
lubot<N0um3n0> hello!!! someone has problems with qterminal?, does not open00:34
lubot<HMollerCl> @N0um3n0 [hello!!! someone has problems with qterminal?, does not open], On daily? Yes known issue02:00
lubot<N0um3n0> @HMollerCl [On daily? Yes known issue], after a update in a installed 19.0402:01
lubot<HMollerCl> Mmm could be @tsimonq2 @kc2bez ?02:02
lubot<tsimonq2> Yep02:02
lubot<tsimonq2> Known issue02:02
lubot<N0um3n0> ok, thanks ;)02:02
emmejdHow do i get my wifi to automatically  work  at  each boot? I need to reinsert my wifi stick every time11:11
emmejdlol im playing a nice game on a 13 year old PC11:17
emmejdJust wish linux had more centrality so that wifi worked without reinserting the wifi stick on all distros11:17
emmejdand it seems to even be capped to 30fps11:21
lubot<JyotiGomes> 1904 Qterminal issue solved! Thanks! 😊11:52
=== henryIX is now known as henryvIII
linuxgSomeone can help me? i've erased my task bar13:55
linuxghow can i restart it by default13:55
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
lubot<JyotiGomes> @linuxg [<linuxg> Someone can help me? i've erased my task bar], wich version of Lubuntu are you using?16:22
=== lubuntu is now known as Guest76883
=== {shan} is now known as shantaram
=== lubot-tg is now known as lubot

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