
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193bluesabre: ...I did a thing last night: http://paste.openstack.org/show/XfhKlWudqSp1Bm2jKhDD22:21
bluesabreUnit193, oh, nice!22:22
bluesabreI should upstream that manpage22:24
bluesabreHoping to tackle this tomorrow morning, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=92183522:26
ubottuDebian bug 921835 in xfce4-screensaver "xfce4-screensaver: wastes CPU while the display is off" [Normal,Open]22:26
bluesabreand then maybe at the beginning of the 19.10 cycle, we swap xfce4-screensaver in22:27
Eickmeyerbluesabre: Is light-locker no longer a thing?22:48
bluesabreEickmeyer, light-locker is unmaintained... it works, but the issues that happen around VT-switching with some hardware will basically persist forever22:50
Spass"it works" well not on my machines :)22:50
Spassprobably because nvidia drivers22:51
EickmeyerYeah, I noticed problems too, especially with wake from sleep.22:51
bluesabreI can't reliably close my laptop while running light-locker and expect it to resume later22:51
Eickmeyer^same, bluesabre.22:52
bluesabrexscreensaver and (gnome,mate,xfce)-screensaver only vt switch when you switch users, which avoids the various race conditions with resume22:52
EickmeyerI'll have to see if we're using light-locker in our defaults.22:57
EickmeyerBy our, I of course mean Studio, but you all know that.22:57
Spassxscreensaver works fine on my 18.04 laptop (it's kind of ugly looking tho), I'm really happy about incoming xfce4-screensaver22:58
Unit193Spass: Yeah I've been using xscreensaver instead of light-locker, well basically the whole time. :322:58
Spassyep, seems to be very solid22:59
Unit193I gave ll a trial on my netbook when we switched to it, but it was too broken for my tastes so I just flipped back. (And basically been maintaining xscreensaver in Ubuntu since '16 I believe.)22:59
Unit193...Upstream is a bit hostile, but we don't have to deal with that.22:59
Eickmeyerxscreensaver is effective, if ugly.23:00
Spassnow I'm used to that fiery head23:01
Spassmaybe I'll look deeper to change that image in the future, if possible23:01
Unit193Wait, I have a disco box, why do I not use xfce4-screensaver on it?!23:07
bluesabreTest iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit23:08
* Eickmeyer uninstalls light-locker, installs xfce4-screensaver...23:08
Unit193Yeah except the only computer that gets locked often is on Bionic.23:08
bluesabreI'll leave this here... https://docs.xfce.org/apps/screensaver/start23:11
bluesabregotta run, bbl (late tonight or tomorrow)23:11
EickmeyerOkay, now to see if it's in the Studio seed...23:14
Unit193Backported xfce4-session 4.12.1-6ubuntu1 now so that bionic/cosmic users can more easily do this too.23:17

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