:41
sethjdeleted the partition with my GRUB without thinking.. need to boot windows somehow to repair its MBR02:42
pragmaticenigma!recovery | sethj02:42
ubottusethj: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode02:42
pragmaticenigmasethj: Sorry... that might have the information you're looking for02:43
pragmaticenigmasethj: The answer to your question is yes, you can use the Live image to fix your machine02:44
pragmaticenigmasethj: I think this is what you need: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCdRecovery02:44
sethjpragmaticenigma: yeah, there's no Linux left on this machine atm.02:44
sethjI thought I could get a grub command prompt from the liveUSB to manually boot windows, but it doesn't seem like that's actually an option02:46
OerHeksuse a windows iso to fix that02:47
scott_Okay thunderbird is losing all its passwords every time I close and reopen it02:47
scott_This is untenable, any advice?02:47
sethjOerHeks: I don't have one handy, but I guess I might have to02:47
OerHeksits a free download on the ms site, AFAIK02:48
pragmaticenigmascott_: Did you change settings in Thunderbird to not allow it to store passwords?02:48
OerHeksremove/backup  the ~/.thunderbird folder and setup fresh02:50
scott_I don't think I messed up the settings... I'd really rather not have to resetup all my mail accounts...02:51
pragmaticenigmascott_: Thunderbird doesn't randomly forget how to save passwords... you would have had to changed a setting, installed an extension ... what was the last thing you remember doing?02:52
scott_<_< Copying my entire user profile over from windows and being amazed that it actually loaded. And then after the first time this happened I deleted what was the password store according to a google search to see if it would remake it.02:54
pragmaticenigmascott_: how did you delete it? where are the instructions?02:54
scott_I guess this is somewhat an unsupported situation, but it'd be nice if there's just an option somewhere I need to02:54
pragmaticenigmascott_: moving the profile over is supported by thunderbird... however manually editing the profile directory is not02:55
[n0mad]scott_: tried this? https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/123977902:55
OerHekscheck your keyring/passwordstorage for multiple thunderbird instances?02:55
pragmaticenigmaOerHeks: Thunderbird doesn't use the system keyrings02:55
[n0mad]seems to be a pretty common occurrence according to the goog though.02:57
scott_That's... weird. I THOUGHT I renamed pkcs11.txt to pkcs11.bak, but I don't see a .bak file here02:57
pragmaticenigmascott_: use terminal to look... some file managers hide .bak files02:58
scott_Holy crap. Closed thunderbird, deleted that file, opened thunderbird... and it's not even PROMPTING me for passwords now, it's remembering even ones that I've forgotten and hadn't re-entered yet on linux! Amazing!02:59
scott_Wow. Thunderbird and waterfox have been THE easiest part of moving to linux, at least.03:00
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pragmaticenigmascott_: gald you seem to have it solved.03:01
pragmaticenigmascott_: as I'm sure you doing, make sure you keep a backup of things you're moving over, just in case. Always a good idea to keep backups of everything03:02
MininessieDoes have a good tutorial on installing Linux on a uefi bios03:03
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scott_Yeah. I copied from the old c:\users\scott\appdata\roaming\Thunderbird to ~\.thunderbird03:05
scott_Now back to working on this virtual machine for quickbooks03:06
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ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:12
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
=== Taco is now known as Elon-Musk
eforeverAny one here?04:00
kinghatthere are these online SVG editors and they have a nice grouping on fonts. is there a way to get like a font pack for ubuntu?04:10
OerHeksubuntu studio has a font metapackage, https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/ubuntustudio-fonts04:14
OerHeksand install synaptic, a much more detailed softwarecenter04:14
OerHeks!info synpatic04:15
OerHeks!info synpatics04:15
ubottuPackage synpatic does not exist in bionic04:15
ubottuPackage synpatics does not exist in bionic04:15
OerHekswith an a i presume04:15
OerHeks!info synaptic04:15
ubottusynaptic (source: synaptic): Graphical package manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.84.3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 624 kB, installed size 3276 kB04:15
jtnunleyi think my ftp client isn't working, i'm trying to connect to ftp localhost but no matter what username and password i use it doesnt work04:16
jtnunleyim using pure-ftpd by the way04:16
lotuspsychjejtnunley: be carefull with ftp, its a security flaw these days04:17
jtnunleyim trying to write an app that downloads files from an ftp server, and im trying to test it but i cant make an account04:17
jtnunleyis there a better alternative?04:17
jtnunley(to store files for download)04:18
ubottuSynaptic is a graphical utility which can install and remove software packages (.deb). For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto04:19
ubottuMuon is the current Kubuntu package manager. Please see http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/ for an overview04:19
lotuspsychjejtnunley: you want to download automated 24/7 from an ftp?04:20
EickmeyerMuon works really well even on a GTK desktop, imo.04:20
jtnunleylotuspsychje: its complicated. i want to have the user input an option and then download a file from a server04:20
jtnunleyi didnt want to write more software (im not a good coder :-/) so i just thought i could run an ftp server to do it04:23
lotuspsychjenot sure i follow jtnunley04:23
jtnunleyi want to have a server where i can download files from, using an app04:23
jtnunley(that i write)04:24
lotuspsychjejtnunley: are you on ubuntu-server?04:24
jtnunleyno, why?04:24
lotuspsychjejtnunley: because we would like to know your purpose04:25
lotuspsychjejtnunley: so you are going to host a fileserver from ubuntu desktop, and then let users download from you?04:25
jtnunleynot ubuntu desktop04:25
jtnunleyim currently running ubuntu desktop just to test my stuff04:25
jtnunleybut once its done ill run it on a server04:26
jtnunleybasically what im asking is, whats the best alternative to ftp?04:27
lotuspsychjejtnunley: that really depends on your purpose04:27
lotuspsychjejtnunley: you can host files so many different ways, like sftp, ssh in a box, apache, nextcloud,..04:28
jtnunleywhat do you mean?04:28
jtnunleyisnt apache just an http server?04:28
jtnunleycuz i can run apache relaively easily04:28
lotuspsychjejtnunley: please think in yourself what you want first, this way volunteers can help you the best way04:31
lotuspsychjejtnunley: right now you say you want to host ubuntu desktop somewhere for a fileserver 24/7?04:31
jtnunleyno not ubuntu desktop, server04:32
jtnunleyyes i want a 24/7 fileserver04:32
lotuspsychjeallright, oof :p come join to #ubuntu-server and explain what kind of fileserver you would like04:33
jtnunleyoh ok04:33
minty-manHi all what is the ubuntu package for video codex05:11
minty-mancodex - codecs05:12
Bashing-omminty-man: libvdpau1 ??05:13
minty-manBashing-om, no matching package name05:14
Bashing-om!info libvdpau1 bionic | minty-man05:15
ubottuminty-man: libvdpau1 (source: libvdpau): Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (libraries). In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.1-3ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 23 kB, installed size 104 kB05:15
minty-manthat is weird thanks though05:17
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Bashing-omminty-man: What release are you on ?  libvdpau1 maybe recent .05:19
minty-manits ok wrong spelling in synaptic lol silly me05:19
mnathaniis netplan here to stay, or will we need to learn a new method of configuring networking in the next couple of years?05:32
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adhcam support for ubuntu?06:00
adhto control pc fans?06:00
adhlooking for something to control my fans06:03
zogzoganyone wanna help me troubleshoot wifi on a laptop that has good wifi but I got a new wireless router and now the laptop won't connect via wifi?06:03
scott_I'm having trouble accessing my samba shares from the windows VM. My linux login username and password aren't authenticating, does samba use different credentials?06:04
zogzogdmesg output is REASON 2  which is  "Previous authentication no longer valid"06:04
zogzogand the auth is confirmed the correct auth and connecting to the right AP06:04
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adhif i buy a pc with rgb strip lights, will i be able to control the lights with ubuntu?06:11
transfusionadh: depends on your PC, i guess...06:18
transfusionfor example, gigabyte's rgb sdk only ships as a dll....06:19
lotuspsychjeevelyn: we see you, it works06:20
evelynhy lotuspsychje...06:20
lotuspsychjeyou joined the ubuntu support channel evelyn06:22
evelynjust like a forum for all user?06:23
lotuspsychjeevelyn: you could say that yes, but more livesupport style06:23
evelynlotuspsychje: thank you...just finish install my first ubuntu....06:24
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
lotuspsychjeevelyn: welcome to the ubuntu community, glad you chosen it06:26
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scott_Okay, so now windows says it 'doesn't have permission' to access the file even though it authenticated with samba06:45
scott_Also, I can't make more samba shares, I check the box and configuyre them and click okay but it doesn't stick06:46
scott_What on earth is going on? Under what circumstances does linux think I'd check the samba share box but not really mean it? And why does it not give me an error message but quietly fail?06:47
scott_sudo kate file07:00
scott_The error message says it won't work07:00
scott_but following the error message's instructions ALSO DON'T WORK07:00
murthyscott_: hi07:00
scott_What was wrong with sudo kate file07:01
murthyscott_: why dont you use nano?07:01
murthyscott_: sudo nano <filename>07:01
scott_I don't know what that is, but why does linux care what text editor I'm using?07:01
murthyscott_: nano is a cli based text editor07:02
murthyscott_: People have advised not to use sudo on kde apps07:02
murthyscott_: you should use kdesudo07:02
scott_Well fudge, while trying to edit the file I closed nano, now opening it again complains it's already open07:03
murthyscott_: open ksysguard and end the process07:03
scott_kdesudo is command not found07:03
scott_The process is stopped but not closing07:04
scott_I am now something like 5 levels deep into solving the problem of 'my windows VM can't open a file from my samba share'07:05
murthyscott_: I think you need to install kdesudo07:05
murthyscott_: why not use nano07:05
murthyscott_: kill the process07:06
scott_Because the interface is atrocious and if I wanted to use vi I'd be 15 years ago07:06
murthyscott_: have you added your user with the vboxsf group?07:07
scott_Sorry, sorry, I am just... annoyed that I'm like 6 levels deep on this problem now07:07
murthyscott_: I can understand your frustration, but as it is you have to deal with it now07:08
murthyuse nano07:08
murthyits not live vi, its simple07:08
RPG_MasterY'all I done messed up. I set up my Kubuntu install with an LVM cache using my new small SSD. All was well, until I rebooted. Now I'm being dropped into a Grub prompt.07:08
scott_Killing doesn't seem to be working. Right now I'm in the process of trying to edit my samba config to force user, because the shared folders are on mounted ntfs drives07:08
scott_kdesudo is not in the package manager07:09
murthyRPG_Master: Did you restart before the setup finished?07:09
murthyscott_: terminate the process07:10
vanniI have the problems that every time the dns servers in /etc/resolv.conf change, and every time I must change it07:10
murthyvanni: hello07:10
RPG_Mastermurthy, This was an existing install, but setup I mean getting the LVM cache working.07:10
vannihow may I make permanent it ?07:10
vannimurthy, hello07:10
vanni18.04 LTS07:11
murthyRPG_Master: what is the ubuntu version from which you upgraded and to what?07:11
scott_Closed and reopened package manager and still not there, unless you meant nano which is apparently not dying07:11
murthyvanni: Install07:11
scott_$ ps -all | grep nano07:11
vanniInstall what ?07:11
scott_4 T     0 19100 19099  0  80   0 -  3384 -      pts/1    00:00:00 nano07:11
scott_19100 is the pid, right?07:11
murthyscott_: what do you mean by package manager?07:11
murthyscott_: you are trying to close the nano process right?07:12
scott_Forget the package manager, that was re: lacking kdesudo07:12
RPG_Mastermurthy, No, I didn't upgrade. This was a fresh install from 2 months ago when I built this PC. All I did was set up LVM caching with the existing install.07:12
murthyscott_: restart is possible?07:12
RPG_MasterI'm currently running an old Ubuntu 18.04 install I had on another drive sitting in my PC. Its also not even letting me mount my LVM group.07:12
scott_I guess I can restart. Do you mean log out and in again, or full reboot?07:13
RPG_MasterOr whatever its called. I can see the HDD under the Disks program, and that they are LVM2, but it won't let me mount it.07:13
murthyvanni: You are on live linux right?07:14
vannimurthy, no installed07:14
murthyRPG_Master: Sorry I don't know about LVM stuff07:14
scott_murthy: I guess I can restart. Do you mean log out and in again, or full reboot?07:14
murthyscott_: full reebot07:15
murthyvanni: Then what do you mean by "make permanent"?07:16
vanniyes, in /etc/resolv.conf is written to see man SYSTEMD-RESOLVED.SERVICE(8)07:16
vannibut I don't understand much of this man page07:17
van777vanni: i've edited DNS in GUI in top right corner of ubuntu.. connection settings..07:17
vanniI hven't this connection setting07:18
vanniI'm using ubuntu 18.04 server with xfce07:19
murthyRPG_Master: Are you sure you are not having more than one Grub?07:19
scott_So... What is the correct way to solve my VM being unable to open a file from a samba share?07:20
murthyscott_: you are using vbox or vmware?07:21
murthyscott_: See If you need to be on some group to have permissions07:22
murthyscott_: If you need to edit use nano07:22
murthyscott_: What were you trying to edit?07:22
scott_No idea if that's what I ACTUALLY needed to do07:22
van777vanni: http://irc.do.am/10-21-14.png don't you have these settings??07:23
scott_How do I restart samba after changing smb.conf?07:24
scott_nm googled that07:25
scott_murthy: No dice. Windows can browse the folder same as before, but trying to do anything with a file gives me a complaint about not having access07:27
vannivan777, no, what do u use to paste desktop ?07:28
van777vanni: "screenshot" and uploading it to my free hosting07:29
murthyscott_: Check the permissions of the shared folder07:30
murthyscott_: is the windows user added to the shared folder users07:30
van777vanni: if you're on server, there is #ubuntu-server for cli stuff07:30
scott_How d I make ls -la show me the folder itself instead of iots contents?07:31
scott_All the files in it are -rwxrwxrwx07:31
vannivan777, server is the same , have same repository07:32
murthyscott_: No root shared folder07:32
scott_windows authenticated as my username which I added to samba07:32
scott_Murthy: How do I make ls -la show me the folder itself instead of its contents?07:33
murthyscott_: that I dont know07:33
murthyscott_: does your user own that directory?07:34
van777vanni: you can edit your current connection , adding dns servers in GUI. You don't need /etc/resolv.conf07:34
van777vanni: it works for me, that's why i advise this..07:35
scott_It's a directory on an ntfs drive that I have mounted07:35
scott_. /media/scott/J4/installs (where J4 is the name of the partition)07:36
vannievery time ubuntu make dhclient change /etc/resolv.conf07:36
murthyscott_: that could be the issue07:36
murthyscott_: On kubuntu when a new drive is mounted on /media/user/07:36
murthyscott_: for example /media/user/Movies, Movies folder is readonly07:37
scott_That's why I added force user = scott to smb.conf07:37
murthyscott_: No see If you have read write permission on the host system07:37
scott_Readonly? But I just edited some files on the ntfs partitions earlier...07:37
murthyscott_: what does stat of j4 says?07:38
scott_stat of?07:38
murthystat  /media/scott/J407:38
ledenivanni try to run 'nm-connection-editor' in terminal and set there your dns07:38
scott_  File: /media/scott/J407:39
scott_  Size: 163840          Blocks: 320        IO Block: 4096   directory07:39
scott_Device: 832h/2098d      Inode: 5           Links: 107:39
scott_Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/   scott)   Gid: ( 1000/   scott)07:39
scott_Access: 2019-03-08 19:30:38.401487000 -050007:39
scott_Modify: 2019-03-08 19:30:21.368592200 -050007:39
murthyscott_: stop07:39
murthyscott_: Use paste.ubuntu.com07:39
murthyscott_: you have full permission07:40
murthyscott_: and you shared j4?07:41
scott_sounds good. And yet, full permission is not enough to do what I want to do...?07:41
scott_I shared j4/installs07:41
scott_installs being a directory where I saved installers07:41
murthyscott_: Do you have full permission on installs dir?07:42
scott_This line is the same07:43
scott_Access: (0777/drwxrwxrwx)  Uid: ( 1000/   scott)   Gid: ( 1000/   scott)07:43
murthyscott_: wait07:43
murthyscott_: You added your user to the smb.conf file?07:46
scott_I set a samba password for user scott from the command line and then added force user = scott to the config under [global]07:47
murthyscott_: https://askubuntu.com/questions/649831/samba-group-access-permissions07:50
murthyscott_: have you set "valid users = <youruser>"?07:52
scott_I have not, in what section would that go?07:53
murthyscott_: Also can you see if this happens when a directory in the home folder is shared?07:53
scott_Oh, I can't share a directory in the home folder. That's another layer on the problem, one thing at a time.07:53
scott_In what section should I put valid users = scott ?07:54
murthyscott_: I dont know07:54
murthyscott_: Is there a section with your user name?07:55
scott_Ah, found it. Anyway, relogging because apparently I need to do that after adding user o group07:55
scott_murthy: No dice, windows still can't access files in the directory07:58
scott_Man, I remember a few years ago I could setup samba shares and they just worked, windows machines on the network could connect fine07:59
scott_I wonder what changed07:59
scott_And yes, that was with sharing folders inside mounted ntfs drives and everything08:00
murthyscott_: You could ask people here after 8hrs when people are active08:01
murthyscott_: More advanced users will be available08:01
scott_I switched partly because win10 was just getting worse and worse, but... is linux also just getting worse?08:01
scott_I swear it was way simpler to use like 6ish years ago08:02
murthyscott_: Linux is migrating to newer stuff08:02
scott_'sharing a folder on a network' shouldn't require an 'advanced user'08:02
murthyscott_: So there may be some changes that we are unaware08:02
murthyscott_: I had used samba many years ago08:02
scott_Windows is migrating to newer stuff too, that's kind of its problem08:02
scott_newer isn't always better...08:03
murthyscott_: I handled everything, Since I haven't used it for a long time, I forgot everything related08:03
murthyscott_: May be08:04
murthyscott_: But, If you try again later here, people will definitely help you to resolve your problem08:05
scott_Thanks for trying08:07
murthyscott_: can you try one more thing08:08
scott_I can't believe that 'share files with a windows guest VM on an ubuntu host' is an unsolved problem...08:08
scott_Like... how do people get any USE out of their VMs...08:08
murthyscott_: I usually share files between virtualbox guest and the host via the folder sharing feature08:09
murthyscott_: For that to work you need to install the vbox guest extension08:09
scott_kvm also has a foldr sharing feature but there is no clear documentation anywhere about using it with a windows guest08:10
murthyscott_: I vaguely remember a setting where you add the user name who will be allowed to use the shared folder and there will be an option to allow everyone08:10
murthyscott_: can you see if "allow everyone" works? just for testing purpose after that set it back to your user name08:11
scott_I already gave everyone read permission in the samba share anyway08:11
murthyscott_: oh ok08:12
scott_waaaait a minute08:12
scott_actually I am unable to add or change any samba shared08:12
scott_I can tick boxes and set dropdowns but it doesn't DO anything08:13
scott_The current state of the installs share is 'everyone: read only' and no mention of my user08:13
scott_is scott part of everyone? Or does it not work that way?08:13
murthyeveryone is scott with others08:14
murthyI mean yes scott is part of everyone08:14
scott_I'm not sure what the right way to even google this problem... the samba tab in folder properties comes up, I can click stuff, but clicking OK never saves changes, for this or other folders.08:14
murthyEveryone can't be readonly08:15
murthyOthers can be readonly08:15
scott_well it is, it says everyone has read only08:15
murthyScott should be rw08:15
murthyI mean rwx08:16
scott_Yes, that's what I set it to but no changes do anything08:16
murthyscott_: Did you use sudo on your home directory?08:16
murthyscott_: use of sudo messes up the config file's permissions08:17
scott_What do you mean by 'on' my home directory?08:17
murthyscott_: the normal user wont be able to modify the config file because it is owned by the root08:18
scott_I did sudo nano /etc/samba/smb.conf or whatever the path was08:18
scott_I don't understand what you mean about using sudo 'on' a directory, though08:18
murthyscott_: that is not a problem08:18
murthyscott_: for example08:19
murthyscott_: you do sudo kate myfile08:19
scott_I use sudo to run commands, I don't pass it... directories08:19
scott_Well if I do that it'll tell me I can't sudo kate08:19
murthyscott_: kate writes its config file on /home/user/.config/.kate08:19
murthyscott_: the .kate config file is now owned by root08:20
murthyso when you open kate normaly and it tries to write to .kate, it will fail08:20
scott_So... since dolphin is being run by me and smb.conf is owned by root, dolphin can't possibly make new shares?08:20
scott_But... how did it make the first one...?08:21
murthyscott_: dolphin is not sharing08:21
murthyscott_: the samba server?08:21
erle-I am getting «network protocol errors» when opening Internet Archive in Firefox08:22
erle-works in Chrome08:22
erle-Can anyone reproduce? Example: https://web.archive.org/web/19990427014529/http://www.mklinux.apple.com/08:22
scott_Right, but dolphin is the file manager I'm using, where I right click a folder, choose properties, and go to the samba tab08:22
erle-Cosmic with all updates installed.08:22
scott_Works in my waterfox08:23
erle-I had that a few weeks ago as well and then it worked again and now it seems more presistent.08:23
murthyerle-: opens in firefox without any problem08:23
scott_murthy: So I'm not sure what you're sayingt the permissions are corrupted on08:23
erle-with new Firefox profile it seems to work08:24
erle-let me check08:24
scott_and how it's preventing me from adding or editing samba shares08:24
murthyscott_: simple put avoid using sudo on kde apps08:24
erle-sudo on Xorg apps is not a good idea anyway08:26
scott_I don't understand how this is preventing my samba config from changing though08:26
Ben_XHello, I keep getting a system program problem detected error on boot of my system, I was wondering if anyone could help me?08:27
erle-also you have your /root full of desktop config files then08:27
murthyscott_: when you change the samba settings on the folder where does the settings get saved?08:27
scott_presumably /etc/samba/smb.conf08:28
murthyBen_X: can system for corrupt stuff08:28
murthyBen_X: use debsums08:28
erle-Where can I see more Firefox debug info than the error page? Opened it in Terminal alread.08:28
murthyBen_X: "debsums -s" is the command08:29
scott_what the... no, the shares aren't in therer08:29
scott_but when I typed08:29
scott_net usershare info --long08:29
scott_It showed me the share's info08:29
scott_Where the hell is it saved then?!08:29
murthyerle-: See if firefox has a debug flag08:30
erle-that opens it in ggdb, murthy :D08:30
erle-I don't need that level of debugging08:30
Ben_Xmurthy: it says command "debsums" not found08:31
murthyerle-: ya I saw that08:32
murthyerle-: Do you need the history and cookies?08:32
murthyerle-: If you dont want those, clear the browsing history and the cookies and then restart firefox and try and see if that helped08:33
abdulhakeemI have an Ubuntu server with Apache virtual hosts. If I go to my server in my web browser, it loads the first site, but I can't figure out how to browse to the second site08:33
sparrwhat is the name of the tool that asks you to press a few keys on your keyboard to identify the layout?08:33
murthyscott_: If it didn't ask for a password when you set the user settings in the samba dolphin property tab, then its most probably in your home directory08:34
Ben_Xi installed it, and now it says Cannot find md5sums path for apparmor08:34
murthysparr: hey you are here08:35
erle-<murthy> erle-: Do you need the history and cookies?08:36
murthysparr: I thought you are long asleep08:36
erle-of course, otherwise I could just delete the profile08:36
erle-its decades old literally :D08:36
murthysparr: Dont know about the hotkey08:37
sparrnah, been debugging non-ubuntu problems, and writing a tool for extracting video game music08:37
scott_Dolphin doesn't show the changes though08:37
murthyBen_X: how did you install debsums08:38
murthysparr: nice08:38
murthysparr: Could you help any of the people here?08:39
scott_Are you by chance a samba expert08:39
scott_Apparently sometime in the last six years samba went from 'just works' to noty08:39
sparrprobably not :( I'm migrating away from ubuntu, with very little experience on 19.04, mostly experience with pre-2015 versions08:39
murthyscott_: use kfind to see if there is any file owned by root08:39
murthyscott_: I mean in your home folder08:40
murthysparr: ok08:40
murthysparr: could you delete the cookies only used by that specific website?08:41
scott_murthy: just some wine stuff that looks intentional08:41
murthyerle-:  could you delete the cookies only used by that specific website?08:41
murthysparr: wrong nick08:41
sparrI know :) I forgive you08:41
scott_Well, after that change and restarting samba, now guest windows doesn't see the share at all...08:42
murthyscott_: so now your changes persist?08:43
murthysparr: Migrating to?08:44
murthysparr: Using Qt?08:44
murthyscott_: Now you the actual problem08:45
murthynow you know the actual problem08:45
sparrmurthy: arch linux08:47
murthysparr: ah08:47
scott_No, my changes made through a text file made the share break completely - -windows doesn't see it anymore. Dolphin continues to reflect the OLD settings even though the file is now changed08:49
murthysparr: You created the ripper tool with Qt?08:49
Ben_Xmurthy: i have ubuntu 18.0408:49
scott_Is KVM the only virtualization program that uses, what was it called, the special cpu virtualization thing?08:49
scott_Or does virtualbox do it too?08:49
murthysparr: You where asking for the tag names, for this only right?08:49
scott_Maybe another program would have a way to share files with the guest08:49
murthyscott_: Why dont you use virtualbox?08:50
murthyscott_: You can use hyperv for windows08:51
murthyI mean for windows guest08:51
scott_When I googled virtual machines the first few results I found said to use kvm not virtualbox08:52
scott_I've used virtualbox before, but I figured something changed08:52
murthyscott_: https://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch10.html#gimproviders08:52
murthyscott_: virtualbox is super08:52
murthyscott_: When I use kvm system sometimes hangs08:53
scott_So why does internet reccomend kvm?08:53
sparrmurthy: python, no gui [yet]. and yes, that's why I was asking about tag names. For now I'm just putting the game name in the Album tag08:54
murthyscott_: for example mostly Linux doesn't need to reboot system after some change like windows, but you have to run like 5 commands to avoid reboot, So you are a noob you will find it easy to reboot than to do the complex stuff08:55
murthykvm is for advanced users08:55
murthyscott_: If you have time and patience you could learn and it will be great08:56
dsuchHello, I hope someone can point me in a direction of good keywords to look the information by :) Essentially, the scenario is that my localhost is in a VPN and I have a remote host (completely different network) that I would like to somehow join this VPN.08:56
dsuchThe reason is that the remote host in an SSH bastion one for connecting to multiple external servers and one of the external servers is in the VPN. It is only my localhost that is part of the VPN because it requires some proprietary software that simply cannot be run on the remote host.08:56
dsuchMy localhost is Ubuntu 14.04 and bastion host is 18.04 but I am happy to use 18.04 everywhere if there is anything in this version that would help me.08:56
dsuchUnfortunately, this VPN is completely outside my control, I can only join it from localhost, yet, I want to connect to the external servers from the bastion, that is the key thing. I wonder if anyone could suggest what kind of information to look up in the net. Thanks.08:56
murthyscott_: But If you have no time and interest to learn and you want something simple then virtualbox is your friend08:56
murthyscott_: Generally Linux community does everthing on CLI08:57
murthyscott_: But as an average user I prefer a GUI, but most of the recommendations I will get is a CLI based solution08:58
murthyya people deserve to know that there is a cmake-gui08:58
murthysparr: Generally they are called accredited soundtracks09:00
murthysparr: for example https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0101026/soundtrack?ref_=tt_trv_snd09:01
Ben_Xi am having a hard time locating apparmor for debsums in terminal09:01
ronja_mooooooiiii joniiiiii09:02
ronja_are u there09:02
murthysparr: "Ennio Morricone - Introduction to the Psychiatrist " that one would be missing in that list, which is uncredited09:02
murthysparr: I generally call them BGM09:02
murthyBen_X: I don't know why it is asking for an apparmor09:04
murthyBen_X: are you running with sudo?09:04
murthydsuch: hi09:05
murthydsuch: Try after 8 hrs when People are active09:06
murthydsuch: more advanced users will be available to help you09:06
Ben_Xmurthy: yeah, i tried running the command sudo and without sudo09:10
Ben_Xmurthy: maybe i should restart my machine? because i had to install debsums09:10
murthyBen_X: ok try that09:11
Ben_Xmurthy: ok brb09:13
dsuchSure, thanks murthy09:13
scott_murthy: I get that. It's just frustrating that windows AND linux have gotten worse over the past few years09:16
scott_I haven't tried running any big games yet, but other than that linux has been mostly fine so far.09:16
murthyscott_: Gaming on linux is getting better everyday09:17
Ben_Xstill the same shit09:18
murthyBen_X: !language09:18
murthyBen_X: no profanity here please09:19
Ben_Xmurthy: sorry, just frustrated09:20
murthyBen_X: What is the error you get when you run "debsums -s" without sudo09:20
blackflowgaming on linux is getting objectively better with a) more linux games, b) steam's Proton09:20
murthyblackflow: true09:20
Ben_Xmurthy: same message "Cannot find md5sums path for apparmor"09:21
murthyblackflow: I think today I saw a news regarding a new proton version09:21
murthyBen_X: It could be a bug09:25
murthyBen_X: But you are able to check the integrity of the installed packages with debsums, If it finds a problem it will report09:26
blackflowmurthy: yes something was released the other day09:27
murthyThe real change is when the game engines support Linux09:28
murthyI am off to bed now, see you all later.09:29
=== TabMasher is now known as Euph0ria
Euph0riaGood day all.10:04
qwebirc89728What happened to the authentication in mysql? Currently running 5.7.25 on 18.04LTS, and I'm able to write mysql, and just login without password.10:25
lotuspsychjeqwebirc89728: for apache issues, try also #httpd if you think its not really ubuntu related10:30
lavinhogood morning10:45
lotuspsychjewelcome lavinho10:45
lavinhohow to enable touchpad ubuntu 18.0410:45
lavinhoacer es1-13210:45
DiezelHi folks, in what log can I find issues with the gui login, basically in a loop where after entering the password I'm back at the login prompt. Non gui works fine10:46
guiverc_dDiezel, login again via terminal, and check you have some space in $HOME  (user directory), if there is unsufficent space to create necessary gui work files, the login fails & you're logged out (no error message)11:07
Diezelguiverc_d: sadly not the issue, there's about 250Gb free space11:12
DiezelI've read about the user right's issues but I don't think thats the case either11:14
DiezelWhat I know is it was me who f-ed it up, I installed themes last night I'm guessing I messed something there11:15
dsc_hi can I enlarge an encrypted partition (lvm2) using gparted?11:19
BloqueNegrodsc_: what did you enrypt?11:20
BloqueNegrothe /dev/mapper device?11:20
dsc_BloqueNegro: full disk11:20
BloqueNegroin general, i would say yes11:21
dsc_Ok ill try. I have a backup if it goes wrong.11:21
BloqueNegrodo me a favor11:21
BloqueNegrotest your backup before11:21
BloqueNegrountested backups are no backups11:21
dsc_I used clonezilla 10min ago, I'm on a new disk now11:22
dsc_hence my wish to use the unallocated space on my new (bigger) disk ;p11:22
dsc_so the backup is my old disk :P11:22
BloqueNegrowait a sec11:22
BloqueNegrowhen using lvm11:23
BloqueNegroextend the lvm using lvextend11:23
BloqueNegrothen resize the partition11:23
BloqueNegrothis you can do with gparted11:23
dsc_hmmz k11:24
BloqueNegrosince the logical volume is the 'physical disk' you need to extend11:24
BloqueNegroafter that you can manace the partitions on top of your lv11:24
BloqueNegroeg resize partition and then resize fs11:24
BloqueNegrocrypto foo should be totally unimpressed by that11:24
dsc_ya lets hope11:24
DiezelNot sure if I can call it progress, but now I only get a black screen with the mousepointer after login. Need to find logs for this11:27
cumaHello dear users, can you help me11:31
leftyfb!ask | cuma11:37
ubottucuma: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:37
dsc_BloqueNegro: https://i.imgur.com/HyD3r1I.png o_011:37
dsc_/dev/mapper still 220G11:38
van777How do i change default file name pattern of Screenshot? I haven't found it!11:38
dsc_BloqueNegro: $ lvextend /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root -l+100%FREE11:38
dsc_is what I did11:38
BloqueNegrodsc_: huh11:39
cumadılo dılo yaylalar11:40
BloqueNegrocan you do an vgs and lvs?11:40
BloqueNegroand give me the output?11:40
dsc_yep sec11:40
BloqueNegroroot was 220G before?11:42
dsc_yep ^^11:42
BloqueNegrocan you increase it by 1G and check wether the size grows or not?11:43
dsc_As in, disk usage?11:43
BloqueNegroin lvs11:43
dsc_I'm not familiar with lvextend so sec ;p11:44
BloqueNegroand please paste the output of your lvextend11:45
dsc_BloqueNegro: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/-~qZYyUXA8HWv4Ejw3lEzQ/raw11:45
BloqueNegrowell, that worked11:45
BloqueNegrocan you try again with the +100%FREE one?11:46
BloqueNegroand paste the output?11:46
dsc_Well I already increased it to 470gb now, manually11:46
dsc_Sure ill try.11:46
dsc_nom nom11:47
BloqueNegrotasty file space :D11:47
dsc_ok well looks good to me11:48
dsc_'df -h' still shows: `/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  217G  170G   37G  83% /`11:48
dsc_(217G size)11:48
BloqueNegroyeah, bc its thin provisionied11:48
BloqueNegroresizefs should now extend your partition11:49
Cuma_I can't listen to music, no sound.11:49
BloqueNegrohowever, idk if you can live-resize it while mounted11:49
dsc_we can try11:49
BloqueNegrosudo resize2fs -p /dev/mapper/yourdevice11:50
Cuma_For remote desktop connection, I can give information11:50
dsc_noice, that worked11:50
BloqueNegronp :)11:50
* BloqueNegro hugs his btrfs disk pool11:51
lotuspsychje!sound | Cuma_ start here11:51
ubottuCuma_ start here: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - https://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:51
Cuma_I want to use Ubuntu. why can't I get help11:51
BloqueNegroCuma_: we're trying to help11:52
BloqueNegrobut probably nobodys online who can support you on that11:52
BloqueNegromaybe try with the steps lotuspsychje provided11:52
Cuma_I can write my ID and password for a remote desktop connection11:53
lotuspsychjeCuma_: we dont reccomend remote takeover from here11:53
lotuspsychjeCuma_: provide us details and ask a question as leftyfb adviced11:54
Cuma_I cannot write enough English to express myself correctly, and there is no Turkish language support.11:55
Cuma_like a joke11:55
lotuspsychjeCuma_: do you use 18.04?11:55
Cuma_I am using the latest version11:56
Cuma_18.04 yes11:56
lotuspsychjeCuma_: when you launch the ? icon (manual) on your system you can get turkish help on several topics11:56
Cuma_I set up 2 days ago11:57
lotuspsychjeCuma_: if you installed system in turkish11:57
lotuspsychjeCuma_: 18.04 is not latest version, its latest LTS, are you sure you are not using 18.10?11:58
Cuma_LTS, sorry11:59
lotuspsychjeCuma_: can you explain whats happening to your sound exactly?12:00
Cuma_computer came in new and freedos.12:00
Cuma_fake sound12:00
Cuma_fake outlet12:00
lotuspsychjeCuma_: can you pastebin: sudo lshw -C sound (from a terminal window)12:01
Cuma_I try12:01
lotuspsychje!paste | Cuma_12:01
ubottuCuma_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:01
Cuma_i copied and pasted12:03
lotuspsychjeCuma_: you should have a pastebin link now12:03
lotuspsychjeCuma_: you forgot: sound12:04
lotuspsychjeCuma_: sudo lshw -C sound12:04
lotuspsychjeCuma_: ok your sound driver looks loaded, can you pastebin also: sudo lshw -C video12:06
lotuspsychjeCuma_: also looks good..12:08
lotuspsychjeCuma_: do you have a sound indicator in your right upper corner?12:08
lotuspsychjeCuma_: so wich player/website did you try to test sound?12:09
Cuma_I tried youtube12:09
Cuma_tried spotify12:09
lotuspsychjeCuma_: did you try vlc with an mp3 on your computer?12:09
Cuma_no tried12:10
lotuspsychjeCuma_: sudo apt install vlc12:10
Cuma_I'm trying12:11
Cuma_Is there a sample audio file in ubuntu operating system12:12
Cuma_as if I asked a silly question :)12:13
BloqueNegroCuma_: try youtube?12:15
BloqueNegroshould probably also work12:15
Cuma_bloquenegro, sorry, it will take some time12:17
lotuspsychjeCuma_: download any mp3 on archive.org or anywhere12:18
Cuma_tried again did not work12:22
Cuma_mp3 vlc12:23
Cuma_sound problem is going on12:23
=== max__ is now known as Guest4835
van777Cuma_: in terminal : cvlc http://irc.do.am/bell.mp312:32
sl4ckhi all. I have a job running in the background and I can bring it to foreground with "fg". How do I put it back to background and keep using the terminal or to exit the terminal?12:32
EliteGodhello. so, I have oidentd installed in my VPS. but I have a webchat application that has its own built-in identd server (optional to use; it works also with oidentd). I was wondering if it's possible to have oidentd listening in the usual 113 port and have that same webchat listening in port 1113 and both behaving properly, if I make any sense. tha12:33
EliteGodnks in advance12:33
EliteGodsl4ck: you can probably use screen to keep an application/program running in background12:35
EliteGodso you can disconnect from the terminal and the application will be kept running12:35
bossartMy Linux on the computer has a problem, sometimes the script automatically exits. does anyone know the solution?12:35
EliteGodbossart: we need more details than that. which OS, which script are you running and what it is supposed to do?12:36
Cuma_tırnağın varsa başını kaşı12:44
van777Cuma_: cvlc https://ia800702.us.archive.org/17/items/geometry_dash_1.9/Geometry%20Dash%20OST/BackOnTrack.mp312:45
bossartwhat is?12:45
Cuma_I have opened the link, but no sound12:45
lotuspsychjeCuma_: did you try headphones?12:46
Cuma_I don't use speakers I'm using headphones12:46
Cuma_tried different earphones I changed the headphones' inputs12:48
lotuspsychjeCuma_: did you test sound on your keyboard keys?12:48
Cuma_yes i tried12:49
Cuma_if there is a simple problem I throw myself down the window :)12:49
bossartohh, okey oke12:50
lotuspsychjeCuma_: pastebin vlc -vv please12:50
Cuma_VLC media player opened12:51
lotuspsychjeCuma_: you can close, please pastebin your whole: dmesg12:53
lotuspsychjeCuma_: did you take a look in bios for sound settings?12:57
Cuma_no I didn't look12:58
=== stephen is now known as Guest13618
Cuma_I can come back after taking a look at the bios settings12:59
Guest13618Anyone there?13:00
lotuspsychje!ask | Guest1361813:00
ubottuGuest13618: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:00
van777How do i change default file name pattern of screenshots? It has spaces by default!13:06
eraserpencil1Hi! I am currently experiencing kernel panic on my system. I think it's because I might have accidentally removed all the linux headers...Is there a way i could add it back?13:19
blackfloweraserpencil1: you can reinstall them, but I'm certain that linux kernel headers are not the cause of panics. headers are only  used when building software, like DKMS13:22
eraserpencil1blackflow: okay... the line before kernel panic is Kernel offset 0x32400000 from 0xfffffff81000000. Might that be the cause of my panic ?13:27
blackfloweraserpencil1: that line is useless per see. you need the whole dump13:28
blackfloweraserpencil1: by "dump" I mean stack trace, not the core dump per se13:29
eraserpencil1well apart from that, there is a segfault at 0 ip ..... .... .... error 14 in systemd13:29
eraserpencil1I cant seem to boot into any kernel version... be it recovery/upstart or normal..13:30
eraserpencil1any way i can help you help me do a stack trace?13:30
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
acebrianjuanHi pals14:08
acebrianjuanDo you guys know if puppy linux uses the same package repository as Ubuntu?14:09
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Cuma_as if the state problem14:11
acebrianjuanI have an aged netbook pc and I'd like to install some lightweigt distro that is Ubuntu-like14:11
ryuoacebrianjuan: it doesn't. it's an entirely different distribution, no connection at all.14:11
acebrianjuanryuo: ok, thank you14:12
ryuoacebrianjuan: how old is the device in question?14:12
acebrianjuanryuo: 6-7 years old14:12
ryuook... not the oldest. RAM?14:12
ryuowith any luck it's capable of 64 bit.14:12
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
ryuoi was thinking it might be one of the atoms from 10 years ago that could only do 32 bit.14:13
BluesKajHi folks14:13
acebrianjuanryuo: The model is an ASUS Eee PC 1015PN and yes, it's an atom14:19
lotuspsychje!flavors | acebrianjuan14:20
ubottuacebrianjuan: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours14:20
acebrianjuanlotuspsychje: thanks I'll check them out14:21
ryuoacebrianjuan: is it at 2G? i'd suggest maxing it if it isn't.14:21
ryuoacebrianjuan: that can be done quite cheaply.14:21
ryuoacebrianjuan: it'll make your usage experience much smoother.14:22
ryuoacebrianjuan: i'd say get a 64 bit flavor. it seems your atom supports it.14:23
acebrianjuanryuo: running `free -h` thells me the device has 985M of total Mem14:24
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
ryuoacebrianjuan: ok... so it's 1G.14:25
ryuoacebrianjuan: it can take up to 2G.14:25
ryuoacebrianjuan: i'd suggest expanding to 2G, but it's up to you. i just know a lot of distributions these days are more RAM intensive.14:25
ryuoi've had machines get by with 2G still.14:25
ryuoon beefier ones14:25
lotuspsychjeCuma_: did you find anything in bios?14:26
acebrianjuanryuo: ok, can you help me finding which memory units would work in this device?14:26
acebrianjuanto expand it to 2G14:26
ryuoacebrianjuan: https://www.crucial.com/usa/en/compatible-upgrade-for/ASUS/eee-pc-1015pn14:26
ryuoacebrianjuan: that's one option. it shouldn't cost more than $10-15 if you know what to buy.14:27
ryuo2G isn't a lot by today's standards.14:27
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
ryuoseems to be a simple replacement.14:28
ryuoacebrianjuan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8uDTkzl_mjE14:28
acebrianjuanryuo: thank you! so it's a DDR3L type14:28
ryuoacebrianjuan: evidently.14:29
ryuoacebrianjuan: that type of RAM can be gotten on ebay somewhat cheaply second hand.14:29
acebrianjuanryuo: the video is great. So there's only one memory slot14:30
ryuothe max is 2G, so not surprising.14:30
ryuoseems you can also disassemble it to upgrade internal storage, but i wouldn't recommend it without good cause... these netbooks are a pain to disassemble safely.14:31
ryuoi've ruined them before because of their small size.14:31
ryuoacebrianjuan: seems this video might tell you how though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWuadetB24k14:33
ryuobut i'd advise staying with what you got if it's still working.14:33
acebrianjuanryuo: yeah looks easy in the video :P14:36
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
van777I've got "eeepc 701" running debian server 3 years already14:46
van777Ubuntu server didn't fit into it's 4GB storage14:47
DeihmosUbuntu server takes a lot of gigs in comparison14:53
lotuspsychjetalk about in #ubuntu-discuss guys14:54
blb4393samba package has no own bug reporting on the launchpad, they simply redirect to the upstream bugzilla there. The problem I want to report has nothing to do with the package itself but how it is packaged. Packaging is done by ubuntu. So where do I report the bug?15:02
lotuspsychjeblb4393: can you explain what happens to the channel, so volunteers can try to think along with you?15:05
tarzeaublb4393: does the bug also exist on debian samba package? then use bugs.debian.org15:05
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
acebrianjuanwhat's the command similar to `ls` that shows the creation date and permissions of the files?15:32
acebrianjuanfound it `ls -l`15:35
acgissuesacebrianjuan: `ls -l`?15:35
acebrianjuanacgissues: haha yes!15:35
acgissuesacebrianjuan: i mean, you could also use `stat` for individual files. I just wasn't sure if you meant if there was an `ls` option or a different command15:36
[n0mad]i think i was trying to figure out if there was a key shortcut for something and i changed something. when i open a new application, its window no longer opens on top. i just get the notification telling me it's ready and i then have to click on the taskbar to get it to come into focus. any ideas?15:39
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
[n0mad]well, never mind. now it won't even do it again after doing it all last night and even right before my post15:43
[n0mad]what the hell now it did it again. this is so annoying15:53
sazawalHello all. I have installed Lubuntu 18.10 in my new laptop, but I cannot connect to the DSL connection. I copied the settings from the nm-conection-editor of Ubuntu 16.04, where it works perfect. In Lubuntu 18.10, there are new options of "Parent Interface" and "PPP Interface" though.15:59
cumamy audio problem continues16:04
cumaI installed Ubuntu and no sound16:07
lotuspsychjecuma: please also mention all the step we tryed, so volunteers can pickup from there16:08
cumaI will not use this distribution. Crypto, we can't figure it out.16:10
cumaplaying a sound should not be so much a problem16:11
lotuspsychjecuma: the users choice, but if sound doesnt work by default on ubuntu you might encounter the same on other Os aswell16:11
=== med_ is now known as Guest51599
degvaHi all, is there a way to connect to a FTP server from nautilus without TLS? Meaning, plain FTP. The thing is that I cannot connect to the server through nautilus, but I can through the command line as plain FTP. I have tested this in filezilla too.16:36
mohnishWhy are the system requirements for ubuntu are increasing as a new version comes out?16:42
mohnishDoes that mean that I wouldn't be able to use ubuntu on a really crappy (64bit) computer?16:43
mohnishEven if I remove gnome, and use only command line?16:43
jeansamonpor favor alguien me ayuda16:44
jeansamonsocorro help16:46
vfwWe are using deja-dup and the latest version does not seem to show a progress bar, so we are trying to find a work-around.  Is there a way to see what command deja-dup uses to call up duplicity?16:46
Guillesahu07help me socorro16:48
Mr_CyclopsHello, I am planning to get a custom build desktop with the following motherboard https://www.asus.com/ca-en/Motherboards/TUF-Z390-PRO-GAMING/ and planning to run Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS16:49
Guillesahu07Help me16:50
Mr_Cyclopsbut I have some questions, whether Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS will support all hardware? like USB 3.1 and Realtec Autio "Realtek® ALC S1200A 8-Channel High Definition Audio CODEC "16:50
Guillesahu07is there anyone16:52
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
acgissuesandy1234: not working16:57
andy1234i could see it was working need not need someone to confirm it16:57
ryuoMr_Cyclops: should work... it's usually laptop hardware that has issues.17:04
sazawalThe DSL connection on my newly installed Lubuntu 18.10 is not working. I have copied the settings from nm-connection-editor from my Ubuntu 16.04, where it works perfect. The new nm-connection-editor has extra "Parent Interface" and "PPP Interface" options. Please help!17:09
BluesKajsazawal,  edit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf and set, [ifupdown] managed, from false to true17:27
BluesKajsazawal, then, sudo service network-manager restart17:29
sazawalBluesKaj: thanks , i will try and will get back to you17:30
BluesKajsazawal, not real sure, but it's worth a try17:32
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
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=== Elon-Musk is now known as tco
BillyColePosted this yesterday too, but I'm having a bit of hard time understanding whats going on with some multithreaded code I've written: https://play.rust-lang.org/?version=stable&mode=debug&edition=2018&gist=3a37115737183b59e28fdb2e7f3df9b418:26
BillyColeIt never completes.  My guess is that some of the thread tasks fail, but I don't see anything in the logs indicating that, and I was assuming that failures would cause the whole app to panic18:26
BillyColeAh wrong channel again, sorry.18:26
salamanderGuten Morgen18:39
eSoulMore of an opinion than support, but would one recommend 18.04 or 18.10 for a server18:39
eSoulJust internal network, would be used for Plex. nothing mission critical\18:39
mnathanihow do I add a secondary adapter / ip address using netplan?18:41
hggdheSoul: 18.04. It is long term support, while 18.10 is supported for 9 months18:42
eSoulhggdh: Indeed.  I am not opposed to doing multipl do-release-upgrades to push that version out further18:42
salamanderHi Guys18:43
salamanderI have a first time with Linux and im scared :D18:43
Hootchsalamander: first time first love ...18:47
eSoulNot too much about Linux to be scared of18:50
salamandermy Internet is slower i think. Wifi drivers update? or is it price for better OS :D18:52
Hootchsalamander: what?18:53
salamandermy internet is working slowly on Ubuntu than on Windows i think. or am i just psychotic?18:54
Hootchuse a speedtest like speedtest.net18:56
murthyHootch: hi19:12
murthyI am sorry wrong nick19:13
murthysalamander: hi19:13
maxzorHello why is eclipse package that old? :<19:22
=== holger is now known as erindor
FreeBDSMwhenever I do `fdisk -l` one of the devices lists it's partitions as /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 and there goes a red text afterwards: "Partition 2 does not start on physical sector boundary." What does it mean? should I do anything about it?19:32
FreeBDSMis this happening becasue of 'Advanced Format 4096-byte' (aka `Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes`)?19:34
FreeBDSMthat was googled before19:35
FreeBDSMthat is not really explaining whether it's bad or not19:35
FreeBDSMI have another disk with `Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes` and it has no such a red text note19:36
FreeBDSMbut disklabel type on it is gpt, unlike dos for the one with the red text19:36
HootchFreeBDSM: you will get a risk with performance read/write >> https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/fdisk-partition-2-does-not-start-on-physical-sector-boundary-4175442802/19:40
HootchFreeBDSM: a good way - make a backup and reformat the partition19:40
HootchFreeBDSM: The main problem should be size definition of your partition. The size should mostly a multiple of 8 (8,16,32,64 ...)19:45
FreeBDSM Hootch: where exactly to look for that?  https://paste.ee/p/gn8GQ19:46
HootchFreeBDSM: https://www.miniwebtool.com/modulo-calculator/?number1=1024&number2=8 the result should be 019:48
FreeBDSMI know how to division by 8 works :/19:49
HootchFreeBDSM: your modulo was 6 https://www.miniwebtool.com/modulo-calculator/?number1=960096254&number2=819:49
Hootchdelete the part and define the right size19:49
FreeBDSMso, /dev/sda2 starts at 960096254 which is wrong, right?19:50
HootchFreeBDSM: or ignore it .. the system runs also19:51
FreeBDSM/dev/sda1 ends at 96009420719:51
FreeBDSMHootch: I will ignore it, as I suck at operating on the disk/partition level and properly backing up stuff19:51
FreeBDSMI'd end up with a screwed system :(19:52
HootchFreeBDSM: desktop system?19:53
FreeBDSMhow come /dev/sda1's end != /dev/sda2's start?19:53
FreeBDSMHootch: no, my home server19:53
FreeBDSMI've connected multiple hdds to it now19:53
FreeBDSMand I need to format stuff19:53
FreeBDSMbackup stuff19:53
FreeBDSMand partition stuff19:53
HootchFreeBDSM: you should rethink your partition table design19:54
HootchFreeBDSM: search for server partitions and handling19:54
FreeBDSMI also need raid, afaiu I have hardware for raid, but I heard that it is better and more reliable to use software raids19:55
FreeBDSMI have a 3TB disk, which is big enough to back up all the other disks19:56
Hootcha raid with one harddrive?19:57
FreeBDSMno, I have multiple hard drives, they have different sizes19:58
Hootchhm .. you have something to rethink, dude :)19:58
FreeBDSMI'd like some raid cool enough to tell me once things go south 'hey, you need to replace disk X' and I'd just detach it and re-attach a new one instead19:58
HootchFor your homeplace as backup system?19:59
FreeBDSMwell, I have a nextcloud server running there and would like to run more stuff20:00
FreeBDSMdamn, why's everything so confusing, I can't even figure out a way to list total space on disks. `parted -ls` first lists (physical?) disks as 500GB + 2000GB + 3000GB + 300GB + 320GB, then goes listing 'Linux device-mappers' that go like 345GB + 1611GB + 2991GB + 8.27GB, wtf20:03
FreeBDSMoh, and one of the disks is listed as Error: /dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label20:03
FreeBDSMPartition Table: unknown20:03
FreeBDSMoh, right, that's the DAS-RAID module20:04
FreeBDSMthat supports hot-swapping20:04
=== pascal is now known as Guest60654
itsmebhaag saale20:47
wrremote desktop with multiple users? what can be used?20:52
murthywr: hi20:56
wrmurthy, hi, to remote desktop with multiple users? what can be used? cross-platform? on a linux system...20:56
murthywr: Are you talking about the backend or the front end?20:57
murthywr: For protocol you can use rdp or vnc20:57
wrmurthy, rdo does it on linux?20:57
murthywr: for front end krdc20:57
murthywr: Your mean rdp server?20:58
wrmurthy, anything that works20:58
murthywr: there is one xrdp, but I haven't used it20:59
wrmurthy, what wanna do is like you remote to a place then your abre to share screen/inputs with users, just like a teamviewer does it21:00
murthywhy not use vnc?21:00
anakondaHello everybody21:08
pluteshow can i change my symlink back to green, its been changed to red and i can not access the data the inode is pointing to?21:34
=== pauljw1604 is now known as pauljw
tomreynplutes: if a symbolic link is shown in red color it usually indicates the target no longer exists. you can then either take measures to put the target back in place or delete (and optionally recreate, pointing to a different target) the symbolic link.21:41
=== Sudden_ is now known as nmddms
plutestomreyn, thanks mate, just 2 secs found out from youtube.21:46
=== crazybluek is now known as Blueking
fleabeardhello friends, I'm curious if when I uninstall a package with sudo apt remove 'package name', does it remove the packages configs/local data (and possibly any dependencies it needed during install)? Or nah?21:54
bpromptfleabeard:   nope, only the package itself, no configs, I think "apt-get purge" will do configs, at least on paper, and to remove any installed dependencies, you'd need to do afterwards "apt-get autoremove"21:56
fleabeardbprompt, thanks, would I need to specify the package name when removing the configs / dependicies with those commands? Such as 'apt-get purge tilde" or can these be done after I've removed the package?21:57
bpromptfleabeard:    you'd do the "purge" instead of the "remove", and that's "apt-get purge tilde",  and then issue "apt-get autoremove" to toss any dependencies no longer needed21:59
fleabeardbprompt, sweet, thank you!21:59
cumaI cannot hear any sounds on the computer, "dummy output" it seems. Is this normal?22:02
guiverccuma, nope (nor normal).  You could try `sudo lshw -C sound` to list-hardware class=sound to get info on what (if any) sound devices are recognized, what driver= is being used etc.. it may provide clues as to issue(s)22:05
cuma`sudo lshw -C sound` when I type in the terminal, USB writes22:10
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as murthy
scott_So does anyone have experience with getting samba to work in Ubuntu?23:04
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kindofcoolsup guys23:05
coolster2this is a test of my irc client23:06
kindofcool/join #news23:07
jeremy31scott_: Have you done an internet search?  I think a conf file needs to be changed for samba in newer Ubuntu versions for most users23:07
scott_Yeah I've searched all over google and gotten ancient stuff about connecting windows 2000 to SMB1, nothing for troubleshooting modern samba23:10
scott_I mean, samba worked just fine 6 years ago when I last used it23:10
scott_So... wait. You're saying there's a known issue where Ubuntu ships with a broken .conf file, and they didn't just... fix it and reissue the ISO?23:11
scott_Anyway do you have a link? What i DID find on modern samba just described how it's SUPPOSED to work, not how to ACTUALLY make it work.23:12
=== med is now known as med_
jsharperhello. can someone give me a sanity check plz.  i'm trying out ubuntu (18.04) as a workstation. embracing the snap thing.  but i must not be understanding something with filesystem access. first i installed vlc player, but it can't open my media.  then i tried gitkraken, but it can't access my git directory.  it seems that they can only access local things in my homedir, and anything else eg. symlinks into nfs mounts is disallowed?23:47

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